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Fandom Number Hunters (Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay)

Dylan Cassius was, to say the least, not in a good mood. This was due partially, to the fact that he'd just wasted a ton of time tracking down leads that turned out to be nothing more than rumors and hoaxes, and partially due to the fact that mere moments ago he'd ended up having to flee from a rather large crowd of fans. He had to run about three miles, three miles just to get away from the crazy plebeians, and he'd almost dropped his backpack full of...well, that was unimportant. That was probably the one thing he hated about being famous duelist, the moment someone recognized him while he was walking around trying to just do things without being bothered literally anywhere, suddenly there was a crowd of damned idiots there from all around the city appearing out of practically nowhere to hassle him, question him, and ask for autographs. Well, at least he'd lost them. Next time he was going to wear a mask or something so that he wouldn't end up getting recognized. Just wearing sunglasses and a hat obviously hadn't been enough, and he had absolutely no idea why in the world he thought it would be. How was he supposed to gather information and track down leads on his own if a bunch of stupid plebeians kept bothering him? His train of thought suddenly shifted to a more pressing issue. "...Wait where even am I right now? I swear if I end up having to call a ride because I ended up getting lost..." Dylan muttered to himself, looking around. This area...did not look very familiar to him. Yep, he was lost alright. Of course this would happen. He whipped out his phone and called up a ride, an old family friend who often chauffeured him and his siblings around. After telling the driver his current location, he was informed that it would be quite a while before he arrived, and as such it would probably be rather boring to just wait around. He hung up on the driver. "Stupid old relic..." Well, it seemed all he could do was wait. After taking another quick look around, he noticed a duel going on nearby, and moved in a bit closer to watch, staying quite a bit aways but just close enough that he could see what was going on decently clearly. He had nothing better to do while he waited for his ride, after all, and maybe it would end up being interesting to watch. Maybe.

(Sorry if this is an awkward first post.)
It appeared as though JK and one of the two newcomers that he knew were going to in fact duel each other. She hoped the older teenager would be able to do okay in the duel. But she knew for a fact that he wasn't a mere rookie like she was. He could hold his own in a duel she was sure. He seemed very much like the type that could. Though what the three of them talked about caught her interest, as well as her alien friend's. It seemed as though the two new people were a part of one of the many groups that were also hunting for Numbers. Not only that, but it seemed like her new friend was once a member of that group. Why had he been so nice to her then? Maybe it was just because she was a child, but she had heard the Thug Kings were one of the worst groups out there. Even if JK was an ex-member, why had he been so nice? Yasuo shifted slightly from one foot to the other as she and Galaxi watched the duel quietly, wondering what was going to happen.

(You're fine! No worries. ^^)
Setsuko groaned as she walked down the street. She had to leave school late to put away gym equipment she toppled over during her latest stunt. Exhausted from all the hard work, she was on her way home when she noticed a very small group of people forming around three people. It looked like a duel was about to happen. Setsuko approached the group only to recognize one of the people there. "Hey, Yasuo." she said to her classmate. She looked at the duelists, not recognizing any of them. "Who's dueling?"

Kit-Kat Kit-Kat (I'll let you decide how well our characters know each other)
There were other people forming around to watch JK duel Immer. Two people, she didn't know were around now. One had jumped up into a tree to get a better view of the duel, and one of the other new people had stepped closer to see the action that was about to take place. It seemed as though duels certainly attracted a lot of attention and would bring people swarming like a flock of geese in no time.

The young preteen wasn't expecting to hear a voice call her name and she jumped, startled, a small yelp escaping her. She turned her gaze towards the owner of the voice to see one of her classmates had shown up to watch the duel as well. Setsuko was her name if memory recalled correctly. She had often seen her in school, not just because they were in the same grade and class, but because she was a pretty good duelist--at least she thought so--in their grade. Not to mention, she was one of the few people that actually tried to talk to the shy child other than Nuchi and Hana.

"H-Hey, Setsuko,"
Yasuo greeted the other female softly. "JK is g-going to d-duel one of these t-two people that s-showed up? They seem to k-know each other?"

( Thesmashbro Thesmashbro )
A boy and his Barian were running along the streets of Sycniac city, eager to arrive to their destination.

"I sense a high concentration of Numbers, Yung. You should hu-"
"I know! You've said that five times now!"

The red-headed boy replied in annoyance, trying his best to get to location described by the woman easily keeping up with him. Truth be told, Yung cared less about witnessing Numbers and cared more about watching people duel. He probably shouldn't have ran off like he did once school had ended, but how was he supposed to know that a huge amount of Numbers users were going to converge at the central plaza at this hour? Then again, maybe he should start listening more to Tora whenever she senses a Numbers in the area. Yung had been a Numbers user for quite a while now, but he hadn't earned a single one since. It was much to the chagrin of the Barian female currently chasing after him.

They soon arrived in a huge open space, where a crowd has already started to gather. Most likely...

"A duel between Numbers users," Tora flatly stated.
"I-I knew that!"

Yung crossed his arms and started to pout, stomping off to find a good angle to look at the two duelists. His anger at Tora dissipated as soon as he did, and he eagerly put on his D-Gazer with a big grin on his face.

On the other hand, Tora was quite bored. She didn't really want Numbers users to fight unless it was her or Yung, because then the Numbers would just flow into the hands of the strong. Still, for now all she could do was watch...
"Mmm.." Galaxi took a moment to glance around. It seemed that there were more Numbers gathering around to watch the duel between the two humans. The alien gave a frown as he turned his gaze back to his young partner. "I sense more Numbers. Maybe the people around us have them? Seems like a lot of people that like to duel are here. But we can't be too sure."
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The school day was rather boring in Ty's mind, there he was sitting in class, hitting the gym, doing his daily schedule. A average day in the life of Tyberius Tibbsworth III...... least the day was over now though what he planned to go and do was still a mystery. It wasn't like he was looking for a duel though he did love to duel. But perhaps watching one or hitting the card shop for some browsing was better sounding then sticking about a now near empty school.

Taking a walk about the city, wandering up and down the streets, turning up one and taking the allleyway into another as Tyberius continued to walk and travel the city by footstep, slowly then casually followed by a bit of rush.... Ty began making his way up the Main Street and noticed a gathering of people taking up the road, leading Ty to grow curious and walk up closer for a peek.

Soon the young lad noticed a pair of duelists with a third nearby, perhaps the partner of one of those two? Um well it didn't matter he supposed, they were about duel and plenty of people were gathering around. Suddenly this normal day was starting to take a turn for the better.

"Finally.... Something exciting is about to happen. I hope...." Ty thought now wondering how good these two were and if the duel was worth a watch or two. If the duel was going to be boring, then he'd rather take his chances elsewhere. But if this was going to be a duel of excitement then he'd gladly watch and allow it to take his day to another level of fun and none boring.
Moments into watching a early stages duel of which was about to begin. When Ty became noticed by some older teen with curious mind on what Tyberius was here for, even adding a smile as a girl joined him. "What's up here? Did they...." Ty pondered in thought before shaking his head and giving notice to this older duelist and his friend.

"Is this guy always so curious?" Ty smiled whilst looking toward Rebecca. A simple form of jest before he looked back toward the guy and would answer. He had no clue who these people were..... but a little fun couldn't hurt, right? "But umm..... Yeah nothing else is happening right now. Catching a duel between strangers is rather interesting enough to me." Ty spoke in reply

Though his smile remained, he couldn't say it matched the brightness of this guy who stood before him. In comparison to him, Ty was rather average or perhaps normal perhaps.

Silvana Silvana
Another kid from school had shown up from the looks of things. Yasuo could see by the outfit he had on currently was from the same school she and Setsuko went to. He looked to be around the same age as the two of them too, if only just a bit older than them. She never really spoke to Ty, but she knew of him from school. It seemed that a lot of people were showing up to watch the duel. Both people from her school and complete strangers. It made her feel a bit uncomfrtable, to say the least, but she could try to tough it out to watch JK duel someone from his past. She just hoped he would be able to win the duel once it finally begun.
A smile crossed his face as the boy looked toward Rebecca. Noting her slight blush a bit and getting a bit bigger smile in response to noticing it. Giving a nod before his audible reply to her. "Good..... though it's kills cats, just saying." He joked before turning his attention toward Will.

"I couldn't say during school hours..... I'm in school you know... but the rest of the day, varies... like elsewhere I'd imagine, right?" Ty spoke replying while turning the tables a bit with question of his own. Though it did sound like a rhetorical one bu meant it as a actual question of his own. He's only familiar with his own city after all. While he also noticed some familiar faces from school like Yasuo and Setsuko, recalling seeing them around school once in awhile.

Silvana Silvana
Keeping his attention toward the pair and smiling to Rebecca's laugh, he listened to her response and nodded. "Gotta have a passion, yeah! Protect that cat miss." Ty spoke with a reply and turned his focus toward Will. "Rebecca was it? Hmm... well nice to meet you Rebecca. Though your much too young looking for a mother. Though not saying mothers can't be pretty, I suppose...." He spoke with a brief ramble and sidetracking himself unintentionally. "Anyways that's gotta be nice. Better to have some help at your back then a pan in your face. Or was it?........huh, how did it go again?" He thought aloud for a moment with look off into the sky as he thought it over, before shaking his head and returning to Will and Rebecca.

Now seeing Rebecca's punch to the arm of will and response to his mention of her motherly like protectiveness.
"Good.. I'd say it's a adventure or two huh?" Ty added before listening to Will and seeing his card.

"Wow you too? Thought number cards were more rare. I've got one of those too. No idea how. But I've got one...... So your use to duels and wagers huh? Cool. Sounds like your some kind of pro with Rebecca here." Ty responded and showed his (Number 44: Sky Pegasus) then returned it for safe keeping. "But yeah, sometimes people do. Duels here are pretty much the same though cards may vary between these kind of cards and normal powerful ones. Today seems to be heavy on the duel attraction. I'd guess they are wagering cards too. Names Ty by the way..... Tyberius Tibbsworth III..... But just TY is more then fine with me." He spoke with a smile

Silvana Silvana
( Silvana Silvana No little girl is dueling. Only JK and Immer are at the moment. And again, please stick to using past tense wording in your posts.)

Yasuo rocked back onto the balls of her feet as she looked around at the crowd of people that had appeared to watch JK and Immer duel. In such a short amount of time, so many had shown up to watch the battle that was going to take place. It still made her feel uneasy being around so many strangers, aside from knowing Setsuko, Ty, and JK a little bit. Even so, she was a bit uncomfortable and it showed a little bit. A lot of people showed up... she thought. Just to watch the duel... I wonder if they have Number cards too? Galaxi said he can sense more Numbers around here now... And if they do, does that mean I'll have to fight them down the road? I kind of hope not...
Will smiles brightly "Nice to meet you Ty." Will looks back at the two duelist before nodding towards them. Will wonder if he knows those two duelist. "Do you know those two duelist by any chance Ty?" Will can feel some sort of strong force from them. It feels as though they are very strong even one of them looks like little younger than him. Will wonder who is stronger though, the older man or the other person.

Rebecca stares at Will and shakes her head while smiling. He must be thinking of fighting those two duelist whenever their finish. He really is an idiot if he wants to keep dueling everyone here. Rebecca sighs.

The Silent Z The Silent Z

"Same..." Ty spoke in reply and gave a smile as he looked for a moment toward the two duelists, pondering the pairs style and deck. A sense of curiosity that comes whenever a new face duels. "No clue, bunch of new faces today. You two and those three.... The kids my age over there seem familiar, they are actually... we're classmates. But those two duelists not clue of who they are or where they came from." Ty spoke looking toward Rebecca's shaking head and smile, before looking to Will.
Large eyes slowly awoke within the void between worlds. Hidden behind plasma and chrome became transcribed into a new realm. The small mass twirled down to land on all fours... until she felt numbers.... LOTS of them. In joy, she squealed and held her hands to her chest...

The sudden movement transformed the metal monstrosity. She slammed into the Earth, dissolving into energy before reforming. This new Human form stood tall, proud, and a bit uncaring. She put her hands into a slightly roomy, but definitely soft, black Enderman jacket. Blobs of purple pixels adorn her shadowed canvas. A neon blue frame took hold of her face, allowing her jade green eyes to sparkle through. She threw her hood up, granting her the square eyes of a black monster on her skull. Her dark purple shorts were nothing special except for a slab of alabaster running down her thighs. Though, she did wear pink, fuzzy slippers with no socks on.

The tired looking woman lazily walked into the crowd, and did her thing. Her thing? Actually listening to people! She squinted at the edge of the crowd, leaning forward and coating her forehead with her left palm. Her movements were lazy and jerky, as if she was sleep walking and drunk, but in truth it was because of her new human form...
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Will nods before pulling out his deck. "Would you mind dueling me Ty? I think it will give me a great experience of how people here duel. But you don't have to if you don't want to."

Rebecca sighs before shaking her head "Will you shouldn't go and ask people to duel you all the time." Rebecca looked at back at Ty before studying him. "Sorry about that. Will just loves to duel people for fun."

(Is that better use of past tense @Kit-Kat kat?)

The Silent Z The Silent Z
Large eyes slowly awoke within the void between worlds. Hidden behind plasma and chrome became transcribed into a new realm. The small mass twirled down to land on all fours... until she felt numbers.... LOTS of them. In joy, she squealed and held her hands to her chest...

The sudden movement transformed the metal monstrosity. She slammed into the Earth, dissolving into energy before reforming. This new Human form stood tall, proud, and a bit uncaring. She put her hands into a slightly roomy, but definitely soft, black Enderman jacket. Blobs of purple pixels adorn her shadowed canvas. A neon blue frame took hold of her face, allowing her jade green eyes to sparkle through. She threw her hood up, granting her the square eyes of a black monster on her skull. Her dark purple shorts were nothing special except for a slab of alabaster running down her thighs. Though, she did wear pink, fuzzy slippers with no socks on.

The tired looking woman lazily walked into the crowd, and did her thing. Her thing? Actually listening to people! She squinted at the edge of the crowd, leaning forward and coating her forehead with her left palm. Her movements were lazy and jerky, as if she was sleep walking and drunk, but in truth it was because of her new human form...

There was a new person that showed up to watch the duel the little girl could only guess. From what she could see, the other person appeared to be female, though older than she was like most everyone here. She had on a hoodie with dark purple shorts and slippers, which was a little bit odd, but she wasn't going to question it too much. Everyone had a right to wear what they pleased after all.

Though she did appear somewhat jerky like she had just woken up from sleeping and had stumbled out of her bedroom just to watch the duel that was taking place here. Or maybe she was hungover after getting drunk? Sometimes her dad would drink a lot--much to her mother's disliking--and appear like how the teenager was now. The preteen gave a small wince at the thought, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Should she go over there to check to see if the older woman was okay? She could be in need of some serious helping. Biting her lower lip, Yasuo timidly made her way over to the disoriented human with her alien friend tagging along after her like he always did.

"...U-Um... Miss...?" she managed to squeak out to the taller human, and that was saying something considering she wasn't that much of a talker, to begin with. "...Are you o-okay?"
There was a new person that showed up to watch the duel the little girl could only guess. From what she could see, the other person appeared to be female, though older than she was like most everyone here. She had on a hoodie with dark purple shorts and slippers, which was a little bit odd, but she wasn't going to question it too much. Everyone had a right to wear what they pleased after all.

Though she did appear somewhat jerky like she had just woken up from sleeping and had stumbled out of her bedroom just to watch the duel that was taking place here. Or maybe she was hungover after getting drunk? Sometimes her dad would drink a lot--much to her mother's disliking--and appear like how the teenager was now. The preteen gave a small wince at the thought, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Should she go over there to check to see if the older woman was okay? She could be in need of some serious helping. Biting her lower lip, Yasuo timidly made her way over to the disoriented human with her alien friend tagging along after her like he always did.

"...U-Um... Miss...?" she managed to squeak out to the taller human, and that was saying something considering she wasn't that much of a talker, to begin with. "...Are you o-okay?"

She twitched and jerked about like she was learning the controls to a video game. Everything just weighted so much more, but she was still strong. Not as strong, not nearly as much, but she could still move comfortably. She tried to slow her movements, refine her control but found something much grander. Her eyes looked down to the little girl. She felt it... a powerful, strong soul within her. That soul bubbled and boiled with strength. The number was with her, and that meant that she was Ceata's prey. Wait.. was she just standing there as the girl asked her something?! Crap! Ceata spoke softly at first, getting used to her new voice, "I do apologize for my actions, I am not used to the layout of this place. Would you care to do me a favor... and let me challenge you to a Duel of my Number against yours?" If she just prove her worth through these cards... she could become an Emperor. The taste hungered within her, and she smiled softly under her glasses.
She twitched and jerked about like she was learning the controls to a video game. Everything just weighted so much more, but she was still strong. Not as strong, not nearly as much, but she could still move comfortably. She tried to slow her movements, refine her control but found something much grander. Her eyes looked down to the little girl. She felt it... a powerful, strong soul within her. That soul bubbled and boiled with strength. The number was with her, and that meant that she was Ceata's prey. Wait.. was she just standing there as the girl asked her something?! Crap! Ceata spoke softly at first, getting used to her new voice, "I do apologize for my actions, I am not used to the layout of this place. Would you care to do me a favor... and let me challenge you to a Duel of my Number against yours?" If she just prove her worth through these cards... she could become an Emperor. The taste hungered within her, and she smiled softly under her glasses.

Yasuo waited quietly for the older female to speak. Maybe she hadn't heard her? She was a rather quiet, soft-spoken sort of child. She was about to ask again when the elder of the two finally spoke. And what was said surprised the little preteen. Her brown eyes widened and she stared up at her in disbelief. How could she tell that she had a Number card? Furthermore, she wanted to duel Number card against Number card. She took a step back due to how startled she was by the request.

She hadn't dueled anyone since she had gotten her Number card. Aside from her friends of course, but she didn't think that counted. She was still learning the game and wasn't very good at it yet, even with her alien friend's help in trying to teach her more of it in their free time. The dread of losing and what would happen if she lost crossed her mind again. What would happen to her or the other person she dueled? She bit her lip again, glancing off to the side at her friend, wanting his advice on what she should do.

"If you don't feel comfortable dueling right now, that's your call," Galaxi told her. "Though you'll have to duel others sooner or later, Yasuo. However, I don't believe you have much to worry about. This seems like a friendly little duel between Number cards. She's not asking you to cough yours up if you lose. If you wish to duel, I suggest partnering up with someone that could further help you in the duel aside from me. Maybe one of your classmates?"

She glanced back up at the older girl, once more shifting slightly on her feet before she spoke. "U-Um...." she started. Man, what was she going to do?
Yasuo waited quietly for the older female to speak. Maybe she hadn't heard her? She was a rather quiet, soft-spoken sort of child. She was about to ask again when the elder of the two finally spoke. And what was said surprised the little preteen. Her brown eyes widened and she stared up at her in disbelief. How could she tell that she had a Number card? Furthermore, she wanted to duel Number card against Number card. She took a step back due to how startled she was by the request.

She hadn't dueled anyone since she had gotten her Number card. Aside from her friends of course, but she didn't think that counted. She was still learning the game and wasn't very good at it yet, even with her alien friend's help in trying to teach her more of it in their free time. The dread of losing and what would happen if she lost crossed her mind again. What would happen to her or the other person she dueled? She bit her lip again, glancing off to the side at her friend, wanting his advice on what she should do.

"If you don't feel comfortable dueling right now, that's your call," Galaxi told her. "Though you'll have to duel others sooner or later, Yasuo. However, I don't believe you have much to worry about. This seems like a friendly little duel between Number cards. She's not asking you to cough yours up if you lose. If you wish to duel, I suggest partnering up with someone that could further help you in the duel aside from me. Maybe one of your classmates?"

She glanced back up at the older girl, once more shifting slightly on her feet before she spoke. "U-Um...." she started. Man, what was she going to do?

Ceata looked down to the child as she shifted around, but more importantly saw her hold her gaze to the side. Why wasn't she looking at her? Ceata looked that same way and saw Galaxi. She grew a demonic, slashers' grin. She snickered, and commented, "You know Astral, I do believe that would be some mighty fun if you didn't believe my intents came without purpose. I aim for your card, and I wager both of mine. Though if you did get a friend with a number... that would be a fair sentence, two and two?" She took a slight bow, ending up into a faceplant. She groaned like a famous man, and said, "I'll get up... just... give me a second to find my fingers..."
Ceata looked down to the child as she shifted around, but more importantly saw her hold her gaze to the side. Why wasn't she looking at her? Ceata looked that same way and saw Galaxi. She grew a demonic, slashers' grin. She snickered, and commented, "You know Astral, I do believe that would be some mighty fun if you didn't believe my intents came without purpose. I aim for your card, and I wager both of mine. Though if you did get a friend with a number... that would be a fair sentence, two and two?" She took a slight bow, ending up into a faceplant. She groaned like a famous man, and said, "I'll get up... just... give me a second to find my fingers..."

The two friends shared a look with each other at what the Barian had said. She could see him? Even more so, she could hear him? So far, no one else had been able to do that aside from her. She was sure that if anyone else had they would have been quick to comment on what he was saying such as the older 'human' had been. The two turned their gaze back to the taller female, only to see that she had faceplanted into the ground not long after they had looked away.

"I'm most impressed that you're able to see me," the Astral being commented, looking down at the fallen teen. "No one else has been able to aside from Yasuo. How is it that you're able to see and hear me as well?"

The ten-year-old glanced around. Did she have a friend with a Number card? She knew JK did, but he was currently in his own duel at the moment. What about Setsuko or Ty? Did they have Number cards? Would they be willing to help her out in this duel to keep her own and theirs if they accepted?
Setsuko was mostly watching the duel that was unfolding at the center of the crowd, but her attention was snatched when someone challenged Yasuo. Normally, Setsuko was the kind of person who believed that you should fight your own fight and shouldn't back down from a challenge, but this woman creeped her out. It was as if the air around her was filled with malice. She didn't know what these "numbers" or "Astral" things were, but it was clear that those things were cause of concern for Yasuo. Setsuko put a hand on Yasuo's shoulder. "Is she bothering you?"

Kit-Kat Kit-Kat hudhouse hudhouse
The kid jumped at the hand on her shoulder and turned her gaze to Setsuko. She had forgotten for a moment that the other ten-year-old was there with her. While Galaxi questioned how the older human was able to see and hear him aside from her, she spoke with her classmate about what was going on. Maybe she could help her out if she explained things to her?

"I m-mean... Not r-really? ..Kinda...?" Yasuo replied quietly to her friend. "...She wants to d-duel me for my N-Number card.. It's a r-really rare card.." She fished around in her pocket before she pulled out her deck and quickly showed her friend Number 39: Utopia, before placing it back in her deck for safe keeping. "...And if I l-lose then she's g-going to take it.. And I n-need it to help a f-friend..."
Setsuko's eyes squinted a bit in irritation. "Ah, she's one of those then." Setsuko never really liked the kind of people that take cards from people they beat in a duel. It just seemed like bullying to her. If it was more of a bet, it was fine, but Yasuo phrasing made it clear to her that the woman was just a bully. Setsuko didn't really care about these "number cards," so she didn't get a good look at the card that Yasuo showed her. Instead, she turned to Ceata and pointed at her dramatically, her other hand reaching for her duel gazer. "I challenge you to a duel!"
Yasuo placed her own D-Gazer on and slid her duel disc onto her arm. She swallowed fearfully as the duel between her, Setsuko, and Ceata began. She was thankful that her friend offered to help out in the duel between her and the older female. Maybe she actually stood a chance at winning this thing with Setsuko's help.

Seeing as how it seemed she was going to be starting this duel, she drew a draw before looking at her current hand. She already had Monster Reborn which could come in handy for later as well as Mirror Force which would save them in the future as well. She also had Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat, Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle, Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus, and Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger too. Which was a good thing. Already she had somewhat good cards and she could Overlay two of her level four monsters to bring out Utopia once she got them on the field. If she could get them both out there that is.

She glanced over at her friend, wondering what he wanted her to do. Galaxi looked down at the young human's hand, giving a small 'mm' as he thought over what she could do on her turn.

"Place that card down," Galaxi told her. "Following up by putting that one down as well."

Giving a nod, she placed a card face down on the field in the trap and spell zone, before she put another card face down in defense position in the monster zone.

"O-Okay... Turn o-over.."

“Duel Gazer: on!” Setsuko said enthusiastically as she equipped herself with both her duel gazer and her duel disc. The five cards that Setsuko drew were Lunalight White Rabbit, Lunalight Black Sheep, Lunalight Reincarnation Dance, Lunalight purple butterfly, and Breakthrough Skill. "I set two
cards face down and set a monster in face-down defense position.” The cards that she put down were Lunalight Reincarnation Dance, Breakthrough Skill, and Lunalight Purple Butterfly. “Your turn.” she said to Ceata.
Ceata drew her five cards, Dragon Shrine, Galaxy Wizard, Return of the Dragon Lords, Galactic Expedition, and Galactic Charity. She slammed down her Dragon Shrine, taunting out, “I will just destroy you in one turn then I suppose... “ She sacrificed a Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon from her deck and played a Galaxy Wizard! She pumped its level up to 8 through its effect, and used her Galactic Expedition to summon a Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! She used her Return of the Dragon Lords to revive the Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! She sacrificed all of her monsters, fusing them into the Xyz monster, Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! (R9 4500 Atk, 3000 Def)
The glowing, chaotic monster shined with the raging power of a Barian monster! The Astral would be able to easily see that it was one, which would answer the previous question grandly! Ceata said, "Since you decided it was best for me to go last... I will just DEMOLISH YOU for the Grevix!" The Dragon lashed out, trying to attack Lunalight Purple Butterfly! Ceata snickered, even if traps were activated. She was winning... "..I end my turn!"
Yasuo stared up at the large dragon in horror. She had already summoned such a powerful monster on her first turn? Though that also answered the Astral being's question as to how she was able to see and hear him. She was a Barian.

"So that's how... She's from Barian World.." he muttered. "You and Setsuko are going to have to be on your guard if you want to win this duel, Yasuo. Barians aren't something you want to take lightly."

The little kid could only watch as the beast attacked, aiming to take out both her and Setsuko's face-down monsters on the field.

"..We're in t-trouble..." she squeaked out.

As her monster was destroyed, Setsuko activated her trap. "I use Lunalight Reincarnation Dance to search my deck for two Lunalight monsters and add them to my hand." Knowing exactly what to look for, she added Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly to her hand, shuffling her deck afterwards.


Now that it was her turn again, Yasuo drew another card from her deck. The card she got was Goblindbergh. She could normal summon it and get another level four monster in her hand on the field and then use that to bring out Utopia. Not only that, but she could flip her face-down monster up and deal some damage to
Ceata too. Hopefully.

"Summon the card you just drew and then summon another monster from your hand, then bring out Utopia."

"I s-summon Goblindbergh and a-active his e-effect letting me s-summon another l-level four m-monster from my h-hand."

First Goblindbergh appeared on the field then after that, Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle appeared. With that, Yasuo built the Overlay Network and summoned Utopia onto the field.

"N-Next, I'll f-flip Crystal B-Beast Amethyst Cat i-into attack m-mode and u-use it's s-special ability to a-attack you directly." Sure the damage Ceata would take would be cut in half, but at least it was something, right? Every little bit helped them to be closer to winning the duel. "T-That's it on m-my end.."

Setsuko drew Call of the Haunted this turn and set it. Using her D-gazer to look at Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's ability, she became a little worried. She knew that she had to take it out before it had the chance to use that ability on Utopia. "I activate Lunalight Black Sheep's affect to discard it from my hand and search for Polymerization from my deck and put it into my hand. I use Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple Butterfly as fusion material and fusion summon Lunalight Cat Dancer (2400 atk 2000 def)! Next, I normal summon Lunalight White Rabbit and, because of that, I can special summon Lunalight Blue Cat from my graveyard in defense position. Special summoning Lunalight Blue cat activates her ability, doubling Lunalight Cat Dancer's attack to 4800! Finally, I tribute Lunalight White Rabbit to activate Lunalight Cat Dancer's ability! The first time your monsters would be destroyed this turn, it is not destroyed, but she can now attack all of your monsters up to twice this turn. Don't forget that Lunalight Cat Dancer also has an ability where I inflict 100 damage to you each time I declare an attack! Now, destroy Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" Setsuko grinned smugly. "I end my turn."
Ceata just blinked in disbelief as her Neo Galaxy-Eyes was about to be destroyed, and was obliterated in a shower of glass and nothings. She was just glad that the beast couldn't onslaught any further due to its effect only working on monsters. She gazed over to the Utopia, and then back to Setsuko.

Ceata LP - 3200

She pulled her next card, deciding that now it was time to end all of this! She summoned her might as a Barian, and tried to force a better card to be drawn! Her might coiled around her, turning her D-Deck a burning red! She quietly pulled out her next card... Accellight... a card that only works... when you have nothing. Her face became flustered at her failed attempt but decided she had to press her advantage. That was until she noticed that she was hit with 800 damage... she had to end this fast! She said, "I sacrifice my Accellight to use Galactic Charity, and draw..." A Cloudragon and a Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. She suddenly smiled... looking down at her luck. Oh, it was going to be the end for these fools...

She said, "I banish my Cloudragon to summon... RED EYES DARKNESS METAL DRAGON!" The tiny dragon was engulfed in a nebula of power, exploding outwards as it hardened into metal and chrome. Red Eyes swooped down, and the nebula still glowed around it! She then looked Setsuko in the eye, and smugly mentioned, "...I use Red Eyes' special ability to revive my Photon Dragon from the grave, and now that it is no longer your turn to attack...." Both of the dragons knew exactly what it should do.

She announced, "Go, Red Eyes and Galaxy Eyes!" The twin dragons ripped into the ground, phasing through reality itself through the Overlay Network. They appeared in separate spots! Galaxy Eyes tried to crunch Amethyst Cat with its 4,500 attack! The Red Eyes tried to destroy Utopia with all of its might, though only had 2800 attack.

She snarled out, "The burning malice... the angry hunger... oh how it consumes! No one escapes from the fate of the foolish... especially those siding with my eternal foes who want to destroy my home! Especially those who want to drink my realms blood! And so I state... I END MY TURN!"

"Active your trap card!"

"O-Okay.. I active m-my trap!" Yasuo declared as Mirror Force sprang into play as Ceata declared her attack on her two monsters. "T-This card negates y-your attack and d-destroys all y-your monsters in a-attack mode."

Her eyes suddenly bulged, and she gripped her head in anger. She started snarling out, "Why doesn't this stupid game give me any sort of handicap against two... I should never have pushed for this... but I am too far into this now!"

She gave a sigh of relief as the monsters disappeared and her cat and Utopia were safe. Now that it was her turn, she drew her card, before having Amethyst Cat and Utopia attack Ceata directly, before she set two cards face down and ended her turn.
Setsuko sighed in relief and gave Yasuo a thumbs-up. "Nice combo. You really pulled your own weight."

Yasuo stared in disbelief over the fact that she and Setsuko had won the duel against the Barian. She couldn't believe it.. For once in her life, she had won a duel with the help of one of her friends. With a smile, she turned towards her classmate and gave her a big hug without really thinking because she was so overjoyed by the simple fact of winning.

"We won! We w-won, Setsuko!" she exclaimed happily. She pulled back and let go after a moment, embarrassed by her sudden outburst. "...S-Sorry.. Thanks for h-help me out in t-that duel.. I couldn't h-have done it without y-you and Galaxi.."

Setsuko was a little surprised by the sudden hug, mostly because she never saw Yasuo so full of energy before. After Yasuo retreated from the hug, Setsuko gave her a hardy pat on the back. "No problem." she said, not sure what Yasuo meant by Galaxi. Lots of unfamiliar words seemed to be thrown around her today.

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