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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Yuna Yelil

"Oh...Right." She replied after he had finished explaining his reasons why he couldn't quit this job of his. The small pout that had found its way onto her face earlier had returned "Well that's hardly fair..." She said, crossing her arms. She didn't agree with that rule in the slightest. "In fact, Its pretty stupid. I mean, what if you get sick or badly injured or something like that? Is the credibility stuff really that important?" She asked as her eyes drifted over to view his face "I don't think a job is worth it if you have to throw who you are to one side for years at a time, going that long with no hobbies, no friends and stuff and when you get a taste of them again, you are snatched away for work again. No matter how much someone paid me I wouldn't throw those things away... and a job like that you eventually forget who you are..." She said as she looked away from him again, her words sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Because she pretty much did, every time a family member or friend had joined the 'family business' it seemed to happen, or at least she had noticed.

She had began inspecting the piece of grass that she had lifted for her fake mustache before hand, soon flicking it away. "That's just my opinion though, you don't have to agree with it." She had said in a quieter tone as she shrugged a little, her gaze drifting up to the sky above her, waiting for him to most likely disagree with her opinion on the matter, just like anyone else she had spilled her thoughts to on this matter before back home.

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C4 blinked, he agreed with most things she had said, but not everything and in general there was one side of thing's she hadn't addressed. "ya, you're pretty much right, but you're also fairly wrong. My job is the only thing I'm good at. I doubt I could find any other job in this world. So lets say I do take some time off, make friends, live a normal life, have hobbies etc. What do I do once the money runs out? as I said I dont have any other skills. So what, I just drop this entire life I've built for my self and leave after all that time? that would be far more painful then just never leaving the job. so while you're right, my job is horrible, but for me, leading a regular life would only result in more pain."
(( @Jofune Tsurabisu alright, well I can't find the post, but here's a synopsis:

Achilles passed out, so Kanon started flipping a shit from: 1) not knowing what was happening to Achilles, 2) not being able to do anything about it, 3) knowing if she stressed herself out enough she'd probably have to go to the hospital and then Han would probably find out about everything. So that led to her body kind of flipping out and she's currently having a hard time breathing from all of her injuries and the pain.))


Thetis walked into the infirmary. Her purpose was to gather some pamphlets on various subjects to use for next class. However, What see seen was something comically tragic. Her idiotic warmongering son lying across his lover. The lover was not doing so bright either. So she calmly locked the door and focused on the sink. Water cascaded out of the sink to completely submerge her son and his girlfriend in a cube of water. Once in the water, she made her clothes vanish down to a swimsuit, and their clothes vanish in the process. Once the preparations were complete, she entered the cube of water.

She began to toss out blankets and other obstacles that would hinder her healing. Once she was sure she could work, she maneuvered her son so he was lying next to Kanon. This would have to be a rush job, so she began to infuse their bodies with the pure healing waters she could produce. But the process would require her to touch their bodies. So she placed her hands on their stomachs and began to draw in the water of the cube and act as a living I.V. until the cube of water was nothing more than a couple of small puddles.

Weary, Thetis stood up, and pulled Kanon into Achilles arms, after having redressed them in light undergarments and clinical gowns. Giggling to herself, she covered the couple with a blanket and turned the lights off. This was the greatest payment she could ever get for healing her son and his girlfriend, the chance to create some juicy drama.


(Now if this is not the perfect set up for some epic level drama rp, I admit defeat. hehehe, my return gift to you Lumi.)
(There's more to him I assure you. His life always wasn't cotton candy and rainbows. >///<"

Yura was quiet for quite a time, then spoke. "I practice Incantore by myself. Sometimes I also practice my magic or read." He said going back to his silence looking away from Kaz feeling forlorn.

(Get some rest ok? I'll be around ^///^

@Wicked Jester

((Kaz's life was never cotton candy and rainbow's. I think he had it far worse considering how he used to be a bird... like a litteral bird that a witch captured and used as a science experiment, she ripped off his wings, grafted human skin, muscle, sinew, bones, etc into him (he was awake and felt the pain of ALL of this), then began engraving eldritch rune's into his body and soul, basically conducting a worse than 24 hour torture session for 16 years, (his perception of time was affected so it felt even longer) and cast numerous rituals, horriable spells, and just all kinds of really nasty shit. so ya.... Kaz takes one of the spots in the "Shitty science experiment" background stories, and they usually take the cake for the worst lives ever awards XDDD ))

Kaz shrugged as he walked and tensed his back a few times to release some pent up tension back there and sighed. This kid was acting pretty depressed and it was starting to annoy Kaz. Turning back around he grabbed Yuna by the shoulder's and looked him right in the eyes. "Stop with this mopey and shy ass bull shit, or I swear to god I will start shoving cookies down your throat until you smile!" Then reaching into his jacket, Kaz pulled out a fairly large chocolate chip cookie and held it menacingly in front of Yura's face. (Kaz's jacket has an infinite storage dimension in its lining, so he can pull pretty much anything out of there.) 
Her eyes widened as she heard that, before she blushed and looked away, rubbing the back of her neck shyly. "Well um... Sure." She said, blinking. "But, you'll have to pick the place where we go. I don't know anyplace around here." 

C4 blinked, he agreed with most things she had said, but not everything and in general there was one side of thing's she hadn't addressed. "ya, you're pretty much right, but you're also fairly wrong. My job is the only thing I'm good at. I doubt I could find any other job in this world. So lets say I do take some time off, make friends, live a normal life, have hobbies etc. What do I do once the money runs out? as I said I dont have any other skills. So what, I just drop this entire life I've built for my self and leave after all that time? that would be far more painful then just never leaving the job. so while you're right, my job is horrible, but for me, leading a regular life would only result in more pain."

Yuna Yelil


As he spoke, her eyes didn't move off the the cloud that was slowly drifting past her location. Letting a gentle sigh, she realised that maybe her outlook on his situation was a bit childish. He did have a point, if that sort of work was all he ever knew, then what else could he do I'm such sort notice? After all, all his skills had been focused into his job... She bit her lip and exhaled a little running her hand through her curls "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." She then answered as she looked at him again "I guess I was thinking about this like a selfish kid in a way y'know?" She admitted "I just wanted a chance to get to hang out with you more... I can't do that if you only have one days vacation every two years..." She said as she fiddled with a piece of her hair and her eyes drifted off to the side. "And then if you do get a day off again or something, you'll have changed and not want to hang out with me anymore or-" she paused for a moment before laughing somewhat bashfully "Pfft- I don't know what I'm trying to say here really, so I'm probably not making much sense to you..." She said quietly. "I guess it would just be cool if you had a few more days vacation..."

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Roman sighed and placed Akuma down on his own feet. "He knows that. I won't hesitate to kill him first momebt he does evil again. As for your suggestion, I'm ignoring it. Everyone deserves a second chance right?" He said looked at Natsumi with a smile. 


(((( ooook then )))) 

Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi looked at him before she sighed. She soon raised her spear and then stabbed it into the ground before it turned into a tree sapling. She soon looked at Roman, looking a bit cautious still.

''Alright, fine. But you better keep an eye on him though. I can't do another seal for a month.''

She soon looked at Akuma. He had changed. But over her life time, she had watched good people turn into bad people. Though she had never seen a bad person make a dramatic flip, so this was very new to her. And something she had to be cautious about. She soon sighed before looking at Roman again.

''You could keep an eye on him right?''

Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi looked at him before she sighed. She soon raised her spear and then stabbed it into the ground before it turned into a tree sapling. She soon looked at Roman, looking a bit cautious still.

''Alright, fine. But you better keep an eye on him though. I can't do another seal for a month.''

She soon looked at Akuma. He had changed. But over her life time, she had watched good people turn into bad people. Though she had never seen a bad person make a dramatic flip, so this was very new to her. And something she had to be cautious about. She soon sighed before looking at Roman again.

''You could keep an eye on him right?''


After returning to the teachers workroom, she picked up the phone, and after finding the number she dialed the phone. "Hi, yes this is Kanon's Health teacher, and I was wondering did she go to school today?" she asked the voice mail. She left her name and number and ended the call with a wicked smile on her face.


While waiting for his tea, he struck up a conversation. "What do you know about meditation?" he asked her, while becoming lost in her eyes.



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After returning to the teachers workroom, she picked up the phone, and after finding the number she dialed the phone. "Hi, yes this is Kanon's Health teacher, and I was wondering did she go to school today?" she asked the voice mail. She left her name and number and ended the call with a wicked smile on her face.


While waiting for his tea, he struck up a conversation. "What do you know about meditation?" he asked her, while becoming lost in her eyes.




Rini Yelil


After walking to their table and sitting down for their tea, Rini began looking around the building they had just entered. It wasn't too big or too crammed, it was quiet and rather peaceful. Just the kind of atmosphere that the deer girl liked, with the surroundings and the fact she was along with someone she considered close she felt calm here. As she finished examining her surroundings and admiring the buildings décor her eyes had settled back to view Misafune, who was sitting across from her. She had looked back just in time too because he had just asked her a question. "Medications?" She repeated as lifted her finger to tap her chin in thought. "Well, if we are talking about modern medicine such as paracetamol one stuff like that then...probably not as much as I should...but that's what school and college are for right?" She answered before smiling "As for healing spells, plants and herbs? I could talk about those for days" she said laughing lightly. She had read a lot of books regarding these matters since she was a child, she had always had a keen interest in such things, her room was pretty much lined with books.

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Roman sighed and placed Akuma down on his own feet. "He knows that. I won't hesitate to kill him first momebt he does evil again. As for your suggestion, I'm ignoring it. Everyone deserves a second chance right?" He said looked at Natsumi with a smile. 


(((( ooook then )))) 

Akuma was kinda scared of Natsumi now and was considering running as fast as he could to save his skin. Again, he didn't want to die just when he started being good.

Rini Yelil

After walking to their table and sitting down for their tea, Rini began looking around the building they had just entered. It wasn't too big or too crammed, it was quiet and rather peaceful. Just the kind of atmosphere that the deer girl liked, with the surroundings and the fact she was along with someone she considered close she felt calm here. As she finished examining her surroundings and admiring the buildings décor her eyes had settled back to view Misafune, who was sitting across from her. She had looked back just in time too because he had just asked her a question. "Medications?" She repeated as lifted her finger to tap her chin in thought. "Well, if we are talking about modern medicine such as paracetamol one stuff like that then...probably not as much as I should...but that's what school and college are for right?" She answered before smiling "As for healing spells, plants and herbs? I could talk about those for days" she said laughing lightly. She had read a lot of books regarding these matters since she was a child, she had always had a keen interest in such things, her room was pretty much lined with books.

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"While medication is useful, I meant meditation. The art or relaxing ones mind to focus ones energies or achieve inner balance." he said with a smile. He was impressed by her wide array of knowledge. "But your supply of medical knowledge is astoundingly awe inspiring." he complimented. He was enthralled with her beauty, intelligence and charm. He looked forward to teaching her what he knew, and some of what he himself was learning. Maybe when his training was through she could...perhaps stay on with him and they could divine the secrets of the universe together? Such a thought was stored away in his mind as he was just enjoying her company. "This place is rather calm, isn't it?" he asked as he traced his finger around the rim of the complimentary cup of iced water offered by the passing hostess.

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((Kaz's life was never cotton candy and rainbow's. I think he had it far worse considering how he used to be a bird... like a litteral bird that a witch captured and used as a science experiment, she ripped off his wings, grafted human skin, muscle, sinew, bones, etc into him (he was awake and felt the pain of ALL of this), then began engraving eldritch rune's into his body and soul, basically conducting a worse than 24 hour torture session for 16 years, (his perception of time was affected so it felt even longer) and cast numerous rituals, horriable spells, and just all kinds of really nasty shit. so ya.... Kaz takes one of the spots in the "Shitty science experiment" background stories, and they usually take the cake for the worst lives ever awards XDDD ))

Kaz shrugged as he walked and tensed his back a few times to release some pent up tension back there and sighed. This kid was acting pretty depressed and it was starting to annoy Kaz. Turning back around he grabbed Yuna by the shoulder's and looked him right in the eyes. "Stop with this mopey and shy ass bull shit, or I swear to god I will start shoving cookies down your throat until you smile!" Then reaching into his jacket, Kaz pulled out a fairly large chocolate chip cookie and held it menacingly in front of Yura's face. (Kaz's jacket has an infinite storage dimension in its lining, so he can pull pretty much anything out of there.) 

(Oh goodness, that sounds quite....graphic. Yura has had more physical damage on him than psychological. He'll eventually explain, unless you want me to tell you now.

Yura yelped at the sudden interaction. "Wha?! Oh!" He exclaimed looking quite unsure what to say almost shaky. He was surprised and having been shocked by the boy's rather abrasive response to his shyness. He had never really had someone react this way before, and being a pacifistic nature, it wasn't in his power to either swat his hands away or push him back. That would be too brutish and mean, so he nodded quietly. "Alright.." He said as if the by had been mad at him, clearly taking this the wrong way, or the way that just annoyed Kaz. 

"While medication is useful, I meant meditation. The art or relaxing ones mind to focus ones energies or achieve inner balance." he said with a smile. He was impressed by her wide array of knowledge. "But your supply of medical knowledge is astoundingly awe inspiring." he complimented. He was enthralled with her beauty, intelligence and charm. He looked forward to teaching her what he knew, and some of what he himself was learning. Maybe when his training was through she could...perhaps stay on with him and they could divine the secrets of the universe together? Such a thought was stored away in his mind as he was just enjoying her company. "This place is rather calm, isn't it?" he asked as he traced his finger around the rim of the complimentary cup of iced water offered by the passing hostess.


((Lol I answered that in the car in a sort of rush so I must have misread it, oops! Oh well, at least you made it work ahaha))

Rini Yelil


Rini blinked a few times as he spoke, realising that in her slightly distracted state, she had processed what he had said "O-Oh?" She felt her cheeks heating up and turning a light pink tint out of feeling embarrassed. "Oh my, I thought you said medication. I'm so sorry!" She said, placing her hands to her newly coloured cheeks "I should really keep my head out of the clouds and pay more attention" she admitted with a small laugh as she lowered her hands from her now cooling down face. "I know the tiniest bit about meditation, but only what my mother taught me to help me calm down when I was anxious, she knew all about that stuff. She has a deer's spirit, just like me" she said with a small smile as she thought back on her mother, she was the only other person where she had lived that had no dealings with all the assassin work, unlike her father, who was pretty much in charge of the whole thing. Of course because of that, she tended to gravitate toward her mother when it came to going to her parents. "I'm guessing you know as much about that as I know about my plants and herbs huh" she said tilting her head ever so slightly with a smile.

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(Absolutely bloody bored, so I'mma pop this in here.)

Cam was sitting on a bench near the school fountain watching as other people walked around. "Everyone here is so normal anymore....I still remember back then....Heh....Amusing watching how far people like Akira, Marcus and Roman have come..." He laughed to himself "I think those three just pick fights off the bat. Akira is a more....Calm type of fighter....Marcus, a hot head simply put. Roman is almost a mixture...What of me though? I no longer have that spark....That need to prove that I'm the best....Have I just given up on trying? I'm sitting here daily conversing with Mortals and Gods alike....Maybe I'll give Akira a call...He's the one I've always wanted to challenge....Even if a simple duel ends in my death....I've lived long enough" He said smiling clearly content with himself "Yes...That's what I'll do..." He put two fingers to his forehead and attempted to reach the Omnipotent. "Akira....Can you hear my voice...?"

@Fukushima Akira

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