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Introduce Yourself!

Hi, I'm Oblivious, you can just call me whatever you want, I guess...

I've been roleplaying for about.. 3-ish years, I do mostly Modern/Dark Fantasy, I play a lot of demonic characters because demons are cool, and I'm not a Satanist.

I'll have an ad out shortly.
Hi! I go by Mint. Just looking for some roleplay here or there (: I'll be looking around some.
Hello! New to this site, but not to roleplay. Looking forward to filling my holiday free time with some writing, and to exploring what seems like a very active community.
Welcome welcome 😋!
Hope you all have a great and awesome time.

And enjoy my awesomeness!!!
Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
15 years
I am no stranger to forum roleplay. I started on GaiaOnline (don't judge me), and have bounced all around the internet. I have always loved creative writing, and collaborating with others inspires me.

What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
I favor original settings, and have a soft spot for [gothic] horror, thriller, romance, or fantasy genres. More recently, I've had a lot of interest in Victorian themes (thanks a lot, Netflix)
What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
I love cooking. I've recently been reading and practicing some techniques to get a better understanding of cooking fundamentals, having only started to dabble in it more seriously. Don't get me wrong - I make a mean mac and cheese, and have some other personal staples, but I've really been diving into the different cultural dishes, ingredients I was never exposed to previously, how to get a great consistent knife cut, learning the science behind it all. It's such a tactile activity and lots of fun, but can be quite challenging too. I've started reading Salt Fat Acid Head by Samin Nosrat. It seems like a nice beginner book, and reads more like a novel than a cookbook.
Why you decided to join RpNation.
I was skimming the 1x1 Interest Checks and was curious on whether I should start my own, or if I might be able to find someone to write with relatively soon that shares my same cravings.
Write about your pet (if you have one).
I have four! The oldest is a mercurial, black and white, cat. The second is a little grey cat, who we inherited from a late family member. She suffered from a spinal injury before we adopted her, and while she feels no pain from it according to the vet, she has weak back legs and scampers more than walks. She's got a little hunchback and she's perfect. The last two are dogs. Next in line is a redbone coonhound mix, who resembles scooby doo, and, the sweetest killer you've ever met, our Australian cattle dog x jack Russel terrier.
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hey there, i'm mountainsteps! new here but ive been in the rp community itself for a little while now
I’ve been roleplaying for a year now on other sites and can’t wait to meet new people here. Oh and I like to draw :)
Hi! I haven't done forum roleplaying since ~2008, on the Runescape forums. I've been writing lately, looking for an outlet. I think dusting off some old skills will do me good!
Hi I'm Fox, your friendly neighborhood kitsune. I have been RP'ing for...quite a while. Starting on Neopets at 14. I'm 32 now and have been on a few different forums, my main one is probably closing soon so that's sad.

Anyway! I enjoy all kinds of RP settings. I also play video games. Hopefully I can tell some good stories here!
Hello there!

I go by Trash, pronouns are she/her, and I am 31. Been roleplaying since I was 13 and used to use Gaia back then. Was told by a friend to check out this site to find new RP buddies so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Hi everyone! I'm Biscuit ^^ I've been pretty much raised on the internet RPing on sites like wattpad, quotev, sham.chat and rolechat.org. I have... YEARS [10 >//<] of experience in roleplaying, and I usually prefer literate RPs too. Mostly OC x OC based, but I don't mind fandom RPs either ;P

I was getting bored of other sites so I decided to try this one! I'm still kinda shy tbh but I would love to make some new friends here! Thank you! ^^
hiya! i'm silket/silk. i'm 25 and have been RPing since i was about 9 (shout out to everyone who started on neopets)! from that point i've been to lots of different websites or mostly RPed with close friends. the modern RP landscape is not one i'm super used to, so i'm still feeling out the vibes and expectations.
beyond that i'm an artist, budding game developer, and horror enthusiast :V

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