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Introduce Yourself!

To whom it may concern,

I will be brief and to the point. I'm a roleplayer and have been as such for the past decade now. I'm currently in college as a junior but with the world turning the way it has, I have an exceeding amount of time on my hands. I've actually had an account on this site but the account and associated email have since been lost to time. My experiences range widely from slice of life writing, nation building writing politics, economics, and character roleplaying. As a side not, I do quite enjoy Dragon riding as a roleplaying concept.
Heyo, name is Zawawa. Got introduced to rp by a friend a few years back and found it interesting, didn't try much of it till now though. I hope to gain some experience in rp by observing the work here and maybe one day contribute to some projects too. As for preferences, well sci fi and fantasy are something that I have an interest in.
To whom it may concern,

I will be brief and to the point. I'm a roleplayer and have been as such for the past decade now. I'm currently in college as a junior but with the world turning the way it has, I have an exceeding amount of time on my hands. I've actually had an account on this site but the account and associated email have since been lost to time. My experiences range widely from slice of life writing, nation building writing politics, economics, and character roleplaying. As a side not, I do quite enjoy Dragon riding as a roleplaying concept.
I'd do a dragon riding roleplay with you.
Hello to all! It is nice to meet you!
I am certainly not new to the world of roleplay, as I have been partaking within it since 2012. There has been a time where I took a major break from roleplaying, as I had so much going on in life that I did not have the free time to write. With the world's current state and being under stay-at-home orders, I have a tremendous amount of time on my hands to pass. And what is a better way to pass the time than to write my heart out? I am known to be a rather literate roleplayer, as my responses tend to range from 250 words to 1,000 words. My word count can certainly fluctuate depending on the given context of scene, plot, communication between characters, etc. within a given moment during a roleplay. For me, detail orientation matters tremendously! As for my favorite genres of roleplay, I would certainly have to say that Romance, Supernatural/Fantasy, Adventure, and Suspense have to be my all-time, go-to genres!
If you read the previous information thoroughly, I appreciate you entirely! Thank you and have a wonderful day!💙:bishiesparklesr:
what is up my dudes, i'm jules and i'm pretty excited to start roleplaying again : ) here's some things to know about me: my prompts are usually quite long but my replies can range from 2 lines to 500 word paragraphs, depending on what i feel would best fit the story. i'm not a fan of throwing in extra, unneeded description just for the sake of filling a quota, you know? i also enjoy writing in any genre! whimsical high fantasy or gritty thriller mystery, i love it all!
hopefully i'll be able to find some great partners on here : ) have a gr8 day
Howdy fellas, I'm new to writing on forums as a whole but I've previously been roleplaying elsewhere for about five years I think. I've written canon fandom characters and ocs, though I'm only really looking to focus on my own characters here.

Hi there, my name is Remi. I’m 23yo, a guy, and live in EST. I have rped for 9 years now.

I always write in literate style, 3rd person, past tense, and write many paragraphs. I prefer to rp in groups as well since 1x1 rp don't go anywhere. I also like to make character sheets, but I solely use anime faceclaims. I do not ERP and I dislike NSFW and romance; I don't rp any of these, period. On the flip side, your age doesn't matter as long as you can write well and you are interested in becoming friends.

Rp is a fun hobby and pastime of mine, so I am excited to get to know you as we rp together. I become more creative in the rp the more we interact and get to know each other outside of it.

More info about me:
I watch anime and read manga, and love talking about the latest release with friends. I also play Animal Crossing and Smash on the switch. I joke a lot and humorously pick on my friends—in case that’s not something you like. But you know, as they say, don’t pick a fight expecting to not be punched back, so feel free to laugh at me in return. I actively encourage it. I am here because I'm looking for literate rpers to make friends with on Discord. I hope we can have fun by interacting and talking both inside and outside of the rp. If you feel the same way, feel free to pm me!

Hello everybody! I'm new around here but I've done forum rps on and off for a few years now. I like writing, but I'm not dedicated enough to finish a book. I like all different kinds of genre, but mostly lean towards fantasy/historical/apocalyptic genres. In real life, I'm a mom of 2 boys and an identical twin.

this site seems cool. I just want a few more roleplay buddies cause all my friends in real life aren't very good at it lol.

Well, hi my name is savanna. i'm only 15, gonna be 16 in august (a happy leo.) I go to a private school in the butt middle of nowhere.
I am looking for just a few roleplay buddies, because my friends in real life aren't too good at it. I have a few from across the country but I want more, y'know?
I really like fantasy, action, and romance rps. For some weird reason I like playing dominant males (funny because i'm a small female.) I like being creative with my roleplays but at the same time i don't like it being too intense. save the intensity for books lol. I do like playing in normal world and day settings, but I am also fine with other wordly things and settings. It's been a long while since i've done that though. like i said, not too many people to rp with. That's why I came here, to see if there would be some kind souls to share a nice little rp sesh with me :)

Hello! My name is Blue and its nice to meet you all! Also, I'm not the best at introductions, so sorry its this is all over the place! Anyways, I've been roleplaying for quite a while now. If i remember correctly, its been a little over 7 years! I've mostly done one on one rp's, but if its an organized group I'd be willing to try small group rps. I enjoy rping custom and fandom based, but I prefer custom stories more! Also, I'm fine with rp both male and female characters, as well as multiple! Outside of roleplay, I enjoy writing, reading, anime, drawing, and playing video games. I also dwell into the realm of psychedelics quite often, but that shouldn't prevent me from replying! <3 <3

hey there! i go by ro, ronnie, kawa, whichever you like better. my pronouns are she/her. i'm 20 years old and study filmmaking. been a roleplayer for a whooping eight years i think? wow. so, i like one on ones and lots of ooc chatter!! i like the casual conversation, too. i like romance, i read a lot of young adult books, believe myself to be a famous ted talker with the awesome conversations i have with myself at 3 am. i consider myself more of an advanced writer but i tend to mirror my partners post length! i hope to be a screenwriter, so yeah, i do a lot of writing, particularly fanfiction. looking for some long term partners here, hoping to have tons of fun!

About me: Hi! Im Minute, I'm a female who is a minor. I like anime as well as video games but so does everyone. I like adventure, fantasy and swashbuckler stories. I was very into RPs when i was younger but fell from them. Now i am getting back into RPs!

To whom it may concern,

I will be brief and to the point. I'm a roleplayer and have been as such for the past decade now. I'm currently in college as a junior but with the world turning the way it has, I have an exceeding amount of time on my hands. I've actually had an account on this site but the account and associated email have since been lost to time. My experiences range widely from slice of life writing, nation building writing politics, economics, and character roleplaying. As a side not, I do quite enjoy Dragon riding as a roleplaying concept.

I'm Daniel and I've had experience with nation building role playing in the past and I plan on making one again soon.

I'm Daniel and I've had experience with nation building role playing in the past and I plan on making one again soon.

Heyo, name is Zawawa. Got introduced to rp by a friend a few years back and found it interesting, didn't try much of it till now though. I hope to gain some experience in rp by observing the work here and maybe one day contribute to some projects too. As for preferences, well sci fi and fantasy are something that I have an interest in.

Hello to all! It is nice to meet you!
I am certainly not new to the world of roleplay, as I have been partaking within it since 2012. There has been a time where I took a major break from roleplaying, as I had so much going on in life that I did not have the free time to write. With the world's current state and being under stay-at-home orders, I have a tremendous amount of time on my hands to pass. And what is a better way to pass the time than to write my heart out? I am known to be a rather literate roleplayer, as my responses tend to range from 250 words to 1,000 words. My word count can certainly fluctuate depending on the given context of scene, plot, communication between characters, etc. within a given moment during a roleplay. For me, detail orientation matters tremendously! As for my favorite genres of roleplay, I would certainly have to say that Romance, Supernatural/Fantasy, Adventure, and Suspense have to be my all-time, go-to genres!
If you read the previous information thoroughly, I appreciate you entirely! Thank you and have a wonderful day!💙:bishiesparklesr:

Hello, i like a lot to rp and i usually write 1/2 paragraphs per reply
I love team fortress 2

Hi my name is misty Henry I love my 3 kids

Welcome one, welcome all! I truly hope you will enjoy the wonderful world of RPN. Noticed that some where new, and some were new to this account. Regardless, welcome to you all. So happy to see the site growing.
Hello everyone, you can call me Skye. I'm new to RP but I'm learning different types of writing styles. I'm willing to try any type of RP. I would say I am productive at fantasy, historical, and mystery. I like anime as well. Have a wonderful day everyone! @.@
Heya peeps, Zufaix here! I joined a while back and started Rping but unfortunately had to stop for a while due to my personal life. I'm back in full stride now though and plan on being a lot more active this time around. I've been Rping since around 2016 back on a now dead MAL forum so most of my experience is short form but I'm fine with long form stuff too as long as I'm not writing a book or novella. I'm down for pretty much any genre of RP, but I might need some help here or there as I'm still pretty new to it all. Either way I look forward to writing and having fun with you all!
Wazzgud, y'all? For names, Inu is fine, as is Jordy. You can also make up a different nickname you think fits if you'd like. I accept any and all pronouns.

I'm new to the site but not new to play-by-post roleplaying. I'm 12-13 years along, I think? I'm looking for a new community to vibe with, so I'd love to hang out with you guys here.
I generally write tons and tons of fantasy, especially medieval fantasy or almost anything with supernatural themes. Slow-burning romance and exciting adventures are my favorite two story elements~ Any pairings are fine, but I do love writing M/M and F/F stories. M/F is never a problem, though. I write for predominantly men, but this is more a habit and not necessarily out of preference. I am happy to write for pretty much anybody!
My posts can be pretty wordy, so I apologize to any potential or future partners in advance. xD I look forward to making some new friends.

P.S. I'm a certified Weebkage, if you want to do some anime plotting I'm definitely game, there's just a lot of canon characters I don't want to play. You can play whatever canon you like, but I'm picky about who I'LL play.
Hey, I'm pancakemix, im 19, queer, starting a physical therapy degree this fall. Rp is my guilty pleasure, and I also need to get rid of the long paragraph on my screen sham.chat and rolechat are dead, so let's give this a shot!

Hi, my name is Pancakemix or Mix, I'm 19, and RP is kind of my guilty pleasure. I'm starting a physical therapy degree this fall, I teach people how to sail for fun, I'm 6' tall, and I'm incredibly picky about my anime 😂. My favorite show is Neon Genesis Evangelion, followed by—in no particular order—Mob Psycho 100, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (ofc), Bungou Stray Dogs, Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun, and what I've seen of Jojo's so far. My other guilty pleasure is (in a way) Haikyuu 😅 it has no plot, but I'm a sucker for a well-done character.

I don't roleplay all of these shows, I only roleplay Haikyuu atm but I've messed with some of these others and I'm open to trying them again.

Important note: I'm only looking for RPers near my age! Even keeping things Disney-level PG, I am uncomfortable RPing with someone younger than 17. It just steps into weird territory, since you'd be younger than my little sister. Same goes with older than me, no older than about 22, though that is more flexible. I like being friends with my RP partners, and friendships are best developed when you're in similar stages of your lives :)

Also I need to get that paragraph off the top of my screen.
Hi everyone!
This type of forum, where we can play in all universes, is exactly what I was looking for. I discovered it today with great pleasure!

You can call me Aileas. I'm 20, and I RP for a long time ago. I really enjoy it, creating new characters and imagining all sorts of plots. It would be a real pleasure to roleplay with you! ^_^

However, English is not my native language, so I'm sorry if I make some mistakes... :closedeyescryingfrown:
It's the first time I try to write RP in English, but I'll do my best for it! I think it's one of the best ways to improve a language, it's a playful and interesting manner!
Don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes ^^

I'm interested in all sorts of RP, with preferences for slice of life, historical, or fandom. But I would be curious to try other types of RP too, so feel free to propose me everything!

Outside roleplaying, I love music (I play the piano), reading and watching movies.

Thank you for reading ;3:
Hello all my name Is Jonah i am currently trying to write a story but have major writers block so i came here to practice my writing skills I'm a fprper and very little tprper (the acronyms are First Person Roleplayer and Thrid Person Roleplayer)
Gotta be honest - I made this profile on here some time ago - My name is Keith. I came from a combat roleplay community on a formerly successful site "Chatango" and crafted many-a-character as a result of the nature of said community. Very interesting to see this place continues to grow! As a former pillar of said community - I have been writing for well over ten years, in whole by this point.

I have been known to go by many names - though most prominently "Astral." I look forward to collaborating here in the future!
i am the second azen man, here to say hi because the original is on lunch break, probably stealing my hecking sandwiches
Hi! I'm 18 years old and I live in Europe. I'm primarily interested in roleplaying Kurapika from HxH (Hunter x Hunter) with other canon cast members, but quite open to OCs!
Hello everyone! I'll try to be brief here haha; I loved roleplaying in the past, so I decided to pick it up again after a long break (hope I'm not too rusty)... I'm currently looking for SnK/AoT roleplays! I usually only RP with my OC, but I can also do canon characters if required. I mostly lean towards realism and I try my best to keep it solid. I love doing romance as well!
I tend to write a lot while RPing, and I hope that won't be a problem. I also only do 3rd person, as it gives off a more bookish vibe in my opinion.
I'm quite shy as a person, but I really want to get out of my shell! That is generally the reason why I joined this website.
Thanks for reading! :)
hello! my name is Rose! i have been roleplaying for about two years at this point, I am a semi-lit roleplayer with an interest in modern fantasy, as well as dark and angst roleplay. a lot of my characters, arks, and families revolve around roses :')
anyway, i'm open to shipping and drama, but any rp works with me!
Hello~ I've only been RPing for around two years or so, but I'm hoping to get more experience with RPing in order to develop my writing skills. I've been in a couple of RPing communities, and I've never really gotten the chance to explore as many as I'd like to, but I'm hoping to change that a bit.

I'm really open to any kind of RP genre. I'm pretty passionate about character development and I'm a lot more invested in seeing how characters grow and change in a story, but I do like a solid plot as well and I'm more drawn to a good plot than a specific genre. In terms of posts, I tend to write in paragraphs, and on occasion I tend to ramble, but I do my best to make sure my posts have decent quality in them. However, I'm also very subjected to writing blocks and burnout, which typically results in slower posts, so I'm working on improving that as well.

I'm really hoping to get out of my shell a bit here. It's nerve-wracking to be the new person on a new site, but I hope to stick around.
Uhm, hello. New account because I lost the login to my old one. New PC and dropped from the Rping life for a while doesn't help. To answer all of the suggested questions because I have no idea what to say.
I've been roleplaying for donkeys years, ever since I had a google account embarrassingly enough. I prefer casual but like...semi-detailed casual, like, 2-3 paragraphs casual if that makes sense. I like romatic but fun roleplays but I'm really chill with whatever at the moment. Hobbies... would be drawing, D&D, writing, making characters, creating stuff.. Id love to get into gardening but I can't deal with bugs XD
I re-joned because an old friend rose out of what i called an internet hiatus and since they're an RPer and super into this site, I sort of walked back into it for casual stuff.
My A**hole brother for a cat is Bandit. He's an A** (Not sure is swears are allowed, might have to re-read the rules its been a while better to be safe than sorry) but he's also a lovable dork. Loves my lap, but to be fair, I coddle him by sitting of the floor and letting him use me as a cat-bed. Fell asleep with him purring like that, the f**ker knows what he's doing lmao.
Two truths and a lie, uhhhh, I do actually have short, dual-coloured hair in my current Avatar pic, I'm a Huge Potterhead, and I've been to Disney world.
Is that good? I hope thats okay XD
Hello everyone! My name is Raven its nice to meet you! I used to roleplay when I was younger on a site called Mywarriorcats.com which later changed to teenrpg. I wasnt able to find the site but this on reminds me of it so much. I have the same username i did there. Anyways i love all kinds of roleplays and hope to create wonderful stories with everyone 🖤
Hey there, SparksFly. I have been role playing since I was but a wee litt'al gangsta, but am new to this site. I have been off the role playing game for a just a little while now but after becoming inspired by some ideas involving a Halo roleplay, among a few others, I have had this irresistible urge to get back, and this sight looked like a good enough place to find a few matches. I do very free form rps, with little to know dice rolls, and prefer 1x1. I have a very busy scheduled and can only post within a few days or a week, so I cant be reliable enough for a group rp, or a tabletop game with a set day to show up. I also appreciate rps with people who dont mind lengthy text, consisting of multiple paragraphs, I will never do an rp that is just a few sentences. This is also to help compensate for not being able to post too frequently, as I feel like longer post give more traction to keep the story moving while not having to post multiple times in a few days.With all that said, I hope to meet a few people who could be potential partners in the future while I work out my characters, and learn how to navigate these halls.

Adios, Cowboy.

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