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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

(I knew that already lol)
Mitsu got worried and was about to use her powers to turn the car into something different before neo got out of the way making her sigh with releif
"You two okay?" She asked, worried that Mitsu or Mika got hurt. She knew they shouldn't be, but just to make sure.
Claire watched the butterfly in awe before hearing the cat let out a distressed cry. She giggled at the position the animal was in, but she was relieved he hadn't hit the ground. Though, cats always land on their feet, or so she was told, but still. Claire held onto the cat and untangled his hind legs from her onesie carefully as to not hurt him. "That was a close one~"
Ilaani blinked a few times before she gazed over the book. She was obviously impressed by its capabilities, she had, after all, never seen anything like it before. As he had said not touch it, Ilaani's hand was already hovering half way towards it, completely stopping in place when he had finished his sentence. With an unamused pout she dropped her hand "Well then." She crossed her arms and sighed ever so slightly "You show me the coolest book in the world and I'm not allowed to touch it?" She questioned as they had finally reached the entrance of the pizza place "You're such a party pooper" she mumbled as she opened the door "Let's just get the pizza" she said, stepping inside and looking around for a table. It seemed to be a popular place, the décor was a nice blend of traditional pizza place and modern furniture and such. It wasn't packed but the crowd was a decent enough size, the smell or freshly baked dough was lingering in the air. Ilaani looked around until she spotted a place that was free in the busy establishment. She started for that place, assuming Des would follow.

(( Wicked Jester Wicked Jester Found it! Wouldn't quote for me for some reason so I just copied and pasted it instead))
Not long after, Logan returned, holding 2 more books that was apart of the series Scarlet was reading as of late. "You'd be wasting your time just getting the one." he said, placing the books down. "I don't think there were anymore after these two, that being said, I'm assuming they're making more or those are the last two additions." Logan then took out his wallet, smiling happily. "Anyways, how much is this gonna cost?"
Scarlet blinked as she watched him return with two other book's from the series, deciding to just let Logan do his thing. "As far as I know, they're probably making more." She said and smiled, watching the cashier scan the books. "That'll be 25$" The cashier said, glancing at them both from the screen in front of him.
Kenai Yelil

Kenai smiled softly "Yeah, Mission success." He said as he glanced over at her from where he was searching "I mean, He looks pretty good, but he needs a face and stuff" He was sure he had seen people do that in movies. He assumed it was an important part, lifting a long twig, he snapped it in half two "I guess this is a start, right?" He asked holding the two pieces up before walking closer to Asako and the snowman.

((I could have sworn I sent this, sorry ;-;))

Asako looked over at the sticks he was holding up and nodded, "Yup, so we have the arms...." She said as she glanced around. Using her foot, she pushed aside snow to try and find rocks that could be used for the face. She found two slightly similar in size rocks. Gathering the two into her hand she went over to the snowman and carefully put the rocks into the head to create eyes. Humming in though as she looked at it Asako then took off her hat and placed it on the snowman's head, now remembering why she rarely had any now, oh well. "There, every snowman needs some kind of hat~"
Claire watched the butterfly in awe before hearing the cat let out a distressed cry. She giggled at the position the animal was in, but she was relieved he hadn't hit the ground. Though, cats always land on their feet, or so she was told, but still. Claire held onto the cat and untangled his hind legs from her onesie carefully as to not hurt him. "That was a close one~"
The cat flailed it's arms before being rescued. Pressing it's head hard against her chest he mewed softly before reaching out his paw and booping her on the nose.
Ilaani blinked a few times before she gazed over the book. She was obviously impressed by its capabilities, she had, after all, never seen anything like it before. As he had said not touch it, Ilaani's hand was already hovering half way towards it, completely stopping in place when he had finished his sentence. With an unamused pout she dropped her hand "Well then." She crossed her arms and sighed ever so slightly "You show me the coolest book in the world and I'm not allowed to touch it?" She questioned as they had finally reached the entrance of the pizza place "You're such a party pooper" she mumbled as she opened the door "Let's just get the pizza" she said, stepping inside and looking around for a table. It seemed to be a popular place, the décor was a nice blend of traditional pizza place and modern furniture and such. It wasn't packed but the crowd was a decent enough size, the smell or freshly baked dough was lingering in the air. Ilaani looked around until she spotted a place that was free in the busy establishment. She started for that place, assuming Des would follow.

(( Wicked Jester Wicked Jester Found it! Wouldn't quote for me for some reason so I just copied and pasted it instead))
Des sighed as he shook his head, she obviously didn't realized just how dangerous this book was. His book copied all literature, including documents many governments did not want to be in any one else's hands. So obviously Des wouldent just be willing to let other people hold the book so willingly, but whatever. Following along he entered the pizza shop and stood next to ilaani waiting for her to order.

He had to draw them away. He had hoped the crowds would work to his favor, but the busy street was emptying fast after the fireworks show. Now faced with the very real threat, he tried to focus, but his energy was leaving him rapidly. Well, I hope they can escape...Looks like I'm clocking out early...he thought to himself as he stood in the middle of the street. there were some people loitering, but mostly they were leaving to the bars or home or wherever they belonged. He was screwed. Turning around, he put his hands into the air.."Looks like you got m---" he spurted out as a large and heavy fist made contact with his solar plexus.

--Ten Minutes later--

The four men, having left the construction site, and finished working the strangely dressed boy over. They unceremoniously dumped his barely alive body in a trash heap in an alley somewhere. "Never touch another mans car again." the man in the nice suit said, before spitting on the boy. "Now lets go watch the building blow.." The men said as they made their way back to the site....

Nona Nona
Lumina Lumina
Asako looked over at the sticks he was holding up and nodded, "Yup, so we have the arms...." She said as she glanced around. Using her foot, she pushed aside snow to try and find rocks that could be used for the face. She found two slightly similar in size rocks. Gathering the two into her hand she went over to the snowman and carefully put the rocks into the head to create eyes. Humming in though as she looked at it Asako then took off her hat and placed it on the snowman's head, now remembering why she rarely had any now, oh well. "There, every snowman needs some kind of hat~"

Kenai tilted his head some as he looked at their snowman. Humming in thought he then outstretched his hand towards the snowman. With his index finger, he drew a small smile on its face before standing back a bit "I think he's about done now" he said with a nod of approval.
Des sighed as he shook his head, she obviously didn't realized just how dangerous this book was. His book copied all literature, including documents many governments did not want to be in any one else's hands. So obviously Des wouldent just be willing to let other people hold the book so willingly, but whatever. Following along he entered the pizza shop and stood next to ilaani waiting for her to order.

Ilaani had heard him sigh from behind her rather than actually responding to her. Sure she was aware how dangerous a book with everything ever written in would be. But she wasn't in anyway interested in important government documents or anything of the sort and she was atleast expecting him to demonstrate the book in action without her actually touching it. She glanced back at Des for a moment before going to order a plain pepperoni and cheese pizza. She wasn't going to get extravagant with toppings on someone elses budget. That and the less time that it took to make up her pizza, the quicker she could get out of his way, she was in no way oblivious to his attitude, she felt as though he found her to be a huge annoyance and she didn't like that feeling at all.

He had to draw them away. He had hoped the crowds would work to his favor, but the busy street was emptying fast after the fireworks show. Now faced with the very real threat, he tried to focus, but his energy was leaving him rapidly. Well, I hope they can escape...Looks like I'm clocking out early...he thought to himself as he stood in the middle of the street. there were some people loitering, but mostly they were leaving to the bars or home or wherever they belonged. He was screwed. Turning around, he put his hands into the air.."Looks like you got m---" he spurted out as a large and heavy fist made contact with his solar plexus.

--Ten Minutes later--

The four men, having left the construction site, and finished working the strangely dressed boy over. They unceremoniously dumped his barely alive body in a trash heap in an alley somewhere. "Never touch another mans car again." the man in the nice suit said, before spitting on the boy. "Now lets go watch the building blow.." The men said as they made their way back to the site....

Nona Nona
Lumina Lumina

After escaping the building with Chiharu, Rini had been since searching for Misafune. But her search was showing empty so far. She didn't tell Chiharu that though, nor did she let her know that walking down these emptying streets on a cold dark night was freaking her out a little, Chiharu had been through enough today and she didn't want to worry her further in her current state. She just hoped the girl didn't feel her own heart beating faster in her panic as she carried her. When she had turned a corner to walk down yet another street, she had caught a glimpse of the group of men from before walking in her direction. Taking a breath she stepped back behind the wall until the men passed, obviously not seeing her. When they had left, she continued to search, going in the direction the men came from. She could certainly sense Misafune here, very faintly albeit and she couldn't pinpoint exactly where he was, but it was a start. She focused for a moment, a few deer spirits materialising next to her before she gave them a nod. Nodding back the three mist like deer went off in different directions, leaving faint trails of light as the disappeared down three different streets to help her look as she continued to call Misafune.
Lumina Lumina
Ilaani had heard him sigh from behind her rather than actually responding to her. Sure she was aware how dangerous a book with everything ever written in would be. But she wasn't in anyway interested in important government documents or anything of the sort and she was atleast expecting him to demonstrate the book in action without her actually touching it. She glanced back at Des for a moment before going to order a plain pepperoni and cheese pizza. She wasn't going to get extravagant with toppings on someone elses budget. That and the less time that it took to make up her pizza, the quicker she could get out of his way, she was in no way oblivious to his attitude, she felt as though he found her to be a huge annoyance and she didn't like that feeling at all.
Des sighed, honestly he was quite frustrated being stuck here with this girl. He gained nothing from this as she didn't appear to have any useful insights on well.... Anything really. Obviously though she appeared too be a student though so she couldn't be all bad, but then again he believed mandatory education was a thing so she could be unwillingly going but whatever. Paying for the pizza Des sighed and very grudgingly day before her. "So which school do you attend?"
Des sighed, honestly he was quite frustrated being stuck here with this girl. He gained nothing from this as she didn't appear to have any useful insights on well.... Anything really. Obviously though she appeared too be a student though so she couldn't be all bad, but then again he believed mandatory education was a thing so she could be unwillingly going but whatever. Paying for the pizza Des sighed and very grudgingly day before her. "So which school do you attend?"

Ilaani blinked, he actually tried to talk? Thank God. She thought she'd have to take the food and run, his weird silence was incredibly awkward to her so she was somewhat glad that he was making some sort of attempt. She glanced over at him "I've been going to FHS for the past two years" she paused for a moment "I assume since you have your magic book there you're used to that kind of thing, so it's okay to tell you that" she said with a shrug.
+ Zenya White +
~ Mysterious Events ~
Over the past month, it was Chinese New Year. Or the Lunar New Year. That ring Talia and Zenya found at the beach during their... What seemed like a date and was really Zenya's birthday celebration during New Years, the ring seemed to glow a lot too. A lot of crazy things happened too. She began gaining new powers as well. She didn't exactly know what the cause of it was. Possibly this ring was linked to the Lunar New Year. It was sort of crazy for her. This morning, she woke up and the ring was on the nightstand but not really glowing. However Zenya woke up to something silky covering her body. When she looked at the mirror to see what she was wearing, she found out that it was some sort of Chinese clothing. She sighed before she went out to the back and practice her weapon summoning. She picked a specific spot as to not damage anything around her. Eventually, she raised her hand in the air to summon a weapon, but it was odd that instead of summoning one weapon, a cluster of weapons appeared above her. She then saw they were falling above her head which made her reflexes react and dodged the weapons. She found this odd too for she never had such agility or flexibility to dodge a cluster of weapons in a tight space. When she came to realize, she was sitting on one of the weapons and somehow, there was a chicken sitting on a lance with a leash on. Zenya put her hand on the weapon's handle, mainly to rest her chin on her hand trying to assess what was going on with her. Zenya was a bit stressed by these events since it sort of drove her crazy, but one thought stood out the most. "What the hell is a chicken doing here...?" Zenya said saying her thought out loud. "And... Why are all of its feathers golden...?"
WeirdPrincess WeirdPrincess
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