• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Yow, name's Trey. I've been RPing for a while now. I'm here to mainly make friends and enjoy a few nice fandom and OC role-plays here and there. Hope we can get along!
What's up all?

I'm pretty open minded when it comes to rps, although quoted below is pretty much the best concept I like,

"I like roleplays that involve a lot of physical muscle challenges.. I like characters who are preteen to early 20's. All characters are in good physical condition, lean to massive muscled, all solid.
I like testing muscle to the limits and beyond so wrestling, boxing, pummeling, kicking, stomping and trampling are all likes.. Muscle worship is cool too.
Other things that I do not mind are multiple muscle guys against just one, choking, binding, suspension, and every once in awhile saliva and spitting and breath control.
Things that are a no go for me are any sexual acts
Alpha males with evil sadistic minds and massive muscles taking out their inner most evil and brutal thoughts on others is fine.
Also open to new things.. almost anything of the physical nature..."

If anyone is up for it and or likes these kinds of scenarios hit me up with a message, I'm guessing from looking around I might be the minority here, but its worth a shot!
Hey guys i have been roleplaying for quite few years i like Roleplaying a lot
And i like romance and family type of roleplays
I am a literate and can write upto 30+lines
Howdy I'm tofu! I rarely get to rp since I'm such a workaholic, but I looove exploring characters so it's a happy indulged guilty pleasure.
my name is poison or any part of the word "poor man's poison". I've been roleplaying for about 13 or more years. pretty much as soon as I was able to have a computer in my room since I was nine or so?
I typically do fandom requests, with double ups oc x canon. I'll likely have a request up sometime soon today.
I have a few hobbies outside of roleplaying, such as writing in general, video games, knitting, baking, and archery.
I joined due to another site I look for roleplays on saying this one was also good, so, I'm here to give it a shot here soon.
Yow, name's Trey. I've been RPing for a while now. I'm here to mainly make friends and enjoy a few nice fandom and OC role-plays here and there. Hope we can get along!
hi I'm Meli and go by She/Her pronouns but if you forget I'm fine with They/Them ones. I roleplay as my ocs and canon characters from other fandoms (Though if I RP as canon characters it might be OOC bc I'm not good and making a canon character act like the canon character if that makes sense) I like drawing a lot and I have way to many ocs to count also I am a minor so yeah. I'm not the best when it comes to spelling but I will say I am decent- (I forget how to use , and stuff- cause I'm stupid-) And yeah
Greetings fellow writers ! -waves-

33(0) old Hag, from the darkest woods of Scandinavia, here to check out this site, since my main RP site is shutting down in a few months :(

Seller of books, fantasy nerd - all things Tolkien, Skyrim, GoT, HP, ACOTAR (halfway through Wings and Ruin) all things mythical, dark and mysterious.
(Some of my friends' got this ABSURD idea that I have a fetish for handsome dark haired Elven men :p tchtch...

Been writing for some 15(0) years - maybe more, and hoping to publish my own fantasy book series, sometime in the future.

hmhmhm... Oh, something with hobbies, other than writing: I collect feathers, shiny rocks and befriend stray cats. :p
I'm Neko.

I used to rp a looong time ago when I was younger and recently had the urge to get back into it.

I googled the best rp sites and this was top of the list so I thought I'd give it a try.
I'm not the best when it comes to grammar and punctuation, but I try to make sure my sentences have a natural flow to them so they are understood.
im like shit w introductions so bear w me for a sec- but hiya my names kitsy ! im 20 years old, my pronouns are she/her and i’ve been rp ing for about 10 years now ! i like fandom rps and fandomless as well ! im also a hugee sucker for angst too so pls bring a lot of that pspsps

there isnt anything else i wanna say so, yeah !!
Hellooo ~

Im Zee ! Its nice to meet you :)

About me::
Age - 20 y/o
Timezone - GMT
Rp style - It varies , but expect at least a paragraph! (Unless it isnt necessary I.E to move the plot along etc)

I have been roleplaying since i was a kiddo...though i have only started taking it seriously and branching out within the last 2 years! I am most comforatble with Slice of life plots! Anything with romance , angst ...or depth of any kind. I am captain delusional and yes i will talk abouy my characters at if they are real. It better helps my visualised and mould my character to the way i envison them!

Since this is an intro ill wrap this up - I'll most likely have an request up soonish...once i figure this site out!

Happy writing <3
Hello, my name is Londo I have been roleplaying for about nine or so years now. I usually like to join in on fantasy or sci-fi setting roleplays. What hobbies I have outside of roleplaying are writing, gardening, and playing video games. I decided to join RPNation because I wanted to further my horizon so to speak from other RP sites I've been a part of. I have a pet Necron named Jim who is cranky and hates people with flesh.
Hi, I've been rping for a long time and consider myself semiliterate to literate depending on how inspired I am. I started on Wattpad and then moved to Amino and then Discord so I've been rping for a few years with breaks in between. I've come here to the forums since discord was bothering me because finding quality responses and rp plots can be difficult there and I'm hoping I'll find more things I'm interested in here.
Hi, I’m fruityfrog! I thought this would be a fun way to get back into writing and meet some cool people! Hoppy roleplaying everyone!🐸
Hello I'm Colonel,

I have been roleplaying for over twenty years and glad to see forum format roleplay is still going strong.

Akin to recent messages on this thread, I have spent my more decent years attempting to get back into roleplay on Discord (having spent some time as a GM/Quest Giver Staff member on a couple of servers there) only to find I'm struggling to find the right partners/places.

I read frequently (currently averaging one per week) between an otherwise busy work schedule.

Looking forward to roleplaying with some of you.
'It is not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see.'
Henry David Thoreau

Hey everyone, I'm 'Alurea', or 'Luna'.
I'm from a different forum roleplaying site (and it's not even my home lol). Admittedly, I came here to take some BBcode inspiration, but I'm staying for the clean UI and interest in these threads.

I've been RPing for a majority of my life, around 16 years now? On and off though. Starting with LARP, transitioned into live text, now forum.
I'm trying to slowly get back into forum RP, just because it's a missed passion of mine. I am a little busy though, so if you plan to have me with you, I ask for patience in belting out those paragraphs.

Look forward to what memories I make here with you guys!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hiya, I'm Kandado (Kan for short!) I've joined this community purely because the forums I regularly use(d) to roleplay in are dying off quite a bit; and I also just want to try something new out!

I've been roleplaying relatively consistently for almost 4 years now, mainly on Discord, though also through other third-party chatting apps.

I'm fairly flexible in terms of genres, though I do lean towards darker, more angsty types of plots. Dark fantasy, horror, angst are all welcome. I like to mix and match genres as well, so I can find common ground with almost anyone! I have original characters as well, though I can also do fandom-based roleplays, although I'm not in that many fandoms. Not commonly known ones at least. I usually mirror my roleplay partner's message length too, and generally just go with whatever they like, as long as my boundaries and interests are somewhat respected!

Outside of roleplay, I enjoy indie games (usually mental health focused ones: Omori, Night In The Woods, Little Misfortune, etc.) metal (I usually listen to metalcore and alternative, though nu metal and similar subgenres are sick too), I enjoy hanging out with friends regularly, mental health research and awareness, and existentialism (I can get into pretty deep existentialist convos sometimes… not my proudest flex though). I also have two cats which I hold and love dearly.

And yeah, that's pretty much it! Hopefully I'll be able to find cool people in here :)
Hello, I am a new member. I love reading and drawing along with playing video games and watching anime! I've been roleplaying for about 15 years and my preferences in writing leans more towards fantasy settings.
Hi hi, I'm Thyme! I've technically been RPing since I was in diapers (as a blood bag for my parents at a vampire LARP), but I've more specifically been doing online RP in various forms on and off for about 10 years! The vast majority of my recent writing has been FFXIV-based with my guild, but I've been wanting to branch out and find new folks to play with my other characters in different settings. The forum I used to do that on is pretty much dead in the RP department though, so I fully just googled "forum rp," clicking the first thing that came up, and now here I am! My anxieties will probably keep me lurking and observing for a while, but I'm looking forward to settling in!
hello~ (Φ ω Φ)
i used to roleplay all the time but recently fell out of it
looking forward to getting back into writing~ ♡​
Hi everyone, I'm Jordan and I'm open to new ideas and new roleplays. I'm willing to do anything my rp partner wants to! I'm a semi-literate roleplayer, and I try to keep things interesting. Please message me if you're interested, thank you!

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