Riptor Gator


The Phantom Hexblade
Name: Riptor Gator

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Appearance: Killer_Croc_(The_Batman).jpg
(He wears slightly ripped black pants)
Backstory: Riptor was only a young hatchling when his village was destroyed by a power sea monster that recently arrived and took over the swamp. While most of the residents made it out of the disaster alive, they had no home now. The villagers left the swamp and began going their separate ways and trying to find a new home. Riptor’s parents traveled to a old friend of his father’s, a old mage. The old mage lived deep in the forest and welcomed his old friend and family with open arms.

As Riptor grew up he began showing potential in magic that would normally be unnoticed by a regular person but the old mage took notice and began teaching the child magic, though he didn’t let his parents know sense they may of disagreed with teaching a eight year old lizard person dangerous magic. By dangerous magic I mean the old mage was teaching Riptor lighting magic and the teaching methods were dangerous and risky in some ways. These methods being shocking Riptor and when it was possible having Riptor train in the middle of a thunderstorm.

For the first few years his parent didn’t notice the train being more occupied with creating a new home and working plans for the future. Then Riptor when up to them and asked if could join a guild and then started telling them about the magic he was learning from the old mage. They were unhappy with the fact the old mage was teaching Riptor magic at a young age, but seeing how happy Riptor seemed with his training and using magic they relaxed soon after. They said Riptor could join a guild when he was eighteen. So he continued training for a few more years under the old mage.

When he turned eighteen he left home and started on his adventure. Sense then he done many small jobs to pay for his adventure as he traveled. He has yet to join a guild but he’s on his way to finding one to join very soon...

Personality: Riptor is a happy go lucky warrior type of guy. It’s very hard to make him angry or sad because of glass half full attitude. He enjoys telling stories of his adventure, through they can be a little exaggerated at times. With telling stories he enjoys drinking and fighting, especially at the same time.

Most of his personality can come down to his smarts… being that he barely knows how to read and never had any formal education besides learning magic. He not the smartest guy around and trust people very quickly even when he just ment them.

Strengths: Riptor is super strong and durable thanks to his lizard man heritage.

Weaknesses: Also thanks to his lizard man heritage he has cold blood which make him weak to cold magic or the cold in general. Then their the fact he trust people to easily.

Magic Type: Riptor uses lightning magic. He uses his magic with claws, tail, and teeth to deal more damage with a shocking effect add to it. The spells he mainly uses are:

Static Body- This makes it so when someone comes into contact with him or touches him with a metal object they get shocked. Normal people would be knocked out easy while stronger opponents would be able to take the damage better.

Shock Claw/Tail/Chomp- Similar to the Static Body but instead of electricity going all over his body it concentrates a large amount of electrical power in one area like his claws, tail, and mouth. These attacks deal a lot damage compared to the Static Body.

Lighting- The spell is simple, it’s him shooting lightning at his opponents.

Wizard Class: A Class

Weapon: His claws, tail, and teeth.

Proficiency: Using his “weapons” comes naturally to him.

Miscellaneous Items: He has a flask that he drinks from regularly and it seems to never run out of alcohol.

Guild: Has not joined a guild yet.

Guild Mark Location: It’ll be on his tail once he joins a guild.

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