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Multiple Settings Looking for long-term roleplay partners.

Sweet Sonata

Dance upon the winds of your wildest dreams
As I tend to have more time nowadays I am seeking a partner to roleplay with. Little history on me; I remember the dial-up and chatrooms of old. But this lady is NOT giving you my age, but let's say I am old enough for mature themes. I honestly don't have any current ideas, I love high fantasy and historical, as well as adventure. I have been known to do some anime, but OC only..because reasons. I can check forums at least 1-3 times a day, messenger I will reply as I get a chance to sit. I am a mom to two special needs kiddos, so while it may appear I am online..chances are if I am not typing back I am either rereading for clarity or I am smothered by children who think they are dying of hunger. I will get chatty with you, it's just who I am, I like to think of said partner as a friend at least. I have had far too many people pass on because they didn't feel they could talk with someone they randomly rp with. I am not that kind of person, I will happily listen (read) about the troubles you as an author are having and offer advice if wanted. But well...yeah. That would be me and what I am searching for in a nutshell. Feel free to shoot ideas my way, I am good at fleshing rough ideas out. Thanks!
Hey lovely!! I adore modern darker, grittier plots. Heart break, pain and happy endings are my favorite.
I also love to write just to write and talk just to talk lol.
If maybe you’d wanna discuss something let me know!!
Hey lovely!! I adore modern darker, grittier plots. Heart break, pain and happy endings are my favorite.
I also love to write just to write and talk just to talk lol.
If maybe you’d wanna discuss something let me know!!
I would love to figure something out, I'm not really the best in modern type settings, but for the right plot I can make it work in a pinch. Do you have any basic ideas floating around?
I would love to figure something out, I'm not really the best in modern type settings, but for the right plot I can make it work in a pinch. Do you have any basic ideas floating around?
I have lots of ideas!! They might be be up your alley but why not I try! I’ll send em to you!
Also have this Character on file from a while back if anyone is interested;

Flame (aka; Aalish)

No one really knows how long Flame has been around, it is rather hard for a dragon to show any age. Although most would think her a young impressionable hatchling simply for her size, they could not be more wrong. Flame had been wreaking havoc (meaning stealing things) from local pubs for generations. She would take a liking to something someone had, and simply decide it was too pretty for anyone but her to own and with a swoop she was out of the rafters and snatching up whatever took her fancy. For many years she had been the confidant and loyal companion to a Djinn, who appeased her simple ways and grew to know more about the creature that she actually was. He named her, and even gave her a human form for her to travel freely. On the surface, many just see her as she is..a roughly three foot long red dragon with a long curling tail that looked as if it had been dipped in gold. Her dragon form held no scars but one, which was easily lost in the sheen of her scales. Almost as if one little dragon had gone too far and been beheaded. Don't ask about it..it just pisses her off. She grew used to being pampered and adored, it was a hard hit when she was left alone. She had ventured out one day just to return and find the entire palace smoldering ruins. No fury had ever been felt as intensely as she had, loosing her family..her entire world within the span of a heartbeat. Some claim it had made her insane, others claim she took more risks because of it. But one thing was for sure..she let no one close enough to find out anything about her past. Perhaps no one cared to, or she had chased them off with her temper and klepto ways within a few years. Who knows?


Hello. :D
I love rping all of those genres, and I'm open to most other genres too.
I usually make friends with the people I rp with, although I haven't been in an active rp for a while. It would be really cool to find maybe a small group of people on here to rp with. I'm also new, and don't really know many people.
Feel free to hit me up if you have any ideas..my account is still locked for a bit because of the bot killing system. Maybe if we come up with a general idea we can get a dedicated group together.
Ok. ^-^
I did have an idea for an rp, but it doesn't really fit any of those genres. But I'll try to come up with something with a more fantasy setting.
Maybe set in a Game of Thrones-like world, with a few competing clans who perform magic or alchemy in different ways, causing some kind of conflict between them?
Hi! I would love to work out a plot with you. I’m a big fan of medieval and high-fantasy plots but I can write just about anything. I’d hate to waste your time if you aren’t still looking for partners. Please PM me if you’re interested! Thanks!
Ok. ^-^
I did have an idea for an rp, but it doesn't really fit any of those genres. But I'll try to come up with something with a more fantasy setting.
Maybe set in a Game of Thrones-like world, with a few competing clans who perform magic or alchemy in different ways, causing some kind of conflict between them?
Actually have a really really cool idea based on this, since I am in newbie jail still I cannot send pms. Mind shooting me one so I can pitch the idea to you?
Hello there
I am in a need of some RP right now, so I came and I would like to try something with you. I have a few rough plots in mind, or we can discuss something you would like to try. For the main characters I play only FxF (FutaxF), but I can play as anything if it is needed for the story. And also English is not my first language but I am always trying to improve.
I love playing as a sub, but don´t ever expect someone who will immediatelly fall to their knees. I like to keep MC strong-willed, fierce and brave (well...every rule has its exceptions, right) Some of the plots even lack this kind of dynamic at all.

Plot ideas:


Tags: Witch x Monster girl, dark, kidnap, forced obedience, Stockholm syndrome?, abuse, blood, hostility, and much more

The plot in short would be about MC being the monster hybrid (she looks almost like a human but she has a mouth full of sharp teeth, gills, shark-like dorsal fin and tail). The world she lives in hates monsters and hybrids even more. For past decades humans were trying to destroy anything ancient or remotely dangerous. This applies, aside from monsters, also to magic and magical creatures.
MC is held in captivity for illegal amusement of rich gang leaders and human vermin of underground. Most of the days she is left starving in a small underwater cage. On a Show day she is released into a big pool with many barriers and floating boards and forced to hunt and feed on unlucky humans that are thrown into the pool.
YC is a powerful witch that want a shark hybrid for herself (reasons for this are up to you, I am open to anything). And the best way to manage that? She let herself to be thrown into the pool and the hell can break loose.
Possible scenarios/adaptations: Changes are possible, it could be even set up in a post-apocalypse settings - everything is open to discussion.

Into the swamp

MC is a creature from folklore called: Will-o´-the-wisp. It means that she lives in a swamp and lures unaware humans into the embrace of deep, thick waters of the swamp. She can transform to bright flickering levitating fire and back to her beautiful human form. She can´t cast spells but the basic core of her being is filled with magic. Some creatures are more responsive to this kind of magic that other. Animals are resistant to the pull that could bring adult men to headless run through dangerous swamp, but they tend to like her, listen to her and follow her. YC would be a werewolf alpha in search of new lands to gain for her pack. On her travels she ventures deep into the swamp of MC and her resistance against MC inner spell will result in sparked curiosity on both sides. Resulting in bringing MC back to the pack (as a mate or even like some kind of trophy). Hard times are coming because wolves by tradition don´t accept anyone, who is not a werewolf, into their pack.

Pointless sacrifice

YC being a wicked fairy living in a castle/lair in the near of a human village. True to her horrible reputation she demands fromvillagers every year their food and goods. This year the harvest was terrible and when MC (naive, trusting, happy, optimistic, with a little bit of uncontrollable magic girl) arrives to the village, villagers come up with a plan how to satisfy the evil that resides near their homes. Instead of giving up their goods, they give YC an "immaculate virginof immerse value" as they claim.
What will follow if the fairy finds not the supplies for a winter but a smiling girl lying carefreely next to her bonds?

Doomed to damnation

What if, at some point in history, truly existed gods? What if they were powerful ancient beings from another time and another place? What if they grew bored ofhumanity one day and just disappeared? That would have been nice, wouldn´t it?But it is not the whole story.
The gods we are talking about were no noble creatures. They were deserters, criminals and renegards. They refused to continue fighting in their world and came to Earth seeking shelter and power they didn´t posses in their homeland. As more andmore people started worshipping them, their power grew.
Eventually the war in their homeworld ended and the victory side came to settle a score. Some gods were killed, some taken prisoners and some wished they were never born. Part of the gods was imprisoned and left here, on the Earth. Sentenced to neverending loneliness, loss of their power and madness that slowly consumed each of them.
One day MC seeks the shelter in an old cave. She wants to shield from cold and snow and yet the blizzard outside will soon appear like the gentle touch of a lover. With her presence and curiosity she will awake YC from her death-like slumber. The goal of YC will remain the same as it was hundreds of years ago. Regaining her power. Question is: Which path will she take? There are many ways how to make a human submit to another. Not all of them are pleasant though.

Long road to recovery - Desparate forgentle dom

If a majority of people believe that what is being done to Elves is right, do your have the strengt to oppose? MC is an Elf, broken from a horrible torture she didn´t deserve. She is happily hidden in her own mind, shielded from the horrors of the outsideworld. Always smiling, always obeying her current master, major of the Hinderbring town. The word goes that she was the cause of the Great fire that consumed half of thetown last year and she must be punished accordingly. She should have been burned alive, but the major with the main priest decided that she is to be offered a purification. A test by the God himself. The date of a test is nearing while MC, oblivious to anything else is taking care of her master.
I give you a free hand here. YC can beliterally anyone. Bard that wandered into the city and heard the rumor or a daughter by fire who, encouraged by her friends, breaks into the majors home to punish that Even vermin on her own...

That is it. I sincerely hope that there is something you would like to try. Each plot can be adjusted to the liking of both of us.
If you have an idea of your own - let me know!
Hello there
I am in a need of some RP right now, so I came and I would like to try something with you. I have a few rough plots in mind, or we can discuss something you would like to try. For the main characters I play only FxF (FutaxF), but I can play as anything if it is needed for the story. And also English is not my first language but I am always trying to improve.
I love playing as a sub, but don´t ever expect someone who will immediatelly fall to their knees. I like to keep MC strong-willed, fierce and brave (well...every rule has its exceptions, right) Some of the plots even lack this kind of dynamic at all.

Plot ideas:


Tags: Witch x Monster girl, dark, kidnap, forced obedience, Stockholm syndrome?, abuse, blood, hostility, and much more

The plot in short would be about MC being the monster hybrid (she looks almost like a human but she has a mouth full of sharp teeth, gills, shark-like dorsal fin and tail). The world she lives in hates monsters and hybrids even more. For past decades humans were trying to destroy anything ancient or remotely dangerous. This applies, aside from monsters, also to magic and magical creatures.
MC is held in captivity for illegal amusement of rich gang leaders and human vermin of underground. Most of the days she is left starving in a small underwater cage. On a Show day she is released into a big pool with many barriers and floating boards and forced to hunt and feed on unlucky humans that are thrown into the pool.
YC is a powerful witch that want a shark hybrid for herself (reasons for this are up to you, I am open to anything). And the best way to manage that? She let herself to be thrown into the pool and the hell can break loose.
Possible scenarios/adaptations: Changes are possible, it could be even set up in a post-apocalypse settings - everything is open to discussion.

Into the swamp

MC is a creature from folklore called: Will-o´-the-wisp. It means that she lives in a swamp and lures unaware humans into the embrace of deep, thick waters of the swamp. She can transform to bright flickering levitating fire and back to her beautiful human form. She can´t cast spells but the basic core of her being is filled with magic. Some creatures are more responsive to this kind of magic that other. Animals are resistant to the pull that could bring adult men to headless run through dangerous swamp, but they tend to like her, listen to her and follow her. YC would be a werewolf alpha in search of new lands to gain for her pack. On her travels she ventures deep into the swamp of MC and her resistance against MC inner spell will result in sparked curiosity on both sides. Resulting in bringing MC back to the pack (as a mate or even like some kind of trophy). Hard times are coming because wolves by tradition don´t accept anyone, who is not a werewolf, into their pack.

Pointless sacrifice

YC being a wicked fairy living in a castle/lair in the near of a human village. True to her horrible reputation she demands fromvillagers every year their food and goods. This year the harvest was terrible and when MC (naive, trusting, happy, optimistic, with a little bit of uncontrollable magic girl) arrives to the village, villagers come up with a plan how to satisfy the evil that resides near their homes. Instead of giving up their goods, they give YC an "immaculate virginof immerse value" as they claim.
What will follow if the fairy finds not the supplies for a winter but a smiling girl lying carefreely next to her bonds?

Doomed to damnation

What if, at some point in history, truly existed gods? What if they were powerful ancient beings from another time and another place? What if they grew bored ofhumanity one day and just disappeared? That would have been nice, wouldn´t it?But it is not the whole story.
The gods we are talking about were no noble creatures. They were deserters, criminals and renegards. They refused to continue fighting in their world and came to Earth seeking shelter and power they didn´t posses in their homeland. As more andmore people started worshipping them, their power grew.
Eventually the war in their homeworld ended and the victory side came to settle a score. Some gods were killed, some taken prisoners and some wished they were never born. Part of the gods was imprisoned and left here, on the Earth. Sentenced to neverending loneliness, loss of their power and madness that slowly consumed each of them.
One day MC seeks the shelter in an old cave. She wants to shield from cold and snow and yet the blizzard outside will soon appear like the gentle touch of a lover. With her presence and curiosity she will awake YC from her death-like slumber. The goal of YC will remain the same as it was hundreds of years ago. Regaining her power. Question is: Which path will she take? There are many ways how to make a human submit to another. Not all of them are pleasant though.

Long road to recovery - Desparate forgentle dom

If a majority of people believe that what is being done to Elves is right, do your have the strengt to oppose? MC is an Elf, broken from a horrible torture she didn´t deserve. She is happily hidden in her own mind, shielded from the horrors of the outsideworld. Always smiling, always obeying her current master, major of the Hinderbring town. The word goes that she was the cause of the Great fire that consumed half of thetown last year and she must be punished accordingly. She should have been burned alive, but the major with the main priest decided that she is to be offered a purification. A test by the God himself. The date of a test is nearing while MC, oblivious to anything else is taking care of her master.
I give you a free hand here. YC can beliterally anyone. Bard that wandered into the city and heard the rumor or a daughter by fire who, encouraged by her friends, breaks into the majors home to punish that Even vermin on her own...

That is it. I sincerely hope that there is something you would like to try. Each plot can be adjusted to the liking of both of us.
If you have an idea of your own - let me know!
I could pull off doomed to damnation easily enough; I am not a very good dom though, so while I may play assholes characters at times, at the root of things they are not evil.
I could pull off doomed to damnation easily enough; I am not a very good dom though, so while I may play assholes characters at times, at the root of things they are not evil.
I like complex characters. I believe that this story and relationship between our characters can change over time. After all gods were always considered volatile. Does that mean that you are up to play? :) Do you want the story to take place in fantasy or modern setting?
I am up for giving it a go for sure; but I need to pull some sort of character together first
Okay some tips to the start:
1) You can play as one of the already, "existing" gods or create your own god.
2)You will have no (or just very little and using it will be exhausting) magical power (only physical) until you manage to get your first worshipper.
I have one in mind, definately had taken the latter into mind. Shall we either make a new thread or go to pm?
Since it seems we are both in newbie jail (no starting pms) an actual board may work best

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