Out of Character

this one by Molli-chan


We, the faculty of Beacon Academy, would like to offer you a very sincere welcome to campus. These will be the most important four years of your life in regards to preparing to be a Huntsman or Huntress, and our goal is that you will form lasting relationships with your team and skills that aid you on and off the battlefield.

This letter includes a form for choosing your schedule, independently of your team. You are to circle one Elective class, read the remainder of the letter thoroughly, and deposit the letter in the mailbox on the outside of your dorm room door.

Day 1 - Electives

Dust Mechanics: you will learn to use dust in alternative ways, using advanced techniques to your combat dust use. Taught by Professor Palma. Go here if you want more action.

Grimm Geography: you will learn more about the Creatures of Grimm, as well as the legends and lore surrounding them. Taught by Professor Firebrick. Go here if you want to make Grimm that will be used in the RP.

Lore and Mythology: you will learn more about ancient belief systems of Remnant, as well as mythology and legends. Taught by Professor Gorman. Go here if you want to help build the world.

Day 2 - Team Development

Half the day will be academics and supervised training (timeskipped over) and half the day will be time to train and bond specifically with your team. Excursions to the city of Vale are allowed, and with the permission of faculty, trips outside. Personal weapon possession is allowed, and if venturing outside of Vale, required.

Day 3 - Field Trip

One team leaves the academy for at least part of the day to experience the city of Vale and surrounding areas. Personal weapon possession is allowed, and may be required depending on the destination. A professor will supervise the team that leaves. The team that leaves during the first schedule rotation is LUNA, then MABA, then MDYC. (If any fighting happens, which it probably will, the players get the spotlight and not the professor.) The teams that do not leave should treat the day like the last half of Day 2 (Team Development).

The schedule is on a three-day rotation - tomorrow will be Day 1 (Electives), the next day will be Day 2 (Team Development), and after Day 3 (Field Trip) passes, it will be Day 1 again.

We look forward to seeing you in class!

Best of luck,

September Oobleck   Corazón Palma   Tanith Firebrick

   Kenta Gorman   Qrow Branwen    Winter Schnee

just respond to which elective you want in the rp <3

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