Recent content by Aarix

  1. Aarix

    Multiple Settings survival, dramedy, romance... maybe more. imagine. (21+)

    still lookin'! a bump before bed...
  2. Aarix

    Give your terrible roleplaying advice

    These hot tips apply to all writing, but especially RP! Never reuse a noun. Ever. You absolutely must descend into increasingly esoteric synonyms/noun-phrases, since repeating any word is a sin--highschool English class told you so! Pronouns won't cut it either--everybody knows you can't rely...
  3. Aarix

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above you

    a BIG HUG for the ENTIRE digimon cast ;o;
  4. Aarix

    Word Associations

  5. Aarix

    Multiple Settings survival, dramedy, romance... maybe more. imagine. (21+)

    added some new stuff, so... here's a bump! 🙌
  6. Aarix

    Multiple Settings survival, dramedy, romance... maybe more. imagine. (21+)

    Hi! I'm Aarix. About me: 25, they/them Australian GMT +8:00, but I work night shifts, aligning my online hours pretty nicely with diurnal folk in Europe Forum-based RPs are new to me, but RP in general is not. I write in third person. I prefer present tense, but past tense is fine too. I'm...
  7. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Jayden ⭐⭐ Name: Jayden Age: 25 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi Species: Human Occupation: Mercenary/Assassin Height & Build: 5'6", Slim, athletic Defining features: Tattoos over her chest and arms, piggish little nose. Setting: Fantasy. Jaydyn (at least, she's pretty sure that's how you're meant...
  8. Aarix

    Advice/Help Where do you find your irl/real life faceclaims?

    +1 artbreeder! You can go build from scratch, but if you're fussier u can also photo-ify game screenshots or sufficiently realistic art of your character with it, if you have it... get everything Just So. check out this example of one of my lads
  9. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Xaanik ⭐ Name: They have lots of names. Age: Centuries. Nonhuman to begin with. Gender: Varies. Sexuality: : ) Species: Fallen Angel of Death (woo edgy) Height & Build: Varies. Occupation: Helping : ) (resume includes: feudal lord, soldier, wartime nurse, midwife, psychomancer, and DJ to name a...
  10. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Adriel ⭐⭐ Name: Adriel Berith Age: Mid 40s Gender: Female Sexuality: Irrelevant. Species: Ex-Human. Height & Build: 5'4", waifish Occupation: Saving the goddamn world. Setting: Fantasy. Adriel is an instrument of divine will, having relinquished her humanity in exchange for the power and...
  11. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Blair ⭐⭐ Name: "Blair" Age: Early 20s (he doesn't know exactly) Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight...? Species: Human Height & Build: 5'8", rail thin. Occupation: Mercenary, healer, magical object peddler, diviner... whatever you wanna pay for. Setting: Fantasy. The grind never stops. Especially...
  12. Aarix

    Music OC Music Theme

    Oh nice! FL's my DAW of choice too :V though I don't mess with orchestral stuff as much myself... I'm a compositional noob and orchestras intimidate me lol.... thanks for mentioning ur sample libraries too though 👀 that was gonna be a second question, I might have to nab those myself ;v
  13. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Casey ⭐ Name: Casey Brandis Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Species: Human Height & Build: 6'1", bodybuilder Occupation: Burger flipper. Setting: Modern Chronic insomniac struggling for a feeling of control. Smarter than he looks. Beaten up by impostor syndrome every day of his life.
  14. Aarix

    Slop of Aarix

    Xave ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Name: Xavier Chen Age: 27 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Species: Human Height & Build: 5'9", very thin. Occupation: Musician, sound engineer. Setting: Modern Amazingly well put together workaholic. Charming, generous, benevolent, and wonderfully professional... yet scarily...