• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi. I am new to this site, but not to role-play itself. I enjoy writing fandom based rps. I mostly do this on Discord. I've been a role-player for a while now, and I fancy long term, detailed rps. Like writing a book with my rp partner. I am only looking for someone to have fun roleplaying with, nothing more. Maybe we will become friends, who knows. But you can message me for more details.
hiya~ you can call me cher or cherry. i’m super stoked to check out all the cool roleplays
Hello. I joined at the end of 2020 then dropped until now. Since I feel like I'm starting from scratch all over again. Thought I would say HI once more.
I love slice of life, vampire, furry, and mystory RPs.
Welcome to the new members of RpNation! I can see that some of you are really, really eager to write so below, I've added some links to help you guys out and to satisfy your craving.

Group Interest Checks
1x1 Interest Checks

Good luck and hope you guys enjoy yourselves here! Have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. 😊
Hey all,

I go by Wolf/Wolfieh. I've been forum roleplaying on-and-off for some 12 years, and spent 9 of those on Feralfront, with a few lengthy spans of inactivity. My most recent one lasted from about a year and a half ago to today, when I discovered the site had shut down and came here.
Another FeralFront immigrant. I am sorry that the site shut down but we're glad to have you here. :xFsmile:

If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
hihi don't mind me i have no idea what im doing or if this format is even allowed BVCHFJVKCDH--

❥ Name | You can call me Madochi or Mado for short, most people go for the latter!

❥ Gender | Female with she/her pronouns!

❥ Age | 16!

❥ Sexuality | Heterosexual ally supporter of the LBTQA+ community!

❥ Roleplay Experience | Something I have in spades, with 5+ years of experience under my belt! Fun fact, I started roleplaying on Animal Crossing...least I can say I have an interesting origin story lmao-- My main platform for rp is discord, but then one of my friends over there was telling me about a forum roleplay he was in. I got curious and decided to dip my toes into the only forum rp site I know! Just to see how it's like c:

❥ Roleplay Interests | I ADORE FANTASY/SUPERNATURAL ROLEPLAYS but I think I wanna chill with a slice of life one first to get a hang of things here! I'm also into horror, medieval, and story-focused roleplays.

❥ Post Length | Dear friends, I started out as a writer before I was a roleplayer, and perhaps that bleeded into my multi-paragraph ass 🤡 I am very literate, but I can mirror shorter lengths and don't always multi-paragraph all the time. I do take a bit to reply but people usually like my posts, so I guess it's an equal tradeoff!

❥ Some fandoms I'm in | BNHA/MHA (My Hero Academia), PMMM (Madoka Magica), Omori, YYTD, Danganronpa, Zero Escape

❥ Hobbies | Drawing, writing, reading, roleplaying, gaming, making online friends!

❥ Trivia | I have a bunch of fish as pets, bunnies are my favorite animal and I hope to get one someday!
I adore talking about and learning about ocs <3
I'm also like, SUPER NEW to forum roleplay, as in the closest thing I've ever got to this was fucking gamefaqs
This site is MASSIVE and it's a lot to take in, but I hope I'll learn the ropes!

thanks for coming to my ted talk of an introduction
Hi all,

My name is Alex (or Bean), I've been doing roleplay for about 6 years now, I usually float around fantasy and slice of life roleplays, usually ones that are small and that will last for a pretty long time. I've been using RP Nation for about 3 or 4 years now, although I made a new account just because I wanted a fresh new start after being away for quite a while. I look forward to getting to know a few of you on this site :)
Hi everyone.

My name Sabaiba and I am returning to forum text based roleplay after about ten years away! I role played religiously from 1999 - 2007ish and then growing up and life took over. I'm returning now because it's always been a love of mine. I've mainly roleplayed from existing multiverses like LOTR and Star Wars but am also interested in anime and Korean dramas. I like fantasy, slice of life, off-world narratives.

I am a bit of a loner, my gender is not important but my pronouns are they/them.

This year has been really hard and I'm looking for new connections and pals.

Anyway, hello! Nice to meet you all. x
I'm jellopy! I probably won't be super active here as I only joined to look for one specific roleplay but I may browse and reply to general ooc chatter from time to time. I'm a private person by nature and don't like to share many personal details off the bat but I'm in my early 30s, been RPing on and off for 20 years now, and go by any pronouns.
hey! i'm arrie (they/them/theirs pronouns). i've had limited experience with roleplay, but i'm interested in trying. i've played a few games of monster of the week and dungeons and dragons, but for writing out roleplay, i'm a newbie to. i joined b/c i got recommended by a pal to do so. i love world-building and creating characters. i'm really interested in fantasy. i've got a tiny dog who's always ready to rumble and i adore him so much. i'm not quite sure what else to say here, feel free to say hi?
Ello! I'm Honey (she/her pronouns). I have been roleplaying for three months, but I have been writing for a very long time. I knew of roleplay because of some old friend back when I was in middle school but a couple of years later I decided to try it out. One of my favorite parts about writing is the world-building and making characters. But I also love making new friends, I just like to get to know the other person behind the screen. I have a crackhead of a dog, so he takes up a lot of my time, but I always have time to write. I also sometimes babysit my nephew but that is on a very rare occasion. I honestly roleplay anything, but I guess it just depends on what I’m in the mood for haha. I see many people have fandoms, the two that I currently have are Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries, I have not finished either show but I know so much about them it’s like I have finished it. Anyways that is enough about me, I can’t wait to get started here!
Hello there everyone, I'm Rin! I've been roleplaying for a considerable amount of time, over a decade at least, and it's something I greatly enjoy. Honestly, I found this website completely by accident, but I think it'll be a great way to get back into writing after taking a year break. As for the genres that I'm partial to, it would have to be fantasy and sci-fi, hands down. Not that I can't draw upon the same muse for slice of life stuff, but those two will always be my favorite. I'm quite looking forward to getting back into the swing of things when it comes to roleplaying, so I have a feeling that I'll be found around here quite frequently.
Hello! I'm Lucky, I've been roleplaying for almost 9 years. I used to be an avid twitter roleplayer, but that space is far too toxic so I'm giving this place a chance.

Looking forward to roleplaying here!
Hello! I'm Autumn, But you can call me by 'A.t.C.', Which stands for "Autumn The Creator." I want to be called that so that I'm not confused the the custom character I have named Autumn. This place was suggested to me by a friend on Discord so I decided to join and see what this place is like! I've been roleplaying for at-least 10 or 8 years, which is most of my time. I can help with giving anyone creativity and ideas, hence the reason why I say "I am cursed with endless creativity and ideas". I am always willing to help someone with creating a story or just a character. even if you only need a name! I am great at giving someone names for a character, but you have to at-least give me an idea of what you want with the name, like if you want it to start with a specific letter, or if you want me to make a name based of a word (Like turning the word 'crystal' into 'Crysteen' as a name.), or out of two words put together (such as Plant and Fire together to make Plire.). I am always willing to RP, and I am even currently making my own series called "The Road of Darkness", Plus I'm making a Collab Edition where people can add any character they want that they want to participate in the story! (The reason why I'm not calling it 'Multiplayer edition' is because that just makes it sound weird.). My main characters generally fit into a sort of Elemental characters category. I can adjust to any sort of Roleplay/RP and adjust my characters to fit in with the Story/Roleplay. I am new here so I currently don't know how to do things, if you could tell me, that would be very nice. I hope you and I have a good Roleplay!
(Oh! One more thing, Be careful about one of the characters I have. His name is 'Blazo'. He tends to have a mind of his own, so I can't always control him if he tries to destroy something or cause chaos.)
I play on a wide array of devices and websites, so maybe you can friend me! I have Discord, Roblox, and Nintendo Switch. I am LostDifferentChara58 on Roblox and Autumn_The_Gamer871#5417 on Discord!
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Hello, I am PotCat. (Edit: my main RP character is also PotCat so refer to me as PC or something like that)
A friend told me to join here and so far it’s cool
I have 3 dogs idk why I wrote that but i have nothing else I want to say
ok bye now
Hi! I've done some small RP in the past and am looking to do some more long term RPs and maybe even join a group RP. I'm looking for friends as well as good stories!
A slew of newcomers and we're really glad to have all of you guys here!

Please reach out if you guys need further assistance. ❤

There are some very lovely details about all of you and hope you guys enjoy your time here!
Hi there! You can call me Ghouls, or Ghoulie. I've been wanting to get more into roleplay and this site seemed promising. Everyone here seems quite friendly. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you guys!

I've been roleplaying for years off and on, but got back into it about a year ago. It's offered me such an escape from how hectic life can be, I love it. I'm pretty flexible, and I'd like to push myself to get out of my comfort zone because I've been somewhat of a casual roleplayer. I'm excited, and happy I decided to give this site a try. :)

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