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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes (Temporarily Closed)

Faust Windfallow
His own House.

Faust bent his back to a 90 degree angle, completely dodging the blow. A complete showoff on his part. 'Calm down kid!' He said to the angry Oni. She seemed a little bit TOO triggered, just from a teleport. It was like she had anger problems or something. 'Kiddo, calm down, it's not like I'm here to kill you.' He muttered. To Akane, it would seem rather ridiculous. A human, who wasn't even eighteen, calling her a 'kiddo.' Even more ridiculous was that she was feeling usafe, when the person that was going to 'harm' her was younger than her. 'Do you even realise how funny you look? Being afraid of a human, who isn't even twenty yet?' Faust smirked. Normally, he'd just freeze her feet to the floor to 'cool' things down a bit, but he meant to ill toward her, and freezing her feet can cause serious problems, including her legs shattering. Not to mention it would hurt like hell. 'Listen, just stop. I'd hate to have to blow up my entire house just to stop you from going berserk.'

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Dungeon

After the successful raid, Damian had the Armor turn back into a ring again; then he had the Sabbat Cultists teleport him near Fort Black so he could continue with his everyday work undercover. The rainy weather was no good. He looked at his hand with the black-golden ring on it. 'What do you suggest I do?' he asked. Having nothing to learn from the Fort's library, and definitely nothing at all entertaining to do as well, Damian might have gone to sleep, but then the ring gave him two, interesting suggestions.

He walked down to the dungeon, for a quick visit to one person. Damian approached outside the cell doors and glanced at Pandora. "Hi," he greeted her, with a very light smile. "Look. I know you don't trust me - Azazel told me. I know you really hate my guts, but, I don't see a reason to hate you. How about we just... bury the conflict and start from scratch?" he said, awkwardly. He avoided using her name just to sound more uncomfortable. That's what people did in such situations, and he gave people a good performance; he was an actor. What Pandora was most likely to expect from him was a normal guy of demonic origin who practices alchemy with mild results. He gave her what she wanted, or rather; should have wanted to see, at least according to him.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Tartarus Forest

Adair had followed him seeking answers, yet everything he had said only led to more confusion. Just what was he rambling on about? Her confusion only grew upon hearing him say that the world was about to end, before entering the crystallized sect of the forest, and seeing the the mysterious object that emerged from a portal. The man had called it an "obelisk"- but just what were these "obelisks", and what were their purpose? He mentioned a mentor as well- presumably, these obelisks resembled the mentor somehow. "What is that?" She questioned, completely disregarding his earlier warning. She felt very little need to "value her life"; a few months of recovery should her body be injured enough to be fatal otherwise was nothing to her compared to the centuries she'd been here for. "What do you mean? Explain what exactly you are speaking of. Clearly." Her voice sounded wary and cautious.

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Faust Windfallow
His own House.

Faust bent his back to a 90 degree angle, completely dodging the blow. A complete showoff on his part. 'Calm down kid!' He said to the angry Oni. She seemed a little bit TOO triggered, just from a teleport. It was like she had anger problems or something. 'Kiddo, calm down, it's not like I'm here to kill you.' He muttered. To Akane, it would seem rather ridiculous. A human, who wasn't even eighteen, calling her a 'kiddo.' Even more ridiculous was that she was feeling usafe, when the person that was going to 'harm' her was younger than her. 'Do you even realise how funny you look? Being afraid of a human, who isn't even twenty yet?' Faust smirked. Normally, he'd just freeze her feet to the floor to 'cool' things down a bit, but he meant to ill toward her, and freezing her feet can cause serious problems, including her legs shattering. Not to mention it would hurt like hell. 'Listen, just stop. I'd hate to have to blow up my entire house just to stop you from going berserk.'

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Akane Hiei
Faust's House

Akane grit her teeth and pulled her fist back. "I am NOT scared of you!" She declared. "...and you can't fool me... you smell like old roots and graveyard dirt... you are not just a young boy!" part of her wishes she still had her favored weapon, her black longbow... unfortunately the strange man with the mask broke it during her raid of Woguran's camp.

She stood stiff and breathed deep to calm herself down... the smell of bones and dirt filled her sensitive nose, causing her to wince.

"My name is Akane Hiei... I come from a land far away to find my sister, and punish her kidnappers..." She said in a strong but confident tone.

"If you claim to be an honorable member of the so-called 'Guild of Heroes' you will let me go... at once!" She demanded.

[keep trying]
Tartarus Forest

Adair had followed him seeking answers, yet everything he had said only led to more confusion. Just what was he rambling on about? Her confusion only grew upon hearing him say that the world was about to end, before entering the crystallized sect of the forest, and seeing the the mysterious object that emerged from a portal. The man had called it an "obelisk"- but just what were these "obelisks", and what were their purpose? He mentioned a mentor as well- presumably, these obelisks resembled the mentor somehow. "What is that?" She questioned, completely disregarding his earlier warning. She felt very little need to "value her life"; a few months of recovery should her body be injured enough to be fatal otherwise was nothing to her compared to the centuries she'd been here for. "What do you mean? Explain what exactly you are speaking of. Clearly." Her voice sounded wary and cautious.

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
The Drifter
Tartarus Forest

The Drifter ran towards the Obelisk with his red sword... "Crimson Rebellion!" He yelled out and slashed the air horizontally. A red crescent flew from the blade with great speed and headed toward the so-called 'obelisk'. The monument's lone wing moved and covered the glowing object's chest. The feathers seem to have nullified the long-ranged attack.

The obelisk's "mouth" opened unnaturally wide and a bright ball of light appeared within.

"MOVE ASIDE!" As if instinctively knowing the obelisk's attack, the Drifter pushed Adair back some distance... avoiding a large blast of light from the obelisk's mouth.

The ground where Adair stood was turned into a tree made of crystals.

The Drifter watched the entity carefully and helped the woman up. "It is very hard to explain this situation in a way that a normal person can understand..." The Drifter moved out of the way of another laser blast.

"Imagine a blind animal that doesn't obey the laws of nature or physics... an animal so powerful that to power itself, it needs to eat dimensions... an animal so powerful that it's an injustice to call it an animal... a force of nature is more appropriate..." The Drifter seems to be struggling to breathe from behind his mask.

"This creature was awakened by a thoughtless fool in my world... and now... like a chain reaction... it is engulfing worlds one by one..."

The entity flapped its glowing wing and knocked back the Drifter into a tree.
The obelisk let out an ear piercing scream...
A bunch of giant insects emerged from the forest and surrounded the duo.

"That... obelisk... is like a beacon... it uses mana from other worlds to mark this dimension... allowing its master to locate us..." Drifter explained. "The mana it releases into this forest... is causing the wildlife to grow rampant and turn into violent monsters..." The Drifter got up and slashed a giant spider in half.

"Now... go back to safety... I cannot ensure that I will succeed in this battle..." The Drifter rushed towards the Obelisk, ignoring the insects.
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Faust Windfallow
His own House.

Faust's grin faded once Akane told him he smelt like 'old roots and graveyard dirt.' He gace her a killer death-stare. 'Goddammit, and I was going to muck around for a while longer. Fine.' He said, this time, in a dead serious voice. The air around him turned ice-cold. 'My name is Faust Windfallow, an ancient being known as 'The Sorrowmaker.' I'm an Elder Lich, whose goal aligns with that most undead. Death to the living. Too bad you blew everything. I guess I can't let you li---' As he talked, his scary voice began to fade. His lips trembled, as the room temperature returned to normal. Just a cheap trick with Cryomancy. He collpased on the floor, and began rolling with laughter-- He was the world's most terrible actor, and even worse at making lies believable, it seemed. 'Oh my god, who am I joking?!' He said to himself, as he stopped laughing and got back up. 'No but seriously, I don't intend on murdering you. I can help you find your sister too, if that's what you want. But before any of that...' He pasued for a few seconds, before--- 'HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRAVEYARD DIRT SMELLS LIKE?!' He shouted, in a annoyingly loud voice. 'SERIOUSLY, DO YOU STICK YOUR HEAD INSIDE GRAVEYARDS JUST TO SEE WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE?!' He joked. It was clear at that point, that Faust was just making fun of Akane. 'And plus, I know I smell like dirt. I fell onto the floor when I was in the forest. Not my fault that I got my teleport coordinates mucked up.'

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Dungeon

After the successful raid, Damian had the Armor turn back into a ring again; then he had the Sabbat Cultists teleport him near Fort Black so he could continue with his everyday work undercover. The rainy weather was no good. He looked at his hand with the black-golden ring on it. 'What do you suggest I do?' he asked. Having nothing to learn from the Fort's library, and definitely nothing at all entertaining to do as well, Damian might have gone to sleep, but then the ring gave him two, interesting suggestions.

He walked down to the dungeon, for a quick visit to one person. Damian approached outside the cell doors and glanced at Pandora. "Hi," he greeted her, with a very light smile. "Look. I know you don't trust me - Azazel told me. I know you really hate my guts, but, I don't see a reason to hate you. How about we just... bury the conflict and start from scratch?" he said, awkwardly. He avoided using her name just to sound more uncomfortable. That's what people did in such situations, and he gave people a good performance; he was an actor. What Pandora was most likely to expect from him was a normal guy of demonic origin who practices alchemy with mild results. He gave her what she wanted, or rather; should have wanted to see, at least according to him.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Pandora Ambrose

Fort Black Dungeons​

Pandora heard footsteps heading towards her cell. It was unlikely that it was the one who brings her meals since she just had her meal an hour ago, so this must be her first visitor. As much as she hopes that this was Azazel, she was disappointed to see that it was that demon nephew instead.

"What do you want?" She grumbled, still wary of the demon. While the Angel's influence has been removed from her mind, Pandora still finds it hard to trust te demon. The inly demon she trusts is Azazel and to her every demon still has the opportunity to become a threat. Still though, at least she didn't immediately latch on the thought of purging him as soon as she saw the demon nephew. See, she's improving.

"Have you come to gloat?" She said, hostility present in her voice. She was so sure that this is why he's here, so imagine her surprise when he said the opposite instead. It shook her heart to hear him say that. Maybe he is different, maybe she was wrong about him? "O-Okay." She timidly saif to him, appearing to be a bit ashamed and shy. She truly has no idea how to react to these situations.

Birdsie Birdsie
Faust Windfallow
His own House.

Faust's grin faded once Akane told him he smelt like 'old roots and graveyard dirt.' He gace her a killer death-stare. 'Goddammit, and I was going to muck around for a while longer. Fine.' He said, this time, in a dead serious voice. The air around him turned ice-cold. 'My name is Faust Windfallow, an ancient being known as 'The Sorrowmaker.' I'm an Elder Lich, whose goal aligns with that most undead. Death to the living. Too bad you blew everything. I guess I can't let you li---' As he talked, his scary voice began to fade. His lips trembled, as the room temperature returned to normal. Just a cheap trick with Cryomancy. He collpased on the floor, and began rolling with laughter-- He was the world's most terrible actor, and even worse at making lies believable, it seemed. 'Oh my god, who am I joking?!' He said to himself, as he stopped laughing and got back up. 'No but seriously, I don't intend on murdering you. I can help you find your sister too, if that's what you want. But before any of that...' He pasued for a few seconds, before--- 'HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRAVEYARD DIRT SMELLS LIKE?!' He shouted, in a annoyingly loud voice. 'SERIOUSLY, DO YOU STICK YOUR HEAD INSIDE GRAVEYARDS JUST TO SEE WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE?!' He joked. It was clear at that point, that Faust was just making fun of Akane. 'And plus, I know I smell like dirt. I fell onto the floor when I was in the forest. Not my fault that I got my teleport coordinates mucked up.'

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

Akane Hiei
Faust's House

Akane's horns glew once again as she prepared herself for a fight to the death. Then her horns faded back when the young man rolled on the floor, laughing. Is he mocking me?


the young man's question made Akane blush with embarrassment.

Her eyes opened wide. "I-I..." She tried to explain.

Then the young man explained why he smelled like dirt... and how he fell on the floor when he was in the forest. Something about that story seemed somewhat funny to Akane. She smiled... holding back a laugh. A small chuckle got out but she held it back.

"I don't.... I don't need anyone to help me find my sister..." She declared. She sighed and seemed to let her guard down slightly.

Then a look of sadness eclipsed her almost-cheerful face. "When that strange man and I arrived in the forest... the Treetop Village he mentioned was reduced to nothing more than scrap wood and stone. The trees that held it together seems to have grew so fast that it crushed the village with its branches..." She explained.

"I saw... a young wood elf woman... crying in front of the corpses of her friends and family..." She said softly. It was a feeling she was very familiar with.
Faust Windfallow
His own House.

'The Treetop Village he mentioned was reduced to nothing more than scrap wood and stone. The trees that held it together seems to have grew so fast that it crushed the village with its branches...' It was one of those rare moments that Faust bore a genuine frown across his face. Trees growing rapidly, animals growing to unbelievable sizes and gaining crazy powers. This wasn't just some simple dragon. Ordinary bugs shouldn't be able to gain magic abilities of their own, even with magic from another source. And Faust didn't recall a spell that could do so either. So there was either an immensely powerful entity causing mayhem, or there was some form of magic pool of sorts that was causing the paranormal activity. '... Now this isn't something to joke about... Animals suddenly gaining magic abilities out of the blue is quite serious. I hope you realise that.' He told Akane, right before teleporting into upstairs. His bedroom was also quite messy, but that wasn't a concern. He opened his wardrobe, only to see an assortment of magic robes. 'Dammit, everything else was in the workshop I blew up...' He muttered. as he took one out of the drawer, and changed into it. It was the robes he was given after becoming an Archmage. He wassn't particularly fond of it, but the rest of his robes looked even flashier. One even had an arcane sigil that floated behind the wearer. He was genuinely surprised that his robes were all in perfect condition. Perhaps it was because they were enchanted, or maybe they were made to last all eternity. He didn't care though. At least he wasn't wearing clothes that was covered in dirt and mud. He had so much things he could sell for tons of money, and yet he was completing quests for the guild for quick-cash...
He teleported right behind Akane, and grabbed her on the on the cloak again, as they both warped into Azazel's office. He wasn't sure how to explain what he was wearing, but that didn't matter... But to be fair, he was wearing something so out-of-character for him that one might even think he was a spy, disguised as Faust. Obviously, he was the real thing though. 'Oi, Azzy! You fucking lied! The quest you gave me was probably more violent than the dragon!' He exclaimed, before going on to serious talk. 'No seriously though. There's something in the Tartarus Forest that's accelerating the growth of trees, and that destroyed the whole Treetop Village. Even worse, whatever is causing the trees to overgrow is also causing animals and insects to mutate into bloodthirsty monsters. I just fought a giant flying centipede that could use lightning elemental magic. Seriously, I think whatever is happening in the forest is more important than a dragon. Nothing so far can cause normal animals to grow so massive and give them the ability to fly and use elemental magic...' He was wearing his 'serious face,' and he wasn't acting either. He was dead serious this time. 'Whatever might pop out the forest, I think it could give us a BAD TIME. '
Birdsie Birdsie IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Damian Vi Lasombra
Fort Black - Dungeon

"Good. I'm glad we could find a neutral ground," he remarked. Damian put on a smile, then looked at Pandora confidently, trying to cheer her up this way. Again; just a performance, and a damn good one. He grinned sheepishly for a moment, pulling his hand behind his back and scratching the back of his head. "You know, I don't exactly socialize that much, so I was a little afraid of you at first. Like you wanted to kill me, or something," he stated, half-ashamed. Inside, he was boiling with anger at how blatantly she had accepted the offer of friendship, but on the outside, he looked extremely happy and overjoyed.

'Afraid my ass. It's obvious you wanted me gone from this world, but I don't care. Now I'm going to kill your precious Guildmaster, and you can't do anything about it. Dumb Elven Paladin. You're just another one of those idiots that think of themselves too highly. I hate people like you the most. The 'hero for justice' archetype. Hmph. I can't even say how much I want to walk into that call and kill you in the most excruciating way possible. How I'd enjoy to see the agonized look on your face,' he kept comforting himself, whilst muttering lies of friendship to Pandora.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Azazel Rofocale
Fort Black - Guildmaster's Office

Azazel sighed upon Faust teleporting into the office with such vulgarity. He interrupted his meditation, as all of the books halted in place and fell to the floor shortly after. Azazel looked up at him. "What do you wish of me to do about it?" he asked instantly, with no other question in his mind at the time. Azazel got up from his desk and jumped back into his chair, sitting down and putting his hands together into a tent. He watched the girl that came with him and observed the two, waiting for his reply. Frankly, Azazel was planning on retiring because he thought that people have lost their sight long ago, and that heroism in the modern world was dying out. Perhaps if Azazel let it pass away, people would learn to fend for themselves without the need for a Guild of any sort?

LostHaven LostHaven IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Artoria Adamant
: Heading East > Heading West

Artoria had heard Iris call out for her. She slowed down and nodded at her, "I could use some help. I've already checked the East and it seems nothing's there. Let's head West." She said, turning her horse around and starting to ride west. As they arrive on the scene, they are met by a cave. It was, probably, the dragon's nest. "Stay outside." Artoria said staring at the cave, jumping off the horse and heading into the cave. As soon as she walks in, she looks around, inspecting the area.

Birdsie Birdsie Swire Swire
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Tydryss, The Chosen One (NPC)
Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

The two arrived at the Mountain of Unspeakable Doom. At its summit laid several sharp rocks pointed upward, on which laid numerous skeletons of the adventurers that dared climb this deadly land. The mountain was extremely sharp, being almost 85 degrees at places and almost a kilometer of height. This mountain looked extremely unnatural but very high up, the two could see the dragon that was flying around it and landing. Just before Artoria and Iris was a single man clad in black armor, sitting on a wooden chair. Before him was a wooden table and another wooden chair. Next to the set of furniture was a sign: 'If you can beat me in Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker I will teleport you to the top.'

Nothing suspicious about this at all.
Swire Swire Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Faust Windfallow
Guildmaster's Office

Faust shrugged, upon Azazel asking him what he should do about it. Maybe Faust was just overthinking things. Maybe it was just a mana pool, or something. After all, now that he thought about it, a single hero from the guild would probably be able to beat up a swarm of those giant insects easily. 'You're right... I'm probably just overreacting.' Faust muttered. 'Goddammit, I've been doing this for too long, I think I'm starting to become too concerned with humans... they aren't powerless to deal with the forest themselves.' He continued to himself. 'oh yeah, and sign this girl up for the guild.' he added. 'Also, one last thing. Sorta last minute, but you can count me on holiday for a while. I've been doing this 'hero' thing for too long. Anyhow, if I'm needed, just throw this on the floor.' He said, as he chucked Azazel a runed stone. It was just a cheap little toy that teleported the person it was bound to to the location of the rock, when thrown and shattered. Right after that, he teleported out of the office and back into his house. Maybe he should try doing something else. Maybe try becoming a magic professor, and then go back to the Guild after a century. Or maybe he could find somewhere quiet and study his Necromancy for a bit? Anyhow, he was probably getting a bit too overprotective over mortals. 'Welp, I should start with cleaning the place up...'

Birdsie Birdsie IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

(I'll bring Faust back later... I'll focus on playing Book-kun and ??? for now : P)
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Artoria Adamant
: The Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

Artoria jumped in fright as the man in black armor came into Artoria's field of view. It scared her a little. "What's behind it? I'd rather not play a card game for children." Artoria said, holding onto her sword's grip, ready to unholster it if the situation goes downhill. She inspects the man clad in the dark armor, just to then look up at the summit of the mountain. The dragon was there, but the mountain was too sharp to be climbed. Artoria sighed and looked at the table the man was sitting at. She looked at the wooden chair and inspected it thoroughly, searching for any runes or any hidden traps. She cast a rush of wind on the chair, attempting to trigger any kind of magic trap on the chair if there were any.

Birdsie Birdsie
Suspicious Man (NPC)
Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

"Sit down, let's have some fun. Did you know I speak in rhyme? Quite a vibrant time. I am the demonic guardian; Gram." He shuffled the cards in his hands, inviting her to sit down. The chair was free of any traps. "This is a game of wits, trickery, and sleight of hand. If you lose, your soul is mine. What say you, oh my?" he asked. His voice was pseudo-rhythmic and the flow gave off a very suspicious tone to his words. "Do you wish to start small? Or will you go for the highest reward? The way up, which will let you keep your head like the nicely fitting cardigan," he said. Suddenly, his clothing changed and he was now wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora out of nowhere.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Swire Swire
Artoria Adamant
: Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

Artoria grinned, "My soul? Oh, that's not something I want to give away." Artoria spoke calmly, sitting down on the chair. She sighed and stared at the man's clothing change all of a sudden. It was peculiar, but he was a demon indeed. "What are the rules?" She asks curiously, as her right hand keeps holding onto her sword's grip very tightly. However, what the demon probably didn't know is that Artoria was very clever herself. She would figure out if the man was cheating in any way or not. The demon would most likely be cheating, given his tricky demonic nature. Artoria's expression shifted into a neutral one. Into what you'd call...a poker face.

Birdsie Birdsie
Suspicious Man (NPC)
Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

"There are twenty-two cards. Each one is a force. Forces affect forces. Forces win," he gave his extremely vague explanation before giving Artoria 3 cards: The Star, The World, and The Sun. "Clever one to try it small. Foolish still, to try at all!" he took three cards of his own, laying the others on the table. He slammed down one of them on the table then turned it around. It was: The Hierophant. The demon smiled under his helmet. You could see its alabaster-white teeth forming into a grin from under the small holes in his visor. He laughed, thinking he had won.

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Swire Swire
Artoria Adamant
: Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

Artoria looked down at the cards. Tarot? Really? She thought to herself, looking at her cards. She looked at the Hierophant card, keeping up her neutral façade. She took one card and looked intensely at it. She then slammed it down on the table, turning it around. It was...The World. She put her left leg over the other and kept her poker face up to not give away any emotion to his adversary. "Hmph." She let out a muffled sound from her shut lips, as she stared intensely at the demon's grin. It was...creepy. However, her expression didn't falter.

Birdsie Birdsie
Suspicious Man (NPC)
Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

"Well then, I suppose I'm just gonna take you--" he looked down at the table. "OH MY GOD?!" his rhyming halted, interrupted by shock. 'H-How?! This... this game is rigged! There must be an outside reason for this. Well... she won, still... in just one turn... how?!' he thought. He looked back up at Artoria and moved away slightly. "Have your d-damned mountain!" he said. After the snap if his fingers, a two-way portal opened which let both Artoria and Iris travel to the top of the mountain.

There, the two women would find a cliffside that led to the very top, shaped like a needle, but around it was the cliff they stood on, which had a singular cave opening the size fit for a dragon nest that led into the depths of the underground. They could either wait here for the dragon or explore further.

Swire Swire Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Iris Galvor
Location: Mountain of unspeakable doom.

" Wow, I'm impressed, that was really good." She said in amazement that Artoria won. Not that she doubt her of course. But demons cheat.....had she played she most likely would have lost. Iris stepped through the portal to the top, she saw the cave for dragon and the cliff side to the top."hmmm, Shall we go explore? Or wait?" she said unsure and letting Artoria take the lead.
Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Artoria Adamant
: Mountain of Unspeakable Doom

Artoria chuckled and got up, walking through the portal. "Dragons are one of the most intelligent creatures there are. And they are also very prideful. We wait for them. Also...I ask you a favor, Iris. Let me speak and do not, and I repeat, do NOT open your mouth when the dragon's here. I know this may sound rude, but just don't say a thing." She said, looking at Iris with a worried expression. Then, she turned around, crossing her arms, waiting for the dragon to come back. She knew draconic well enough for basic communication with a dragon, thus she could make some sort of deal.

Birdsie Birdsie Swire Swire
Iris Galvor
Location: Mountain of unspeakable doom.

Iris nodded,"Of course, I understand." she said waiting with Artoria for the dragon. 'Draconic huh?' Iris thought. She had studied so many languages, many different text she had to read were in different languages. Like the book would just randomly change languages. The most annoying thing. Point being, 'I could easily speak, but if Artoria doesn't want me to, I should try to respect her a much as possible. I still want something from it. I suppose it's not required though. Would be a real shame it I came all this way not to get learn from a dragon. We will see what happens' Iris thought waiting.
Birdsie Birdsie Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel
Tartarus Forest

A creature that consumed entire dimensions... That was all too troubling indeed. Unnatural problems such as these were definitely part of her job description- especially on this sort of massive scale. Her inattentiveness, however, almost cost her dearly, as the man pushed her aside right before the obelisk's attack hit her. He then warned her once again to turn back- she almost chuckled at his impudence.

Nonetheless, if this obelisk was letting this creature know to start consuming this dimension, and mutating all of this wildlife, it had to be destroyed immediately. She almost began to feel a new sense of purpose- perhaps because, for once, she was actually performing her duty. Instead of running away like the man had told her to, she did the opposite, standing her ground and getting into position to shoot. "It is clear to me that this threat must be eliminated immediately. I will fight alongside you." Her crossbow and her arrows both began to shine with a small hint of golden light as she spoke, and she hesitated little to aim at the obelisk.

NEW UPDATE TO ITEM: Niflheim: The magical crossbow enhanced with ice magic now also carries a hint of holy magic as well.

IamNotLoki IamNotLoki
Faust Windfallow
Guildmaster's Office

Faust shrugged, upon Azazel asking him what he should do about it. Maybe Faust was just overthinking things. Maybe it was just a mana pool, or something. After all, now that he thought about it, a single hero from the guild would probably be able to beat up a swarm of those giant insects easily. 'You're right... I'm probably just overreacting.' Faust muttered. 'Goddammit, I've been doing this for too long, I think I'm starting to become too concerned with humans... they aren't powerless to deal with the forest themselves.' He continued to himself. 'oh yeah, and sign this girl up for the guild.' he added. 'Also, one last thing. Sorta last minute, but you can count me on holiday for a while. I've been doing this 'hero' thing for too long. Anyhow, if I'm needed, just throw this on the floor.' He said, as he chucked Azazel a runed stone. It was just a cheap little toy that teleported the person it was bound to to the location of the rock, when thrown and shattered. Right after that, he teleported out of the office and back into his house. Maybe he should try doing something else. Maybe try becoming a magic professor, and then go back to the Guild after a century. Or maybe he could find somewhere quiet and study his Necromancy for a bit? Anyhow, he was probably getting a bit too overprotective over mortals. 'Welp, I should start with cleaning the place up...'

Birdsie Birdsie IamNotLoki IamNotLoki

(I'll bring Faust back later... I'll focus on playing Book-kun and ??? for now : P)

Akane Hiei
Azazel's Office

Akane was growing sick and tired of people teleporting her and telling her what to do. She was sent in front of the guild leader and was forced to join the guild by the man that smelled like moldy dirt. The old man in front of her now in her mind looks frankly, pathetic. It was as if all of his willpower has been drained away... he looks even more of a loser than the stranger with a mask she met on the way here.

"I don't want to join your stupid guild..." She said bluntly. "It looks like you lost the motivation and willpower to do anything that matters anyway," She said to the Guild leader.

"If you have any information about my sister, then tell me now. If not, I'll be on my way..." She clenched her fist. Part of her was disappointed that the guild leader of the renowned Guild of Heroes was such a doormat... in her mind she always thought that he was going to be some sort of inspirational leader. The man in front of her was clearly a shadow of what he once was.

Birdsie Birdsie

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