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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((Hahaha, don't worry too much about it. It just means the post is gonna be all that much more worth reading right? I'm patient.))

((I think with that comment alone lumina likes you far more than she has ever liked me xD  I'm far to impatient (although I do have a pretty fast reply rate, so I can kind of justify my impatience....kind of XD)))
Yalarn snapped out of his daze as he was shoved to the side by this man, though he knew he wasn't simply that. He glared silently at Zecrett as he kept moving ahead of Yalarn, and being a bit angered he spoke, his voice somewhat soft. "Mind watching where you go?" He says, something akin to a growl coming from him after he spoke.
Before Zecrett approached him, Yalarn's posture had been a bit slouched, but now he stood up straight as well, and stared right back giving a nod to him. "Problem... Punk?" He asked, clenching his fists at his side, his own expression like that of blank stone, nothing, save for a warning hint to his eyes. @Severynd
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Finally something broke his stone-like face as his eyes widened and he slouched a bit once more when Zecrett chuckled and spoke, he stared at his hand before he put his own in his black-jean's pockets, and looked off to the side shyly, his own yellow almost feral-like eyes looking off into the distance. "Um... Y-Yalarn... Wrenbout." He said with his voice even softer than before as he still hid his hands and looked away from Zecrett. @Severynd
He turned his head slightly to be able to look at Zecrett, barely looking him over before he looked down to the ground. His first meeting with someone who was part of the "stranger" world, and he already found someone willing to be the first friend he'd have here, seems it may not be as bad as he had thought... Granted, he did say alliance, sounded like they were entering a war-zone, which was kind of true.

Yalarn gave a quick nod in approval, before glancing at Zecrett again. "Your name?" @Severynd
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Kaz shrugged, "well that's a shame I suppose... Would have been more interesting if you were." Kaz snickered as he continued towards to exit, rolling his shoulders forward as he went, readjusting his jacket before speaking again. "So than if your not some thing that likes to eat faces, what are you then? A mage?"

Yura nodded brushing off his vestments that almost reminded Kaz of a priest. They had long sleeves to his about wrist length, the length of the garment just above his shoes at his ankles. He wore simple black shoes, and the robes had a sash of pure, crimson red as contrast to the white color of most of the robe he wore. On his back, was a intricate insignia that was quite beautiful almost referencing a creature or lost origin of magic. "Yes. Technically I am a summoner, just like my father..something I always wanted to be.. I can also heal very well and only know basic elemental spells so I have a lot to learn." he said nervously explaining his skills.
Yura nodded brushing off his vestments that almost reminded Kaz of a priest. They had long sleeves to his about wrist length, the length of the garment just above his shoes at his ankles. He wore simple black shoes, and the robes had a sash of pure, crimson red as contrast to the white color of most of the robe he wore. On his back, was a intricate insignia that was quite beautiful almost referencing a creature or lost origin of magic. "Yes. Technically I am a summoner, just like my father..something I always wanted to be.. I can also heal very well and only know basic elemental spells so I have a lot to learn." he said nervously explaining his skills.

Kaz sighed as he walked, completely ignoring the kid's clotting. He didn't put much stock into physical appearances. "Just make sure you walk down a righteous path. To many people tread on forbidden grounds and follow beliefs of chaos and destruction..." Kaz's voice then he about half an octave higher and he spoke quickly. "Also... Don't EVER trust a witch. They're bad news man. Real bad news."
Kaz sighed as he walked, completely ignoring the kid's clotting. He didn't put much stock into physical appearances. "Just make sure you walk down a righteous path. To many people tread on forbidden grounds and follow beliefs of chaos and destruction..." Kaz's voice then he about half an octave higher and he spoke quickly. "Also... Don't EVER trust a witch. They're bad news man. Real bad news."

Yura surprisingly giggled amused a hand to his mouth. "Duley noted." He said then adopting a calm and peaceful tone. "I assure you my path is righteous and pure. I mean no harm to anyone besides those that threaten the lives of innocents. I want to help people..defend them. To me..summoners are a paragon amongst many who defend and protect with the Eidolons that fight beside them. I hope one day..I can be a hero for the people. I still have a lot to learn mind you..coming here I guess is that first step." He explained looking around curiously afterwards rarely meeting Kaz's face, as if..embarrassed? No. Anxious for his response.
Yura surprisingly giggled amused a hand to his mouth. "Duley noted." He said then adopting a calm and peaceful tone. "I assure you my path is righteous and pure. I mean no harm to anyone besides those that threaten the lives of innocents. I want to help people..defend them. To me..summoners are a paragon amongst many who defend and protect with the Eidolons that fight beside them. I hope one day..I can be a hero for the people. I still have a lot to learn mind you..coming here I guess is that first step." He explained looking around curiously afterwards rarely meeting Kaz's face, as if..embarrassed? No. Anxious for his response.

Kaz's eyes flashed coldly for half a second before he spoke, "many summoned creatures in this world are fine..." Kaz then rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, reached into the recesses of his coat and pulled out a flat bladed knife before slashing away a large chunk of flesh from his arm without hesitation. Judy beneath the layer of skin, where blood could be seen beginning to pool were hundreds of demented, twisted symbols. These symbols seemed to ebb at one's sanity and it seems as if viewing the symbols for more than a second would lead madness. As if the symbol was trying to drag the viewers mind and soul into it, indicating a dark and ancient evil, not born of this world or under any holy intentions of God. However just after a few seconds Kaz's skin began to stretch and entwine itself back together creating smooth skin once more in just a few seconds. "But some things should never be summoned as they belong to far darker paths than should be walked...." Then Kaz shook his head and rolled his slave back down he exited the school grounds and took to the streets. "Anyway, that's enough depressing talk, tell me about yourself Yura."
Kaz's eyes flashed coldly for half a second before he spoke, "many summoned creatures in this world are fine..." Kaz then rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, reached into the recesses of his coat and pulled out a flat bladed knife before slashing away a large chunk of flesh from his arm without hesitation. Judy beneath the layer of skin, where blood could be seen beginning to pool were hundreds of demented, twisted symbols. These symbols seemed to ebb at one's sanity and it seems as if viewing the symbols for more than a second would lead madness. As if the symbol was trying to drag the viewers mind and soul into it, indicating a dark and ancient evil, not born of this world or under any holy intentions of God. However just after a few seconds Kaz's skin began to stretch and entwine itself back together creating smooth skin once more in just a few seconds. "But some things should never be summoned as they belong to far darker paths than should be walked...." Then Kaz shook his head and rolled his slave back down he exited the school grounds and took to the streets. "Anyway, that's enough depressing talk, tell me about yourself Yura."

Kaz couldn't tell right away, but he had deeply disturbed the boy. His eyes had darkened over as he held the chest of his robe as if he couldn't breathe, only for a mere moment before pretending to have not heard him. "Oh! Sorry, I kinda spaced out there..I've already told you pretty much everything there is to know. Could you be a little more specific?" He asked clearly trying to recover the subject and time at hand. He had been heavily disturbed and frightened by the individual knowing of some, but not all of the demonic runes in his body as demons had a lot more selection amongst aspiring summoners. Seems Yura wasn't as sweet on the outside as Kaz thought, he knew exactly what he was getting into. And yet, he seemed to hide quite a indescision, as if this wasn't the first time something along these lines had gotten to him despite his shy smile.
Kaz couldn't tell right away, but he had deeply disturbed the boy. His eyes had darkened over as he held the chest of his robe as if he couldn't breathe, only for a mere moment before pretending to have not heard him. "Oh! Sorry, I kinda spaced out there..I've already told you pretty much everything there is to know. Could you be a little more specific?" He asked clearly trying to recover the subject and time at hand. He had been heavily disturbed and frightened by the individual knowing of some, but not all of the demonic runes in his body as demons had a lot more selection amongst aspiring summoners. Seems Yura wasn't as sweet on the outside as Kaz thought, he knew exactly what he was getting into. And yet, he seemed to hide quite a indescision, as if this wasn't the first time something along these lines had gotten to him despite his shy smile.

((They're not demonic symbols. They're eldritch runes, which if you know anything about Lovecraftian lore you would know are far worse. Simply put it's some fucked up shit.))

Kaz noticed Yura's slight hesitation but couldn't be bothered to react to it. Mainly because his nerve endings had regenerated and it was really starting to hurt like a bitch, but ignoring his the pain, Kaz continued to walk towards the McDonald's, making the pain in his voice as boredom as he spoke to Yura. "I don't know, tell me about your childhood."
((They're not demonic symbols. They're eldritch runes, which if you know anything about Lovecraftian lore you would know are far worse. Simply put it's some fucked up shit.))

Kaz noticed Yura's slight hesitation but couldn't be bothered to react to it. Mainly because his nerve endings had regenerated and it was really starting to hurt like a bitch, but ignoring his the pain, Kaz continued to walk towards the McDonald's, making the pain in his voice as boredom as he spoke to Yura. "I don't know, tell me about your childhood."

(Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not really aware of that lore >///<"

Yura sighed then nodded. "It was just your normal life. I lived with my mother and my father on our plane in a mountain like area where the magic was most concentrated. My father was a summoner and a master mage, my mother a enchantress and also a performer. She did mystical dancing and ceremonies to represent peace and unity. I learned most of my magic from my father who taught me as a small boy and my mother and I shared the liking of her dancing and enchanting performances she labelled "Incantore" (IN-CAN-TORE-EH). I lived happily with them and eventually moved to a school far from here and studied. I...was pulled out after a rather cruel joke was played and was brought here instead." He said quietly looking quite unhappy about the memory that had scarred his just, unbeknownst to his new companion. Well, future companion hopefully.
(Yeah, sorry about that. I'm not really aware of that lore >///<"

Yura sighed then nodded. "It was just your normal life. I lived with my mother and my father on our plane in a mountain like area where the magic was most concentrated. My father was a summoner and a master mage, my mother a enchantress and also a performer. She did mystical dancing and ceremonies to represent peace and unity. I learned most of my magic from my father who taught me as a small boy and my mother and I shared the liking of her dancing and enchanting performances she labelled "Incantore" (IN-CAN-TORE-EH). I lived happily with them and eventually moved to a school far from here and studied. I...was pulled out after a rather cruel joke was played and was brought here instead." He said quietly looking quite unhappy about the memory that had scarred his just, unbeknownst to his new companion. Well, future companion hopefully.

((Ya... His life was mild compared to Kaz's back story XD))

Kaz mearly shrugged as he sensed something wrong with Yura, but couldn't be bothered as just at that moment a bolt of searing pain flashed through his head and he briefly placed a hand to his for head as he continued walking. "On, well then what do you like doing for fun?"

((I need to get some sleep. Should be back in 5-6 hours.))
(There's more to him I assure you. His life always wasn't cotton candy and rainbows. >///<"

Yura was quiet for quite a time, then spoke. "I practice Incantore by myself. Sometimes I also practice my magic or read." He said going back to his silence looking away from Kaz feeling forlorn.

(Get some rest ok? I'll be around ^///^

@Wicked Jester
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Yalarn, gave the slightest of chuckles to Zecrett because of how he was acting, before he managed to look up at him as Zecrett spoke some more, flinching when Zecrett punched him, before he spoke back to him."W-Well... Kind of hard to not be nervous when everything has powers... T-That can kill in some way." Then he gave the slightest of smiles, it still made him look shy, but it was genuine as could be. "That's fine, I think I used to be called that when I was still out and about." He says, looking back to the school "So...." @Severynd
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He blinked and nodded, following after Zecrett before thinking of some way to show one he did have... After a few moments he became enveloped in a bright light, then moments after the light vanished someone else seemed to stand there, a girl.


She stood no taller than 5'11", and had the same exact shy appearance that Yalarn had earlier. "W-Well, shapeshifting, and some magic stuff, nothing much really" She said in a shy and somewhat cute voice as she brushed some of her hair away from her eyes.
"Well I'm not just any Shapeshifter, I'm a special kind called a Kyuu-... N-Nevermind." She says, her eyes returning back to the ground not noticing Zecrett's slight blush. "So... You have any powers Zecrett?" She asks, looking back to him with curious eyes, having not been around the stranger, she was curious if there were newer or stranger beings since her last adventure. @Severynd
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(( @Jofune Tsurabisu alright, well I can't find the post, but here's a synopsis:

Achilles passed out, so Kanon started flipping a shit from: 1) not knowing what was happening to Achilles, 2) not being able to do anything about it, 3) knowing if she stressed herself out enough she'd probably have to go to the hospital and then Han would probably find out about everything. So that led to her body kind of flipping out and she's currently having a hard time breathing from all of her injuries and the pain.))
She glanced at the flame, her eyes widening slightly before she smiled just a bit. "Heh-heh, I'd say I can do that too, but... Only through spells." She says, passing her hand through the flame slowly before taking her hand back. "It kinda tickles" 

C4 blinked and shrugged, "Well its not exactly a job you can just take a break from. If you leave for a while, then all the respect and credibility you once had goes with you. I would have to start from the bottom again and work my way back up..."

Yuna Yelil


"Oh...Right." She replied after he had finished explaining his reasons why he couldn't quit this job of his. The small pout that had found its way onto her face earlier had returned "Well that's hardly fair..." She said, crossing her arms. She didn't agree with that rule in the slightest. "In fact, Its pretty stupid. I mean, what if you get sick or badly injured or something like that? Is the credibility stuff really that important?" She asked as her eyes drifted over to view his face "I don't think a job is worth it if you have to throw who you are to one side for years at a time, going that long with no hobbies, no friends and stuff and when you get a taste of them again, you are snatched away for work again. No matter how much someone paid me I wouldn't throw those things away... and a job like that you eventually forget who you are..." She said as she looked away from him again, her words sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Because she pretty much did, every time a family member or friend had joined the 'family business' it seemed to happen, or at least she had noticed.

She had began inspecting the piece of grass that she had lifted for her fake mustache before hand, soon flicking it away. "That's just my opinion though, you don't have to agree with it." She had said in a quieter tone as she shrugged a little, her gaze drifting up to the sky above her, waiting for him to most likely disagree with her opinion on the matter, just like anyone else she had spilled her thoughts to on this matter before back home.

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She nodded in understanding as he explained more about himself, before looking to the doors. "Well, I don't know. But..." She looks back to him, smiling "School's not going on at the moment." She informs him with a giggle "I mean cause if it were, wouldn't there be some teacher or someone patrolling for people who ditched class?"

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She nodded in understanding as he explained more about himself, before looking to the doors. "Well, I don't know. But..." She looks back to him, smiling "School's not going on at the moment." She informs him with a giggle "I mean cause if it were, wouldn't there be some teacher or someone patrolling for people who ditched class?"


((There are.... but they suck ass at their jobs *cough* @Roman @Jofune Tsurabisu *cough* XDDDD ))


Akuma wimpered lightly. "N-No..." He muttered. "P-Please..." He said as he looked at Natsumi as if asking for mercy. Roman had shown him something he had been blind to see. He was about to lose all of that.



Natsumi Uruseiko

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi lowered her spear tilting her head a bit. Though, she couldn't full trust it yet so she was still carrying the spear.

''And if he does try something, it could be too late. I say we kill him to make it safe.''

"Mishaps you say? Okay, I'll see what I can do for you." Akane said as she turned to look at Camilla. She saw the burns on her palms and it caused Akane to smile a little. Camilla had this sort of innocence that she found adorable, and she was never able to witness it from her own child who had always been such a perfectionist for some reason. "Would it be too much to ask to see your hands? I can help get rid of those burns for you."

Camilla Radkov


Camilla blinked a few times when she had asked about the burns she had gotten on her hands. "Oh? No, that wouldn't be too much at all" she answered as she gas opened up her palms to show Akane. "I can heal others but not myself yet" she had explained as she did so, holding out her palms "No one had told me that preparing the pancakes would hurt your hands so much" she said in a sincere tone, visibly cringing as she thought back on her attempt at preparing breakfast. She never had to cook at home, no one did, after all her home was in the sea, it would be difficult/impossible to prepare warm food down there. She may not have learned how to prepare pancakes correctly in her last cooking session but she did learn that burns hurt a heck of a lot and fire shouldn't be trusted at all. This didn't deter her however, she really did want to learn more on how to cook and all the other things about the surface. So a few nasty burns weren't going to stop her trying again. Besides, Akane had said she could find her culinary classes, which she was already excited about. 

Glancing down at her hands which she was still holding out for examination by Akane, she looked back up to Akane and smiled lightly, a curious expression then filling her face as she tilted her head "Is healing people your ability too?" Camilla then proceeded to ask, now curious to know what kind of being Akane was.

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