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Fandom Assassination Classroom (AU) Characters


Combat Ready







Family: (How is your family life?)

Friends: (Who is your friend before the rp starts)

Status: (What is your school status (Such as people are afraid of you or the other gender on the main campus absolutely adores you. This is optional.))

Bio: (I guess Optional)
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Kiso Sunghat



Male, but looks feminine

(Imagine the school uniform on him.)

Doesn't really get the whole "I am unique" thing as he is usually teased on the main Campus when people figure out he is a guy. He personally doesn't mind he has a feminine look, but rather just thinks it is obvious he is a guy. He is friendly and tries to help out his classmates.

His mother wants him to embrace his Feminine figure as she did not have his look when she was his age. His father is never home as he is always on deployment over seas. Last time he saw his father was about 5 years ago. He is an Only Child.

Friends: (Have to see.)

Status: It seems like everyone does not know his gender at the moment

Bio: (May be a WIP. IDK)
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Name: Mao Huang

Age: 16

Seat#: 10

Gender: Female


Personality: Mao is a somewhat single-minded person, sticking mainly to one central goal above all others when something really grabs her focus. She misunderstands a lot of simple colloquialisms due to a very minor language barrier between her and most of the other students, being a foreigner and all. Mao is quick to switch emotions on the fly, running from a relative calm to floor-stomping anger, all the way over to joy in a matter of seconds - she's a little hard to read as a result.

Family: Mao is the oldest of three other siblings being cared for by their Uncle - her parents are still around, but due to the work they share, are still in her home country.

Friends: Discuss this with me, we can probably work out some connections.

Status: ---

Bio: At the moment, there isn't much known about Mao other than the fact that she's foreign, has some younger siblings, and likes insanely spicy food. The rest is to be discovered. It's totally not being left up in the air because I'm lazy. Totally. Super totally. Promise.
Name: Mao Huang

Age: 16

Seat#: 10

Gender: Female


Personality: Mao is a somewhat single-minded person, sticking mainly to one central goal above all others when something really grabs her focus. She misunderstands a lot of simple colloquialisms due to a very minor language barrier between her and most of the other students, being a foreigner and all. Mao is quick to switch emotions on the fly, running from a relative calm to floor-stomping anger, all the way over to joy in a matter of seconds - she's a little hard to read as a result.

Family: Mao is the oldest of three other siblings being cared for by their Uncle - her parents are still around, but due to the work they share, are still in her home country.

Friends: Discuss this with me, we can probably work out some connections.

Status: ---

Bio: At the moment, there isn't much known about Mao other than the fact that she's foreign, has some younger siblings, and likes insanely spicy food. The rest is to be discovered. It's totally not being left up in the air because I'm lazy. Totally. Super totally. Promise.
Accepted!!! Should we wait for the others?
Name: Madoka Fujimoto

Age: 15

Seat#: 5

Gender: Female

Appearance: Madoka is a girl of short stature and petite build, standing at a height of 144 cm, or 4'9". She has long, curly red hair, usually kept in pigtails, and green eyes. Her usually attire, outside of the school uniform, consists of comfortable and modest clothes.

Personality: Madoka has a strong case of social anxiety, bordering on social phobia. She is afraid of being judged and evaluated negatively by others, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, humiliation and depression. As a result, she avoids social interactions by keeping quiet and sticking to the background and shadows. Because of this, she seems to have a subconscious talent for erasing her presence to the point where those next to her easily forget or are unaware that she's in the same room. Her poor health and past situation greatly contribute to her social anxiety. Madoka heavily relies on video games and the online world as means to forget about reality and her problems. She tends to cry easily when feelings of frustration, confusion, and pain arise, but she'll just quietly sniffle while trying her best to hold it in.

Still, Madoka is an optimistic young girl, always looking towards a brighter side, even if very naive and gullible. She gets excited easily, especially when completing tasks on her own that she had trouble with earlier. Some people may see her as wishy-washy due to the fact that she tries her best to stay on people's good sides. Madoka doesn't like interacting with people who are angry, upset, etc.

Family: Madoka is the only child of a successful entrepreneur (father) and a retired math professor (mother). The family situation is tense due to recent family drama, but Madoka still loves her parents dearly and the feelings are mutual.

Friends: ---

Status: Same as how others view students of 3-E. Perhaps a tad bit harsher because she's supposed to be an heiress, but she's failing school.

Bio: The only people Madoka actually interacted with before junior high were her parents. Her father wasn't around a lot since he was always away on business, but Madoka was very close with her mother as the two did everything together. Madoka's mother was afraid of something bad happening to Madoka, especially with her poor health, and would do everything to provide for Madoka from inside the house so Madoka wouldn't have to go outside (i.e homeschooling and such). Because of this, Madoka grew up isolated and heavily restrained, but didn't say anything for a while because she loved her parents too much to break their hearts. Eventually, Madoka expressed her wish to go outside like a normal kid, starting a harsh battle between her and her parents. She was eventually allowed to enroll into Kunugigaoka Junior High School for the second junior year. Despite being in class 2-B when first enrolled, Madoka was eventually moved to 3-E due to missing out on tests because health reasons and failing make-up tests.
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Name: Akimoto Atsushi

Age: 16

Seat#: 28

Gender: Male




Because of his past life, Akimoto is heavily following what we call "Respect", and will try to punish any person who insult him, even a stranger from bullying. The only way to trigger him would be to insult him or someone he deeply care for, but he doesn't care about what the others think about him. Even so, his violent thoughts are appearing extremely rarely compare to before as he try his hardest to stay calm. He also really like cheerful person, and like all type of jokes, even if they are dedicate for himself. He also like to feel useful, but expressing his own feelings toward the others is difficult.

A phobia of not hurting the others was borned because one day he greatly injured someone from his family.

Family: Somewhat good with his mother, but really hard to talk with his father and his grand sister.

Friends: Only one : Takachi Ryuno.

Status: No one really know him.


Akimoto used to be a trouble child once he reached the age of 11. During a day at school, a 16 years old boy once said "Buy this, you won't regret it. It will turn all your problem to dust!" Akimoto, still young, didn't hesitate. He bought secretly some drugs. As week pass on, it was in no more time that Akimoto became addict from that.

It was a year after this event that Akimoto was accused by his parents to regressed at school, and that he needed to stopped frequenting his bad company. Two year after, his father cracked. After Akimoto insulted his father with harsh words, he was throw away from his home, a smirk on his face. That day, he almost had no feeling because he still had money for doing his own pleasure with illegal jobs.

At the age of 14, left onto the street, his life was near an end. He couldn't eat properly, and his grow had ceassed. The guy who helped him to go on this path gave him an apartment, saying that it was "inhuman" to let him die on the street. This apartment was full of all sorts of others dealers. One week, during a month after this, Akimoto had some lucidity back, and could call his old friends, those friends he had stole money in order to keep his addiction. Only 1 out of 12 helped him. This friend named Takachi helped Akimoto to contact his father back, and could go back at his home under one condition : Being forced to stay in his own bedroom for months in order to stop his addiction.

It was hard. Some holes were made, the TV survived two days, and his father was sometime hurt when he try to left his bedroom, trying to buy more drugs. Evnen when his father's left arms was broken from a crisis, he doesn't hesitate to put back Akimoto on his room. Fortunately, his father was really strong to put him back in place.
He tried two time to do a suicide, both of them with a rope. His grand sister had to saved him two time from the rope.
After 6 months, Akimoto could finally see back the light of the day. It was hard, but he managed to made it.
His bounds toward his family was nearly broken, he had only friend, but even so, he was intelligent enough to go at a well academy, even if it was the worst class : 3-E.
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Are triplets allowed or nah? CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny
Do not see why not. Although it may get confusing XD.

Name: Madoka Fujimoto

Age: 15

Seat#: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Madoka is a girl of short stature and petite build, standing at a height of 4'9". She has long, light brown hair (usually in a french braid) and circular-shaped, amber eyes. Her hair is slightly wavy since she usually keeps it up in a braid. Her usually attire, outside of the school uniform, consists of comfortable, modest and feminine clothing.

Personality: Madoka has a strong case of social anxiety, bordering on social phobia. She is afraid of being judged and evaluated negatively by others, leading to feelings of self-consciousness, inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, humiliation and depression. As a result, she avoids social interactions by keeping quiet and sticking to the background and shadows. Because of this, she seems to have a subconscious talent for erasing her presence to the point where those next to her easily forget or are unaware that she's in the same room. Her poor health and past situation greatly contribute to her social anxiety. Madoka heavily relies on video games and the online world as means to forget about reality and her problems. She tends to cry easily when feelings of frustration, confusion, and pain arise, but she'll just quietly sniffle while trying her best to hold it in.

Still, Madoka is an optimistic young girl, always looking towards a brighter side, even if very naive and gullible. She gets excited easily, especially when completing tasks on her own that she had trouble with earlier. Some people may see her as wishy-washy due to the fact that she tries her best to stay on people's good sides. Madoka doesn't like interacting with people who are angry, upset, etc.

Family: Madoka is the only child of a successful entrepreneur (father) and a retired math professor (mother). The family situation is tense due to recent family drama, but Madoka still loves her parents dearly and the feelings are mutual.

Friends: ---

Status: Same as how others view students of 3-E. Perhaps a tad bit harsher because she's supposed to be an heiress, but she's failing school.

Bio: The only people Madoka actually interacted with before junior high were her parents. Her father wasn't around a lot since he was always away on business, but Madoka was very close with her mother as the two did everything together. Madoka's mother was afraid of something bad happening to Madoka, especially with her poor health, and would do everything to provide for Madoka from inside the house so Madoka wouldn't have to go outside (i.e homeschooling and such). Because of this, Madoka grew up isolated and heavily restrained, but didn't say anything for a while because she loved her parents too much to break their hearts. Eventually, Madoka expressed her wish to go outside like a normal kid, starting a harsh battle between her and her parents. She was eventually allowed to enroll into Kunugigaoka Junior High School for the second junior year. Despite being in class 2-B when first enrolled, Madoka was eventually moved to 3-E due to missing out on tests because health reasons and failing make-up tests.

Name: Akimoto Atsushi

Age: 16

Seat#: 28

Gender: Male


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Because of his past life, Akimoto is heavily following what we call "Respect", and will try to punish any person who insult him, even a stranger from bullying. The only way to trigger him would be to insult him or someone he deeply care for, but he doesn't care about what the others think about him. Even so, his violent thoughts are appearing extremely rarely compare to before as he try his hardest to stay calm. He also really like cheerful person, and like all type of jokes, even if they are dedicate for himself. He also like to feel useful, but expressing his own feelings toward the others is difficult.

A phobia of not hurting the others was borned because one day he greatly injured someone from his family.

Family: Somewhat good with his mother, but really hard to talk with his father and his grand sister.

Friends: Only one : Takachi Ryuno.

Status: No one really know him.


Akimoto used to be a trouble child once he reached the age of 11. During a day at school, a 16 years old boy once said "Buy this, you won't regret it. It will turn all your problem to dust!" Akimoto, still young, didn't hesitate. He bought secretly some drugs. As week pass on, it was in no more time that Akimoto became addict from that.

It was a year after this event that Akimoto was accused by his parents to regressed at school, and that he needed to stopped frequenting his bad company. Two year after, his father cracked. After Akimoto insulted his father with harsh words, he was throw away from his home, a smirk on his face. That day, he almost had no feeling because he still had money for doing his own pleasure with illegal jobs.

At the age of 14, left onto the street, his life was near an end. He couldn't eat properly, and his grow had ceassed. The guy who helped him to go on this path gave him an apartment, saying that it was "inhuman" to let him die on the street. This apartment was full of all sorts of others dealers. One week, during a month after this, Akimoto had some lucidity back, and could call his old friends, those friends he had stole money in order to keep his addiction. Only 1 out of 12 helped him. This friend named Takachi helped Akimoto to contact his father back, and could go back at his home under one condition : Being forced to stay in his own bedroom for months in order to stop his addiction.

It was hard. Some holes were made, the TV survived two days, and his father was sometime hurt when he try to left his bedroom, trying to buy more drugs. Evnen when his father's left arms was broken from a crisis, he doesn't hesitate to put back Akimoto on his room. Fortunately, his father was really strong to put him back in place.
He tried two time to do a suicide, both of them with a rope. His grand sister had to saved him two time from the rope.
After 6 months, Akimoto could finally see back the light of the day. It was hard, but he managed to made it.
His bounds toward his family was nearly broken, he had only friend, but even so, he was intelligent enough to go at a well academy, even if it was the worst class : 3-E.
I don't want the use of drugs in here... but smoking is alright since it was in the anime. Accepted as long as you don't do all of the drug stuff.
Names: Kyoko, Chiyoko, and Hiroyo Narukami

Ages: All 15

Seat#s: 25, 26, 27

Genders: All female

Appearance: Since their all identical. They all have the same short golden blonde hair resembles a shape bell. The hair's length reaches their neck. They all have pale white skin and slim body structures. Their chest hardly makes a curve and they have sky blue eyes. Of course they may be biologically identical but their exclusively colored bows on the back of their heads separates them from one another. Kyoko has a red bow, Chiyoko has blue, and Hiroyo has green. They don't wear the uniforms full attire (Their not wearing the coat.).


Personality: They all have the same personality. A bunch of mischievous, light hearted, happy go lucky types. But despite having the same personality they are however a little different from each other, if one is observant enough. Kyoko seems to pull off a bit more confidence and elegance, Chiyoko shows more intelligence and calmness, Hiroyo shows more positivity and mischief compared to her identical sisters.

Family: Nothing quite too harsh about their family relationship. The three never seems to separate from one another, making a strong bond towards each other. Their parents were just a bit dissapointed that they never show any effort on academic studies.

Friends: None, but they can open up to anyone.

Status: Always mistaken from one another, even their parents are having the same problem.

Bio: They live quite a simple childhood life. Growing up in a small quiet residence and good wealth, enough to support the entire family. The triplets were smart in their early childhood days. But as time passed their gifted academic intelligence dropped drastically. Due to focusing in other things like playing video games and sleeping more than 8 hours a day rather than studying Thus leading them to the result of ending up in class 3-E
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  • Shizuki Taka
    Age: 15

    Seat#: 7

    Gender: Female

    • Tomboyish
    • Cheerful
    • Competitive
    • Optimistic
    • Outgoing
    • Extroverted
    Family: She has 3 sisters and 6 brothers, including Kliff. She and Kliff are fraternal twins and out of the total 10 children, they are the 3rd/4th oldest. She is the older twin. Her mother is a professional performer as she sings and acts and her father is a professional athlete, as he plays multiple sports. She is very close to her father and he is the main reason why she loves sports.


    Status: She and her brother are pretty popular, even with students at the main campus. Shizuki is popular because she was on EVERY sports team and she was even the captain of most of them. Because of this many people saw her as a pretty awesome person, especially feminist, LGBT students, and the jocks. The jocks because she was the best athletes and she was everyone's friend. Feminist because she was stronger and faster than all the guys at her school. LGBT students because she is an open bisexual and her brother is an open homosexual. She has many admirers but she always vowed that she would never date anyone unless they were able to beat her in both arm wrestling and a race. She is also known for not going anywhere without her brother unless it was during club time as he's in Drama Club, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, and Dance club and she's on every sports team.
    Bio: Not only was she a star athlete, she was also a class B student with a bright future ahead of her. However she was placed in Class E as punishment because she was playing baseball and struck out. Well, not really. She hit a home run but the ball landed right in the dean's office, shattering the entire glass pane. The dean stated that the window was specially made and that it'd cost 10,000 dollars per square foot to replace. Not wanting her parents to pay that she asked if there was anything else she could do instead. The dean replied that she'd be relieved of her debt if she switched to Class E. Shizuki reluctantly agreed. Not because of the rumors, on the contrary. She looked forward to meeting new people, but she was sad that she would be seperated from her brother.

So Kliff decided to get placed in Class E the hard way. He went to the music room, grabbed an amp and guitar, went outside of Class A, who were in the middle of a test, and started cranking out a rock song, as loud as he could. As the students started exiting the class instead of finishing their test, Kliff then ran to the nearest fire alarm and pulled it, causing the sprinklers to turn on as well. To add on to this, Kliff led the teachers who started chasing him around the entire campus, including to Class E. After he was caught, the dean had no choice but to not only suspend Kliff for a month but to also place Kliff in Class E for causing a disturbance and disobeying personel, as well as pulling the allarm.
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  • Shizuki Taka
    Age: 15

    Seat#: 28

    Gender: Female

    • Tomboyish
    • Cheerful
    • Competitive
    • Optimistic
    • Outgoing
    • Extroverted
    Family: She has 3 sisters and 6 brothers, including Kliff. She and Kliff are fraternal twins and out of the total 10 children, they are the 3rd/4th oldest. She is the older twin. Her mother is a professional performer as she sings and acts and her father is a professional athlete, as he plays multiple sports. She is very close to her father and he is the main reason why she loves sports.

    • Technically Kliff but they're related
    • Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre We could have the triplets be friends with the twins XD
    • Anyone Anyone Else

    Status: She and her brother are pretty popular, even with students at the main campus. Shizuki is popular because she was on EVERY sports team and she was even the captain of most of them. Because of this many people saw her as a pretty awesome person, especially feminist, LGBT students, and the jocks. The jocks because she was the best athletes and she was everyone's friend. Feminist because she was stronger and faster than all the guys at her school. LGBT students because she is an open bisexual and her brother is an open homosexual. She has many admirers but she always vowed that she would never date anyone unless they were able to beat her in both arm wrestling and a race. She is also known for not going anywhere without her brother unless it was during club time as he's in Drama Club, Band, Orchestra, Chorus, and Dance club and she's on every sports team.
    Bio: Not only was she a star athlete, she was also a class B student with a bright future ahead of her. However she was placed in Class E as punishment because she was playing baseball and struck out. Well, not really. She hit a home run but the ball landed right in the dean's office, shattering the entire glass pane. The dean stated that the window was specially made and that it'd cost 10,000 dollars per square foot to replace. Not wanting her parents to pay that she asked if there was anything else she could do instead. The dean replied that she'd be relieved of her debt if she switched to Class E. Shizuki reluctantly agreed. Not because of the rumors, on the contrary. She looked forward to meeting new people, but she was sad that she would be seperated from her brother.
The "EVERY sport" is the thing that gets me. To me that means that she is great at everything physical. Maybe tone that down a bit.
Also, Class E is where the delinquents and people who get bad grades go. I don't think the principle would allow a high standing student go to the throw away class unless he royally screwed up.
other than that stuff, I do like the characters.

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