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Introduce Yourself!

eyy im gaylient aka kipp, he/him they/them, art and creative writing student
ive been rping for a long time, took a break for a year or two and now ive been trying to find an active forum to use since thats the format im most comfy with
rlly like fantasy/scifi stuff and all of my characters are always queer :)
Hey, I'm DrDoom23 and this is the first time I've ever gone to a roleplay site. I usually like to write stories but now I'm in the mood to strike out and play along with some people. Hopefully I do ok or maybe I screw it all up either way it'll be worth a try.
Um hello! I super suck at introductions but I'm going to try, my name is Sweetheart and I do not have any nicknames for myself so go ahead and make one up for me. I have been roleplaying for a while now, I place I roleplayed is now a ghost town and I have been craving to write something. After my ex cheated on my writing and roleplaying were the only things that would put me in my happy place, I had people that put a smile on my face just by writing with me. making banners is something that I have really gotten into, because I can not do code for the life of me. Now I would say I'm shy at first but then I will warm up to you once I know you better, I'm always up for OOC chatting because I love making new friends. Cant wait to look around! ^_^
Hii guys.... I'm new here. I'm pretty new to roleplaying as well. I'm lover of art and nature, an easygoing aesthete... I'm glad to be a part of this vast roleplaying platform. I write, sing, and draw. What more to say? Just another human being hoping to meet new buddies. Let's create wonderfulness together.


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Hello, people and potatoes, I go by LeelLu.
I am a 26 year old couch potato from Norway, but I have studied English at University-level so understanding the language and getting my point across is not a difficult task.
I have been a member of different RP-settings for a long time, but took a longer break due to writers block and lack of motivation. That being said, here I am - back again and ready to tackle new scenarios with other players with similar interests! Have been doing roleplay for over 10 years, on and off. Started off pretty easy with the ideas and scenarios of various themes, but these days I do prefer the more detailed storylines (world-building being a big part of that). There is not much I do not have interest in when it comes to roleplay. If there's a basic idea about a storyline, you can bet we can figure something out to go with it!
Despite being able to create a story from most scenarios, I do have a couple of favorite genres:

  • Medieval / Fantasy or both
  • Apocalyptic
  • Romance
  • Slice of Life
  • Futuristic

Other than delving into Roleplay, I work as a manager at a business and also play video games. Currently, with the pandemic going on, work is on and off which is perfect (for me) to get back into the Roleplaying scenario with more time on my hands. Hope to get into how this site works and jump into character-creation and getting to know all the lovely people here!

Best regards,
Your couchpotato, LeelLu
Hello ♡(∩o∩)♡ Here are what you can expect to me. I consider myself as a semi literate to literate RPer. My replies depends on the setting or plot that we are going for. I usually try to match the length of my partner as much as possible. I don't do rapid response and prefers to take time in making my RP replies. I am fine writing in any point of view may it be first, second or third, just tell me what you are comfortable with. I am cool with playing multiple OCs and NPCs but I am more comfortable if my main OC is female. I love making original plots and characters. I have a list of plots and character dynamics that I am interested in but I open for plotting from scratch if nothing there interests you. If you want to plot with me, your best bet are these genres: ROMANCE, DRAMA, MEDIEVAL, TRAGEDY, MODERN, HISTORY, FANTASY, FLUFF, SLICE OF LIFE AND ANGST.
Hey ya folk,
Names Cliff, I just join no more than a few minute ago. I’m an artist, a writer and an avid rper for 10 years now. I have loads of experience in world building and not management. When I get really invested in a role play I have a habit of making fan art. My favorite genre is romance but I’m alway down to spice it up with just about anything. I just came out of a 10 year role playing partnership so I’m looking for someone(s) to help fill the creative gap.
Can wait to meet you !
Hello, my name is OrchidMoon but to save time just call me Moon. Hmmm, I just joined this site a few moments ago in hopes to spark my roleplay creativity that seems to have been lost or miss placed. Let's see I have been roleplaying for a better art of 15 years or so that includes D&D. I do enjoy Fantasy/Romance selective dark thems Action/Adventure as well. Most of what I do is normally in the third person just easier that way. Anything else..I can post at leat a couple of times during the nightly hours after work. I think thats about it....Oh I also have four cats two are all black one is black/white and the other is gray/white and a dog that is black/brown them apperently is black...lol. Anyway I look forward to working with everyone!
  • Hello, I'm Foxtrot, but I often go by Fox or Foxy. I prefer they/them pronouns. I'm a bit socially awkward, so I'm not the best at casual conversation out of an RP usually, and I also have Asperger's - it falls on the autism spectrum.
  • I've roleplayed for about eight years now, and I prefer descriptive 1x1 RPs. I'm not the biggest fan of group RPs, since it gets a bit too busy.
  • I like fantasy and sci-fi genres, usually with romance sub-plots, and character-building. I prefer to work with fandoms for RPs, since the world is already built, and there is enough lore to use usually. I'm open to custom settings, as long as there's enough material to work with for the basics.
  • I have a bunch of hobbies outside of roleplaying, mainly writing stories, sketching, playing video games, baking & cooking, and crochet.
  • I decided to join RpNation since my usual RP site - Quotev - took away the feature to look for groups, and thus, I cannot effectively find any RP groups, and a friend recommended RpNation as a possible alternative.
Hey Im luca and Im kinda new. Not new to the site but just new account. I play ocs and some fandoms. I'm generally online most of the time, other then past 11 eastern time- but I'll reply when I can! I am a trans man who goes by he/him. My dms are always open, though am fairly shy, but still friendly none-the-less!
Hi all, I'm Nixiee.

I am returning to role play after a long hiatus. I also wish to improve my writing and world building skills. I enjoy participating in fantasy, thriller/crime and sci-fi genres the most.

I can't wait to start writing! Thank you very much for your time.
I've been a member for a while now but have been HEAVILY inactive. I'm looking to become active again so I'd like to re-introduce myself.

Greetings and salutations, you can call me Ritsu! I love making new friends and writing! I'm in hundreds of fandoms and love music, video games, memes and casual conversation. Hope to be friends and write together soon!
Ello! The name's Seidaki (or Sei for short).

I have been roleplaying for roughly 15 years, which have been off and on due to writer's block.

I am laid back and really easy to get along with. With that being said about the writer's block, I am most comfortable with more casual and laid back roleplays.

I love romcoms, slice of life, and fantasy for the roleplays I partake in.

My hobbies are usually just listening to music, playing JRPGs, watching anime, and being the comedic relief to my friends.

I decided to join RpNation from always having a glance at it, but shy'd away. But, I figure since I am itching to write again and wanting to make friends. I would like to give it a shot here. c:

I have a beautiful cat named Morgana. She is a love bug and a huge butt when she wants to be. She also likes to yell at me when I come home (from work, a friend's, etc.) and does yell at me to go to bed as well.​
Hii guys.... I'm new here. I'm pretty new to roleplaying as well. I'm lover of art and nature, an easygoing aesthete... I'm glad to be a part of this vast roleplaying platform. I write, sing, and draw. What more to say? Just another human being hoping to meet new buddies. Let's create wonderfulness together.
Are you suuuurrrreee you a human being Hmmmm
Hey, I'm Sly, Lucien, whatever of the many nicknames you wanna call me. I've been roleplaying for probably about 5 years. I love one on one oc roleplays and have adored the fantastic feleing i get when making stories with others.
Hi all! I'm Glitter, because well... I love all things glitter!
I've been roleplaying on and off for about sixteen years, so I guess you could say that I'm a veteran. But I'm sort of a novice on RPing in English. Doesn't mean I'm bad at writing, though ;)

I'm a florist student at the moment and love all things creative. Also have two cats and a dog (love animals!). Hope to see more of you guys around here soon in the forums!
Hi all! I'm Glitter, because well... I love all things glitter!
I've been roleplaying on and off for about sixteen years, so I guess you could say that I'm a veteran. But I'm sort of a novice on RPing in English. Doesn't mean I'm bad at writing, though ;)

I'm a florist student at the moment and love all things creative. Also have two cats and a dog (love animals!). Hope to see more of you guys around here soon in the forums!
I marvel at creativity.. love itt. (Just Sharing my message of joy)
And.. I love glitter... It's so sparkling and beautiful.. aesthetic
I'm also a newbie here. welcome...
My name's Donta and I'm from the frigid lands of the north where maple syrup is put on everything and flannel never goes out of style. Canadain winters are long but not eternal as some believe. When I'm not hibernating, I enjoy video games, anime, writing, and double-double coffee from Timmies.

As for types of RP, I tend to gravitate towards high fantasy, sci-fi, Superpower, magic, and supernatural types of stories, but anything my strike a chord at times. I'm fairly experienced at writing, although rusty as an iron bolt on the titanic. I want to get back into Roleplay and come from other well-known sites that I've been with for years.

Anything else you need to know? Hmm? Buy me a flagon of mead and I'll tell you a tale!
My name's Donta and I'm from the frigid lands of the north where maple syrup is put on everything and flannel never goes out of style. Canadain winters are long but not eternal as some believe. When I'm not hibernating, I enjoy video games, anime, writing, and double-double coffee from Timmies.

As for types of RP, I tend to gravitate towards high fantasy, sci-fi, Superpower, magic, and supernatural types of stories, but anything my strike a chord at times. I'm fairly experienced at writing, although rusty as an iron bolt on the titanic. I want to get back into Roleplay and come from other well-known sites that I've been with for years.

Anything else you need to know? Hmm? Buy me a flagon of mead and I'll tell you a tale!
Here's your flagon of mead..


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