Recent content by haleymikk

  1. haleymikk

    Multiple Settings «partner·search» «mxm·mxf»

    I'd be interested in the gang one ☺️
  2. haleymikk

    Multiple Settings MxM MxF Roleplays, some fandom mostly original all open, lit to advanced lit

    Wanted to say hiya because the bear king plot interested me a lot. But it seems that's what has taken the most interest so you probably already have someone you're doing it with. I figured I'd try my luck though
  3. haleymikk

    Multiple Settings About Heros and Villains

    This sounds really awesome and I'd love to e to talk about some ideas and perhaps roleplay together?
  4. haleymikk

    Multiple Settings a disorganised search for partners

    Your original ideas and parings all seem great and I'd love to chat some about them and the possibility of us RPing?
  5. haleymikk

    Fantasy The Cursed Wave

    "As I said, be still." Her voice still sung softly. A gentle hand moved to touch his cheek before she turned away and grabbed the wet rag from the water bucket once more. She brought it up to his lips and let the water fall lightly into his mouth to keep him hydrated. "Given our circumstances...
  6. haleymikk

    Fantasy The Cursed Wave

    (Oh jeez, I'm sorry. Apparently my response never sent)
  7. haleymikk

    Multiple Settings open 1x1 search -- fandom & genre/theme ideas

    Your Peter Pan plot seems fantastic! But also, so do most of your ideas to be completely honest. I'd love to talk more about the possibility of roleplaying with you?