Announcements [TNW]


Seven Thousand Club
Whenever anyone has anything important to say, say it here. Stuff like: If you're unable to post within the weekly cycle. I'll put stuff like: When we're doing a timeskip. You know what I mean? Stuff that everybody has to see. Please don't clog up this thread with conversation even if it is related to the announcement, Take it over to Conversation plox <3
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What's up guys. Long time no see.

I've turned in the support ticket to have the old elements of the thread moved over here. That takes at least about half a day so they probably won't be back until tomorrow. The biggest issue with this is that we're ass out of our regular OOC section until tomorrow but I mean, hey, it's just one day, right? If you guys have any questions, we do have the Question section in the OOC for you guys to check out. If you haven't noticed already, our older posts are fucked. Some look like bbc threw up all over it, and others look like HTML threw up all over it.

The backend program converting the bbc in the old posts isn't finished yet. It actually ended up converting everything to HTML, which I imagine is the first step toward translating it to something the new editor can understand. Until it's done, it's critical that you guys don't touch your old posts. Don't go in there and try and delete all the HTML around it to make it legible, just leave it be for now, alright? When the Staff lets us know that the backend is complete, then we'll start reconstructing the thread completely. That in and of itself will probably take like...a few weeks. On you guys' end, that just means moving your characters to their proper locations in the new Characters forum.

Once the thread is completely fixed, meaning there's no spare bbc or html lying around, everything looks nice and pretty and organized, and all of the information is visible and easy to find, then we will resume posting in the main IC thread of the RP. Unfortunately, this is going to take longer than we were initially lead to believe. For this RP, the organization is crucial because there's so much to understand about how to play this thing. Some stuff was hard to find even on the old thread, and having tons of code muddying everything up isn't going to help. We still don't have a dice system yet either so *seethe*. So I'm reeeeally sorry guys, but it's going to take a reeeeeeally long time before we can get back to posting regularly in the IC. 

In the meantime, as I always suggest when we can't post in IC, I highly recommend that we all continue our Support Conversations. For my other threads, I created this thing called Rapid Fire! while we're waiting for the thread to come back online. You guys can check that out here.

This RP already has support conversations, so I figured that you guys would rather focus on doing the supports, which have actual dice benefits as opposed to Rapid Fire! threads. But if you guys are interested in doing them or maybe making support conversations more similar to Rapid Fire, then let me know as soon as we get our OOC back. I'll tag everyone when that happens.

Also, since this RP has been gone and I haven't heard from a lot of you guys, it'd be spectacular to know who's still interested in doing the RP to begin with. Or like, if you guys still have time for it and whatever. I mean technically, this is gonna be on a hiatus for a while, like... a month at least. But if interest is waning, I need to know so I can do a headcount and start thinking of ways to guide characters out of the plot. Hopefully you guys are all still interested though cause I love ya.

Kay guys, welcome back :3 Talk to ya later.

@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart

Sup guys. Please like this when you're done reading so I know that you've read it :3

Welp, the backend program converting the bbc is done. And it actually has been for a while. The only way you would've known this is if you've been lurking around the Site Questions and Feedback and whatnot. There was no formal announcement. Sooooo thaaaat meeeeeans the way things look now are the way they're going to look. The next big coding update is merely going to add more buttons to the editor. That means I've got a loooooootta shit to fix around here and not just this RP, but all four that I GM. Yay for me.

I can't lie guys. This RP in particular is going to take 5ever to fix. Just when I'd organized everything in such a way that you guys wouldn't have to open hella tabs to roll, this Update came along. But it's not just that, this thing is long and detailed as fuck and got really fucked up with the code fiasco. And even then, the coding was pretty crucial to organizing all that information without having scroll for days. So until this big coding update comes along and tabs and accordions and spoilers are fixed, and oh yeah, we get the dice system back, we're gonna be down for a couple months :(

But anyways, lets get to what you guys have to do in the meantime. Lets not mince words here, our character sheets are all fucked up, so we're gonna have to go in and fix them. The big coding update is estimated to be finished in like three months. Maybe less, maybe more, that much isn't clear. So remember what I said about character tabs? Yeah fuck that, they're broken and we may be waiting three months before that shit's fixed so we're gonna go old school. Post your characters as one sheet per post in their designated Organization. Fix anything wrong with the spoilers, the broken images, make it as neat as possible. The reason why I'm saying not to wait for the big coding Update is so you guys still have easy access to your characters for support conversations.

Once you've got your character sheets in their proper places, let me know so I can delete, excuse me, hide your old collection of character sheets. The only other thing that you guys have to do is go back and clean up your last 2 posts in the Main Thread. Not every post has code all over it, but even a little can be distracting. And we're gonna have to refresh ourselves on what's going on and what not when we finally can get back to the main shit. So let's make it easier on ourselves and at least make them clean. And that's it! 

On to something more fun though! I'm glad to see that the big ol' update hasn't stopped some of my players from wanting to make characters. So I just wanted to tell you guys, it's totally cool to add new characters man. I understand however, with the RP looking all gross in it's current state, that's gonna be hard. But if you guys have an idea for a character or you wanna reserve a class, you can always post a WIP, right? Right-o.

Alright guys I'm donezo. If you notice something is missing or something is wonky about the thread, hit me up over in Questions. Oh, and, keep up those Support Conversations you guys. They're really fun, but I unfortunately won't be able to make anymore new ones with you guys until I've sorted out this mess. However, I'm still committed to finish the ones I've already started :3 Also, totally forget to tell you guys, but our OOC is back :D  Feel free to talk about future events and chapters you guys wanna see in the RP.

Love y'all~

@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart
@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart

What's up party people. So, we're still hella days from me actually being able to reconstruct the thread. Tabs and Accordions are still screwy and put everything on one line. Also there's the whole dice problem but if there isn't an onsite roller before the code is fixed then we'll just have to find another one online :T 

Anyway, I've only got one more thread to fix before I start at least getting everything ready for when the code has been fixed for this one. I'm trying to revive my support conversations in the meantime, and Wave and I are also working on the new maps. Speaking of which, here's the map for Chapter 3, it is completely complete kek. Hats off to Wave for this one, cause it's a pretty fat map :3 Let me know if you guys want me to alter the formation of our dudes at all, such as moving peeps and starting them off in the carriage and whatnot.

Note: The blue place-holder unit is to represent Kristen.

@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart

Hey friends :3 I just wanted to stop in and say that you shouldn't declare the RP dead yet. I've kind of taken matters into my own hands and I'm working on getting the RP back up and running again, but like, way better. The goal is to have everything done by January at the latest. But I'll probably end up finishing everything when I go on Winter Break in December.

So I said it was gonna be way better because I'm working on making an app that will handle all of our rolls for us. The goal is to reduce how much you guys have to consider when you're doing your number cruncher by letting the app handle it. Ideally, all you guys should need to know are your characters' base rolling values and stats and their names and the same for who they're attacking. And all of that can be found on the Updates page. So ideally that and the map would be all you have to look at in order to fill out all the other details on the map for the crunch.

  • All you have to do is put in what weapons the attacker and the defender are using, and the app will factor in the innate bonuses of the weapon and also the weapon triangle. So you won't have to think about it anymore.
  • The app will do all the rolling for you, so all you would have to do is post a screenshot of the results in the dice log as opposed to writing all the shit and stuff.
  • You'll be able to project how much damage the character will do if you just want to test the waters without doing a bunch of fuckin' math.
  • You'll be able to save character loadouts so you don't find yourself entering the same information all the time.

While I'm working on the app, I'll also be fixing the RP and organizing it so that it can function without spoilers, tabs, and accordions and shit like that. I'll be tweaking the lore and stuff as well. I got dem ideas and shit yo. I've already updated a few of the pages, and at first I figured I would just tell you guys when I completed the whole thing so that you guys could re-familiarize yourselves with how the game works and what's going on story-wise (in the context of the app now being a thing) all at once. But I thought I'd offer up the chance to receive announcements whenever I finish a handful of pages so you guys can just read over them a little bit over time if you so choose. Does that sound like something you guys would want?

Also, you're probably thinking, "Good shite Blaze. What can I do to prepare my butthole for all this awesomeness?" A good place to start would be by moving your character sheets to their respective factions in the characters section and cleaning them up and stuff. Don't alter your characters' stats and stuff just yet though. Just copy and paste them into their faction, and clean 'em up, and I'll have a little bit more for you guys to do to them in the coming weeks. Does all that sound bueno guys? Hit up the conversation section if you're still breathing and interested in continuing this RP. And if you are still interested, get crackin' on some support conversations while we're waiting for the thread to be resurrected. Take advantage of the time to do that and get those support bonuses. I know that sounds rich coming from me *glances at me and Wave's supports that I haven't responded to in over a week* but it is a good idea if you want to make your characters nice and swoll. Anyway, can't wait to hear from you guys, I miss you hella much :(
@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart

Wassuh dudes. So just thought I'd stop in and give you guys some updates on my progress with the RP.

First of all, I'm done with class after tomorrow so I'll be on five hard earned weeks of vacation. Which means I get to go balls to the wall with this RP. Or at least, I'll have more time to work on it because no school. The holidays are coming up so that'll probably just cancel out all that free time I'm gonna have for a while... like at least the first 2 of those five weeks... but whatever I'll have more time to RP, and I'm dedicating all my RP time aside from posting in my other group threads to making sure this thing goes up.

Second of all, the app is coming along nicely. It's way easier than I anticipated it being. It's more tedious than it is hard. I could probably knock it out in one day if I spent the entire day doing nothing but coding it. I'm obviously not gonna do that but it'll be done a lot sooner than I predicted. There's one thing though. I said a while back when I announced the app that it was going to handle the rolling for you guys too. But I changed my mind about that. The app won't handle rolling, it's just gonna handle all the number crunching nonsense and here's why.

It would be impossible for me to determine if anyone is cheating with the rolls. NOT SAYIN' YOU GUYS ARE CHEATERS. Let me explain. So the app handles all of your number crunching for you. There are a few very special things that you guys are going to have to keep track of, but it isn't hard to remember because all of that shit will be very specific toward your character. The app will handle general shit like the weapon triangle, your chances of landing a hit or a critical hit, how much damage you'll do, etc. etc. Now originally, I was going to have it do a roll for you guys too, and it would give you your roll results and shit as well. Then you guys could just copy and paste what the app told you into a post on the dice log, right?

But here's the thing... if you're just copying and pasting that shit into a post... what's to stop anyone from changing a die roll here and there if it means saving their character's life or saving another character's life or just making your character look like a badass? I mean... if you were just one off from getting a critical hit in your roll against Emperor Steele? Temptation might get the best of you, ya know? So I thought: Aw easy peasy, I'll just have them take a screenshot of the roll result and post THAT as the dice log. But that wouldn't work for two reasons. 1: Every post you make when rolling would come with the added burden of having to upload an image. it's not the worst thing, but it's inconvenient. 2: Anyone with half a brain could eventually figure out how to photoshop or MS paint their screenshot and fudge their roll results. So that wouldn't be a reliable way to insure honesty either.

So the best way to do it is to just make rolls a one and done thing that everyone sees when it happens. KINDA LIKE RPN'S OLD DICE SYSTEM. And it just so happens I found a site a few months ago that can do that for us instead. I forget what it's called, but when I update the thread (more on that later) I'll give you guys a link and tell you how it works. It's pretty simple, we can set up a private room specifically for this RP, and it'll ensure that everyone's being honest about their rolls until RPN gets its own dice system. I don't think you even have to make an account. Again, I really don't think you guys are cheaters or god modders or nothin', I'm really just doing this for peace of mind. I want to avoid someone sliding up in my PMs 7-9 chapters down the line and saying something like, "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy don't you think it's strange how NONE of So and So's characters have died yet and they seem to land critical hits PRETTY often???? HMMMMM?????" Because yeah, maybe So and So is cheating, maybe So and So is just really fucking lucky, maybe whoever's sliding in my PMs is just jealous that all their characters have died. And it's not like I can conduct an investigation or watch you guys over your shoulder as you post your roll results. That would be really fucking creepy. So for now this is how we're gonna do it. You post what the app tells ya to post in the Dice Log, and then you roll in the little chat room thing. It's NBD, and it'll be even more of an NBD when RPN gets a dice system.

BUT HEY. Speaking of character death. I'm doing A LOT of stuff to the thread. I set out to just sort of edit the existing material to put it all in terms of the app, but my synapses and shit are really firing lately so I'm pretty much doing a full scale update on the whole thing. I'm not green texting anything new about it because so much of it is new (or at least worded better), some of the stuff is completely gone, and we've all been away from the RP for hella days (understatement) so we could all benefit from reading the shit again and not just the green parts. Wanna hear about one of the changes I've already made?

SECOND CHANCE! You know that skill, Second Chance, that I gave to all the Noob classes so that if they get fucked up and their health reaches 0 it won't be the end for them? Well guess what. Every player created character will now have Second Chance. So that means every character gets a chance to hit 0 HP once before they hit 0 HP for the last time! Pretty cool right? Well it's about to get even cooler. You know how Second Chance can only work once? Well guess what. Now it only works once per class, meaning that whenever a character promotes to another class their one time usage of Second Chance will be restored. Yes, this even includes Noob classes promoting to First classes. AND. Just to sweeten the pot, there will be a rare treasure that can restore Second Chance if it has already been used once. So there you go guys. Combine that with Taran's ability to resurrect people? It'll be pretty damn hard to kill our dudes off now. But you know what that means. It means I'm gonna be even more of an asshole with the enemy units. 

And that's it! Hopefully my next update will be more substantial. I'm working on the Class Glossary right now. I'm rewriting the whole thing and every Branch is averaging to be about... 9 pages long (keep in mind that's just because of the way it's organized what with the bullet lists and stuff, it isn't 9 straight pages worth of text don't worry.) It is by far the longest section of the whole RP. But I love working on this thing so I'll have it done about as quickly as a stoner with other pertinent things to do can get it done. When I do, it'll be one of the first things I repost cause you guys are gonna have to make some changes. For instance, you can all go ahead give your characters SECOND CHANCE if they don't already have it. I are very excite though. Are you guys excite? i hope so. As always lemme know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. BACK TO IT THEN! Jk I'm going to sleep I have finals tomorrow XD

Love y'all and thanks for sticking around. I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure this RP doesn't die (again) and that your patience is rewarded. 
Looks gr8 m8.

I should probably start putting my shit in the catagorization thread tho.
@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel @Falling Nebula @Pretzel Heart

Wassuh mis amigos, just rolln' by to update you on the status of the thread. I haven't touched the app in favor of focusing on the class glossary. I'm trying to get all the skills down pat before I work on the next part of the app, just to make sure all of the skills we have so far still work within the context of the app and not... you know our heads and whatever. 

A lot of the classes have changed but I really think they've all changed for the better. There's a lot more balance in terms of stats and skills. I think you guys will like it a lot better and I'm pretty hyped to show you guys. So once I finish the class glossary, I'll be posting it along with the new and improved character sign up sheet, a topic on skills, and possibly a topic on status effects as well. When I do so, we're all gonna fix our sheets to make them nice and purdy and of course to update them so that they're in line with the new and improved classes.

So far all I have left to complete of the glossary is the Transforming Branch (which is the hardest I feel), the Monster Branch (Monsters should have had a section in the class glossary to begin with, idk why I put them on the lore page that was kinda dumb) and the Primary Branch (which is the easiest to finish). They're what I call "irregular" branches, so I finished all of the other regular ones first before I got to these three and the fourth irregular branch, the Music Branch. When I post the glossary, I'll announce it here and kinda do an overview of some of the big stuff I changed and why. I'll try to talk about little details just in case you guys might miss them too. For instance, the Music Branch classes are no longer gender exclusive.

BUT. In anticipation of the new and improved class glossary, I'm hoping you guys will get the itch to make more characters. Because I fucking love characters. But I want you guys to make more enemy dudes so you can experience playing bosses and stuff. So I had an idea, tell me what you guys think about this in Conversation. The Imperial Apostles are pretty much like Boss characters and stuff right? But we can't fight them too early on because they're too swole! So what if it were a standard for each Apostle to have two retainers like the royal siblings do in Fates? They wouldn't be called retainers, they'd be called Legates because of Taros. The Legates would start as first classes, promote to 2nd classes when our characters do, and serve as sort of reoccurring mini bosses throughout the RP? Plus, characters like the Apostles have support levels and ASS and BLOK levels and shit too. It'd be a good idea if they had more characters they could fight alongside where that shit would actually count, right? Let me know your thoughts, and if you like the idea and want to make a Legate for Octavia, let me know so I can put her sheet back :3 

Hasta guys. Love y'all. 

Burp. What's up guys. Okay this is a big one so I need you guys to like this announcement once you've read it. 


So, what's new you ask? I'll tell you about everything I've added here briefly, and you can go check it out at your leisure as I work on the rest of the thread. There is something you guys are gonna have to do to your character sheets, but you can do that at the end of the thing. Also, full disclosure it's currently 3am and I've drunk enough sangria for the entirety of Spain to get a little buzzed so if none of this makes sense, please tell me. Gracias. Let's begin.

Class Glossary

Alriiiiiiiiiight so the new Class Glossary is up. It's a bit more of a task as far as scrolling goes to find specific classes, but what're ya gonna do? I refuse to use more than one spoiler per post because I'm still digging through spoiler hell in this RP to get the rest of the shit back and into my google docs. And when RPN finally updates the site and gives us those buttons we need, I don't wanna be caught with my pants down back in spoiler hell again. At least it's alphabetized now.

The classes are a lot more balanced. Rolling Bonuses aren't just haphazardly given to random assholes, every class gets 40% worth of rolling assets for their first classes and an additional 10% for 2nd classes. A few of the Branches are different. Healing Branch got 50% because they're gonna go for like, a really long time not being able to actually defend themselves all that well and they're squishy bastards. Transforming Branch also got 50% because Stones don't give dudes a Rolling asset like regular weapons do. Also, all classes have one trademark skill that isn't lame (I hope) and classes that have more than 1 skill take a hit in their stats. At least, that's what I was going for.

The new classes are as follows if that's all you wanna see: Poachers, Huntsmen, Dragon Hunters, Brawlers, Champions, Gangsters, Thunder Warriors, Thunder Masters, Spirit Riders, Shrine Maidens, Shrine Maidens, High Priests, Thrall Masters, Guards, Royal Guards, Vigilantes, Samurai, Master of Arms, Oathbreakers, Spellblades, Nightstalkers, Dawnbreakers, Drummer Boys, Geishas, Tailors, Armorers, Seamsters, Raccoons and Bats. Part of what I loved about Fates was how each nation had its own classes, so I wanted to make some classes a little more region specific. I'll expand upon this idea once I get the Settings & Locations back up.

Oh yeah, also there's a Monster Branch now. Whatever. You might notice that one of the old Monsters are missing: Vampires. So let's address that next.


The Race thing is pretty much the same. There's a lot of lore info here so I'd recommend reading it anyway, but those of you that have mixed race characters (Elves and Branded) will definitely have to take a look, because there's something new involving their stats to look out for. Keep this in mind when we get to editing our characters.

Also, Vampires are like a sub race now. Reason being is that I don't want Vampires to be as samey as the other monsters are, I want them to have classes like normal guys. So this also means you guys are allowed to make vampiric characters now, but only one for the recruitable army. Keep in mind though that they'll have the brand new Undead Attribute. SEGUE.


Most of the attributes are the same, the only one I remember changing drastically is Brave, which no longer allows you to attack two guys at once. It just guarantees a double attack and if you're fast enough you can do a quadruple attack. Pretty much the same as it is in the games now.

And as I mentioned there's a new Undead attribute. In the past I just marked which monsters were and weren't affected by Holy weapons, and now the Undead Attribute makes that more concrete and clear.


Skills are better categorized now. There's a thing called a Basic Skill for regular shit like capture, rescue and second chance, which if you recall, errbody's got second chance now. But a lot has changed in terms of how we're doin' skills. Now you've got a skill loadout limited to 6 skills you can take into battle. One of those skills will always be the characters' personal skill, the other five can be whatever they know. Skills can also be learned from special treasures called Skill Books. Some Skill Books will teach you skills from the class glossary, other extra rare books will teach you SPESHUL skills. 

I did my best to make sure all of the skills had their skill type in their description, but I fucking know I missed some I just know it. So if you guys see any skill descriptions that don't explicitly state their skill type, please lemme know.


Crafting is more or less the same, though some of the recipes have changed. We haven't actually gotten around to crafting yet so I hella doubt you guys'll notice the difference. 

Partnering Up

This too is more or less the same. The big difference is the Ideal Partner thing, which will probably be a little weird to understand until you see it in action and of course once the Battle topic is complete. So don't worry about that for now if it's confusing. Just know that if you're standing next to a dude or the dude you're tryna kill is standing next to a dude you're gonna have to roll for ASS and BLOK. Alright? Alright cool. The important thing here for you guys is that the ASS and BLOK bonuses for support levels are listed here and you're gonna need those for when we edit our characters in a second.


Ain't shit changed, just putting this shit here for you guys to review in case you forgot what all this shit is and what it does.

Status Effects

Ain't shit change here either in terms of how status effects work. There are three new ones though. Anthro, Stripped, and Dismounted. Read about 'em if you want. If not. *shrug*

Recruitable List and Nonrecruitable List

Okay so there used to be a class counter for reserving classes and shit remember? The Recruitable List is for characters who are meant to join our lil squad, and the Nonrecruitable one is where the bosses that won't join us will go. Pretty simple, but you know what isn't simple?

Some of these Reservations XD. Can you guys pm me about the classes you have reserved? Some of these guys need to be moved to a different list or put on a list entirely or removed from the list entirely... so yeah. PM me about your reservations if you have them, if only for me to see who reserved what. I don't remember for some of them.

Support Conversations

Support Conversations are also still the same, but I've better detailed how to go about earning rewards from Support Conversations. Swag? Swag. Also, I need you guys to do something with the conversations you've posted so far. That page is long as balls cause it's just a bunch of long ass PMs stacked on top of each other right? So put the conversations in spoilers under the support header please. Look at the Avi & Mordi's convo or Grieves and Diana's convo for an example if you don't get what I'm talking about.

Character Sign Up Sheet

Whooo weee, that was a lot but I saved the beeeeeeeest for last. So the character sign up sheet has changed drastically, and so has the format you need to put your sheets in. Now I've explained how to fix your sheets in the profile skeleton part, so just listen to that Blaze. But if anything doesn't make sense over there, let me know. I reposted Hayden, Jan, and Octavia to give you guys three examples of what your sheets should look like for the three types of characters we've posted. Hayden for Primary Characters, Jan for Regular Characters/Mixed Race Characters, and Octavia for Boss characters.

And that brings us full circle to what I need you guys to do. I need you guys to focus on organizing the Combat sections of your characters. You don't have to touch anything else but the Combat section, that's all I'm looking for right now. Everything I've posted so far has been specifically so you guys can edit the Combat section of your characters' profiles. I wanna give you guys a tip so you don't confuse yourself: Just make a new sheet. Copy and paste the skeleton from the Sign Up topic, fill it out and color it as you please. Don't try to edit the old sheet, just make a new one in another tab, reference the old sheet to help you out a bit with personal skills and shit. Other than that, take a look at the characters' classes in the class glossary and use that as your guide as you edit your characters. And of course, hit me up if you need some help. It should be pretty easy though, the goal with this new sheet layout is to make it so that we don't have to go back and edit them everytime someone switches weapons or gets debuffed or something.


Alright that's it bros. Let me know you've all edited your sheets and I'll go have a look. Remember to like this status if you've read it, and if you see anything weird in the shit I've posted let me know. Anything from a typo to a well thought out opinion about why X skill is too OP or UP is fine by me. Even if you just see something formatted weird, lemme know. Also, if you see any orange text, it just means that I'm gonna put a link there in the future. Love you guys, Hasta.

@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel  @Pretzel Heart @MoeMoe 
@Orikanyo @Wavebird @RubyRose @theglassangel  @Pretzel Heart @MoeMoe 

What's up amigos. Just thought I'd update you guys on the activity slump and talk about some changes that are coming to all of the threads I GM for.

So the bold text applies to a specific RP. If you're in multiple RPs of mine and you've already read this announcement once, just read the bold stuff for stuff specific to the RP in question.

I forgot to mention last month that Ruby told me she's gonna be gone for a while, so don't wait up for her. I have gotten my shit together like enough to be able to get back to regular posting, but I'm still gonna be pretty sketch. 

Alright new world guys so the purpose of this announcement is basically just to tell you guys I'm planning on making the activity rule a little more flexible. If the tone sounds a little dramatic, it's because a lot of people have been taking metaphorical dumps on the activity rule in other RPs, including myself. 

But I'll also take this time to update you guys on how the thread's going: it hasn't been XD I've been doing a lot of thinking and shit Lore wise, but I haven't been able to put pin to pad, or I guess finger to key for a while. I'm gettin' back at it though. No guarantees when the thread will officially be back up because obviously I can't dedicate 100% of my time to it, but I'm hoping to see this thing make a comeback at least before the semester's over. If not then, then DEFINITELY this summer. But that's like, at the latest. 

Anyways, until then you guys should really start rackin' up as many support conversations as you can. They reeeeeeally help and now's the perfect time to get them levels up. 

But let me just address the elephant in the room about why I'm not kicking Ruby/Angel/anyone for these long ass absences we've been experiencing. 

1. Most people who're MIA rn in IC rn told at least me they would be MIA for a while, and I simply failed to relay the message to everyone. No one expressed for how long they would be gone, but given what these people have told me, I don't think they've had control over how long they'll be absent. So it's fine.

2. The people that didn't tell us they were gonna be MIA, I can't kick based off of principle that no one else (including me) has been consistently checking in to announce that they're still gone, as the rules of the RP tell us to.

3. This is the most important one guys. I don't actually want to kick any of you. You guys have been at this for a year and shit. And recently when my RPs have taken on new players, they've all flaked out anyway, so the likelihood of kicking you guys to replace you with a more active player seems pretty low to me rn. So it's pretty much just down to this: I know you guys, I trust you guys to post in a timely manner, or to at least say you won't be, I don't think I need to hold the threat of getting kicked over your head anymore. It isn't something I enjoy doing and I know you guys don't like it either. That being said once we get back up and running I'll resume my little two day warnings and whatever, but you can think of those as being more akin to a fly now, than a bee. It is literally just a reminder that you haven't posted in a while and people are waiting for you.

Now that's not to say I won't kick you, I'm just not going to be as rigid about it as I have in the past. If I notice consistent issues with your activity I'm just gonna slide into your PMs and talk to you about it, and we'll go from there. I'll go into this in more depth later, but the gist of it is this: If I have to come to you at all about your activity, it means I'm considering kicking you, and you need to convince me not to, or tell me you want out.

My own activity is going to be pretty sketch from here on out too. I've got a tougher semester than usual and personal endeavors to pursue. So I can't say with extreme confidence that I'll ALWAYS be able to post within a week.

So just to summarize, this is roughly the new activity rule: I'm gonna trust you guys to post in a timely manner (within 7 days of your last post) or tell us you won't be posting in a timely manner. If you don't do one of those two things, then I'm gonna slide up in your inbox.

All of my RPs have slowed down lately because my RPs have a lot of the same players who're busy in them, and it does feel like they're dying. I don't want them to die, but now I'm taking a step back and putting more of that responsibility in your hands. If you don't want the RP to die, then post in a timely manner or tell people you won't be so that it can continue to move on without you. And then you can jump back in whenever you're ready. If you don't do this stuff, then I'm just going to let the thread die. I love these RPs but if you guys' interest is waning then there's no point in me continuing to support them. I made these so you guys can have fun, not to give you guys another chore. I feel like I've said the same thing over and over again now, so we'll wrap it up here. 

As always with these super important announcements, like if you've read it. Love you guys.
Wassuh mis amigos. So I'm back at it like a crack addict, we're gonna get this thing running. The rest of my semester's gonna be smoooooth sailing so I'm resuming app development and thread development and stuff. We're gonna get it crackin'.

We do have a slight problem though, and that is the teeny tiny fact that three of our dudes, Ruby, Angel, and Moe (nebula if you forgot she changed her name) are kind of MIA. I mean Angel's not really MIA but she's damn busy she had to drop from my other RPs, all of which have imploded on themselves and are no more XD She's still around though so I'll ask her about it. But I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Now losing players isn't really a problem, because I designed the RP so that there was a bunch of Lord-type characters, that way the others could die off with relatively little disruption to the main plot (sadly I know this is super gonna effect a lot of character development) but that being said, we may have to skip forward a bit in time to put the characters in a situation where they could reasonably be killed off in droves. I mean I guess that could happen in Chapter 3... but idk. It seems a little bit anticlimactic for so many awesome characters to die in the current Chapter. Cause it's just a trial Chapter you know?

We have quite a few people who've expressed interest in joining, so while I'd be cool with gradually going through Chapter 3 and 4 and killing them off gradually before Chapter 5 (which is supposed to be a REALLY big moment and a perfect opportunity for lots of motherfuckers to die, especially Vyn and Zakai) I also don't want to make anyone we accept into the RP have to wait five years like Pretz did before he could play.

BUT. I'm also not the only motherfucker in the RP, so I thought I'd present the options to you guys and if you guys have any ideas, please let us know. Now no matter what until the thread is 100% ready to run (or like 95, cause we may need to plan a new chapter out but you know what I mean) Ruby, Angel, and Moe still technically have their spots. And if they come back before then, then it's all good. But if they don't, then we'll have to give their spots up. Lets assume worst case scenario, and none of them show. Would you rather:

  1. Continue as normal, play through Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5, but slowly pick off their characters (not with actual game mechanics, but you know, just in the narrative. Like how we did with Kalin's Myrmidon at the beginning of Chapter 2). Meanwhile, we advertise for and screen new players.
  2. We could change around some of the details a bit and turn Chapter 3 into Chapter 5, and we can sort of end this "Searching for Uryva" arc we're currently in and sort of get a fresh start on another arc. While we play through the Chapter we advertise for and screen new players.
  3. Skip over all the events of Chapter 3, 4, and 5, but like, put them in a Lore tab or something and call it a day. However, we'd have to advertise, screen, and accept new players before we could start up the next Chapter.
  4. Kill off all the people we need to in Chapter 3, and continue through 4 and 5 as "intended". And all the while, we advertise for, screen, and accept new players.
In case you don't remember what all these Chapters are about:

Chapter 3 was pretty much just another trial map, albeit a bit more difficult. There are some mercenaries running a city in Wynda, they have Uryva and Melo captive and they're gonna transport them to Imperos's (the Wyndan region the characters are currently in) capital for an execution hosted by the one and only Spades.

Chapter 4 was gonna be our first perma death chapter (which by the way, we'll be getting more no-death chapters 'cause we're gonna get some nooby players soon probably) but it was also gonna be a chapter in which we could test out the trap mechanics and shit like that with Wave's map app. Plot wise, on the way to said capital our guys run into some drug dealing bandit assholes, combat ensues.

Chapter 5 was gonna be the part where they rescue Uryva from Spades.

As always guys, like this announcement if you've read it, and let me know what you think over in conversation. I'm going to be going balls to the wall on this RP today because why the hell not, so you may get another announcement or two from me today. I'm shooting to finish the app by the end of this week :3 But I'm gonna take my time on everything else cause I miss Ruby and want her back :(

Orikanyo Orikanyo Waverly Waverly RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart @MoeMoe
In short... I say we wait. We've waited for this game like half a year, we can well wait a few weeks more to give Ruby, Angel and Moe a chance to get back around. I personally would advice against allowing more players to join before we're up to speed. If we're dying to play, well, have their characters go another way or separate us for some reason and just put whatever happens to them on ice so to speak. Doesn't have to happen in a split-second either. Heck, make them get sick. There's been rain, orcs, undead... everything you need to get bedridden in the worst freaking flu for ages. xD

What's up mis amigos lets get down to business. To defeat. The Huns.

Anyway, as you can see, the important bits of the thread are back up, I'm gonna do some housecleaning and get everything ready to go :3 For those of us who are continuing, lemme hear from you in conversation, and those of you that aren't... well chances are I won't hear from you in conversation, but let us know anyway if you're still online and around XD

We still have to decide where to go from here without the players we used to have.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Waverly Waverly RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart @MoeMoe
Minor Announcement Number H

Hey guys I know you've already got a bunch of stuff to do with getting your characters back up and organized and shit, so you don't have to do this immediately I just wanna make sure you guys are aware of this.

I've altered the format for Support Conversations. Instead of posting each conversation in a separate post, here's what we're doing now. At the top of the post, put the characters' names in giant font or whatever. Then put the actual conversation in a spoiler labeled C-Rank or B-Rank etc. That way we can just edit all future conversations into the same post to cut back on scrolling and to put all the conversations between the same people in one place.

Like I said, not something you have to do right the fuck now. If I were you I would just fix the shit when you're posting your next conversation for those characters or whenever you've got some downtime on RPN. It would also be great if you repaired the damages caused by Invisiongate.

Have a swaggy day motherfuckers

@MoeMoe Orikanyo Orikanyo Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Waverly Waverly
Major Announcement Strawberry Letter 22

Alright guys the dust is settling on Divide and I think we've given Ruby and Moe enough time to roll through for Chapter 3. I'm not kicking them persay, but they just won't be participating in this chapter. To reflect their loss, I will go easier on you guys for this fight and Kristen will join the battle too. Would you guys like to start next week, or the week after next? I still have some support conversations to post and start, as well as a few characters but that's not gonna be a problem I can hammer that out quick as shit. Lemme know when's good for you, next week or the week after.

@MoeMoe Orikanyo Orikanyo Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Waverly Waverly
getting a good bit of work next week, but i think i can do shit... gonna be tough getting off the rust.
Minor Announcement Letter 54 Strawberries
Suh dudes, just wanted to roll through and tell ya I've officially finished all my character sheets needed for chapter 3 now that I've got Kristen up there. You guys can go check her out and also Uryva and my Myrmidon Nephi for Chapter 4. I've also edited our class reservation roster. I took all my reservations off except for a few. Those characters are of course Spades' Seamster Legate, and my Bishop Apostle I who I will post tomorrow hopefully along with Emperor Steele.

My new personal rule for myself is to not reserve characters until it seems like they'll be needed or would fit nicely into the next chapter. I want you guys to have more options for character classes so I don't wanna reserve shit hella early until it's time to introduce the character. So that's why Nephi's up there now because he's for Chapter 4 and we're in Chapter 3. I only put Uryva up there because some characters will need information about him before Chapter 5. Same goes for my Seamster and Steele (he should have been up a long time ago) and my Bishop. So that's personally how I'm gonna do it for me. You guys can reserve classes for the future however you want. I haaaaave 17 other potential faceclaims in my bank right now and I refuse to add any more, and I also refuse to reserve 17 classes at once. As GM it would be a dick move XD

But yeah, those of you who are character slutting, slut away and give me a reason not to make 20+ characters for this RP please.

@MoeMoe Orikanyo Orikanyo Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Waverly Waverly
Fuck guys. Holy fuck guys. We fuckin' did it. The thread's been cleaned up. The app is done. You guys got through me harassing you guys with bullet points in PMs and fixed your character sheets. And now they're all loaded up in Current Battle and ready to roll. Everything is good. And it only took just under a year to get everything back on track. We all deserve some form of fellatio tonight guys. Call up your significant others right now for an impromptu booty call because you deserve it. Single? Call in an expensive escort. You fuckin' deserve it. Treat yo'self!

Lmfao but seriously guys, well done. I'm super fucking stoked the RP is back on track, I love seeing them Supports go up. We stuck it out and we're finally fucking ready to continue our regular scheduled programming. Thanks for being patient guys. Now lets make the wait worth it and REALLY get the shit rolling again. Let's get to it *clap*

Right so lets jump back into the Main Thread shall we? Me, Angel, and Ruby were the last three to go, so Ori, Pretz, and Wave, one of you three are up. Wave and Pretz, I know you guys were on a hiatus when we left off, but we've all been away from this for like a year so I'll give you guys a quick rundown of what's going on. There's also little plot summary on the first page of the Main Thread for the Chapter's overall synopsis.

So the crew just got to Corwald, where Uryva, Melo, and a bunch of other Resistance members have been captured by the local mercenaries who're now running the city. They ran into Jan, who of course had her priorities straight and was trying to enter into today's special arena competition, but the mercs originally weren't allowing anyone outside of their crew to participate. Upon noticing some Resistance bros had shown up, a shady guy left to relay this information to Penn, the leader of the Mercenaries with a very big sword.

Meanwhile, Spades arrived at the town's palace to meet with Penn and to pick up Uryva and cart him to Sagarus for his public execution. Pretz, we can have Azusa and Jacques be present for this if we want, but (thank fuck) they won't actually be participating in this Chapter as enemies. They're pretty much just here for the Chapter's intro, and they along with Uryva will be gone by the time the homies make it to the castle.

Good shit? Good shit.

Ruby's Characters
Yeah there's the issue of Ruby's characters. So here's what we're finna do. Ruby's characters, they're there, and they're obvi participating in the fight. But they're "offscreen" if you will. They're in the background. So if you were interacting with one of Ruby's characters, don't worry, just pretend like you weren't lol. It won't matter once the battle gets started. As far as Damien goes, he's been removed from the Chapter. The only Commander to show up was Spades and his bros. If you think about it, that's all you really need for one guy. Swag? Swag. If Ruby does return while we're in the fight, I'll throw 'em back on the map where it makes sense once she finishes her character sheets. I'll put Alex near Diana, Era near Lamont, Zakai near Vilma, etc. etc. you get the idea.

Final Words
Alright guys, with that we should be ready to start the Chapter. Head on over to Current Battle and make sure all your characters' stats were entered correctly, make sure all your characters are also on the map (I just realized Eydis wasn't so it's a real possibility) and lets do this. I was gonna take this Chapter to really go all out and expose you guys to the fuckery I'll be doing with the enemy units, so think of this as our final practice map. Don't worry, I'll go a tad easier since Ruby's characters aren't around. But take this seriously as if your characters' lives depend on it, because they will next chapter. Play smart, communicate, work together, have fun, and smoke weed everyday. Hasta, hit me up if you have them preguntas.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart RubyRose RubyRose @theglassangel Waverly Waverly
Last edited:
*dusts off megaphone*
Yo whaddup PIIIIIIIIMPS. So I'm about to post and start the battle, but I wanted to make a few announcements real quick. We got some stuff to talk about.

First and most importantly, I know we're all going through some shit in our real lives right now. The struggle is real I feel it. I'm not expecting weekly replies from you guys, aaaaaand that's fine. One day maybe the stars will align and we'll hit a groove to where we're goin' off again. But for now, lets just do what we can. I just wanted to get the ball rollin' so that if you guys did get a minute to post, I wouldn't be holdin' ya up. And it took forever for me to do it XD So, that's pretty much the climate we're dealing with.

However, we're also in a climate of great change and that's the second most important news. Those of you in Divide know that I'm working on another god damn patch, and I'm really feelin' this one, nah mean? It's comin' to TNW too, but it's gonna take some time, you feel me? If I had to guess, I would say that the patch is gonna hit TNW for Chapter 4, so after Divide. For now we'll close out this shit with the old system. There is one thing I wanna test thought because I think it'll be really sick. I revamped the Rescue skill over in Basic Mechanics, so now infantry can just get on mounts, and they can also do stuff on mounts. Because why wouldn't they? Also, passengers get a +15% ASS bonus when assisting their partners so get swaggy guys.
  • Rescuing: This is a special basic skill for Mounted Units. It allows them to put an infantry unit on their back and protect them from harm. It works a lot like an active skill. You can't do it and move, you have to move and then do it. Rescuing someone will end your turn.
  • Boarding: An infantry unit can board any unit with the Rescue skill (i.e., mounted units). Boarding must be done from an adjacent cell. The character's turn will end once they've boarded. While riding on the mount, they may use items on themselves and their rider, use staves on nearby allies, and units with ranged weaponry can offer up a chance to assist when their rider is attacking. When the passenger wishes to dismount, they must do so in an adjacent call, and their turn will end when they do.
Third and last piece of info, I altered the map over in Current Battle a bit to sort of reflect where everyone was standing... sort of. Maybe. Idk, I did my best, the lake kinda gets in the way but whatever. It's all gravy. This means that a lotta people are in the carriage, so if you don't see them on the map, that's why. Also in the news, we're gonna bot our long term MIA players' characters until necessary. At least for this Chapter, we can do something sexy with the exposition for Chapter 4 so that we can limit the only players involved to what counts as "active" in this RP. I'll kinda fudge Ruby's characters' stats based off what they used to be later (i'm tired) and we'll go from there.

And that's it. Love you guys, wish you all the best in dealing with your shit :3

Orikanyo Orikanyo @theglassangel Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart Waverly Waverly RubyRose RubyRose

P.S. I'll get back on supports after I finish the patch, for now I got werk to do

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