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Realistic or Modern The Impurity (Character Sheets & Application)

Sentient Tree

What, never seen a sentient, magical tree before?





Appearance (realistic, no anime):


Skills / Strengths:



Life before the outbreak:

(Optional) Extra Stuff:


Just reply with your character sheet filled out. No need to copy these two sentences here.
Name: Malcolm Duvall

Height: 6'1"

Age: 23

Weight: 200 Lbs

Race: African American.

images (7).jpg
Equipment: 1 wooden baseball bat, pair of baseball gloves (on hands), baseball bag, 1 large water bottle (half empty), three granola bars.

Skills / Strengths: Athletic, fast, strong, all the needed attributes to be a pro baseball player.

Weaknesses: Reckless, loud-mouth, slow-to-trust

Personality: Malcolm is a not a careless person nor is he a serious one, he is somewhere in the middle. There will be times where is just downright reckless and where he is serious enough to get his task done efficiently. He used to be very talkative and open but after the outbreak he has become more quiet and secluded. Despite his amount of talking changing, the volume of his voice has yet to change. Whenever he talks it can go from a soft whisper to an excited, loud voice. After befriending someone who turned out to be infected and he had to kill them, it has become a little bit harder for him to truly trust someone.

Life before the outbreak: Before the outbreak, things were looking up for Malcolm Duvall. After graduating high school with good grades and an astonishing baseball record, he was offered a scholarship somewhere in western New York. There he did well with his academics a really made a name for himself. He became known as Malcolm the Mauler. Malcolm was a spectacle to see on the field. He played center field for his team, so he was always on the move. Backing up second base, left, and right field, he was all over the place making astonishing plays. By the end of his first season he had MLB scouters looking for him. After graduation he was offered a spot on the Yankees roster, all Malcolm had to do was make it through tryouts. Unfortunately his career was cut short by the outbreak of the zombie virus. Ever since then, his bat has truly become his best friend.
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Name: Zane Grey



Weight: 150

Race: Caucasian

Appearance (realistic, no anime): 711db38f987930e194df5e622a6cc935[1].jpg
(General idea^)
Equipment: Patek Philippe Platinum World Time Watch, Wallet, Cellphone (No charger or wifi as of current) Pocket Knife, Vintage Police Baton.(Heavy enough to kill) Anemia Medication

Skills / Strengths: Intellectual, Generally charismatic. Polyglottism.

Weaknesses: average athletics at best, Anemia

Personality: Zane is rather laid back, and go with the flow kind of guy usually. He is not afraid to protect those he cares for, in retrospect hate his enemies, with a passion. He has taken public speaking classes presenting himself as a confident individual when he needs to be. His moral compass is decent at best, broken at worst. (Generally when dealing with enemies he seems to lack empathy to an almost scary degree) He has become much more cautious since the outbreak, although he tries to be friendly toward strangers at first, to a degree.

Life before the outbreak: Zane graduated out of Riverdale Country School, Bronx, NY, then moved onto Columbia University in the City of New York New York But grew up in Manhattan for the most part, in privacy. He was quite a privileged individual, his father was a successful investor hitting it big with deals. Unfortunately his mother passed when he was young so the majority of female interaction he had growing up at home was with the people his Father hired to look after him, while he worked. He was diagnosed with Anemia, rarer within males but still has some pretty nasty side effects if left untreated. Thankfully he had the income to treat it and then some. As Zane went through school he made honors and became quite the public speaker, his aspirations to be as or even more successful than his father was in business.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:

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Jane O'ella Marek





Appearance (realistic, no anime):


Garden Gloves
2x Water bottles ( Both half full )
Hair ties
4x Canned corn
3X Canned tomatoes
A leather dog collar and leash
An extra change in clothes

Skills / Strengths:
Animal Training

Keeping quiet

Jane is your typical farm girl; Hardworking, dedicated, and smart. She isn't one to back down from a fight easily, and if she does it's for good reason. Jane is very affectionate, honest and loyal to those she cares for. It's very hard to ever find her lost or confused as she always has some sort of idea as to what she wants to do next.
Life before the outbreak:
Jane was born on a small wheat farn in New York, far away from the city clutter. As a child she learned the basics of survival from her yearly camping trips with her father, whom was a survival expert. She knew how to put up a tent, fuel a fire, and cook without the assitance of modern day technology all in a matter of years. Though this was all important, none of it prepared her for what was to come.

Jane had many friens in highschool; even a few boyfriends. Her favorite socialization, though, was with animals. Her mother was a trained veternarian who showed her a lot of important things about the animals that Jane's father raised. Jane was particularly intterested in dog's though. Once graduated, she was whisked off to a college that specialized in dog training. It was only a twelve week course, and she was home in no time. She had only just returned when her father asked her to represent the farm at a buisness meeting in New York, New York. This was when teh outbreak began.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:
Jane is trying to get back home.
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Name: Malcolm Duvall

Height: 6'1"

Age: 23

Weight: 200 Lbs

Race: African American.

View attachment 286679
Equipment: 1 wooden baseball bat, pair of baseball gloves (on hands), baseball bag, 1 large water bottle (half empty), three granola bars.

Skills / Strengths: Athletic, fast, strong, all the needed attributes to be a pro baseball player.

Weaknesses: Reckless, loud-mouth, slow-to-trust

Personality: Malcolm is a not a careless person nor is he a serious one, he is somewhere in the middle. There will be times where is just downright reckless and where he is serious enough to get his task done efficiently. He used to be very talkative and open but after the outbreak he has become more quiet and secluded. Despite his amount of talking changing, the volume of his voice has yet to change. Whenever he talks it can go from a soft whisper to an excited, loud voice. After befriending someone who turned out to be infected and he had to kill them, it has become a little bit harder for him to truly trust someone.

Life before the outbreak: Before the outbreak, things were looking up for Malcolm Duvall. After graduating high school with good grades and an astonishing baseball record, he was offered a scholarship somewhere in western New York. There he did well with his academics a really made a name for himself. He became known as Malcolm the Mauler. Malcolm was a spectacle to see on the field. He played center field for his team, so he was always on the move. Backing up second base, left, and right field, he was all over the place making astonishing plays. By the end of his first season he had MLB scouters looking for him. After graduation he was offered a spot on the Yankees roster, all Malcolm had to do was make it through tryouts. Unfortunately his career was cut short by the outbreak of the zombie virus. Ever since then, his bat has truly become his best friend.
Name: Zane Grey



Weight: 150

Race: Caucasian

Appearance (realistic, no anime):WIP

Equipment: Patek Philippe Platinum World Time Watch, Wallet, Cellphone (No charger or wifi as of current) Pocket Knife, Vintage Police Baton.(Heavy enough to kill) Anemia Medication

Skills / Strengths: Intellectual, Generally charismatic. Polyglottism.

Weaknesses: average athletics at best, Anemia

Personality: Zane is rather laid back, and go with the flow kind of guy usually. He is not afraid to protect those he cares for, in retrospect hate his enemies, with a passion. He has taken public speaking classes presenting himself as a confident individual when he needs to be. His moral compass is decent at best, broken at worst. (Generally when dealing with enemies he seems to lack empathy to an almost scary degree) He has become much more cautious since the outbreak, although he tries to be friendly toward strangers at first, to a degree.

Life before the outbreak: Zane graduated out of Riverdale Country School, Bronx, NY, then moved onto Columbia University in the City of New York New York But grew up in Manhattan for the most part, in privacy. He was quite a privileged individual, his father was a successful investor hitting it big with deals. Unfortunately his mother passed when he was young so the majority of female interaction he had growing up at home was with the people his Father hired to look after him, while he worked. He was diagnosed with Anemia, rarer within males but still has some pretty nasty side effects if left untreated. Thankfully he had the income to treat it and then some. As Zane went through school he made honors and became quite the public speaker, his aspirations to be as or even more successful than his father was in business.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:

Accepted, but finish your appearance asap.
Name: Matthew Johnson

Age: 28

Height: 1,83 meters

Weight: 71 kg

Race: Caucasian


Equipment: A crowbar, a backpack and a Swiss army knife.

Skills / Strengths: Basic survival skills, first aid training and he knows how to use a firearm.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, doesn't work well in a team, less than average strength.

Personality: Matthew used to be a very social and easy going person. But after the outbreak, he's become more serious and reclusive. He rarely says anything, preferring to let his actions do the talking for him. He loves books, and is trying his best to scavenge as many as possible so that they will not be forgotten when this whole mess is over. As a result, where most people hideouts would be filled with food and water, his is filled with books. He's very slow to trust people, but once he gets to know them a little bit he can be surprisingly friendly.

Life before the outbreak: Matthew lived a mostly uneventful life until the outbreak. His family wasn't exactly rich, but they never had to worry about getting food on the table and such things. He never really cared for school, and dropped out of college in the hopes of becoming a rockstar but he gave up on that particular dream after a month and started working as a taxi driver instead. He also used to be a bit of a doomsday prepper and loved to fantasize about the downfall of society, he even took a few courses that he thought would help his chances of survival in said downfall. The vast majority of them have proved to be utterly useless however, and most of the things he'd brought in preparation turned out to be complete junk that broke almost immediately after they were used.

(Optional) Extra Stuff: N/A
Name: Matthew Johnson

Age: 28

Height: 1,83 meters

Weight: 71 kg

Race: Caucasian


Equipment: A crowbar, a backpack and a Swiss army knife.

Skills / Strengths: Basic survival skills, first aid training and he knows how to use a firearm.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, doesn't work well in a team, less than average strength.

Personality: Matthew used to be a very social and easy going person. But after the outbreak, he's become more serious and reclusive. He rarely says anything, preferring to let his actions do the talking for him. He loves books, and is trying his best to scavenge as many as possible so that they will not be forgotten when this whole mess is over. As a result, where most people hideouts would be filled with food and water, his is filled with books. He's very slow to trust people, but once he gets to know them a little bit he can be surprisingly friendly.

Life before the outbreak: Matthew lived a mostly uneventful life until the outbreak. His family wasn't exactly rich, but they never had to worry about getting food on the table and such things. He never really cared for school, and dropped out of college in the hopes of becoming a rockstar but he gave up on that particular dream after a month and started working as a taxi driver instead. He also used to be a bit of a doomsday prepper and loved to fantasize about the downfall of society, he even took a few courses that he thought would help his chances of survival in said downfall. The vast majority of them have proved to be utterly useless however, and most of the things he'd brought in preparation turned out to be complete junk that broke almost immediately after they were used.

(Optional) Extra Stuff: N/A
Nice one
Name: Caspar Green

Height: 5'7

Age: 19

Weight: 143 Ibs

Race: Asian

Appearance (realistic, no anime):

Makeshift steel-tipped spear.
2x Water bottle
1x Granola bar
1x Canned Beans
1x Small Grey Backpack
1x Red Jacket

Skills / Strengths:
Very Intelligent
High experience and skill with technology and computers
Very good Memory

Easy to influence/manipulate

Caspar is incredibly smart, and this is something he prides himself on. He tries to use his intellect to help others and get him and his friends out of danger. He isn't a fan of violence and appears to prefer not to get involved with conflict. He keeps to himself most of the time and seems to also prefer more intimate conversations rather than putting himself in the center of attention. He is also incredibly loyal and devoted to those he is close to and is always trying to help keep them safe. This can, at times, lead him to be very short-sighted in his decisions. Caspar is also easy to manipulate, his gullable outlook on things tend to make him an eays target.

Life before the outbreak:
Before the outbreak, Caspar was a university student studying computer science and engineering, he received a lot of praise and awards for high knowledge in the computer science field. He lived quite a casual life, and didn't interact much with others. He had a part-time job as a waiter.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:

Name: Caspar Green

Height: 5'7

Age: 19

Weight: 143 Ibs

Race: Asian

Appearance (realistic, no anime):

Makeshift steel-tipped spear.
2x Water bottle
1x Granola bar
1x Canned Beans
1x Small Grey Backpack
1x Red Jacket

Skills / Strengths:
Very Intelligent
High experience and skill with technology and computers
Very good Memory

Easy to influence/manipulate

Caspar is incredibly smart, and this is something he prides himself on. He tries to use his intellect to help others and get him and his friends out of danger. He isn't a fan of violence and appears to prefer not to get involved with conflict. He keeps to himself most of the time and seems to also prefer more intimate conversations rather than putting himself in the center of attention. He is also incredibly loyal and devoted to those he is close to and is always trying to help keep them safe. This can, at times, lead him to be very short-sighted in his decisions. Caspar is also easy to manipulate, his gullable outlook on things tend to make him an eays target.

Life before the outbreak:
Before the outbreak, Caspar was a university student studying computer science and engineering, he received a lot of praise and awards for high knowledge in the computer science field. He lived quite a casual life, and didn't interact much with others. He had a part-time job as a waiter.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:

Name: Matthew Johnson

Age: 28

Height: 1,83 meters

Weight: 71 kg

Race: Caucasian


Equipment: A crowbar, a backpack and a Swiss army knife.

Skills / Strengths: Basic survival skills, first aid training and he knows how to use a firearm.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, doesn't work well in a team, less than average strength.

Personality: Matthew used to be a very social and easy going person. But after the outbreak, he's become more serious and reclusive. He rarely says anything, preferring to let his actions do the talking for him. He loves books, and is trying his best to scavenge as many as possible so that they will not be forgotten when this whole mess is over. As a result, where most people hideouts would be filled with food and water, his is filled with books. He's very slow to trust people, but once he gets to know them a little bit he can be surprisingly friendly.

Life before the outbreak: Matthew lived a mostly uneventful life until the outbreak. His family wasn't exactly rich, but they never had to worry about getting food on the table and such things. He never really cared for school, and dropped out of college in the hopes of becoming a rockstar but he gave up on that particular dream after a month and started working as a taxi driver instead. He also used to be a bit of a doomsday prepper and loved to fantasize about the downfall of society, he even took a few courses that he thought would help his chances of survival in said downfall. The vast majority of them have proved to be utterly useless however, and most of the things he'd brought in preparation turned out to be complete junk that broke almost immediately after they were used.

(Optional) Extra Stuff: N/A

Jane O'ella Marek





Appearance (realistic, no anime):


Garden Gloves
2x Water bottles ( Both half full )
Hair ties
4x Canned corn
3X Canned tomatoes
A leather dog collar and leash
An extra change in clothes

Skills / Strengths:
Animal Training

Keeping quiet

Jane is your typical farm girl; Hardworking, dedicated, and smart. She isn't one to back down from a fight easily, and if she does it's for good reason. Jane is very affectionate, honest and loyal to those she cares for. It's very hard to ever find her lost or confused as she always has some sort of idea as to what she wants to do next.
Life before the outbreak:
Jane was born on a small wheat farn in New York, far away from the city clutter. As a child she learned the basics of survival from her yearly camping trips with her father, whom was a survival expert. She knew how to put up a tent, fuel a fire, and cook without the assitance of modern day technology all in a matter of years. Though this was all important, none of it prepared her for what was to come.

Jane had many friens in highschool; even a few boyfriends. Her favorite socialization, though, was with animals. Her mother was a trained veternarian who showed her a lot of important things about the animals that Jane's father raised. Jane was particularly intterested in dog's though. Once graduated, she was whisked off to a college that specialized in dog training. It was only a twelve week course, and she was home in no time. She had only just returned when her father asked her to represent the farm at a buisness meeting in New York, New York. This was when teh outbreak began.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:
Jane is trying to get back home.

Name: Elizabeth "Beth" Patel

Height: 5'1"

Age: 24

Weight: 115 lbs

Race: Asian


Equipment: Messenger bag, change of clothes, full reusable BPA-free water bottle, two snack-sized packets of teddy grahams, a flashlight, her dead smartphone

Skills / Strengths: Mechanically-minded, quick learner, resourceful, basic first aid skills

Weaknesses: No experience fighting, doesn't know a lot about nature, perfectionist, afraid of insects

Personality: Beth is a nerd, and like any nerd, she has her interests. Like math. Gosh, Beth loves math so much. She has many convoluted mathematical conspiracies and may randomly start ranting about them if you're not careful. Other things she cares about include memes and cars, though she's less likely to rant about those. Other notable personality traits of hers include her enthusiasm and good work ethic. She's friendly with those she knows, though reasonably suspicious of newcomers. She loves a good project, no matter how obscure it might be, and tries to understand other's motives and reasons for certain decisions before agreeing or disagreeing with them.

Life before the outbreak: In Beth's past life, she was a mechanical engineer, digitally designing cars for her current employer. She called her parents daily, going through the drama of friendships and romance the same as anyone else. In fact, she was on her way to stay a night with her parents when the zombie outbreak began.

Extra Stuff: Second generation American.

Name: Tyler Markson

Height: 5'9

Age: 17

Weight: 143 lbs

Race: Caucasian

Appearance (realistic, no anime):
Backpack, Hunting Knife, Monkey Wrench, Reusable Waterbottle, Flashlight
Skills / Strengths:
+Fast and Agile
+Lots of Stamina
-Makes choices too fast
-Unsuspicous of strangers
He is a very friendly guy, and even during the apocalypse he tries to stick to morals. He is never suspicious of strangers and in his eyes, everyone is on the same team, trying to survive.

Life before the outbreak:
Growing up in NY, he played Soccer a lot and loved to rock climb with friends and family. He camped in the wilderness with his father before, so he has some basic skills. When he went to high school, he started planning to become an architect and would study a LOT in his spare time. Everything was looking up for him, but then came the outbreak.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:
What a monkey wrench looks like (for those of you who don't know):
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Name: Elizabeth "Beth" Patel

Height: 5'1"

Age: 24

Weight: 115 lbs

Race: Asian


Equipment: Messenger bag, change of clothes, full reusable BPA-free water bottle, two snack-sized packets of teddy grahams, a flashlight, her dead smartphone

Skills / Strengths: Mechanically-minded, quick learner, resourceful, basic first aid skills

Weaknesses: No experience fighting, doesn't know a lot about nature, perfectionist, afraid of insects

Personality: Beth is a nerd, and like any nerd, she has her interests. Like math. Gosh, Beth loves math so much. She has many convoluted mathematical conspiracies and may randomly start ranting about them if you're not careful. Other things she cares about include memes and cars, though she's less likely to rant about those. Other notable personality traits of hers include her enthusiasm and good work ethic. She's friendly with those she knows, though reasonably suspicious of newcomers. She loves a good project, no matter how obscure it might be, and tries to understand other's motives and reasons for certain decisions before agreeing or disagreeing with them.

Life before the outbreak: In Beth's past life, she was a mechanical engineer, digitally designing cars for her current employer. She called her parents daily, going through the drama of friendships and romance the same as anyone else. In fact, she was on her way to stay a night with her parents when the zombie outbreak began.

Extra Stuff: Second generation American.

Name: Tyler Markson

Height: 5'9

Age: 17

Weight: 143 lbs

Race: Caucasian

Appearance (realistic, no anime):
View attachment 287507
Backpack, Hunting Knife, Monkey Wrench, Reusable Waterbottle
Skills / Strengths:
+Fast and Agile
+Lots of Stamina
-Makes choices too fast
-Unsuspicous of strangers
He is a very friendly guy, and even during the apocalypse he tries to stick to morals. He is never suspicious of strangers and in his eyes, everyone is on he same team, trying to survive.

Life before the outbreak:
Growing up in NY, he played Soccer a lot and loved to rock climb with friends and family. He camped in the wilderness with his father before, so he has some basic skills. When he went to high school, he started planning to become an architect and would study a LOT in his spare time. Everything was looking up for him, but then came the outbreak.

(Optional) Extra Stuff:
What a monkey wrench looks like (for those of you who don't know):
View attachment 287512
Gonna accept myself just cuz.

Katherine White
Basic Information

Name: Katherine White
Age: 22
Race: British


Height: 5'5ft
Weight: 125
Appearance: Katherine has ginger hair and dark green eyes. Her face is dusted with freckles that reach till her shoulders. She has a normal body build as well as a life quote tattooed on her lower back. She likes her hair to be tied up in either a messy bun or high pony tail and mostly likes to wear scarves and boots.


Skills / Strengths:
Good sense of Direction- As a student of Cartography and experience of travelling around a lot since eight. She knows which area is the safest to pass through and stay.

Resourceful- She's quick to notice really good stuff when scavenging for supplies. Using her wits and sharp thinking to overcome any obstacle when it comes to daily needs, this is probably because of her collecting habits.

Quick learner- She may not be strong, skilled or speedy like others in this hellish reality but she can learn fast with just a bit of focus and a strong will to survive.

Deaf- She can't hear anything but she is able to speak but not much. Thankfully she has a hearing aid....but that doesn't help her speak..

Never. A cheerleader.- Katherine is not really good when it comes to agility....she's not a cheerleader or gymnast during her younger days after all..

Katherine is a well reserved person. She doesn't talk to any anyone too much except her parents, unless they have earned her trust or stayed with her for long. Moreover, She is quite brave and hardworking, not afraid to lose hope unlike others in this now-hellish world. She shows to be quick-witted and knowledgeable in terms of place and roads, never knew that she would be needing that in the near future. However, she tends to be anxious at times, thus having the tendency to search stuff that would be helpful to her.

Life before outbreak:
Katherine is a cartography student, a person who makes maps. Since eight years old, she is able to travel across the world with her father, who was a travelling journalist at that time. Her mother on the other hand, was a historian, though she never really joined them throughout their trips because of her hectic schedule up till now. She always did have an affinity for antique stuffs and maps, in fact she would always seem to bring a small journal with her that contained mini maps of where she went just after her collage classes. However, her mother became pregnant once more, born with twins which Katherine would have never expected. She packed a bunch of stuff for her 3 day stay at her mother's room in the hospital.

While walking down the street, she heard an explosion.......it was coming from the hospital where her destination was. That's when all hell broke loose...as she saw people running from their live..and behind them....... zombies..


Travelling compass
A few pairs of clothes
Mini aid kit
2 bottles of water
Chocolate Bars(4x)
Pen and A small journal
Cricket Bat
Swiss Army knife

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Sure, but make keep it a limited amount of them (maybe 2 or 3). 70% of the population is infected. Also, don't use them as a combat advantage.
Alright, yea I see you, anyway no combat advantage, just a group of scavangers. Should I make a CS for the npc's as well, I mean, it seems unessicary to me, but iv had to do it before.

Name: Blair Saunders

Height: 5’7

Age: 19

Weight: 129 lbs

Race: Blair was travelling from New Zealand when the outbreak occurred, she is of European New Zealand descent.

Appearance (realistic, no anime):


Equipment: A backpack, a water bottle, flashlight, a camera, pocket knife set and a rugby jersey that belongs to her dad.

Skills / Strengths: Blair grew up playing netball, so she has excellent speed and great hand-eye coordination. She is also great at understanding people and communication.

Weaknesses: Because Blair is unfamiliar with New York, she is very easily confused and disorientated, and due to the disconnection from her family, she can be stand offish and emotional at times. Less than average strength.

Personality: Blair knows when to be serious and when to have fun. She’s always been social and easygoing, and usually tries to avoid conflicts, unless they are involving someone or something that she is passionate about. She tries her best to get along with most people, which can make some people skeptical of her intentions, but she is good at keeping her sense of self. Although, when Blair loses her sense, she tends to get very low, and isolates herself from people, no matter how close their relationship is. Blair has become a lot more susceptible to these emotions after the outbreak, and is now often confused and more serious than she used to be.

Life before the outbreak: Blair had graduated from her school in New Zealand, and was halfway through her gap year travelling the states. In New Zealand, Blair was a full time waitress after graduation, and known for her people skills and talent in netball. She planned on going back to New Zealand after this year to study.
Name: Blair Saunders

Height: 5’7

Age: 19

Weight: 129 lbs

Race: Blair was travelling from New Zealand when the outbreak occurred, she is of European New Zealand descent.

Appearance (realistic, no anime):


Equipment: A backpack, a water bottle, flashlight, a camera, pocket knife set and a rugby jersey that belongs to her dad.

Skills / Strengths: Blair grew up playing netball, so she has excellent speed and great hand-eye coordination. She is also great at understanding people and communication.

Weaknesses: Because Blair is unfamiliar with New York, she is very easily confused and disorientated, and due to the disconnection from her family, she can be stand offish and emotional at times. Less than average strength.

Personality: Blair knows when to be serious and when to have fun. She’s always been social and easygoing, and usually tries to avoid conflicts, unless they are involving someone or something that she is passionate about. She tries her best to get along with most people, which can make some people skeptical of her intentions, but she is good at keeping her sense of self. Although, when Blair loses her sense, she tends to get very low, and isolates herself from people, no matter how close their relationship is. Blair has become a lot more susceptible to these emotions after the outbreak, and is now often confused and more serious than she used to be.

Life before the outbreak: Blair had graduated from her school in New Zealand, and was halfway through her gap year travelling the states. In New Zealand, Blair was a full time waitress after graduation, and known for her people skills and talent in netball. She planned on going back to New Zealand after this year to study.
Alright, yea I see you, anyway no combat advantage, just a group of scavangers. Should I make a CS for the npc's as well, I mean, it seems unessicary to me, but iv had to do it before.
Do it if you want. But if you decide to make the side character sheets, put them as a Spoiler or something so that way it doesn't take up the whole page.

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