Recent content by Cocolamoco

  1. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    That's unfortunate ;~; but this was fun while it lasted! I'm glad I got to read all of your posts! If you decide to do another RP hit me up >:3
  2. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    No! Not Roblox! Has Death no limits to his dastardly ways?! Edit: Also I created my lovely Mary Sue in all of Roblox glory pls accept this masterpiece
  3. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    Side note: I really hate your signature @SecretRock It's the equivalent of showing someone a yawning video :angrypuff: I can respect that
  4. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    I think Mr.Death needs to hop back in now that his plan has been expertly foiled! >:D Edit: I'm tryna make an angry face >:( but they keep turning into emotes and it's bugging me
  5. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    Well I basically copied CaffeineFreak and pretty much only switched swords with guns + gender :P
  6. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    Started to use 'My Immortal' as a reference when writing. It's quite fun.
  7. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy Mary Sue's Empire [Closed]

    Ebany Dorkness Demensha Ravon Wei was indeed a powerful foe. She stomped her foot on the ground, which was covered in black fishnets that went up to her knee and uggs which were also black "We wer on are wai 2 a fucking MCR concert, not that yu preppz wood no wut that is, an then Deth...
  8. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    You know same here. I'm actually getting kinda attached to these characters in a weird way.
  9. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy [OOC] Mary Sue's Empire

    I forgot how amazing Ebony-sama was
  10. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy Mary Sue's Empire CS

    Sensei punched Ebony-sama. i don't know if this is a good or bad thing ;~;
  11. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy Mary Sue's Empire CS

    @Caffeine Freak YOU DID NOT JUST PULL OUT Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way!! Shit just got real my dudes
  12. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy Mary Sue's Empire CS

    I have an idea, seeing as there's sorta a problem with people writing at the same time. get ready because this is like suuuuuper ingenious :O when you're like ready to post something you've got like a whooooole story to write OwO which'll take forever to actually type out and in the time it take...
  13. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy Mary Sue's Empire [Closed]

    Peri had fallen asleep during the chaos and thus had no recollection of the events. All she knew was that her new Nakama - a term she learnt from Darky Blade - were in need of her assistance. DB-kun was lying in Bokuwa-sensei's arms. It was truly a beautiful scene. Bokuwa-sensei had used his...
  14. Cocolamoco

    Fantasy World of Ardun - CS

    I like what you did here! The shift in values is an interesting concept. Especially when it involves rationalism leading to: 'the ends justify the means'