Faith Eliza Cord

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  • Sent bio via private message to Fire of Hearts, guess I'll just have to wait oh wait I'll send you what I sent.
    Oh if you do join it, you post a bio of your character first to the person who started the rp to be accepted, I mentioned to her you may join eventually
    It's way long. it's like 120 pages. I jumped in around page 90 and I'm not totally caught up yet. Thus far, in summary, it's a school for all types. Mr. Grin is in it from our rp. Vampires, key holders, humans, shapeshifters mainly, lycans. Because in this particular rp gods aren't allowed, Liza is a keyholder, which is the closest thing. Keyholders are very strong and hold three powers, Liza's is teleporting, healing, and controlling wind and lightening. So she's still the same pretty much. As of now Faith has made enemies of the vampires and Liza's been getting herself into messes with the vampires trying to be their friends lol. Yeah I find that fairly suspicious's the link
    Send me the link I'll look at it after work, funny now that we pretty much quit fb they seem to be leaving our profiles alone.
    I joined the Fighting Academy rp, you don't have to be in it if you don't want because for the moment it's sort of parallell to ours, but if you want to feel free. Basically, in it Faith signed Liza and Sheena up to be there not because they needed the training but for socialization with other kids and teens with powers. Faith herself is a trainer. One of the vampire teens, Raina, threatened Liza, and from then on it's a war between Faith and the vampires...predictably lol
    i'm on the blog i made for you, did you get notified for being tagged in it? anyway it's on my page under blog
    Lol yeah on your wall says Feb 25, 1986...I have my birthday incorrectly too though, I put Faith's birthday but i'm going to change it
    Sounds good to me, you can make a private rp or a blogpost. Heather still says she doesn't like it on here and says Greg doesn't either, but I guess that's her choice. I suggested to her she make an ooc profile with her ooc picture and use it just to rp with, because it's an option I've considered, who knows what they'll do...I don't have any ideas at the moment, but we can brainstorm for Alex being kidnapped if you'd like.
    I need to write a story or something but I got total writers block. Got any ideals, plus I really need to get the kidnapping Alex started, I think I'm gonna do it here cause I really don't want to mess with fb right now, having to re-verify every few days is getting to get on my nerves.
    (well, my characters consist of Faith, anywhere between the ages of 14 and 30 (on the show she ranged between age 15-21, but I've written her anywhere between age 13-30), Liza, Sheena, anywhere between ages 13-18 (she also ranged in age 13-16 in her book but I play her post the book), a character named Rikarah who is sometimes evil, sometimes gray morally, and is alternately human, Lycan, or vampiric depending on the setting, her lover Gavin, and Faith's foster mother, Diana, who is now an angel of sorts. So it would I guess depend on which character I used)
    (I really don't have many other characters in mind. I can mold a character pretty quick-like, though, if you had some sort of setting in mind.)
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