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Introduce Yourself!

  • Hi! I am Saeja, I am twenty and ive been roleplaying in general for eight years. I have been roleplaying on Discord for about two to three years.
  • I like to roleplay fandoms and also original alternate universes. The genres I enjoy are Modern, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Mystery, Dsytopia, Adventure and Omegaverse. (:
  • Outside of Roleplay, I am interesting in Dancing, Singing, Painting and Baking. I am also a gymnast and artist.
  • I joined RPNation because I would love to meet new people! (:
Hi all! I'm a fairly inexperienced role-player, just looking for some fun. I hope to make good friends here!
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Im interested in becoming your rp partner! I am a very SERIOUS fantasy rp player, i have a set character, powers, status, and familiar! I'm experienced and would love to chat with you! I am willing to do whatever plot!
Welcome! If you need anyone to roleplay with I would love to I’m new at it and am pretty lost. I personally don’t like spiders but your tarantula seems pretty cool.
Hi ;v;
My name's Jack, I'm new, I have no idea how to properly use the site yet but I'm figuring it out at my own pace. I've been roleplaying and creatively writing for about 6 or 7 years now. I roleplay in the literate style, but can also do script. I mainly roleplay with OCs, but have experience in fandom roleplay. Basically I'll roleplay anything that seems fun ;v;. I'm an artist, both visual and musical. I have two pet rats, some cats, some dogs, and a beetle that lives outside and shows up every once in a while. I named them Sandy cause they're always covered in sand. Anyways, that's pretty much all that's interesting about me. Have a good day/night/whatever fren reading this ;v;
Hello everyone! Im not exactly new to rp but im not too experienced either! Im not new to this site either but I had to make a new account. Oops!

Anyways nice to meet you!
Hello~ My name is Raiden. I enjoying art and editing. I'm not new to simple roleplay, like hugs and stuff. I'm very interested in diving into elaborate roleplays though.♥
Hello, y'all! I'm very new here, I just joined, and I'm super excited to do some roleplaying with you all and get to know you guys! I've been roleplaying for a couple years now, I'm not sure exactly how long, but it's been a bit! I wouldn't call myself an amazing RPer, but I consider myself pretty OK and detailed, so if you're looking for someone like that, let me know! I mostly RP high fantasy or sci-fi genres, but I'm open to trying all sorts of new things and seeing where things go! I decided to join RPNation because I haven't been able to do some really good RP for ages, and I'm looking to get back into the saddle! Anyways, I hope to see you around! Feel free to say high, if you like! :)
-Chinchilla Queen
Hi there, I'm new to RP Nation. I usually get my roleplaying fix from Gaia Online but it's been drying up for a while now. My favourite roleplays are fantasy settings with pairings like angel/demon, sorcerer/apprentice, and things of that nature. Hit me up if you'd like to know more~
I'm Ar'ir! I've been roleplaying for.. quite a while (at least an interpretation of what I thought roleplaying back then). So.. about 6 or so years. I do like more horror and angst oriented content, but I can stretch beyond that.

I decided to join RPNation because I wanted to try to find roleplaying buddies! I've previously used sites like chatzy and google docs, I don't think I've actually done much forum-based roleplay, even though I'm fairly adjusted to forums.

I have three pets! Two dogs and a lizard. They're all my babies.
Hello! My name is moonswirl but feel free to call me moon or moony. I love reading, writing, and drawing and believe I have been roleplaying for around 9 years. I mostly do fandom roleplays but will occasionally do originals if they catch my interest.
Hello! My name is Poet! I’m 17 and I’ve been Roleplaying(Primarily Roleplaying fighting)for 4 years on the app Kik.(I know it’s toxic but I learned a decent amount) I’m a literate roleplayer and literate roleplay fighter. I love rp and I’m glad to be on these forums.
Sup, don't really know how to use this site yet at all and my computer screen is too small for it to fit correctly, snort. But, nice to meet this nice community. I'm looking forward to finding some good role-play buddies who will tolerate my slow replies. Name's Aki, nice to be here.
Yo, what’s up everybody? I’m Sachio, and I’m actually making somewhat of a return to RP after a long hiatus. I used to be a member of RPC back in the day and was for many years before they folded. I met many great, creative minds and have written pages of stories with those excellent people. Now it’s time to dust off the ol’ right side o’ my brain and get back to creating!
My preferences, in terms of genre, are pretty vast. I honestly will write, or attempt to, any genre or type of character. I’m flexible and adventurous. I find writing as a challenge to try different things and push my personal envelope of imagination.
I cannot wait to meet new writers and I look forward to making some magic with you all! Hit me up and let’s do some shiz.
Hello! I'm Baka/Summer! I'm 16 and I have been roleplaying since 2015, so about 6 years now. I love roleplaying with fandom oc or just making up characters in a random world and rping. I mostly do romance rp's. I will rp in highschool, collage, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, etc. I am very open to a varity of roleplays so feel free to suggest anything to me and ill tell you how i feel about it. I am a semi-lit/one-liner roleplayer. I came to this website as ive heard its very good and it reminds me of an old site i went onto to roleplay before. I would love to join a group and roleplay as i tend to get bored of one on one rp's. Outside of roleplaying I love to draw, write, and voice act. Feel free to talk to me im really friendly!
Hello everyone, my name is Ashli and I’m super excited to be here. I am a sophomore gaining my bachelor’s in psychology in the hopes to become a therapist for mental health. I enjoy music and baking, but writing is truly where I feel I shine. I am thrilled to be part of this and can’t wait to start collaborating with everyone!
Hey! I'm Apsin, I'm a forum dweller but this is the first time I've come to rpnation! I've been roleplaying since I was 11, however I took a break 2 year break from 16-now. I'm really interested in reading and language acquisition. My favourite language is Spanish, but at the time of writing this I can only speak English, high German, and a touch of French :)
Hi, this is my obligatory introduction. I've roleplayed in a number of applications for 7 years. I enjoy rich plot, and articulation. Yes, I'm gonna be that person who tries to apply newly learned words in my roleplay. Don't come for me it's my bRaNd (tm).

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