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  • The people at Gamestop warned my dad that The Last of Us would make him cry 20 minutes in. He just started. Now we wait..
    Welp. Dad just called himself a cold-hearted man and walked away from the intro like it was nothing. Meanwhile I was in tears.
    Huh might need to work on his immersion.
    I just started playing The Last of Us!
    Ahahaha the maintenance scared me ^^;;
    We're just prepping for our big transfer. :3  Nothing scary!
    Haha I know, I was just afraid that it had been the transfer, though I know that there'd be a warning beforehand. Thank you, though.
    Oh yeah, there would have been an announcement to get everyone ready for that downtime.
    Great thing about fandom rps is that you can watch/read/play it for information
    Tbh I'm kind of dreading this next transfer.. I loved the old site, but I've fallen for this one as well, yet the issue I have is potentially losing more roleplay partners like the last time.
    School: "Oh you were 30 seconds late because you were helping a friend with a life threatening problem? Too bad - detention for you"
    Seriously, fuck school.
    Word of advice: Tell your parents because the only and I mean ONLY way to force school will do anything is if you hold a gun to their head and say if you don't apologise, we sue. I wish it wasn't the case but these idiots won't repsond to anything else
    A piece from my story:

    "He calls me cute nicknames like Evie or Love. My cute nickname for him? Mullet. Have you seen his hair?"
    I got back into town an hour earlier than I expected. Still not picking up my sister though.
    Gotta wake up at four to drive to the airport and still make it back to town for school? How about a cold shower to ruin your night.
    I need febreeze good god it smells like crap in my room. Cat crap. Damn litter box.
    Wait. If you choose to be gay, then does that mean you choose to be straight? So all gay people were actually straight and all straight people were actually gay? Is that what I'm getting from this?
    Pandora's Box
    Well, I don't know then, sorry.
    Good god guys I know it's not a choice, I was just making fun of people who thought it was XD
    "when did you choose to be straight" is a great thing to ask people, their reactions are great lmao
    Essential Paragraph due tomorrow? Let me just wing the crap out of it because I feel uninspired and SUUUUUPER dead inside
    I haven't played Dragonvale in at LEAST a year. I opened the app last night and have been borderline obsessed
    I have so many rps that I expressed interest for that I'm having a hard time getting into 
    My sister made us so late that I had to go to a good few blocks from the school in order to park, and walked through pouring rain for ten minutes, only to be late.
    No sister to worry about, program is functional, set-up is all good. Ima going to make-up for lost time and record my heart out.
    It's bad, but after a conversation I had I want to text my ex and properly thank them, and apologize for not being the best
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