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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra OOC

So I just finished him... It took most of my day to go from concept to realization, but I finished him. I hope he isn't too overpowered. I tried my best to come up with some really heavy restrictions for just activating his quirk and then even more restrictions when using his quirk. He's probably not gonna show up too much this early in, but I figured I'd make him anyways. Japanime Japanime Whenever you get the chance, please look him over. Everybody else I implore you to also look him over and tell me what you think. I think he's cool, but for this particular one I need some critique from anyone and everyone.
So I just finished him... It took most of my day to go from concept to realization, but I finished him. I hope he isn't too overpowered. I tried my best to come up with some really heavy restrictions for just activating his quirk and then even more restrictions when using his quirk. He's probably not gonna show up too much this early in, but I figured I'd make him anyways. Japanime Japanime Whenever you get the chance, please look him over. Everybody else I implore you to also look him over and tell me what you think. I think he's cool, but for this particular one I need some critique from anyone and everyone.
This is a super cool character. The only part I'm not sure about is the shielding ability.
This is a super cool character. The only part I'm not sure about is the shielding ability.
The idea behind it is him protecting his assets or ensuring both parties are still able to complete their end of the contract. I was hesitant to put it in there as well. But that's why the weakness, Scapegoat, is so important.
The idea behind it is him protecting his assets or ensuring both parties are still able to complete their end of the contract. I was hesitant to put it in there as well. But that's why the weakness, Scapegoat, is so important.
Yeah I understand that. I like it but my initial thought was that it wasn't necessary. Still a cool ability tho.
So I just finished him... It took most of my day to go from concept to realization, but I finished him. I hope he isn't too overpowered. I tried my best to come up with some really heavy restrictions for just activating his quirk and then even more restrictions when using his quirk. He's probably not gonna show up too much this early in, but I figured I'd make him anyways. Japanime Japanime Whenever you get the chance, please look him over. Everybody else I implore you to also look him over and tell me what you think. I think he's cool, but for this particular one I need some critique from anyone and everyone.
I think he's all good. The weaknesses go well with the benefits so I accept them.
'When he touches another person, they become a regular, but holds the same quirk they had before becoming a duck"
How does this affect people with mutation quirks?
Well instead of human/(plus transformation). Would be duck/transformation. So like if they had a humanoid body before, they would have a duck like body. Those with transformation would probably the least worried in many circumstances, thus a weakness for me.
Well instead of human/(plus transformation). Would be duck/transformation. So like if they had a humanoid body before, they would have a duck like body. Those with transformation would probably the least worried in many circumstances, thus a weakness for me.
Oh okay. Just wanted some clarification.
Well instead of human/(plus transformation). Would be duck/transformation. So like if they had a humanoid body before, they would have a duck like body. Those with transformation would probably the least worried in many circumstances, thus a weakness for me.
That's transformation Quirks though. What he's asking are mutation type quirks. Since mutations are simply the permanent change of a body part or the whole body itself (Shouji, Tsuyu, etc.), and unlike transformation quirks which are temporary (Kirishima), what would happen to those who have mutation quirks? I imagine a duck Kirishima can still perform hardening, but what about Shouji who has multiple arms? That kind of nullifies their quirk once they become a duck
That's transformation Quirks though. What he's asking are mutation type quirks. Since mutations are simply the permanent change of a body part or the whole body itself (Shouji), and unlike transformation quirks which are temporary (Kirishima), what would happen to those who have mutation quirks?
Just be them with a duck body, also their physical capabilities would be the same as a duck, unless their quirk also strengthend them. If they get strength from quirk, it will remain the same strength as when they were in normal form.
In Shouji's case, he can still grow and have extra limbs, would just be duck limbs. He would also be weaker since his quirk doesn't nesscarily give him strength.
Kirishima's case, he can just harden parts of his duck body, and since his quirk is considered a strength bonus-his hardened body parts would be the same strength as him as a human.
So I just finished him... It took most of my day to go from concept to realization, but I finished him. I hope he isn't too overpowered. I tried my best to come up with some really heavy restrictions for just activating his quirk and then even more restrictions when using his quirk. He's probably not gonna show up too much this early in, but I figured I'd make him anyways. Japanime Japanime Whenever you get the chance, please look him over. Everybody else I implore you to also look him over and tell me what you think. I think he's cool, but for this particular one I need some critique from anyone and everyone.
My dude, Wiseman is super cool
you can teach Elisabeth if you would like. who's left.
Did anyone get Jay? Safety hasn't posted yet because he was gonna wait until after the physical exam to bring him in due to the awkwardness of just dropping some character into a situation where you really don't know about what's going on.
Bleh, that scoreboard exhausted the hell out of me, now that I'm back. I had to add in a few others, namely Seo and Elisabeth, just to have placeholder characters since hopefully they'll become active, while I already added in NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay 's character since the practical exam has ended and just thought up of some points. Just wondering what's anyone's take on the scoreboard.
Bleh, that scoreboard exhausted the hell out of me, now that I'm back. I had to add in a few others, name Seo and Elisabeth, just to have placeholder characters since hopefully they'll become active, while I already added in NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay 's character since the practical exam has ended and just thought up of some points. Just wondering what's anyone's take on the scoreboard.
Are you GM too?
Bleh, that scoreboard exhausted the hell out of me, now that I'm back. I had to add in a few others, name Seo and Elisabeth, just to have placeholder characters since hopefully they'll become active, while I already added in NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay 's character since the practical exam has ended and just thought up of some points. Just wondering what's anyone's take on the scoreboard.
I like the scoreboard
Spell check took out my OC for of ?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you just said here. Can you please correct it?

Also, just a reminder for which teacher is accepting which student into U.A. having passed the exams:

Toka ( TannerDedInside2017 TannerDedInside2017 ) will accept Kira and Ryan ( Sir Fungus Sir Fungus )
Pressure ( Japanime Japanime ) will accept Tobias and Scarlett ( DuckMannnn DuckMannnn & FireMaiden FireMaiden )
Ink-Eye ( MonkeyMan MonkeyMan ) will accept Elisabeth and Geo ( Ella Victoria Ella Victoria & Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal )
I guess Yamato will be accepting Fowl and Leon ( NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay & Fearlesstiger Fearlesstiger )
So that leaves Yukiko ( Fluxbauble Fluxbauble ) with Tomoki and Seo-Yun ( Japanime Japanime & T The Huntsmans Hunter ), unless the latter doesn't want to participate any longer.

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