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  • When you complain about being tired but are on RPN at 3am...
    Just trying to pass the time untill you fall asleep, that's all
    Legit my friend nearly fell down the escalator because she was in the middle of the steps. I was there laughing and she could have died. Friendship right there.
    I love doing spontaneous activities, but my friends and I are just so stupid though we shouldn't be trusted on our own.
    *Insert the most extreme version of the word 'tired'*

    That's me right now.
    The internet won't work on my phone and it makes me want to fling myself off a fucking bridge.
    I find it so hilarious when people spell 'Bon Appétit' wrong like for some reason it is comedic gold to me.
    When you realise it was a bad idea to get your mom a very loud bluetooth speaker for Christmas...
    My sleeping schedule is fucked again (what a surprise), I mean yesterday I got a McDonalds at 5am because I was feeling peckish. Send help.
    Holy shit, you are hardcore. When it starts to get past 6am my mind becomes mush and I swear I start hallucinating or something. But I can never break the habit, every holiday my sleeping schedule collapses.
    LMAO my insomnia used to get so bad I'd be up for 6+ days and the walls would start growing tentacles. I'm so glad that doesn't happen anymore. It really gets hellish after awhile.
    I can't go for that long damn, I just get in a cycle of going to bed past 6am and getting up at like 10am so I'm always sleep deprived. I've gotten used to it though like for some reason I feel more tired if I get 8+ hours sleep.

    Triss Merigold!
    Darth Gangsta
    Darth Gangsta
    I've always wanted to play the first of Red Dead Redemption, I'll most likely get Red Dead Redemption 2. Have you ever played Outlast?
    If you liked GTA then you should definitely like Red Dead Redemption 2.

    No I haven't but I watched a playthrough of it and got scared watching it, I'm not good with horror games like I get scared by the fucking music XD. But I am excited for Outlast 2, even though I probably won't play it because I'm too much of a wuss. I will 100% watch a playthrough of it though because it looked intense just from the demo.

    Have you seen any videos of people playing the new Resident Evil on VR?
    Darth Gangsta
    Darth Gangsta
    Not yet. I'll check it out some time today.
    So. Hello. 


    I have been dying to know what anime is in your profile picture. I have got to know.
    Maybe they just didn't like you?

    I'm so sorry, I pray for your many colorful fish, may they rest in peace with Harambe.

    I would love a dog but my mom is too house proud so any hint at a mess and she is right on it, she wants everything to look perfect all the time.

    My brother loves penguins, I just love all animals but my favorite has to be tigers because I just think they're so awesome. Have you ever swam with dolphins? I really want to do that and loads of other stuff when I'm older and get the chance to.

    If you could be any mythical creature what would you be and why?
    My mom is also like that with animals. Mess = stress, so... no pets.

    Swimming with dolphins sounds like heaven, I've always wanted to do it, but... I haven't even been to Marine Land, meaning that I haven't even seen dolphins up close yet, much less swimming with them.

    If I could be a mythical creature... phoenix. Or unicorn. Well, phoenixes are cool and they're pretty damn sick, they're all fiery, and when I used to read Harry Potter I would always imagine myself as one of those. As for unicorns, well... they're-they're glittery! STAHP I LIKE UNICORNS IS THIS A PROBLEM-

    I also like vampires. I fell in love with vampires after watching Owari no Seraph and I saw Mikaela.
    I'm assuming Marine Land is like an aquarium kind of place. I'd also like to go on a safari in Africa like see the animals in their natural habitat and up close, that would be so amazing.

    OMG I love Harry Potter, it's so awesome, I even went to Harry Potter Studios where they filmed the movies and I saw all the sets, props, costumes, I got a real wand (Snape's) and even tried some Every Flavor beans - one of my friends tricked me and my other friend to eat a vomit one by saying it was orange flavor instead. It was so disgusting and she just sat there and laughed in our faces. Unicorns are pretty cool though I agree.

    Vampires and werewolves and creatures like that are so fascinating to me just anything fantasy is great tbh. I wish some of the stuff people imagine and create was real, the world would be so much more interesting.
    We have so much in common it's hard for me NOT to follow you XD
    I thought I was already following you but I looked in the top right corner and I was like what and then I saw this and then I realized this was a run-on sentence but chose to continue because I want to be part of the cool crowd.
    "Sorry the 'Cool Crowd' is not accepting at the moment." Said in the most stereotypical 'bitch voice'. I'm just kidding, welcome to our humble abode XD
    :O I was shocked for a moment lol
    I was about to tell you I wasn't interested anyway and walk off sobbing
    Okay then
    I am quite grateful to be in this happy place.
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