Role-Play Area

"no" Des sighed "The thing is you and I are the only students that aren't in the auditorium and it's locked and I can't knock loud enough" She grumbled her face growing red as she talked, rubbing the back of her neck 
"Go ahead.. laugh" Des grumbled leaning against one of the lockers, her face still a light shade of red. "It's not like it'll be anything new for me" 
"er.. I knew that! I was just saying that if you wanted then I wouldn't react.." She grumbled, burying her face in her sleeve and muttering to herself something inaudible 
Des slips in through the door and looks for a place to sit "Geez... the school must have gained like a hundred more students this year.." 
After walking into the auditorium, she stopped and stifled a gasp when she seen how many students were in there. Oh no no no no! I can't do this. Thats way to many people! She was already becoming nervous by the minute. But she couldn't just walk out of the room. She was told to come here and she wasn't about to get into trouble on the first day. Neveah had turned her attention to the door when it opened. When she seen the boy that she had "talked" to earlier, she walked up to him. Getting words out of her mouth weren't going to be easy for her, but she had to at least try. She couldn't just be an anti social teen for the rest of the year. "H-hey..."she said and found that she was stuttering again. Dammit! "S-sorry about e-earlier." she said to him, almost in a whisper. @Slendy
After walking into the auditorium, she stopped and stifled a gasp when she seen how many students were in there. Oh no no no no! I can't do this. Thats way to many people! She was already becoming nervous by the minute. But she couldn't just walk out of the room. She was told to come here and she wasn't about to get into trouble on the first day. Neveah had turned her attention to the door when it opened. When she seen the boy that she had "talked" to earlier, she walked up to him. Getting words out of her mouth weren't going to be easy for her, but she had to at least try. She couldn't just be an anti social teen for the rest of the year. "H-hey..."she said and found that she was stuttering again. Dammit! "S-sorry about e-earlier." she said to him, almost in a whisper. @Slendy

Austin was walking into the auditorium when the girl from earlier appeared. He tilted his head slightly before waving his hand. "Its fine, I understand. Not everyone is a talker. You look nice by the way. I love your dress." He said trying to smile but it came as a half one. "Hey, wanna sneak out and go hang around outside? This place is really crowded and I personally don't like crowds." Austin said sighing. "Come on, follow me." He said pulling his beanie down and grabbed her by the arm. Austin dragged her outside and sat on the steps with her. "So, how is your day going?" He asked in a quiet tone.
Neveah smiled and followed him willingly outside the school. Its as if he read my mind! She rubbed at her arms when she felt the cool breeze hit her. Sitting down next to him she sighed a little. "It could be better. Right now im just not used to all of these people being here." she replied and looked at him. "How about you? Hows your day going so far?"she asked @Slendy
Neveah smiled and followed him willingly outside the school. Its as if he read my mind! She rubbed at her arms when she felt the cool breeze hit her. Sitting down next to him she sighed a little. "It could be better. Right now im just not used to all of these people being here." she replied and looked at him. "How about you? Hows your day going so far?"she asked @Slendy

"Oh really? I feel the same thing too. I am not really a people person. A group of people make me feel uncomfortable. Don't you know? It just gives me a sick feeling." Austin said looking her in the eyes then touched her hair. He messed with a thin strand of it before opening his mouth again. "My day has been fine, its just been boring. What are you gonna do today?" 
"Nothing really. Walk home? Go to the park? Not sure yet." she responded and looked out at the streets. She hardly noticed that he was messing with her hair and when she did notice it she didn't care. It didn't bother her in any way. @Slendy
Anna smiled as Austin pulled the girl off to go outside. She loved the idea of them being togther. Anna thought it would be best to sit in the back and people watch.
Wow, she looks so nice. Her hair is pretty soft too. Austin thought as she spoke. "Hey, I am sure no one would notice if we were to wander off the campus. Let's go to the mall, I wanna see the new Evil Dead movie." @TheCandyEmo
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Neveah smiled small and nodded. Yeah she knew it was her first day and all but he did have a point. There were at least a couple hundred students in that school. Who would notice if they were both gone? "Alright. That sounds good." she said to him, while standing up. @Slendy
Neveah smiled small and nodded. Yeah she knew it was her first day and all but he did have a point. There were at least a couple hundred students in that school. Who would notice if they were both gone? "Alright. That sounds good." she said to him, while standing up. @Slendy

Austin smiled halfway then nodded. "Okay, follow me." He said linking his arm around hers before heading down the road. Austin took off his beanie and his long brown hair fell down to his shoulders. "Ah, that feels good." He said grinning. "So, what snacks you want to get?"
Turning to face him she smiled. "I like your hair. It looks nice." she said to him. Neveah was starting to get comfortable around Austin now. She had no reason to be nervous around him. He was nice.Before answering his question the thought for a few moments. She loved spicy things, but she didn't know if he liked it or not. "Do you like gummy bears?"she asked @Slendy
Turning to face him she smiled. "I like your hair. It looks nice." she said to him. Neveah was starting to get comfortable around Austin now. She had no reason to be nervous around him. He was nice.Before answering his question the thought for a few moments. She loved spicy things, but she didn't know if he liked it or not. "Do you like gummy bears?"she asked @Slendy

Austin smiled then laughed "Thank you, yours looks nice too. I love gummy bears! Especially gummy worms. Do you want some? I can buy some once we get there." He smiled then stuck a stucker on her cheek. "There, something that looks cool." The sticker was a dragon.
Neveah nodded and chuckled when he put the sticker on her cheek. She took it off to see what it was and when she seen it she smiled. "Thank you for my dragon." she said and stuck it back on her cheek. Continuing to walk, her cheeks turned a light pink. Yup, she was blushing now. @Slendy
Neveah nodded and chuckled when he put the sticker on her cheek. She took it off to see what it was and when she seen it she smiled. "Thank you for my dragon." she said and stuck it back on her cheek. Continuing to walk, her cheeks turned a light pink. Yup, she was blushing now. @Slendy

"You're welcome, you are like a dragon. Dragons are cool. I like dragons." Austin said smiling then linked his arm around her waist. "I'm hugging you just in case a car comes. Don't want you getting run over now." He said as they slowly walked up to the mall entrance.

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