Unrecruitable Characters

B L A Z E ' S

  • • Octavia Okami •
    Commander XII

    • Race •

    • Appearance •
    Octavia is 5'10", and though you wouldn't know it, she's got long brown hair and grey eyes. You wouldn't know it because Octavia is rarely seen without her helmet, like, anywhere if she can help it. Yep, she's full on like fucking Darth Vader walking around decked out in her armor. Only for very special formal events will Octavia ever choose to be in public without her helmet.

    • Age •
    Born June 19th

    • Sex •

    • Country of Origin •

    • Faction •
    Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance:
    Octavia is one of the Tarosian Military's 13 Apostles. Her number and codename is XII (12). She's known as the Most Loyal Apostle, it's said there's no order she'll ever refuse, no matter how diabolical or cruel. Octavia diligently leads the offensive forces of the military all over Satrella. Her job is to typically come through with her huge fuckton of soldiers, conquer a place, and then move on and let someone else worry about defending it.

    • Personality •
    If her title as The Most Loyal isn't a dead giveaway, Octavia's got your back bro. She takes her knight's oath very seriously. Though she isn't particularly fond of this war, she's fighting it like she's fucking in love with it. Octavia is merciless in combat and will chop down anyone she has too. She cares about her comrades so much it hurts, literally, she'd take a blade for any of her soldiers, but she's so damn swole with her shield she doesn't have to. However, she has no patience for traitors or those that would refuse orders. She can be awfully violent with disobedient soldiers.

    Deep down, she has a strong sense of integrity that is being suppressed by her sense of duty. Her life revolves around war, and she can be estranged to matters outside of it. Octavia comes off as reserved and even shy in normal social settings. If the conversation isn't about politics or battle strategies she won't be actively participating much. She'd rather be killing dudes I guess. She's very easy to embarrass, especially in romantic matters. Without her armor, Octavia feels like a turtle without its shell. She hates dressing up for fancy events and avoids them, or tries to find an excuse to show up in her armor.

    • Backstory •
    Octavia's parents were family friends of Emperor Steele's father. They were quite wealthy and lived on their own estate near the capital. One night, their estate was raided by hired thugs and their home was set on fire. Octavia made it out thanks to a few faithful servants. She was only a child at the time. Her parents weren't so lucky, they burned to a crisp.

    At the time, Emperor Steele was only 22, and he wasn't yet the Emperor. He was young and nervous, for his father was on his deathbed and would be joining Ord's army of angels any day. The news of the Okami estate burning to the ground roused his father so much, that when Steele found out the child Octavia had survived, he adopted her in honor of her father’s friendship. The former Emperor died mere weeks after, but he died proud of the man his son had become. Then the crown was passed to Steele.

    Steele adopted Octavia, and raised her to be a warrior. Since she was old enough to hold one, Steele made sure she had a blade in her hand. Octavia expressed an early interest in swordplay, and took up the blade willingly. Despite basically being Steele's child however, she wasn't treated like one. She had no right to the throne should Steele fall, and she wasn't kept under constant watch as Taran would come to be. No she was treated like an everyday soldier by Steele once she became self sufficient.

    However, she worked hard everyday to make not only Steele proud, but to honor the memory of her parents and the previous Emperor. In her teenage years she found herself becoming engulfed in angst and though she had never desired to before, she wanted to meet her parents' killers. The selfish and cruel people who were still out there ruining families. Families that didn't have a connection to the Emperor, whose orphans were left in the wreckage of their broken world. A sense of guilt embedded itself deep inside and she asked Ord every time she prayed to him why she was spared. A massive guilt complex began to develop, and became her driving force to succeed. To prove to Ord, her parents, the late Emperor, and Steele that she was worth being spared.

    She joined the military at the age of 20 hoping to bring the thugs that killed her parents to justice, and all men like them. She'd found her purpose, the reason why Ord had spared her life. It was to become an unbreakable and immovable force of justice. Surprisingly, she found them within her first year in the military. At the time she was merely another cog in the machine of the Tarosian army. Though the finding the bandits' base had merely been a scouting job, Octavia came back alone in the night and killed all those motherfuckers on her own. And that was just the beginning.

    Within 7 years, she would rise through the ranks of the military thanks to brilliant tactical exploits, extraordinary leadership, her own prowess on the battlefield, and of course, her connection to Steele. She would meet many people along her path, including a young mage named Marysa who is "just a friend." She earned her position as the Commander XII before the deadly march on Imperos that threw Satrella into war. She was at the forefront of the invasion. Currently, she fights in the hot zone of Wynda, rooting out rebels in Shila, Tonrari, and Desna.​


    • Hero •
    Sword: A Axe: B

    Quite frankly, Octavia is not to be fucked with at this stage in the game, so the best way to beat her will be to avoid her entirely. But for when the time comes... she's covered pretty much on all points defensively, she's got some real god damn good defense and some real god damn good resistance. Forget about bombs because she has a Face Mask to prevent any significant status effects. Forget about critical hits because she's got an Iron Rune. Not to mention, she will usually be found in a posse and is extremely helpful to her allies with a sweet ASS bonus and a sick BLOK bonus as well. And herein lies her weakness. Octavia works best with a team. Take advantage of her when she's isolated and surround her with your most defensive units, and you might stand a chance.


    Health: 85/85
    ACC(^): 125 CRIT: 10 EVA: 50 LUCK: 20 ASS(^): 10 BLOK: 25
    Att: 4 Def(^): 5 Mag: 2 Res(^): 4 Mov: 6

    Skill Loadout

    • The Emperor's Shield*: A passive skill that grants Octavia a natural 25% BLOK boost when fighting alongside her allies.
    • Bash: An offensive Die Skill with a 40% chance to land a powerful attack to the head of an opponent with the hilt of a blade, stunning them and preventing them from counter attacking on their next turn. Mounted units will become Dismounted if activated. Ineffective against ARMOR units.
    • Shield Throw: An active skill where you Captain America someone's bitch ass with a shield throw, which has a range of one cell. Roll like regular to determine if the hit landed and how much damage you can do like regular. Critical hits can land but this attack is non-lethal. When used, the Shield Throw skill can only land once.


    1. Runesword - A (Sap)
    2. Volant Axe - C (Air)
    3. Elixer(3)
    4. Face Mask
    5. Iron Rune


    Marysa: C

    Skill Bank

    • Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
    • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

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  • Prince Ivan Lucian Aldaini
    Commander III

    Ivan is a handsome guy, what can I say? His blonde hair falls at just the right place and kind blue eyes are always willing to kill charm you. He's about 6'0 tall and for some odd reason loves to wear his best suit to battle literally every single day. In his pockets are roses that are ready to be given away for a random pretty Tarosian damsel. With his tailored white ballroom suit, he wears white gloves as well as a white cape. Like his comrades, he wears a mask, though the only difference is that his is made of silk and embroidered with ornate details from black lace. Hell, it doesn't even cover his whole face, leaving Ivan's right eye completely exposed. The belt and his sheath are also in a white gold. Clearly, you see a colour scheme going on.

    Born November 2


    Country of Origin

    Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance: Prince Ivan is Commander III, otherwise known as the Flirtiest Apostle. Seriously, I'm not even kidding, this man will flirt with anything that breathes. He's also known to hang the formerly pristine suits that have been bloodied in his personal chambers somewhere deep in his beautiful walk-in closet. The type of person you'd want to call on if you would like someone that's literally the hot male equivalent of Medusa, able to petrify as well as well as deal some critical hits. Also, if you need to smite some monsters or other cretins.

    Prince Ivan is truly something else. On the outside, he's cool, regal and composed to foreign noblemen. He has his table manners, knows when to bite his tongue and knows when to smile and nod. It almost seems like Ivan doesn't really seem to care about anything at all. Truthfully, he's just bored of just about anything, as most spoiled rich kids are. The prince loves to use his status and wealth to charm women and spout sweet nothings in their ear, to the point where he's become devilishly good at it. There's a good reason, too, he has quite a passion for theatre and loves to act and pretend his life is some sort of play. Charismatic, he can make it seem like he really cares when he doesn't. Ivan can feign sincerity if it gets him what he wants. The truth is, Ivan doesn't really give a single flying fuck about the war between Taros and the other countries in Satrella. He's like the guy that's just laying back and enjoying the fight like it's a game. As long as it benefits him, he doesn't say too much about it.

    The Prince has always been interested in business. Knowing what people want and how they act is what makes him so popular. However, he can be entertaining when he wants to be. With his fellow apostles, he's rather reserved and nonchalant around people that he doesn't care about impressing. Ivan knows the importance of never letting your feelings get to you and has sacrificed many a relationship because of this. The Prince has a certain contempt for monsters, delighting in the killing of them. Specifically in public. He's known for collecting many on hunting trips to publicly kill necromancers.

    Ivan loves to passionately tango and do just about anything romantic you could think of. He's also seems a bit arrogant, though not without reason. He tends to carry gems with him normally knowing that his opponents would never steal them away from him. Ivan is smart and sharp-tongued, not one to stutter or be afraid of a witty comeback. Whenever he wants something, expect him to get it, or kill to get it. There is a dark side to him, however. Ivan is a bit sociopathic. He's not arrogant because that's who he is, he's arrogant because there's always something he knows that you don't, or just to fuck with people. Ivan isn't afraid to bend the rules just a little bit, and is a bit delusional and corrupt when it comes to morals. Oh, and, he likes to humiliate the hell out of the Duke of Imperos.

    Prince Ivan Lucian is a spoiled ass Tarosian noble. Ivan's mother was directly related to the Emperor (being Steele's lil sis) and the boy ended up being raised with only the richest of nobles. As a child, Ivan was well educated and was trained to be a fierce fighter. He grew up with stories of mighty soldiers and prosperous kings. Let's just say that as a kid, he loved to relish in subtly insulting the servants or flustering other young noblewomen. Ivan also loved reading books and basically being a bored little shit, but if there was one thing he loved, it was a flair for style and expensive items. He attended battles and training sessions frequently to see what sort of thing he would be into. Due to his apparent talent in swordsmanship, he ended up recruiting and becoming a flier. Some say that Ivan "charmed" his gryphon into obeying his command.

    There was an increasing pressure for the man to get married as Prince Ivan grew older. As much as he enjoyed flirting and impressing people, the prince knew that a life of marriage just wasn't for him. Eventually, he learned to manipulate people, which would prove to be beneficial in the battlefield. Ivan relished in the thrill of the victory and so did his family. When the pressure to promote came to him, he fell in love with the idea of doing and smiting more damage to people that weren't like him... people much darker, people like monsters and delinquents. With his dance-like style of sword-fighting and light magic? Sign me up! Besides, killing those types of people always made his image better, right? Almost immediately after he got promoted, he was a part of the Apostles as the third commander.

    One thing about this particular Commander is that a group of female rebels had tried to charm him one day and either assassinate Ivan or just straight up take that gem he was known for carrying during battles worth 10,000 gold. In a full blown white suit, the Prince took out the sword from his golden sheath and started slicing 'em up with his fellow gryphon friend supporting him. To one particular lady that Ivan was rather fond of, he had tied the large gem onto a string and strung it around her neck.... before stabbing her and hiding the gem away in his estate and getting a new gem. This apparently led the prince to becoming much more ruthless as a commander as well as turning him into the sociopath that he is today.

    Nowadays, because he is not the crown prince, Ivan lives his life more liberally. He drinks with the other knights, and his batch of troops are dangerously loyal to his every move. Fearsome gryphon warriors and a sociopathic prince to lead them? That's a recipe for chaos, and not for his troops. Ivan is tasked with finding his cousin Taran and bringing him back. While he doesn't agree with what Taran is doing, he does relate to some extent of being tied to obligations. They were once close, but soon became distant because of Ivan's lifestyle of being a commander and Taran, being Taran.


    Gryphon Accuser
    Swords: A Light: B

    Ivan is dangerous. He can wield light as well as he can wield a sword. He's pretty well rounded, and has no inherent weaknesses. His true danger comes from the judgement skill. Can fight either alone or alongside someone. His health is also high, making him hard to take down. His delphi shield also blocks off arrows. The only way is to gang up on him, and dismount/set his gryphon on fire. Or use anima. Or a lance. The weapon triangle is quite useful. Be careful if you're equipped with dark magic, a criminal, or a monster. Well rounded, arrogant, and carries a buttload of cash on him. It's very rare that he misses, due to his high accuracy.


    Health: 70/70
    ACC(^): 130 | CRIT(^): 20| EVA: 45 | LUCK: 5
    ASS: 15 BLOK: 0
    Att(^): 5 Def(^): 4 Mag: 4 Res: 4 Mov: 9 cells

    Skill Loadout

    Princely Charm* - A 15% chance of dealing a love status effect to anyone within two cells from him. Doesn't effect multiple people at once.

    Screech: An active skill that lowers the Defense of a foe by one level and raises the Attack of all allies within a range of two cells. Any unit riding a gryphon as well will receive +1 movement, friend or foe. Not stackable, but the effects last for the remainder of the battle.

    Judgment: A passive skill that grants +25% CRIT when facing a monster, a Delinquent Branch class, or a Dark magic wielder. Note that Dark Magic must be equipped, it cannot simply be in the inventory.


    1. Gram - A rank, Holy, Dragon
    2. Purge- Super long range, Holy
    3. Delphi Shield - A special item that protects Fliers from arrows when in their inventory
    4. White gem - Worth 10,000 when sold
    5. Resolve Charm - Raises Resistance by one level


    Name: Rank

    Skill Bank

    Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

    Rescue: A Basic Skill that allows the unit to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.

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ー P r e t z ' s P r o f l i g a t e s ー
In completely random order!

  • Emil Kurosawa
    Zealous Justiciar


    Not that I care, but have you seen Prince Ivan about? He didn't go to church again today...
    Branded (Raven Laguz father, human mother)

    5'11" As if in direct opposition to Ivan's color scheme of white, Emil dons black. This isn't just because he wants to show the prince up, but also because black is the standard color among the proud Kurosawa, adorning their crest and signifying their terrifying presence in battle. However, both Commander and Legate utilize gold, as Emil considers it a sign of his loyalty to Ord and, begrudgingly, the prince. And yes, that thing sticking up out of the top of his armor is a hood, which he wears when there's adverse weather conditions and, more importantly, when he's feeling edgy.
    His Brand is something he's extremely self conscious about, so he does his best to hide it...which isn't too hard given that it stretches between his shoulder blades across his back. He keeps his thick dark-brown hair comparatively long in a rather androgynous cut, apparently because he likes the effect. His eyes, a rich amber, are a bit squinty (perhaps because he's always having to stare into Ivan's glitter), though they do have their own depth, being lit by Emil's strong drive and intelligence. He considers himself to be good looking and some would agree...though they would also say that Prince Ivan looks even better. He's an inch shorter than his Commander, but he still has plenty of time to grow...right? Overall he worries he makes a childish impression, and to this day is still mistaken for a teen.

    26 (Born October 1st, Libra)


    Country of Origin
    Taros (Devout Ordinist)

    The Rising Sun.
    Legate to Commander III, Prince Ivan Lucian Aldaini. Emil's family has served the Empire to great effect for generations, and he would become their black sheep if he were to suddenly turn his back on such a tradition. Not to mention, when the declaration of conquest was described as a Holy War Emil believed it, and he would do anything to pay back the debt he owes Ord. Despite his grudge against Ivan, he does respect him as a Commander (to some extent), and underneath the shock and horror, was a bit happy to be chosen as his Legate. Plus he'll never get his own promotion if he doesn't hurry up and prove himself.

    = = = = =ISTJ-T (Defender) / Lawful Good. Charismatic, but not as much as Ivan. Strong, but not as strong as Ivan. Intelligent, but not as smart as Ivan. Is his whole life some kind of joke? It's no wonder that Emil's grown up with a competitive streak. But that's also made him a notoriously hard worker who constantly strives for the level of perfection Prince Ivan seems to so naturally achieve. Constantly being shown up by his rival has given Emil something of an inferiority complex, which the pressure put on him by his family (and himself) certainly hasn't done anything to aid. But rather than crumble, the Gryphon Rider has always been one to rise to a challenge, dedicating himself to endless hours of training and study. Though he's competent on a battlefield, he's much more comfortable behind the scenes, dealing with administrative duties and clerical work, or even lending a hand when it comes to masterminding strategies. And it's a good thing he enjoys the work, since, as a perfectionist, busybody, and lover of rules, he oftentimes feels the need to clean up after Ivan's very bloody, very public, very questionable messes. After all, if he doesn't do it, who will? You'd be surprised by the amount of paperwork needed to legally commit a massacre. Though Ivan, not one to care, never really asks his men to do much of anything, Emil would feel restless if he gave into the prince's way of life.
    = = = = =Though he wishes it were something more glamorous, Emil's best quality is probably his high level of reliability. Even if he'll grumble endlessly about the tasks given to him, about Ivan's two-faced nature, and about how he should have just stuck with the church, he's a dependable man who is known to get the job done neatly, quickly, and well. He's generally liked amongst his compatriots, though years of scowling at Ivan have somewhat muted his natural charisma into more of a grouch, and sometimes he is quick to snap, struggles with pessimism, and is easily flustered.
    = = = = =So why, one might reasonably ask, is Emil even helping Ivan at all? Shouldn't he just stay far away and watch him burn? It's a question the man daily asks himself. But he can't forget his first memory of the prince, seeing him walk into the room shining like one of Ord's own Angels. He can't put aside the long years of watching him transform from that angel into a murderous sociopath. It's as if something inside Emil drags him back every time he tries to pull away................Well, obviously, it's because retreat just isn't an option. Not until he proves his superiority once and for all!

    = = = = =The Kurosawa family has been a clan of warriors since the early days of the Tarosian Empire. Having thrown child after child into the army, they slowly worked their way up through the ranks by proving their mettle alongside the conquering emperors, eventually earning themselves a name amidst the highest nobility and a rivalry with the "suspicious" Xavier family of mercenaries. Even when not fighting a holy war, the Kurosawas would take the battle to the homefront, and are typically found in the highest echelons of the policing branch of the military, also serving as judges, ministers, and other keepers of the peace.
    = = = = =In this regard, Emil ended up something of a disappointment. While Emperor Steele's declaration of conquest should have been cause for celebration amongst the long-stuttered family, Emil, though the eldest son, hadn't proven himself enough to get chosen as an Apostle. The Kurosawas consider this a huge embarrassment, so despite Emil's promise to dedicate himself to the effort nonetheless, in their eyes his chance at glory has already passed him by. But really, this was just one in a long line of events conspiring against the unluckiest Kurosawa.
    = = = = =Emil often blames his shoddy luck on his father, an enslaved Raven Laguz his grandparents bought in Ifrin. While slavery wasn't technically legal in Taros at that time, the couple basically cheated the system, making the Laguz an "indentured servant" to help raise their daughter while they fought in Steele XXV's war. The young Laguz was barely older than the girl he had been suddenly given charge of, yet he managed his duties bravely, and the two developed a close bond. So close that she kept him throughout the years, eventually having an affair with the Raven when it became clear that her marriage - a political convenience - wasn't going to be anything satisfying. Thus out of wedlock Emil was born. As his "father" was too busy with his work as judge to spend much time with the child, and his nursemaids were always bribed into secrecy, the truth of Emil's origin was well-kept for years...until the point where its backfiring could hurt him the most.
    = = = = =However, his childhood remained fairly normal. As a high-ranking nobleman he was afforded many privileges, though of course as a Kurosawa much of his time was filled with combat training. At just 5 years old he was given his first gryphon to ride, an aging beast that was considered to be tame. The boy immediately took to the sky as if it was his calling, and he could spend endless hours soaring through the air. However, while out one day, a freak accident knocked him from his mount into the Tarosian sea. He would later be told that those training him had done nothing, assuming he'd either show the strength to fight his own way back to land, or drown.
    = = = = =But Emil did not drown.
    = = = = =Though his recollection of the event is blurry (as he was but a child and only half conscious at the time), he could also never forget the blinding light surrounding the flaxen-haired, white-winged being who pulled him onto the beach. Man or woman, he could not say. However, something about the words they whispered into his subconscious, or the ethereal shine of their body, convinced him that it was an Angel who had pulled him from the depths and saved his life.
    = = = = =No matter how many others laughed when he regaled this story, Emil has never stopped believing that it was Ord's will he survive that day. And, moreover, Ord wanted him to survive for a reason. Thus he's spent the rest of his life trying to understand what that reason may be.
    = = = = =For a while he doubted it had anything to do with combat. Unsurprisingly, Emil had a complete change of heart after his accident, showing a revulsion to flying and even growing fearful of the gryphons he had once loved. Instead, he decided to take a break from military training to focus as much time as possible on the church. He especially looked up to "Papa" Kane, seeking him out for advice. To this day he'll still defend the Father ardently against any of the...less than savory accusations surrounding him. And Emil did eventually find his place within the church: as a singer. It turned out that being in the choir was the one thing for which he possessed a natural genius, his voice reportedly beautiful enough to make stone cry. For a while there developed a fierce tug-o-war between the church and the Kurosawas over who would decide the boy's future. The church wanted him to go through a process to remain in the choir his whole life. However, this was certainly not the Kurosawa way. Especially since Emil remained the only son.
    = = = = =Eventually, for reasons unknown, Emil acquiesced to his family's wishes, simply telling the church that he would have to serve Ord a different way.
    = = = = =One thing that worked to change his mind was yet another scandal, this one over a gryphon. Black gryphons, like their white counterparts, are considerably rarer than their golden cousins which make up the majority of the Tarosian army. In fact, black gryphons only live on a single mountain range and are considered an endangered species protected by the state. However, a hatchling had been poached, going through a torturous period on the black market only to be recovered years later from a traveling carnival show. By this time the chick was too familiar with humans to be returned to the wild, so no one knew what to do. It seemed like the poor creature would be placed in a zoo when, against all odds, Emil stepped up to the plate. He heard the story over dinner as the man heading the investigation was of the Lucretias, close family friends of the Kurosawas, and was fascinated by it, asking if he could see the black gryphon for himself. As it was the first time in years his parents had seen him taking any interest in the creatures, they jumped on the chance.
    = = = = =The connection was more or less instantaneous, with the black gryphon that would become his mount recognizing something in Emil that they could both recognize in themselves. They were parachute children, spares displaced in a world with no real purpose or place to belong. Unable to continue pursuing the only thing he had ever been good at and enjoyed, Emil had been struggling to reevaluate his life. So, too, was the black gryphon a creature without a home.
    = = = = =And so they began training together. That was when Ivan started to take more of a center role in Emil's life. While he had known the prince for some time, as they had once been playmates together, they had drifted apart as the younger had thrown himself to Ord. Upon their reunion, Ivan struck quite an impression, dressed all in white with a confident smile and eyes and hair that reflected the blue of the sky and his gryphon's golden feathers. But it didn't take long for Emil to resent him. The same age, the same destiny...for the man trying to find his place in the world, Ivan made it especially difficult, seeming to outclass him at every turn. Though Emil was a hard worker, Ivan did it all without even trying. He was a natural in the air, with the ladies, with everyone. When Emil first saw him it was surreal, as if he was looking once again at the angel who had saved him all those years ago. But he soon enough learned that Ivan's personality was far from angelic. The prince was maddeningly impenetrable, putting on a courteous face for others that Emil saw as a cheap facade. Even as Ivan continued to beat him in everything, he never knew if the prince was willfully unaware of how much it made him hate him, or was doing it just to get under his skin.
    = = = = =At one point the Gryphon Rider became so desperate to uncover any weakness that he decided to go to the prince's cousin, Lord Taranis, to try and dig up some dirt. However, rumors of them slipping away together deep into the night quickly got steamy, which was just great for Emil's already precarious image. He didn't want to be known as "that Gryphon Rider," who liked to fool around with young boys. Even when he tried to protest that it wasn't Taran he was interested in at all, but rather his cousin...well, his poor choice of words didn't do much to realign his image. Though they eventually set people straight, Emil still gets teased over the incident and is quite sour about the whole affair.
    = = = = =Despite his fierce hatred of Ivan, outsiders typically consider the two to be close friends. They just seem to have a perfect chemistry, built by practically growing up together with years of shared experience and "friendly" competitions. Though Emil will forever consider Ivan his rival, the "first place" to his "second," he never thought that he had meant anything to the prince in return. Meaning that he was completely taken aback when Ivan asked him to be his Legate, though he came to suspect it was just another ploy for the prince to patronize him, rubbing in his face the fact that he was neither promoted nor chosen to be an Apostle.
    = = = = =Nevertheless, the mission set before him in his childhood remains strong within Emil. Like many others he hopes to prove himself in the current campaign, though he also secretly wishes to find the much-rumored Songstress, hoping that, as someone who can speak to Angels, she can finally answer his questions about that event all those years ago. In the meantime, he continues his loyalty to the Empire in the hopes of finally proving himself and doing something meaningful with his life.

    The one with the prettiest handwriting.


    His beloved gryphon, Gaubert, who he cares for very much, unlike some people.


    Some people who are always making trouble for him to deal with.


    Gryphon Rider ⟶ Sky Knight
    Swords: C
    Attributes: AIR | BEAST | BRANDED

    Though it would kill him to admit it, Emil and Ivan are a pair who bring out the best in one another. This makes the duo particularly dangerous as they can assist going after shared enemies, raise each other's already quite high Attack, and debuff their foes. Even on his own Emil is nothing to sneeze at, possessing respectable stats even if they lag in comparison to his Commander's. Of course, like all Gryphon Riders, he crumbles to flames, wind, and arrows, so it's best to exploit his weaknesses before he goes on a rampage. As someone desperate to prove himself, Emil will not give up easily on the field of battle, but he's also too clever to take unnecessary risks. He's highly-educated, trained by years of service, and knows Ivan's skillset just as well as his own. So when these two are on the map together, it's a huge mistake to underestimate their combined destructive power.​


    Health: 60/60
    ACC: 110 CRIT: 10 EVA(+5): 50 LUCK: 5 ASS(+5): 20 BLOK: 0
    Att(+5): 15 Def: 10 Mag: 7 Res: 10 Mov: 8 cells

    Skill Loadout

    Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better* : Passive Skill. If Ivan successfully attacks an enemy, Emil gains +10% ACC for the rest of his turn. If Partnered Up with Ivan and lands a successful Assist, Emil gains +10% CRIT for the attack.
    Screech : Active skill. Lowers the Defense of a foe by -4 and raises the Attack of all allies within a 2 cell radius by +2. Any unit riding a gryphon as well will receive +1 movement, friend or foe. Not stackable, and effects last for 1 turn.


    Spirit Blade: C-Rank Sword with the HOLY attribute
    Rapier: D-Rank Sword with the ARMOR and BEAST attributes
    Elixir (3) (Heals fully)
    Antitoxin (3) (Heals a unit if they've been infected with a toxin)
    Torch (5) (A handy little thing to have when it's really dark, or foggy, to increase visibility. Lasts 5 turns.)



    Skill Bank

    Second Chance : Basic Skill. The first time Emil's HP reaches 0, he will merely flee the fight and may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
    Rescue : Basic Skill. Allows the Gryphon Rider to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.

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Kage's Bosses

  • Name: Khashin Highwind

    Race: Human

    Standing at an even 6 feet tall, Khashin is a woman with an intimidating build. Very little escapes the gaze of her fierce, dark eyes and nothing seems to faze the experienced warrior. Function over form dictates her appearance, her armor comfortable, protective, and not all that eye-catching.

    Age: 42 - October 8th

    Sex: Female

    Country of Origin: Taros

    Faction: The Rising Sun | Mercenary




    Axes: A Gauntlets: C
    Just because she doesn't have Nova anymore doesn't make Khashin any less of a force to be reckoned with. Her sheer strength and skill with an axe lets her carve through the battlefield like nothing ever changed.


    Health: 90/90
    ACC(+20): 120 CRIT: 10 EVA: 45 LUCK: 25 ASS: 15 BLOK: 0
    Att: 4 Def: 4 Mag: 1 Res: 3 Mov: 6

    I'd distribute the ten non-rolling points buuut... Gladi stats still need to be updated in the glossary.

    Skill Loadout

    Custom Skill*:

    Shove: An active skill that pushes an enemy backward one cell when attacked by the Fighter. ARMOR units and mounted units are immune to this attack. Units shoved by the Gladiator will contract the Fear status effect.

    Showtime: A passive skill that increases the Gladiator’s Attack and Defense by one level when they’re at or under 50% of their health.


    1. Titanium Axe
    2. Killing Claws (Critical)
    3. Elixer(3)


    Name: Rank

    Skill Bank

    Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

    Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

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Oris unrecruitables Characters

  • Name
    Horace T Mighty



    An absolute monster of a man he stands a good solid height of "tallerthanyou" and has the muscle to fill it in, standing far much taller than his most beloved little lamb. His intimidating aura and near permanent scowl dissuade all but the most oblivious or stern folk from speaking against him and his loud boisterous voice carries impossibly well. It is not fully known where he collected the helm he wears atop of his head, the alabaster white bones stretching far back with his long brown mane extending to his lower back. His soft red furred cloak was a gift from a dear friend of his, the whorls of crimson are almost sinfully soft and incredably warm, paired with the body heat the man gives off he can weather even the coldest of climes.

    His shoulder armor also are quite hardy and almost form up like a barrier against attacks towards his head, though oddly it almost looks as if somebody small could almost.. Sit atop of his shoulders rather comfortably... But who would dare approach such a beast of a man with such intentions?

    37 years old.
    Born August 18


    Country of Origin

    None, but no one will damn well hurt his family and god help them if they do. Though he mostly does what Rhae tells him, she is quite smart you know, and if that means occasionally going out and mopping the floor with some poor man's head thats fine enough, as long as he's back home so he can read the kid's a story before bed. And to make certain they brush their teeth, also wash their faces, and if they get nightmares and need to sleep with them he couldn't dare not be there for that! And what if they need one of their teddy bear's fixed!? or they don't eat dinner? or if they get sick!?!

    He couldn't bare the thought.

    A boisterous and loud man, his voice could be heard long before anyone could see him. Before he became a family man he was a savage bandit who was known throughout most the land for his destructive behavior and great strength. He gathered many a follower to add their arms to his warband, and together they rampaged and raided all they could in their quest for glory and gold! But those days are long gone now, and while the ferocity and strength are still there within the large man, and not quite hidden. Married life may have slowed him down and awakened a coddling and extremely loving side that one might even be hesitant to call "dog-like" in how much he truly cares for his family.

    He feels he has changed for the better, and even though they occasionally go out to "Stretch their legs" as it were he still feels his family is beyond the most important part of his life, and shares a love for his wife that truly cannot be measured. He also still keeps tabs with his old bandit group, whom have, like their old leader, turned to more of a mercenary company of sorts, occasionally popping in to visit their old leader and see the kids, whom have grown mighty popular among-st them all.

    Though out of the two, it is Horace who is the one who coddles and spoils the kids the most, the immense beast of a man turning into putty under the whims and smiles of his kids. he also has turned to writing, his stories becoming extremely popular in certain circles, and he allows Rhae to be the one to have the first "taste" of his material... Though the nature of the books tend to be fantastical and occasionally coming from the experiences the two have....

    Shared together.

    In truth, Horace doesn't remember his parents, left outside an orphanage the child had to grow up under the terrible treatment of the owner of the house. Beatings, starvation, yelling at him for simple accidents, blind hatred for a child that knows no better... It was no wonder that he ran away at the age of 9. But he found the world was no kinder a place, forced to steal, fight and even kill for his next meal. Occasionally living off the pity of passers bys, some days fighting over the smallest crumbs of bread.

    But he managed to survive, living in the streets and occasionally daring to venture out into the wilds to hunt for what he could. he thought of nobody but himself, for nothing but his next meal and just how he was going to eat tomorrow. He carved his path by blood, sweat and tears, cold nights and whatever he could steal were his comfort, the unfair world around him his home and hearth.

    He knew that he by no means should have survived as a child, but he did, and he was damn well not going to let the world take him out quietly. For he grew strong, he grew hard and he became a true monster in his quest for survival. As he grew in strength like minded people rallied to him, the down trodden and angry, the men and women who just wanted to get back at the world or make their own life. Taros, Wyndia, it didn't matter what people they took from, all it mattered was that they took care of their own, when nobody would take care of them.

    Over time, they grew to be feared, hated, but never did they falter in their attempts to take what was never given.

    It was during a celebration that Horace drank perhaps a bit to much, felt a bit to brave that he attempted to raid the tower of a incredably feared mage at the behest of a joke from one of his mates. He, in his drunken stupor, stumbled up to the tower and busted his way in, the whole mess took mere minutes to come to an end, with him meeting the little woman whom he would spend the rest of his days with henceforth. they occasionally had their issues at first, and the warband was more than confused with their leader's sudden change of heart. But in the end, things began to slow down, rights began to be wronged, hearts soothed and mended and many a pineapple was... used.

    They spent many years together, fighting alongside one another, the brawn to his beautiful wife's brain, they were unstoppable. But even then they began to slow down further, once their first child came. Horace loves Rhae, beyond anything else in the world. A woman that even when he tried to rampage and pillage her home took him in and gave him a place to live, sleep and showed her wondrous generosity. He loved Rhae more than anything, his treasure, the greatest thing that could possibly happen to him.

    But the very moment he held that little girl in his big strong arms, he could do nothing but cry. His children, his wonderful, smiling little children, they mean more to him than the world it'self. He thought back to the years of hatred and neglect he felt, the many days of pain and suffering, and felt the need, the drive, to protect his children from ever experiencing such things. Never would they want, never would they go hungry, never would they feel the sadness, the bitter pain of loneliness. And with each child beyond Fawn, his feelings only grew stronger.

    Strong enough that he would toppled the very god's themselves if they dared to threaten them.

    In the end, he still engages in battle, to protect the tower, his family, and friends. With many of his merc buddies joining the resistance he figures they may as well put their lot in with them on occasion.. Though they don't stay out for to long of course. They, currently, have 6 beautiful children, who all have their father wrapped around their little fingers.


    Axes Rank: A
    These swole ass fighters are some of the most dangerous and formidable axe wielders you can run into. They have tons of health, and in addition to the raw power that comes with wielding an axe, these guys land critical hits A LOT. Pair them up with a healer who can hold their own and they can sweep the battlefield. When fighting them, it’s best not to engage them directly and to attack them from afar instead. Their low defense makes them particularly susceptible to strong.


    Health: 100/100
    ACC: 100 CRIT: 35 EVA: 45 LUCK: 15 ASS: 0 BLOK: 0
    Att: 20 Def: 9 Mag: 1 Res: 10 Mov: 6

    Skill Loadout

    Piggyback: Allowing Rhae to sit atop of his shoulders, this functions as pairing up or rescue but only functional towards Rhae. When atop of his shoulders he gains usage of her basic warding skill. And Rhae gains usage of intimidate while this skill is active.
    Destroyer: An active skill that allows a Barbarian to plunder a Village when standing on a village cell. Barbarian will receive 25000G, Whenever a Berserker plunders a village they’ll receive a +10% CRIT boost for the remainder of the battle
    Intimidate: An offensive die skill that has a 25% of inflicting the Fear Status effect on a target when attacking them. The attack does not have to land in order for Intimidate to be successful
    Last Stand: A passive skill that grants +10% CRIT when the Berserker’s health is at 50% or below. Once the Berserker is above 50% of their health, they will lose the +10% crit buff.
    Mug: An offensive die skill that has a 25% chance to randomly give the Barbarian 5000Gold when attacking an enemy.


    1. Lover's axe
    2. Elixer
    3. Crudely drawn family portait
    4. Guardian Charm.


    Name: Rhaella
    Rank: L

    Name: Fawn(age 11), Lionel/Leona(age 8), Mariposa(Mari for short) (Age 5) and Cat(herine)/Finch(Age 4).
    Rank: L

    Skill Bank

    Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

    Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

    Rescue: A Basic Skill that allows the unit to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.

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BlueInPassing's Antagonists (WIP)

  • Adeline Iwasaki
    Commander X


    Race: Human
    Age: 21 (May 20th)
    Sex: Female
    Country of Origin: Taros
    Standing at 5'6", Adeline is of average height but appears taller because she carries herself with the kind of good posture that is trained out of a child from a strict background. She dresses in traditional Oshan garb, but favors subtly patterned fabrics and is almost always clad in a loose training outfit that allows for easy movement. Occasionally one will find her in full priestess garb, but this has been increasingly rare as the war ravaging Satrella has ramped up in intensity, requiring her attention in more military-related matters. Her long hair is always tied up and out of the way, as befitting of her tastes for practicality over style. Some would describe Adeline to be a graceful beauty, but she gives off a hard-to-approach aura, especially with her perpetual gloomy expression. Though she uses minimal blush and powder product to give herself a healthier look, one may catch her on a bad day sporting bags under her eyes with a face of deathly pallor.

    Faction: Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance
    Commander X of the Tarosian Military's 13 Apostles. The youngest of the thirteen commanders and the last to be appointed, Adeline has yet to prove herself on the battlefield -- though her loyalty to Taros is unquestionable. She largely serves to appease the southern region of the country through her position as one of Uriel's high priestesses, as the Oshan populace who still tend towards Sietic faith are uneasy from their lack of representation. Though the populace has long reconciled Ordinism with their ancestral religion, the war-time violence led by powerful figures of pure Ordinist faith against non-Ordinist outsiders has rekindled their consciousness of the differences between the two branches of belief. Adeline is also responsible for organizing branches of priests and priestesses for formal combat training from the shrines dotting the southern Tarosian landscape; not only do their prayers and rituals offer good moral support for fellow soldiers, they are also highly efficient at enhancing the power of their surrounding forces.

    Duty lies at the core of her being. From a young age, the sacredness of her position as a servant to Uriel-Ord was impressed upon her; she sees the fulfillment of the promised paradise and of the emperor's word, the will of Uriel-Ord manifest, as her life's guiding purposes. Her role as a cog within a grand machine is both a blessing and a burden that must be met with the appropriate solemnity: outside of religious duty, she does nothing else but focus on training her mind and body so as to become a more perfect receptacle for Uriel-Ord's revelations. At times, personal desire and duty are at odds with one another, but as one who has long resolved to dedicate her life to religion, she has risen above petty temptations and holds no desire for companionship (platonic, romantic, or otherwise) or for the material world. She only consumes that which is required to fulfill her bodily needs, or at times, denies herself even of those should she see it fit in order to further her spiritual development.

    Her sect of Ordinism believes in a natural order where the strong protect and guide the weak, so strength of moral integrity is important for any high ranking priest. They must not be swayed from their purpose by the specious arguments of sinners, though forgiveness and rehabilitation of criminals and heretics is seen as the first method of spiritual guidance. However, if one should stray from the light in an unforgivable manner, it also the duty of the priest to personally remove the blight and take on the weight of the sinner's spiritual burdens. Adeline takes these teachings quite literally, and though the latter method of ritual cleansing is rarely performed more than once in a priest's lifetime, she has steeled her heart against forming emotional attachments that would hinder her duty. Though she would never admit it, her father's incident has sowed a seed of distrust in the feasibility of an immaculate soul, even in the most pious of Ordinists.

    However, Adeline is an idealist by nature. Ordinism attracts her because of her desire for a world eventually free of conflict and violence. Her belief and her intense desire to believe can be likened to that of a child's in that they are highly naive. Rather than seeing humanity and its actions for what they are, she wants to believe that a Tarosian-ruled world of Order will cause humans to naturally ascend to a state free from hubris and pain. She merely endures the current state of Satrella rather than investing herself fully into the forceful campaign being pushed by the Emperor; a cynic might even say that she refuses to see reality as it is.

    The sole child of the Iwasaki family, Adeline was raised to become the inheritor to the Iwasaki shrine and her father's position as head of their particular sect of Ordinist-Sietic religion. Much of her early youth was spent watching her father perform his sacred duties in preparation of following in his footsteps. That Iwasaki Isamu was able to touch people's lives by offering them comfort in their most difficult times left his daughter in awe; Adeline found her own aspirations aligning with the path readily laid out for her. Although Isamu was a strict taskmaster and a rather taciturn father, Adeline knew him to be equally kind and compassionate: for the faithful and unfaithful alike, he healed sick bodies and soothed ill minds. To that end, Adeline never found herself resenting her father for his lack of "fatherliness" and what loving attention she lacked, she obtained from her affectionate (if somewhat soft) mother.

    Gradually, Adeline came into her own. While she was no genius at the healing arts nor even the warding arts, she showed an exceptional clarity of mind and focus even in the face of the most dire of situations -- a trait that aided her well when she was sent to volunteer briefly for the army as a medic and spiritual healer. Her archery training only further complemented and honed this cool and unyielding nature of hers. Whether or not this was a good thing or not, one may never know -- for if she had not been so unyielding, would the Iwasaki tragedy have turned out any differently?

    When Emperor Steele declared his Thirteen Apostles to the world, Iwasaki Isamu numbered among their ranks for his lifelong dedication to the well-being of Tarosian citizens, as well as his renowned skills in magical healing and protective warding. In the second year of the Satrellian War, he was sent to the forefront of the war in Wynda in order to aid in Taros' aggressive sweep into the country. The carnage he saw there may have changed him forever.

    As the third year of the war wound to a close, the Emperor's men barged onto shrine grounds with a warrant for Isamu's arrest, charging him with collusion and subversive activity against the government. His trial went quickly, with no dispute from the man himself as a endless docket of evidence proving his guilt was used against him. To make an example for all those who even considered treachery, he was to be executed the next day. This incident threatened to stain the reputation of the Thirteen Apostles, for Isamu had been chosen by the Hand of Ord-- how could he be traitorous? The Iwasaki family's reputation, too, lay in tatters.

    Amidst this firestorm, Adeline rose to reclaim the Iwasaki name. Invoking the long-standing traditions of priesthood within their sect, she requested to put Isamu to death herself in order to shoulder the weight of his sins. On a snowy day in the yard of the Iwasaki shrine, an unconscious Isamu bled out as his daughter watched, her hands stained by the ritual knife that had carried out his untimely end. The young woman was glorified for her actions and given the decorated title her father had possessed, though this was more out of a desire to sweep past events beneath the rug rather than any real admiration for the deed she had done. Now, everybody either whispered about Adeline's strength or her heartlessness, and nobody outside of the family circle questioned the how or why of Isamu's actions.

    Adeline's mother, distraught and all too overwhelmed by the circumstances of her husband's passing and her own daughter's seeming coolness in the face of it all, took her own life immediately after Adeline was inducted into the Apostles. At the age of twenty, Adeline stood where none her age had stood before, yet she was parentless by her own hand. Had it been worth it?


    High Priestess
    Rank A, Staves: Rank B
    Attributes: NONE
    A good support for any team, Adeline's wide range of skills can easily turn the tide of battle. Aside from her utility and ability to heal, her high luck and evasion serve to protect her from more damaging attacks that might take a toll on her low health and defense. She has high magic and high accuracy, which, combined with her ability to wield a bow, makes her a decent attacker when equipped with a hybrid weapon.


    Health: 55/55
    ACC(+1): 120 CRIT: 10 EVA(+3): 60 LUCK: 40 ASS: 0 BLOK: 0
    Att: 0 Def: 0 Mag: 0 Res: 0 Mov: 5

    Skill Loadout

    Mind over Matter*: Non-incapacitating status effects (i.e. everything outside of Sleep and Paralysis/Petrify) last one turn less for Adeline.

    Idol Placement:
    A set of Active Skills that Allows the Shrine Keeper to place an idol. Idols placed by the shrine master are composed of 9 cells arranged in a 3x3 square. The center cell can be placed adjacently by the Shrine Keeper in a cell specified in the battle Summary. Idols can be broken by anyone standing adjacent to them. Up to two idols can be active at one time by the Keeper.

    Healing Idol: Heals all allied units within the affected area by 40 Health every turn.

    Speak No Evil:
    Silences all magic users within the affected area, but wears off outside of it. Magical attacks cannot land on units standing within the affected area either.

    Victory Idol: Doubles the chances of all die skills for allies and halves the chances of all die skills for enemies.

    Reverse Idol:
    Causes all enemy units within the affected area to switch their Magic values and Attack values, and their Defense values and their Resistance values.

    Tranquility Idol:
    All units standing within the affected area are prevented from attacking each other.


    1. Bow of Uriel (Air, Hybrid-Light): A Rank
    2. Recover: B Rank, fully heals an ally
    3. Bulwark: B Rank, increases target's DEF and RES by +4 for one turn


    Name: Rank

    Skill Bank

    Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

    Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

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  • Name: Audrey Zoé

    Audrey stands at an impressive 6’4, and has the fairest and smoothest skin of Northeastern Wynda. Being an elf, she has long and pointy ears peeking out from beneath light powder blue hair. She’s a beautiful woman, yet she never smiles.

    Race: Elf

    Age: 57

    Birthdate: January 1st

    Sex: Female

    Country of Origin: Wynda

    Faction: Unaffiliated. Audrey is the leader of a large group of bandits at the base of Mt. Haljorn. She won her position through strength, and maintains it through strength. They’re known as the Haljorn Bandits, and are the fiercest bandits in Wynda. Their influence has been contained to Northeastern Wynda, but no Duke or Duchess ever made a real attempt to defeat Audrey and her bandits. Now the Haljorn bandits look to increase their power as the war with the Rising Sun escalates.

    Personality: Audrey is the goal oriented natural born leader that everyone loves to hate. She never second guesses herself, making decisions without a second thought. At times her choices lead to trouble and hardship, but each time, she managed to pull herself and others out of danger. Audrey’s allies are always respectful around her, never wanting to get on her bad side. She’s full of passion and contained energy, but she prefers to avoid to great a challenge if failure meant losing the greater goal she has sworn to uphold. She is an inspriring leader, and is an excellent public speaker. Quick to point out a flaw, Audrey is extremely perceptive, noticing slight changes in body language, facial expression, and speech. She uses this skill to read people’s emotions that otherwise wouldn’t be obvious, and occasionally connect with them through that emotion. When the going gets tough, Audrey gets going, by whatever means necessary.

    Backstory: Audrey never knew her father. The only people she knew during her childhood were her mother, and all the other manaketes atop Mt. Haljorn. Everyone was friendly to her, and she would spend every day playing on the snow or gazing down the mountain to the world below. She wasn’t allowed to leave, but Audrey didn’t mind much. Playing with her Manakete friends was fun, especially when they were in dragon form. She found it unfortunate that she couldn’t turn into a dragon like they could, but otherwise, Audrey thought herself to be another Manakete.

    As Audrey grew older, she found herself growing taller than most of the others. It didn’t help that she was tall for her age either. She came to realize she wasn’t the same as everyone she had grown up with, and when she asked her mother about it, she received the truth. Her mother told her the story of how she traveled down Mt. Haljorn, to visit the region’s Duke. During said meeting, flirtatious signals and words were exchanged, and the two had spent the night together. Audrey had no idea what a Duke was, but understood that she was only half Manakete. Although the révélation came as an initial shock, she quickly disregarded it, and returned to her normal life of wrestling like a dragon and eating like one too.

    On Audrey’s 21st birthday, a small band of strangers arrived atop Mt. Haljorn, looking to seeing a rumor were true. When they were greeted by the Manaketes, the strangers attacked. The battle didn’t last long, as the wrath of multiple ice dragons killed the men quickly, they had managed to mortally wound Audrey’s mother. It was revealed that the men were dragon hunters, and they sought to make a profit off the peaceful tribe atop the mountain. For the first time, Audrey saw a human. She decided that human must be greedy and evil creatures, and that her family would need protection against said humans. In order to preserve Mt. Haljorn’s peace, Audrey traveled down the mountain, alone, until she reached the base of the mountain. There, she was met by a small group of bandits. They of course, tried to rob her, but humans are a lot easier to wrestle than dragons. Audrey kicked their asses, and made them swear their lives to her in return for their lives. This was the beginning of the Haljorn bandits.

    Audrey began her reign by systematically conquering the all the bandit gangs across the northeastern part of the country. This not only took out the competition, but it made the region safer for a time, and the Haljorn bandits weren’t seen as a real problem by the majority of the public. And so, the Haljorn bandits never received much opposition by the Duke, until one unfortunate day. It started with a misunderstanding, no more than a month before the Tarosians first crossed the border. The Haljorn bandits were experiencing some infighting while they collecting their monthly ‘taxes’ from one of the region’s villages. A local patrol saw this as the bandits pillaging the village, and called for backup before engaging the bandits. Audrey swiftly dealt with the traitors within her ranks, and dispatched of the patrol of soldiers before backup can arrived, escaping with minor casualties. Now, tension has risen between the Haljorn bandits and the Duke, but with the Tarosian invasion underway, the bandits are far from top priority. Audrey is now doing everything she can to collect rescources and materials in order to fortify Mt. Haljorn in the likely event that Wynda is taken over by Taros. Audrey knows that she won’t be able to remain neutral forever, but until she’s forced to make a decision, she’ll take down anyone that tries to stop her.


    Master of Arms
    Axe Rank: A || Lance Rank: B || Sword Rank: C
    Attributes: ELVEN
    This woman is terrifying. She’s a Master of Arms, so she’s going to kick ass physically. That means you should hit her with magic right? Well unfortunately for you she’s an elf, so your magic won’t hit her as hard as it would to others. It may be your only option however. Either smack her to death with magic, or get some archers to put some holes in her. She’ll put holes in defenses like they’re butter, and never fights alone. Word of advice, hit her with some cri-... oh wait, she’s got an iron rune. Inflict her with some status effects that maker her easier to hit, and you’ll have a better chance of taking her down.


    Health: 70/70
    ACC: 100 CRIT(^): 30 EVA: 50 LUCK: 5 ASS: 15 BLOK: 25
    Att: 15 Def: 10 Mag: 1 Res: 14 Mov: 6

    Breakdown: CRIT +20%, Att +5, Res +5

    Skill Loadout

    Ice Dragon’s Blessing*: 33% chance to inflict enemies with frostbite when attacked. Also makes Audrey immune to frostbite.

    Oath: An active skill that allows the Samurai to swear their life to another unit and gain +20% ASS and BLOK when fighting alongside them in addition to whatever support bonuses they have together. Oath can only be used once per battle.

    Ro Sham Bo: A passive defensive skill. Masters will automatically switch to the dominant weapon in their inventory when being attacked by an opponent wielding a Sword, Lance, or Axe. Granted, a dominant weapon MUST be in their inventory. So basically, when attacking a Master of Arms, check their inventory, see if they have a dominant weapon, switch their equipped weapon to the dominant weapon if their equipped weapon isn’t already dominant.


    1. Brave Axe (Brave)
    2. Spear (Ranged)
    3. Killing Edge (Critical)
    4. Iron Rune
    5. Paralysis Toxin


    Name: Rank

    Skill Bank

    Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

    Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

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