Recent content by DarkDreams

  1. DarkDreams

    Dragon Heist

    Moving up towards the edge of the building, staying out of the immediate light of the streetlamps, so that he can listen at the door.
  2. DarkDreams

    [Closed] Immortal Eyes

    yes sir!
  3. DarkDreams

    [5e] Dragon of Icespire Peak [CLOSED]

    Me. I want in!! :)
  4. DarkDreams

    [CLOSED] Laughter in the Dark (A 5e Adventure)

    Definitely interested. Love your style and ideas.
  5. DarkDreams

    [Closed] [5e] Year of Rogue Dragons

    Definitely interested on multiple levels. Evil, Dragon, full blown mystery, competing factions? Hell yes!
  6. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    As nothing came charging out of the door, nor were there any attacks, this intensified the hairs that were standing up on the back of his neck. Grimacing, he let the door close. Drae knew that there was at least one if not two creatures in the house. Having been hunted and attacked in the past...
  7. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    As nothing came charging out of the door, nor were there any attacks, this intensified the hairs that were standing up on the back of his neck. Grimacing, he let the door close. Drae knew that there was at least one if not two creatures in the house. Having been hunted and attacked in the past...
  8. DarkDreams

    [Closed] Gilded Cage (5E)

    Sounds pretty awesome. Open to either side.
  9. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    While Drae wasn't a coward, he did have a good sense of self-preservation, and this was really starting to push his limits. He moved quietly down the stairs towards the crashing sounds. Squinting his eyes and focusing his hearing he thought he had it narrowed down to one of the two doors, but...
  10. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    'Bloody and bleeding halls of Myth Drannor! What in the Abyss is that...?' Very quickly went through his mind. Trying to weigh the options with only a few seconds to spare, Drae realized that whatever was coming out of the basement wasn't going to give them time to properly explore and eliminate...
  11. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    Looking at the house, Draeric ran his hand over the hilt of the blade on his hip. He noticed the boarded-up windows on the inside, internal warning bells were going off, at levels that made him want to turn around and walk away and never look back at Barovia or any other thing to do with the...
  12. DarkDreams

    Dragon Heist

    Ny seriously contemplated letting loose with a firebolt at the flask as the thugs were backing up. 'Those two idiots are way too stupid and dangerous to have a bottle of alchemist's fire at their disposal. I so should take it out of their hands....'. However before he can actually do anything...
  13. DarkDreams

    Party 2

    Drae heard Henry's shout and sighed slightly. He had hoped to have more time to talk to the innkeeper and discuss the sense of the 'weave' that he felt from her cards. Some niggling sensation in the back of his neck told him that there was much more to them than just simple cards. "My humblest...
  14. DarkDreams

    Dragon Heist

    Ny turns and looks at the two fellows. "I'm not trying to screw with you. I'm trying to recover something that you'll want." With that being said, he mutters his mage hand and shoots it up to the rooftop and the gutters where he hid the ring. "You see, I'm really sick of the Zhentarim and...
  15. DarkDreams

    Dragon Heist

    "You know that there are a lot of better ways to do this. Arson is very frowned upon in Waterdeep. Secondly, we are looking for the Zhents as well, for obviously slightly different reasons. As to where they operated, it seemed to me that it was in the streets about 3 blocks up and over 2." Ny...