Recent content by FluffySquirrel

  1. FluffySquirrel

    Newbie ST and player charms

    Yeah, it does come off more as a grab bag style of awesome attacks and amazing defenses. I'd say it looks far too strong offhand.. also, what weapons are in form for it? Given that they'll be adding defense to their DVs.. that has a big say on how powerful the form is. Things like the immunity...
  2. FluffySquirrel

    Excellency Limits, all balanced?

    Yes, but pretty much all the various mutations, shape shifting benefits, and shapey type charms.. those only tend to help physical stuff. There's some awareness and perception boosters, but as there's been many discussions all about the place, there's a large lack of decent things lunars can...
  3. FluffySquirrel

    Excellency Limits, all balanced?

    Lunar excellencies are actually pretty rubbish in general.. thing is, for dragon blooded and solars, getting a highish excellency isn't that hard, as abilities are cheap(er), you get lots of points in them at chargen, lots of favoured, and while DB's fall behind a bit on some of those compared...
  4. FluffySquirrel

    Alternate Twilight Anima Power

    One solution I came up with once was that it works as per the original (subtracting ess health levels), whenever they're using twilight abilities. So while in the course of an investigation, a twilight shrugs off puny things like attackers trying to stop him getting to the truth While...
  5. FluffySquirrel

    Trapping an Exaltation

    Might be remembering wrong.. but weren't the tools originally Autochthons? .. plus, I seem to recall that Lytek wasn't the original god of exaltation either.. the first one died after the primordials killed him to see if it would stop them, I believe. So I was under the impression Lytek got the...
  6. FluffySquirrel

    The Hundred Stories of the Exiles [Through the Looking Glass]

    I?. A plan begins Title: Introspection Synopsis: Bored Lunar is bored, and thinks a lot. Dropbox: Here
  7. FluffySquirrel


    Doesn't negate the very valid argument that lunars shouldn't lose access to their schtick at -all-, essence or not.. you shouldn't have to spend xp and then a 3 mote surcharge each shift to do so. Hell, it even takes a miscellaneous action too, or yet more essence and knacks to do so faster...
  8. FluffySquirrel


    That's awesome Thanqol.. .. I'm also a fan of chimerism and other lunar weirdness, personally I think it has a lot of potential.. Once played a lunar who was a chimeric moonsilver daiklave. Intended as a no-moons own variation of Death at the Root, by tricking his lunar student into...
  9. FluffySquirrel

    Claws of the Silver Moon - Accuracy Part

    Ok, as far as I know, they first nerfed CotSM in dreams of the first age I think.. making it so the strength was based on your human form.. I think that then in either glories or one of the ink monkey posts, they nerfed it further, so that the dex is also based on your natural human stats rather...
  10. FluffySquirrel

    We should try and find a better time. [Through the Looking Glass]

    Bah, could've sworn I'd put GMT in there.. yeah. The normal start time is about 3pm my time, which means I don't get home for at least 2 and a half hours or so after
  11. FluffySquirrel

    Claws of the Silver Moon - Accuracy Part

    They changed it so it all works on natural human stats, that I recall, dex too, not just strength. So yeah, it's not worse than most artifacts with an accuracy boost, like orichalcum short daiklaves. Given the lower excellencies and lack of good discounts on them, I think having a nice...
  12. FluffySquirrel

    We should try and find a better time. [Through the Looking Glass]

    I'm free 6pm to Midnight on Monday and Tuesday, 6pm to 2am or so on Friday seeing as its weekend. That's it really
  13. FluffySquirrel

    Animal Stats

    There's a big lack of them about, unfortunately.. have to hunt about for them and usually extrapolate a little from other similar animals.. core, wyld book, 1e creatures of the wyld, some in lunars as well, and usually more animals in each direction book.. though they tend to be special ones...
  14. FluffySquirrel

    City of Gem

    .. except they're not stupid, or counter intuitive.. you -should- have to take time to draw extra, new weapons during combat, and you should also take a penalty to offhand use.. as not everyone is ambidextrous. I see no flaw with having a system modelling things which not everyone can do...
  15. FluffySquirrel

    Keychain #336-340

    So why's this not the place to tell it?