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Fantasy Crystal island for special students

K thanks sorry i couldn't tell you when you were on i was sleeping i was really tired last night since i worked
As I've said I'm just heading back to my classroom, so I'm free, and I think Alexis is just waiting for her next class to start so she's free as well
True Blue Flannel True Blue Flannel Hey, are you talking about the scene with my character? I'm sorry you feel that I'm a slow replier. I'm at work on weekdays and I'll try to reply more on weekends.
Hmm, that's a good question. Maybe we could have them bump into each other in the hallway? Or in class?

I think the hallway would be the best idea.
Damien is new, and I think so far all the ‘new’ students are taking their arrival day off from class to settle in.

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