• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom RWBY: Second Generation

[SIZE=11pt]Claret Wukong[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She wouldn't admit she held her breath for half a moment as he reacted to what she said. That way he kept glancing at her, not quite meeting her eyes, and ran his hair through his hair nervously- it was almost like he was being... shy? [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Still checking me out, it seems… did anyone ever tell him it’s rude to stare?[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But his actual response was laughable. In fact, she actually laughed, a rudish bark of a noise, that was probably very unattractive. Ok, it was official, he was as lost as she was. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“For real? All that build up and you went for ‘oh you’re prettier than me?’ Nice try, buddy, but I’m not stupid.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She grinned. Seemed even he messed up his little mind games on occasion. He was fun- if he had the rare slip like this, he wouldn’t be a total bore to talk to all the time. She had her first friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Poor him.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]She was flattered, admittedly- she’d spent most of her days on Menagerie being teased for looking like a child- sure, she was kind of short, but Slate was handsome and she wasn’t used to this kind of attention. Plus, if that was really the best line he could come up with, he couldn’t be messing with her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]His question about his eyes was very oddly timed with the touchdown of the ship, and she couldn’t quite figure out why he had asked it in the first place. Weren’t they his emotions?[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “They change color with your feelings, eh? Well then, you should know what color they are, shouldn’t you? Unless I’ve awakened some secret feelings you’ve never felt before?”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She smiled broadly back at him, before getting up,  a small spring in her movement as her tail grabbed her bag from the seat next to her. "[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]They're your emotions, buddy- if you're not even smart enough to know how you feel, maybe you should keep a mirror close." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Well, I guess we ought to get a move on- I hear the headmistress is a bit of a witch. Gummy worm?” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]She held the bag out to him- a peace offering. Or, whatever kind of offering would be required to end whatever strange game they had going.[/SIZE]


Summer Rose

"I guess it does help to have someone around," Summer sighed, but then cheered up, "I mean as long as you can make at least one friend, it can help you from feeling alone."



Iola Leverette

Hopping from rooftop to rooftop Iola soared through the sky, seemingly getting higher and higher with every leap. Turning her head she noticed the Beacon airship begin to land in at the school. "Oh carrots!! I'm late!!" Landing on a chimney stack she pushed off at full power, cracking the stone chimney in the process. Whoops. Looking back she'd have to remember to come back and fit that when she had the time. "Hopefully no one will notice."

Soaring like a bullet through the sky she was getting close to Beacon at break neck speed. Watching the school walls get closer she realized that she was going to slam right into the side of the building. "Better get...." She pulled on her hoodie strings and her weapon slid out from inside the hoodie. Grabbing on to the axe she released her semblance hold on the weapon and plummeted to the ground. Resting her feet on the base of the blade she looked down excited to finally be going to Beacon. She thought she's be stuck with the sisters and brother forever, but she's finally going to school by herself!! This is her new beginning annnnnd there's someone about to get squished. 

Freaking out she shouted down to the crowd of students, "Watch out!!!!!" Forgetting she can lighten her weapon Iola fell to the ground hard, cracking the sidewalk and making things quite awkward for the students around her. She looked around at the others and grinned. "Heh...hello....everyone..." She stepped off her axe and picked it up. Pushing a button it shrunk to the size of a flat board or shield and she slid it back into her hoodie. Looking around she hopped out of the crater she made and began walking like nothing had happened. While she walked she whispered a happy tune, a cliche among those trying to be inconspicuous.

(Open for interaction)

@Lettuce[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@NekoChanBo[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@The Succubi Queen[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@Mori-Jin[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@Danchou Tsubomi[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)],[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Katakon[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@KarenAKAMint[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)], [/COLOR]@Huntrey 
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Headmistress Glydna Goodwitch was currently in the academy, walking up onto the stage, ready to give the opening speech.

Ivory Allistar Goodwitch

Ivory stood backstage, yawning as his mother went on stage. "Good luck mom!" he called to her. He turned, he had the choice between watching her speech from behind the stage with the staff and other Admins, or go with the students and watch like a normal kid. Of course, being the rebel he was, or at least tried to, he chose neither. He jumped off of the stage from the back, walking to a group of girls he saw back there. "Hellooooo ladies." he said in a charming tone.

Mentioned - @KingofCool
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Summer Rose

Summer followed Pyro and Ophelia into the grand building that is Beacon Academy, where a woman waited on stage.



Phoenix Rose

Phoenix stayed close to his cousins as they slowly make their way into the academy.


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Yue-Xuan Ren

...nice talk?

  The ride seemed to be a lot shorter than she expected. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, no, but...she really wasn't able to talk to much during the flight. Shrugging, she turned her volume up in her headphones, looking at the campus of Beacon with a glint in her eye. 

  Beacon was amazing.

  Sure, it was large enough to get lost in, though that wouldn't be much of a problem. After all, the professors would be pretty lax over all the first-years trying to find their way and excuse them for being late, since it's only the first day and all. Yue whistled casually until she heard a loud scream and saw a bunch of students walking away. Weird. She kept walking until she heard a really loud impact. Seriously, it had to hit pretty hard in order to be able hear it over her blasting music. Glancing over to the source of the impact, she noticed a girl trying to walk it off and pretend like nothing happened. "Dude... did you do that?" Yue asked, poking the girl who formed such a big crater. " 'cause if so...that's really impressive, really!" Legitimately interested in how this happened,  Yue asked, "How'd you pull that landing off? Looks like it'd be really sucky for the poor grimm you land on. It'd definitely hurt a lot, so it seems pretty combat-effective."

  ...of course, Yue didn't care that there was collateral damage, just that the cracked concrete was cool to look at or something.

@The Suspicious Eye

Slate Black


 Slate had a sly smile on his face, proud of his initial work at Beacon. Claret was to be a first among many that would be treated to the performance that Slate has perfected over the years. It wasn't something Slate enjoyed, but it was something he felt was necessary. While Persia has been idling his time with the rainbow over there, I've already got someone in the palm of my hand. All with a few words. The feeling of pride and accomplishment of his parent's teachings, not to mention his sly smile, all were erased by a small girl and her obnoxious laugh. 


[SIZE=11pt]“For real? All that build up and you went for ‘oh you’re prettier than me?’ Nice try, buddy, but I’m not stupid.”[/SIZE]


Slate metaphorically brought his hand up to his forehead, giving himself the faceplam he deserves. If he were with his father, mother, or even Persia, any of the three would roll their eyes, berate him, and then laugh at Slate in that order for his mistake. Slate could see Claret's smile growing as his faded, taking her small victory in tote. Breathing out a small curse, Slate looked out the window with a bit of his shine lost. This was to stop her from questioning why his eyes went back to their violet, as well as hoping she didn't see the small blush that forming across his face. His father's temperament was getting the best of him, and Slate could feel his pride tinging from the loss. 


Listening to her further question his choice of words just made Slate's cheeks and frustration burn brighter. Slate took the time to remember his training, all the times he was told not to let defeat bother him; even as it was not a feeling he faced often. With another moment Slate recomposed, deciding he wouldn't give Claret the satisfaction. She was still smiling, and still remaining close to Slate, and still offering him more then enough opportunities to recover. Come on Slate, she's just a tougher opponent then you give her credit for. Slate looked at Claret, who by this time was already standing and awaiting Slate's company. Slate met her eyes, the calm and collected expression returning to his face with a small grin to accompany it.


"I guess I should be a little more in sync with my emotions," Slate feigned a laugh, putting his hand behind his head to further the feeling of embarrassment. "Maybe I'll have to keep a mirror close now that you mention it.Slate completed his 'bashful' act, hoping it would please Claret's need to embarrass him. With that Slate rolled back his shoulders and stood next to Claret, again taking a post to accentuate his body to a godlike status. He looked at Claret, noting the gummy worm extended out to him and the girl smiling behind the candy treat. "Thanks," A sincere thank you to Claret, maybe noting her as an equal through the moment they just had, or for Slate telling her that she was thoroughly defeated. Either way Slate took the worm and placed it in his mouth, replicating her eating pattern he saw earlier. "Glynda Goodwitch, the new headmistress. I'm excited to see what she'll do for our team placements." Slate's voice was bored at the notion of sitting through a presentation, instead wanting to head to the trial afterwords.


Remembering his baggage, both luggage and the brother he brought with him, Slate reached under the table to fetch it. He held it in a position that the heavy bags flexed his muscle just within Claret's eyesight, a sly grin on his face. Slate watched her expression before turning to his brother, "One moment Claret, I've got to go give this to my brother. Please excuse me," Slate's calm grin fell away as he walked towards Persia, again showing nothing but a mysterious composure. When he arrived at Persia, Slate noted he was still flirting, and since interrupting him would lead to a number of verbal repercussions, Slate decided to let him be. Instead of bothering him too much, Slate put his bag down and pointed down to it as a signal for Persia. With that he smiled at the girl ever so gently, not for the candy girl's benefit, but to tease his brother a bit. 


With that Slate strutted his way back to Claret, showing off as much as he could. When he arrived back at her side he gestured towards the door of the airship, "Ladies first." Slate gave her another warm smile, again eyes twinkling; manufactured by his semblance. 



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Iola Leverette

Making her way towards the school stage she shrugged off the embarrassment of falling from the sky. Knowing that her siblings would torment her for making such a grand entrance it was another reason she was extremely glad that they weren't here with her. Pulling her hood over her head and shoving her hands into her pockets she tried her best to blend in with the others. Hearing about the Headmaster, she knew that damaging school property on the first day wasn't going to put her in the Headmaster's favor.

Feeling a poke on her shoulder Iola stopped and turned around looking up at a girl with black hair and green stripe in he hair. Tilting her head a the girl to match her gaze, she looked back at the crater and nodded. "Yeah, just don't tell the teacher's I don't wanna get in trouble." She gave a warm bashful smile, somewhat embarrassed by the complement. Tugging at her hoodie ears she couldn't hide her emotions she was quite happy. "Oh, umm, really? Well then thank you." She'd never had someone complement her when she destroyed property, it was different to say the least.

"Heh, yeah. I'd like to think I'm combat effective. My siblings and I trained all the time together at my father's temple in Menagerie. We'd get a lot of bandits, so it was a kinda fight or die thing." She fidgeted as her cheeks grew a light rose color. "I didn't really do anything for the landing I'm just kinda heavy...heh."

@Danchou Tsubomi

[SIZE=11pt]Claret Wukong[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Claret smirked as Slate took the Gummy worm. Peace, at last. But did he have to make such a point about his height? It was annoying. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Yeah, well- so long as I don’t get put on a team with you, I’ll be fine.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]” She teased.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She rolled her eyes as he stooped to pick up his bag- she noticed his muscles moving- how heavy was the bag that he needed such strength? She waved him off as he took his bag to his brother, who was busy chatting away with a girl in some killer heels- Claret wished she could pull of an outfit like that, but her parents had always been more emphatic on the practical than the aesthetic (except for her mom’s weird thing for coattails) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She laughed again as he gestured her through the door.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “I was gonna say ‘age before beauty’, but if you wanna be sexist….”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She stepped out of the door, taking in the sights. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Wow, this place sure is something…” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Phoenix and Titan, alongside Callum and Merle…. But where was Summer?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Hey, I hate to bail, but honestly I’m sick of talking to you! See you around, pretty boy!”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She told Slate, before taking off like a rocket.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Titan!”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She yelled, giving him about a 2 second warning before she launched herself up to sit on his shoulders. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Yup, you’re still as stupidly tall as ever. Hope you aren’t as stupidly stupid as ever.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]She rapped on his head, bending over so she was sort of looking at him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She then looked down, as if thought just noticing Phoenix. “[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Nix! I didn’t see you from up here- sorry. Did you get shorter? Or did the Blonde Giant here have another growth spurt?”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She gave a small wave to Callum and Merle- she’d met them once or twice, but she wasn’t as close to them as she was to the Twins and Titan. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“And did you lose Summer? Or did you finally get sick of her and push her off a cliff?”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She asked, feigning innocent curiosity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]@Huntrey @KarenAKAMint @NekoChanBo @Katakon[/SIZE]

Phoenix Rose

Phoenix was sulking as a familiar female jumped onto his cousin, Titan.  It was Claret, an old family friend.  He has always wondered why she always went around wearing, whatever she is wearing, but then again Sun tends to go around without a shirt...  Phoenix crossed his arms in a playful manner, pushing down his previous mood about Summer.  He laughed up at her as she held onto Titan, "Real funny, Claret.  I'm still as tall as before, still taller than you, or maybe you're just an air head to be floating so high."  Phoenix gave her a wicked smile and continued, "Summer's still around, she made some friends and wanted to hang out with them.  So, who was the guy you were talking to?"  The Rose Twins have always butted heads with Claret's attitude, but they always had fun doing it.


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Glynda pushed her glasses back as she began her opening speech. "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step. You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Ivory Allistar Goodwitch


Ivory smiled, hearing the soft words of his yet strict mother. He stopped doing magic tricks for the pack of male and female students who'd gathered around him, but was filled mostly with women. Why this happens, Ivory himself has no idea. His mother once said it was a sense of wanting to just, be friends with him, to know him, protect him. He never understood what she meant. He said goodbye to the crowd, walking back to the stage, an to the rest of the students.

Titan Xiao Long


Step by step, Titan made his way from the airship to his new academy. He admired the spires, columns, buttresses, and all the landscaping that created a beautiful new home for him. It was something to marvel at, that this tranquil place of knowledge was used to create some of the most deadly fighters known to man. At the thought of fighting a small smile formed on Titan's face, growing with the idea of doing it with all of his family. One glance towards Callum and Merle, and the thought of Phoenix and Summer in his head; future team attacks cultivating in his mind. With the many names that came to mind Titan chuckled softly to himself, but stopped when he saw Phoenix approaching.


The usual stoic and relaxed Phoenix was replaced by sorrow, feelings that Titan could feel and immediately wanted to relinquish. "You didn't miss much, just the usual teasing from the little Merle," Titan gave a small grin to Merle, but turned back to Phoenix with worry in his eyes, "But enough about what you miss, what happened Phoenix? Is everything okay?". Titan would look down at Phoenix to await his response, but sadly something else would catch his attention. In the moments after speaking with Phoenix, something light and small would throw itself against Titan's back.




Titan wouldn't move, stutter, or even flinch from the small weight against his body. Between Summer and the other cousins when they were younger, someone jumping on his back were a usual occurrence to Titan. With a small chuckle Titan lazily glanced upwards to see Claret staring back down at him, their yellow eyes meeting in a friendly gaze. "It's good to see you too Claret," Titan's smile was generous, matching the happiness in his voice, "I missed the little devil on my shoulder, quite literally." Titan moved his shoulders as if to enforce his joke, doing his best to ignore Claret's teasing of his height. 


He listened to her question Phoenix, and silently hoped the teasing would cheer the man up a bit. Titan was right, watching Phoenix smile at her teasing, but returning to the gloom at the mention of Summer. Where is Summer? I saw her in the corner with the boy and girl, but why didn't Phoenix stay with her? Titan pondered the question as they walked and talked, but paying attention to Claret's answer to who the boy with two colored eyes was. The man was an interesting character, and Claret always seemed to find the best or worst of a person. Upon reaching the assembly Titan decided to stand in the back, for his and Claret's sake. One because if he sat then no one behind him could see, and if Claret  sat then she wouldn't be likely to see either. Thus Titan stood and allowed Claret to stay on his shoulders throughout the speech. 



Slate Black


"Ah, that's too bad. I would love to be on a team with such a beautiful girl." Slate realized that Claret assaulted him with insults, knowing the best way to get back at her was to charm her until she fell for him. As they walked Slate noted that she was more relaxed with him, maybe from the time with each other or that they finally exited the airship. In either case, Slate kept up his strut just in case Claret or anyone else was watching. Although Slate's eyes were on Claret, it was apparent her gaze was elsewhere.


[SIZE=11pt]“Hey, I hate to bail, but honestly I’m sick of talking to you! See you around, pretty boy!”[/SIZE]


Slate stopped in his tracks with her goodbye, not expecting anything less from the girl. Of course, what an exit Claret. Slate rolled his eyes at the girl, but still smiled at her fondly. "Pretty boy, eh?" Slate said to himself mostly, causing his head to tilt with a smile at the girl running. He chuckled before walking to the auditorium, waiting for his brother or another odd encounter. To entertain himself, Slate's colored eye seem to slowly change through all the colors from red to orange to yellow, and so on. 


((Open for Interaction!!))
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Slate Black


"Ah, that's too bad. I would love to be on a team with such a beautiful girl." Slate realized that Claret assaulted him with insults, knowing the best way to get back at her was to charm her until she fell for him. As they walked Slate noted that she was more relaxed with him, maybe from the time with each other or that they finally exited the airship. In either case, Slate kept up his strut just in case Claret or anyone else was watching. Although Slate's eyes were on Claret, it was apparent her gaze was elsewhere.


[SIZE=11pt]“Hey, I hate to bail, but honestly I’m sick of talking to you! See you around, pretty boy!”[/SIZE]


Slate stopped in his tracks with her goodbye, not expecting anything less from the girl. Of course, what an exit Claret. Slate rolled his eyes at the girl, but still smiled at her fondly. "Pretty boy, eh?" Slate said to himself mostly, causing his head to tilt with a smile at the girl running. He chuckled before walking to the auditorium, waiting for his brother or another odd encounter. To entertain himself, Slate's colored eye seem to slowly change through all the colors from red to orange to yellow, and so on. 

Ivory Allistar Goodwitch


Ivory walked towards the designated area given to the students, of which he'd memorized the route, the teachers, the admins, he knew how to get on any persons good and or bad side as long as they worked for Beacon. It seemed like he pretty much HAD to at this point, being who he was after all. Spinning his strange purple cane around with him, he didn't notice as the strange male bumped into him. He caught a glimpse of another girl walk off, not with his normal eyes but with the one connected by is cybernetic link, of which he immediately recognized from the student records that he'd been told specifically not to read. But of course, he read them. Why you may ask, well, because he could. "Sorry bout that." he said with a slight grin to the person he'd bumped into, "Must've not been looking where I was going." He took a slight bow, as he did when he met a new person, "And who, do I have the pleasure of meeting?"

Directed towards - @Huntrey
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Silver K. Ironwood


Silver had been listening to the speech with content, nodding along as she listened to her music. So this was beacon huh? All that hype she'd built up since she'd heard about the school from her mentor and sponsor, James Ironwood. But she couldn't focus at all, as the thought popped into her head, she and he had the same last name, and as far as Silver knew the Ironwood surname wasn't much of a popular word among civilians, then why . . . Why did they-She was stopped from her train of thought as someone tapped her shoulder, she had no idea who this man or person was. "You awake?" he asked, but before she could answer he walked off. She sighed, "Rude . . .." She muttered to herself, crossing her arms over her chest as she walked with the rest of the students.


(Open for interaction)
Iola Leverette

Making her way towards the school stage she shrugged off the embarrassment of falling from the sky. Knowing that her siblings would torment her for making such a grand entrance it was another reason she was extremely glad that they weren't here with her. Pulling her hood over her head and shoving her hands into her pockets she tried her best to blend in with the others. Hearing about the Headmaster, she knew that damaging school property on the first day wasn't going to put her in the Headmaster's favor.

Feeling a poke on her shoulder Iola stopped and turned around looking up at a girl with black hair and green stripe in he hair. Tilting her head a the girl to match her gaze, she looked back at the crater and nodded. "Yeah, just don't tell the teacher's I don't wanna get in trouble." She gave a warm bashful smile, somewhat embarrassed by the complement. Tugging at her hoodie ears she couldn't hide her emotions she was quite happy. "Oh, umm, really? Well then thank you." She'd never had someone complement her when she destroyed property, it was different to say the least.

"Heh, yeah. I'd like to think I'm combat effective. My siblings and I trained all the time together at my father's temple in Menagerie. We'd get a lot of bandits, so it was a kinda fight or die thing." She fidgeted as her cheeks grew a light rose color. "I didn't really do anything for the landing I'm just kinda heavy...heh."

@Danchou Tsubomi


Yue-Xuan Ren

Alright, that's one friend made!


"Yeah man, it's totally cool," Yue said, wearing a toothy grin. She had to admit - that hoodie of hers was pretty snazzy looking. Briefly wondering about it before remembering that they should probably head out and hear what the headmaster had to say, she walked backwards, nodding along to what the girl had to say. "Whoa, a temple?" Tilting her head, her grin widened. "That's interesting - I just learned some stuff from my parents and it was enough to get me here, anyways." Yue seemed to be taking mental notes when the girl described what happened with the landing. Just weight, huh? "Ohh, so you like...use gravity dust and all that jazz? I don't see a lot of people who are gravity dust users, so I've always wondered what using it was like. Seems like it'd be good for striking from above and going in fast to get the max results..." Though Yue was the type to seem pretty impulsive and just reckless in general, she always put in some degree of thought when it came to combat - after all, it was one of the things she really liked.

  When she turned and walked into Beacon, it looked like she was kind of late to hear the speech. Thank goodness for that - usually speeches were long and boring, so missing out on it wasn't really a bummer. Though...knowing schools, there was something important. "Excuse me, did I miss anything important during the speech or...?" She poked someone she recognized from the ship ride (@Mori-Jin's Silver), posing the question just to make sure she knew where she was going. While teachers would be kind to those who were lost at the school or whatever, Yue didn't want to bother getting lost in the first place.


SIlver K. Ironwood


She kept walking, trying to focus her thoughts. But the pushing and bustling of the students around her pushed her train of thought. "Dammit I'm trying to think . . ." she muttered to herself in silent, so only she could hear it. She seemed to be able to do it pretty easily, as growing up where she did you needed an outlet, but keep it low so she was the only person to hear. She shivered at the touch of the other girl on her fore-arm. "Huh?" She asked in response, "Oh uh, sorry, I didn't hear much of it either." The words of her mentor rang through her head as she spoke to the girl, and she sighed. "Make friends." He'd asked her right before she entered the aircraft, "For me. I won't be there for you, so, Silver, if you truly care about me, heed my words. Make friends, open yourself more, stop being such an introvert." She sighed, this man was going to destroy her one day . . . "So, what's your name again?"


Direct - @Danchou Tsubomi

Slate Black


Slate listened to the Headmistress, yawning at the speech. While it was brief, Slate only found on thing interesting; One night to get ready. Only a few hours to observe, access, and practice. Looking around Slate continued to gather superficial data about aura, observable weapons, as well as the relations being made. Although, even with his eyes scanning the area around him, Slate didn't note the man walking towards him in time. Upon contact Slate put force in his shoulder to keep him stable, not worrying if it caused any discomfort to the other man.


"Sorry bout that."


Slate looked up, the initial aggravation on his face gone and replaced with a bashful grin. "Oh no, it was my fault. I was admiring the architecture and landscaping of the academy, not paying mind to my immediate surroundings." His voice was charming and polite, but the calm composure he held made him see more mysterious with every passing moment your eyes spent on him. How could you not see me, I'm a giant? Besides the internal scoff at the man, Slate looked at him kindly. "I'm Slate Black, it's a pleasure to meet you." Slate dipped his head, mimicking his bowing habits out of kindness. 


Persia Black

Persia smiled, sitting down next to the girl. He ran a hand through his hair, then stopped- his hair was always falling in his face, so the habit made sense, but he'd been told it gave off the wrong impression. "Persia. Sorry if I distracted you from your game- you just seemed like the most interesting person to talk to. And I can't but admire anyone who can walk in shoes like that." He said, not going too far into flirtatious mode- they girl might end up on his team, and he had no plans for a team romance. He was tempted to make a joking comparison to the spikes he walked on, but now probably wasn't the time to show off his metal legs- he tended to wear long pants to cover them in casual wear, and drawing attention to what lay beneath wasn't exactly wise. 


"Now, if you don't mind my asking, is it Cici, like a name, or C-C, as in the letters?" He asked, genuinely curious. He had noticed how her eyes had shifted towards the silver eyed kids- what did she know? Not many people knew about that kind of stuff these days, but he and Slate's parents had made sure they'd known- avoid people with silver eyes. They were trouble. This girl was either going to be a friend, or she would also be trouble.


Either way, he wanted to get to know her. @Lettuce

C.C. Torchwick

Is it the time to start just roasting people yet? .... No, not quite.


"Persia? That's a nice name," There was the chance that this boy was going to be on her team, so C.C. wasn't going to start insulting him right away. In addition to that, she also did kind of like his name. She ran her fingers over the fur on her tail, smoothing down some that had been ruffled up when she moved it out of the way. "Eh, no big deal, I wasn- My shoes?" The comment about her shoes caught the Faunus off guard. Most people didn't pay that much attention to her footwear, being more focused on her very pink... Everything. Everything about her was very pink or blue. She looked down at her heels, which managed to boost her height to a whole 4'9", "Yeah, they were really hard to walk in when I first got them. Now I think I could kill a Grimm with just my shoes."


Would she be wearing these shoes into battle to test that theory? She wasn't sure yet.


"The letters, my name is Cotton Candy, and I didn't really wanna go by Cotton. Is Cici even a name?" Cici didn't make her think of a colour, nor was it another name for a colour... was it a flower? No, she didn't think so. Nope, didn't seem like it would be a name anyone would name their child. A pet, maybe, but not someone's child. Should she have been offended because of Persia asking that? Nah, not right now. Maybe Cici seemed like a colour to him? 


"That guy your brother? Seems good looks run in your family, Persia," Was Slate even her type? No, definitely not, but C.C. couldn't help but comment when she saw a guy walk over to the boy beside her, put a bag down, and then smile at her. She stood up, "Wel, we should probably get off, now."
[SIZE=11pt]Claret Wukong[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She giggled innocent at Titan, ruffling his hair. He was such a good tree.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She grinned at Phoenix’s remark. Oh, how she missed him. His twin was a little naive, but Nix was just her kinda guy.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “Everyone’s taller than me, what’s your point?”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She wasn’t upset by short jokes these days- at 5’2, she wasn’t impressive, but people really needed to come up with better insults to throw at her. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]At the mention of the strange man, she refrained from blushing, chooses to snort instead. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Oh, ya know, just another random loser who fell in love with me at first sight. His name’s Slate, he’s big and obnoxious, but not as much fun as Titan. Too wrapped up in his mind games, unlike this lovable idiot.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] For good measure, she rapped on Titan’s head..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She sat nicely on Titan’s head through the headmistress’s speech, for the most part, playing with his hair to amuse herself (and irritate him). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]After the speech, she fell off his back, landing lightly on her hands and springing back onto her feet.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “So, initiation- are they talking cult stuff, or just regular making teams.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She grinned at the Schnee siblings. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“What do you guys think? Have you put any thought into your teams? Would you want to be teamed up, or would that just be infuriating?”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Her tone seemed a little more teasing and less cruel with them, almost as if she was gauging for a reaction.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]@KarenAKAMint @Huntrey @Katakon @NekoChanBo[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Persia Black[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He smiled at C.C.’s comment on his name. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Thanks, my mom chose it.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] He gave her a cheesy grin, hoping she’d laugh. Laughter was the best way to get friends, right?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He glanced down at her shoes again, wondering what if walking in heels was different from what he did? Did it require more balance? He laughed lightly. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Any woman who can kill a Grimm with her shoes is a hero in my book. If you ever do, I would be a rapt audience member.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Mainly because he didn’t want to fight himself, but he didn’t need to say that. He still refrained from mentioning his own Grimm-killing.. were they really even shoes???[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Cici? I’m sure it’s a name… there was.. Hmm, I guess not, it might have just been in a book I read once.”[/SIZE]

"That guy your brother? Seems good looks run in your family, Persia,"

[SIZE=11pt]He paused for a moment, before turning back to see Slate smiling at Cici with that stupid smirk of his. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Yeah. That’s Slate.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]GODDAMMIT Why did his stupid supermodel of a brother have the worst timing??? Then he caught the last half of her statement. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“O-oh, You think so? Slate's probably the more handsome one, but I assure you, I'm a much better guy.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] He laughed again, a little sheepish He was used to people calling Slate handsome and him cute. Sure, he didn’t mind cute, but in comparison to his tall, dark, and masculine brother? It was a bit degrading.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He stood as she did, grabbing his bag off the ground.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “After you!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He followed after Cici, standing next to her as the ceremony went on. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Well. That speech was short- and a little dark. I can’t imagine you’ve got any wasted potential, given that you can kill a Grimm with your shoes.”[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] A light tease, but mostly an attempt to lighten the mood. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]“Which I hope to see if I’m lucky enough to be on your team.”[/SIZE]

@Lettuce @Huntrey (mentioned)

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