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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa moved around the Restaurant as customers asked for there orders, as she moved back to the counter to place the order down she sighed and looked around, all of the people here where mythical creatures, which wasn't a surprise, but a nice feeling. Sh put the order down and turned to go back to work before someone came up to her with a briefcase, "Yes, that's me." She said before he asked about business, she gave a small sigh before she pushed her glasses back up, since they had fallen down a bit somewhat, "Sure, give me a couple minutes?" She said before she turned around and went behind the counter, "Oi! Listen up, i need someone to take my shift, going for a small bit," She yelled out as some of them nodded there heads, one person moved forward to take her apron, "Thanks," She said as the person merely nodded and continued working, she came out from behind the counter and sighed, "Please follow me, some privacy would be nice no?" She said as she walked towards the door leading to the small under cover area with table, empty as always, for now at least. @Wicked Jester (( Sorry short post ))

((I'm on a mobile so replies may be a bit shorter.))

Jack smiled as the girl called another person over to take her shift, taking one last look at the dinner and noticing a few of the patrons were actually super natural beings, yet they still didn't have the same sense of danger Elisa did. Then again, thinking about the facts, usually when someone in a suit came looking for you it was a bad thing yet this girl wasn't even phased. Jack was proud of his decision to attempt to recruit this girl. Following the girl to the secluded place, jack smiled once more glad for the privacy. Then without waiting for Elisa he placed the brief case on the table and began speaking. "To make a long story short, I would like you to come work for me." Without waiting for a response Jack opened the case and spin it around, revealing stacks of 10,000¥ bills (largest ones there are in Japanese currency), filling up the briefcase. "Would you perhaps be interested?"
ЖHaruo FukushimaЖ

                  ~ The Prince of Euphoria ~

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...≭Haruo sighed and replied as he looked around at Lance and manifested a white piece of chalk within his hand. He then walked over to a nearby wall and began writing the aforementioned words, along with a drawing of a heart shape between Haruo and Lance's name≭...

“ You told me that you were a woman, though. So until you take your real form, I'll just scribble 'Lance hearts Haruo' everywhere. ”


Location:School's Main Courtyard.


Conversing with Lance.


Interacting With:Lance.


Concoct the perfect plan to embarrass Lance.


@Wicked Jester

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

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...♆Kuroh released a small joyful laugh as he replied, shortly before he returned to eating his food♆...

“ True~ Normal is a relative word, I guess~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.




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...ΨKenji watched as Lumina lay out all of her feelings before him, a sense of relief flooding his being as he did so. Hearing what had been bothering Lumina had lifted a previously unfelt weight from Kenji's shoulders, allowing him to. As his pair began describing her distress over not knowing her parents and not having a place where she could call home, Kenji began recalling the books he'd read in Euphoria, as well as the tales from the older generation of Sanctums that he'd heard when he was in the Throne World. With a confident, friendly smile, Kenji replied to LuminaΨ...

“ Hm.. If you want.. I can help you find your parents? The estate's library has a wide array of books that my father wrote on every race within The Existence, so finding the phoenix book and looking for lineages should point us to them rather quickly~ ”



Movie Theatre.


Going to the movies with Lumina.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.





Lumina stared down at her lap, waiting for Kenjis reaction. Would he be upset? Would he pity her? Try to convince her otherwise? She was scared, putting all of her feelings out in the open like that. Sure, he was probably the only one she'd ever be able to truly do that with, but even still. Being true and honest about her feelings and actually expressing them was something she was just plain bad at. Her body and mind didn't know how to handle emotions, which is why in times of extreme emotion or extreme circumstances, her whole appearance would change to accomodate. Something so simple for other people was a challenge for her. Thank god Kenji was willing to put up with it.

Speaking of Kenji, the last thing that Lumina was expecting was for his voice to be... optimistic. The way he was talking, with the books back at the estate, he sounded so confident he'd be able to find her family. Hearing these words, Lumina started tearing up, though she didn't realize it as she looked up from her lap and up at her pair. "...you really mean it?" Her voice came out unsure, but sincerely appreciative of his offer. "..you'd do that for me?" Lumina asked, as if it wasn't obvious that he would. Even Lumina herself knew he would, but she felt compelled to ask, thinking so lowly of herself that she wouldn't think anyone would do something like that for her. If there was a family out there that she belonged to, she wanted to find them. Everyone wants to know where they come from.
((I'm on a mobile so replies may be a bit shorter.))

Jack smiled as the girl called another person over to take her shift, taking one last look at the dinner and noticing a few of the patrons were actually super natural beings, yet they still didn't have the same sense of danger Elisa did. Then again, thinking about the facts, usually when someone in a suit came looking for you it was a bad thing yet this girl wasn't even phased. Jack was proud of his decision to attempt to recruit this girl. Following the girl to the secluded place, jack smiled once more glad for the privacy. Then without waiting for Elisa he placed the brief case on the table and began speaking. "To make a long story short, I would like you to come work for me." Without waiting for a response Jack opened the case and spin it around, revealing stacks of 10,000¥ bills (largest ones there are in Japanese currency), filling up the briefcase. "Would you perhaps be interested?"

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a short sigh (( Working by normal currency, because i can't be I'm unculturedged translating the bs, )) before she looked up at the person, "1. This place earns over 59 million a month, just for the pure fact we cater all mythical races, 2. Thanks for the offer, but no, my brother owns the place, and has given it to me, so, sorry, but i have to refuse," She said as she made her way to the door, "You know the way out, order something if you want, on the house," She said as she opened the door, she knew he wouldn't stop there though, is he was offering money he wanted her to work for him, badly. @Wicked Jester (( Can we work by normal American or whatever the fuck currency? I will only get more confused if we are shifting to Japan stuff, i have been working by the fact we are in general American place, so i am just gonna be lost in what your saying. ))

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a short sigh (( Working by normal currency, because i can't be I'm unculturedged translating the bs, )) before she looked up at the person, "1. This place earns over 59 million a month, just for the pure fact we cater all mythical races, 2. Thanks for the offer, but no, my brother owns the place, and has given it to me, so, sorry, but i have to refuse," She said as she made her way to the door, "You know the way out, order something if you want, on the house," She said as she opened the door, she knew he wouldn't stop there though, is he was offering money he wanted her to work for him, badly. @Wicked Jester (( Can we work by normal American or whatever the fuck currency? I will only get more confused if we are shifting to Japan stuff, i have been working by the fact we are in general American place, so i am just gonna be lost in what your saying. ))

((We can I actually had to go and Google that shit fit the last post XDD AMERICA FTW!))

Jack felt a shiver of pleasure run down his spine. He knew he was right to want this girl. She interested him. Either she was holding out for more, or she truly had no interest in working for him, jack did not know which, but either way it just made Jack want her more. From his position by the table, black darkness appeared around his body and across the room where he was intently relocated to, standing just out of Elisa's path. "OK well if you don't want what I'm offering, what do you want? I can make anything happen you know. Name your price."
Everest laughed and snuggled up against Hakuru, placing his head in the crook of her neck. Nuzzling her before whispering in her ear, "Hmm.... You're pretty comfy you know that? What do you think? Should I take a nap and use you as my pillow?"

"I-I'm not your pillow" she said, relieved that he had stopped when she had surrendered.
"I-I'm not your pillow" she said, relieved that he had stopped when she had surrendered.

Everest smiled and gently nuzzled her shoulder where a numbers were stuffed inside. Just because he has stopped didn't mean he was going to let her take out the feathers yet. Smiling he placed his head on her stomach and nuzzled her there before speaking to her softly. "Your right... but you could be. Me, holding you in my arms every night, sleeping against you, relying on you. What do you say, will you be my pillow?"
Kaz blinked as he walked around the school building. Honestly school was over and he didn't really need anything, but it was boring sitting all alone at home so Kaz decided to take a walk and had ended back up at the school. Boredly he walked around before eventually ending up in the library where he proceeded to wander around looking at the shelves and exploding what the library had to offer.


Yura, still being new to the campus, had found himself enthralled in a tome he was reading about magi and incantations from all over the world. He looked quite devoted to the book and seemed pretty content humming softly to himself a nice tune. At first glance, he looked rather young to be moving into his second year as he quietly read to himself seemingly having isolated a spot only for himself his staff sitting in his lap looking quite beautiful and rather feminine for a boy, or  as the average boy might think.


@Wicked Jester
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Yura, still being new to the campus, had found himself enthralled in a tome he was reading about magi and incantations from all over the world. He looked quite devoted to the book and seemed pretty content humming softly to himself a nice tune. At first glance, he looked rather young to be moving into his second year as he quietly read to himself seemingly having isolated a spot only for himself his staff sitting in his lap looking quite beautiful and rather feminine for a boy, or  as the average boy might think.

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@Wicked Jester

Kaz sighed as he looked up to a higher shelf and spotted the book he wanted. Groaning he rolled the ladder from the end of the shelves to the spot he wanted it and began to climb up, huffing as he went. Reaching out for his book, Kaz accidentally shook the shelf and caused a number of books on the other side of the ladder to come crashing down. Dropping down the ladder Kaz rushed around the shelf to find much to his dismay a young boy buried beneath a small pile of books. Rushing forwards Kaz began to move books of of the boy. *Oh my god! Are you ok???"
Kaz sighed as he looked up to a higher shelf and spotted the book he wanted. Groaning he rolled the ladder from the end of the shelves to the spot he wanted it and began to climb up, huffing as he went. Reaching out for his book, Kaz accidentally shook the shelf and caused a number of books on the other side of the ladder to come crashing down. Dropping down the ladder Kaz rushed around the shelf to find much to his dismay a young boy buried beneath a small pile of books. Rushing forwards Kaz began to move books of of the boy. *Oh my god! Are you ok???"

Yura groaned holding his head looking slightly pained, but not injured at least. "Owww...Y-yeah. I think so." He said sheepishly slightly red in the face clambering his way out of the books and pouting at quite the mess. "Oh dear..the librarian isn't going to be happy." He frowned and looked to Kaz still holding his head. Quite the mess of books lay astray on the floor, various books open as others were closed all over the floor of the library. It had seemed neither boy sustained any major injury despite the rather incidental book falling.
((We can I actually had to go and Google that shit fit the last post XDD AMERICA FTW!))

Jack felt a shiver of pleasure run down his spine. He knew he was right to want this girl. She interested him. Either she was holding out for more, or she truly had no interest in working for him, jack did not know which, but either way it just made Jack want her more. From his position by the table, black darkness appeared around his body and across the room where he was intently relocated to, standing just out of Elisa's path. "OK well if you don't want what I'm offering, what do you want? I can make anything happen you know. Name your price."

(( SO SORRY! ;_; I am in the process of moving, almost done, but i also have school in a day or two, ;~; ))

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a small tired sigh as the person appeared in front of her, her eyes flashing a deep red as she walked forward towards the person, "No. I am content with my life as it is." She said as she pushed past the person, knocking her shoulder with his as she reached for the door. What is his deal? She asked herself before giving a small sigh, approaching the door.
"Damn it." Roman had still been diving down from the sky. "You're a bothersome mother-" Roman quickly used the lighting blade, causing him to go straight through the beast with ease. It seemed he was maybe getting ready to use his full power. The beast exploded as Romab came through the other side, and his sights were on Akuma. 

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"Akuma!!!" Roman had vanished and appeared behind him, sending his knee right into Akuma's spine, and using another lightning blade to cause even more damage. "Akuma. I will give you ONE chance to hear me out, or be eradicated. I will turn you into vapor if you choose not to listen."

-Akuma the Time and Space Devil-

Akuma growled as the blade hit him, now barely inflicting damage on him as he wobbled and grunted. He slowly turned to face him. "Oh yeah?" He asked as he dodged some of the seals chains. "Just WHAT is there to talk about. You insist I'm wrong but you have no evidence to prove it. All the different creatures in the universe are only driven by selfish desires such as love." He grunted before in his own brain something seemed to jolt him. "W-Why do I want him to answer and prove me wrong...?" He thought as he gasped as an artifact flew out of his body, Akuma desperately trying to reabsorb it.
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((For anybody who is wondering if I'm going to reply to the other interactions, the answer is yes, I plan to do that once the battle against Akuma ends. That way I have less multi-tasking to do with possibly a new char under my sleeve. I will reply to the other posts now so you don't have to keep waiting))

Seoul Haeundae

~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~

''Baby sitting? Guess I can do that. You gonna pay me?''

She asked jokingly. Though she would baby sit the baby while they were gone.

''Did you guys name the baby yet?''

- Mari the Goddess of Plants -

Mari smiled and nodded. "Oh of course! Also, I believe we named her Violet...? AH! I don't remember!" She said as if she was gonna burst out sobbing. She couldn't believe she had forgotten something so important that had just slipped the confines of her mind.
Roman took the artifact and stored it in the Kamui dimension until it's use was needed. "My son is going to stay with you Natsumi. If my telepathy connection cuts with you, send him into the seal. I might be in danger and need his help... Okay?" He asked her. "Ready when you are."

(((( @TheDragoon, ready after Hime's sealing post. ))))

Han laughed nervously, waving his hand as if saying no, "I was just thinking about us. The day we got married is pretty soon. Our anniversary." He said, still laughing a little. "I... Sort of forgot... But luckily I remembered even with all this crazy stuff going on."

-Celia the Goddess of Light-

"A-Ah! I see!" She said, having forgotten about that herself. Celia pecked his lips and then she gave him a seductive grin. "Soooo Han-San~ where do you plan to take me for our anniversary?" She giggled, now getting really excited about this. It would be their first full year of being married. She was kinda looking pale tho, probably from the battle of humanity going on...

((Also, just to make this clear I guess, Celia doesn't age due to being a goddess who's lived thousands and thousands of years and has served as a woman who balances her light with darkness. HOWEVER, she can change her appearance as she pleases so she could look around the same age as Han if she wanted :3))
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- Mari the Goddess of Plants -

Mari smiled and nodded. "Oh of course! Also, I believe we named her Violet...? AH! I don't remember!" She said as if she was gonna burst out sobbing. She couldn't believe she had forgotten something so important that had just slipped the confines of her mind.

[SIZE= 20px]Seoul Haeundae[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]~ Empress God Eater of Cataclysm ~[/SIZE]

Seoul thought about a name just in case Roselyn had forgotten the name as well. She soon had an idea. She also had alternative names as well.

''Why not name her Sakura? Y'know those pink flowers? I always thought they were beautiful.''
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Yura groaned holding his head looking slightly pained, but not injured at least. "Owww...Y-yeah. I think so." He said sheepishly slightly red in the face clambering his way out of the books and pouting at quite the mess. "Oh dear..the librarian isn't going to be happy." He frowned and looked to Kaz still holding his head. Quite the mess of books lay astray on the floor, various books open as others were closed all over the floor of the library. It had seemed neither boy sustained any major injury despite the rather incidental book falling.

Kaz nodded looking around concernedly when the boy spoke about the librarian, remembering just who the librarian was. "Oh man... you're right, he's not going to be happy..."  Then thinking about running off, Kaz realized he couldn't just leave the boy behind. Crouching down Kaz grabbed the boy's hand pulled him upright, holding a finger up to his mouth indicating silence before whispering to the boy. "you're right about him not going to be happy, and on that note i would recommend we dont stick around. Now I would suggest we be on our way before he comes around to find out what that noise was and finds this mess." Dropping the boys hand Kaz began to dash forwards staying low and hidden behind the books, making his way towards the exit and hoping the boy was making the smart choice and following him.

((the librarian in the RP is a big half dragonoid dude and I really wouldn't want to mess with him.(although he is controlled by a player, i just dont remember who XDDD)))

(( SO SORRY! ;_; I am in the process of moving, almost done, but i also have school in a day or two, ;~; ))

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a small tired sigh as the person appeared in front of her, her eyes flashing a deep red as she walked forward towards the person, "No. I am content with my life as it is." She said as she pushed past the person, knocking her shoulder with his as she reached for the door. What is his deal? She asked herself before giving a small sigh, approaching the door.

(damn you for having very little in your CS! I have nothing to work with XDDD  "hmm lets see... I offer you.... endless food!" such a good recruitment line XDD)
Jack smirked as she replied. She was content with this life? Jack couldn't really believe it. Being a waitress would be worse than being stuck in hell, it would be far too boring and uninteresting for him to last five minutes. Standing upright he shrugged his shoulders and thought about what she seemed to care about. This diner obviously seemed to take a top spot in her heart, so he decided to roll with that idea. Taking a wild shot in the dark as to what may interest her in coming to work for him, shrugging as he spoke. "What if I said I could help you raise these dinners to become a multinational chain with hundreds of thousands of stores and too many workers to count?"

((I'll accomidate to however much you feel like writing so dont worry.))

-Akuma the Time and Space Devil-

Akuma growled as the blade hit him, now barely inflicting damage on him as he wobbled and grunted. He slowly turned to face him. "Oh yeah?" He asked as he dodged some of the seals chains. "Just WHAT is there to talk about. You insist I'm wrong but you have no evidence to prove it. All the different creatures in the universe are only driven by selfish desires such as love." He grunted before in his own brain something seemed to jolt him. "W-Why do I want him to answer and prove me wrong...?" He thought as he gasped as an artifact flew out of his body, Akuma desperately trying to reabsorb it.

"Do you think you're any different?" Roman asked, kicking the artifact out of Akuma's reach. A clone appeared and picked it up, tightly holding the artifact, ready to defend it if need be. "No one is safe from these emotions and other desires... You aren't either." He said, taking a kunai put of his ninja pouch. "You may not like it, but it's just something that some of us strive to have... I'm not the best at this kind of thing, I know that, but this is your chance." Roman twirled the kunai on his pointer finger, ready to kill Akuma if he doesn't accept Roman's offer. "Die here or lead a new life."

-Celia the Goddess of Light-

"A-Ah! I see!" She said, having forgotten about that herself. Celia pecked his lips and then she gave him a seductive grin. "Soooo Han-San~ where do you plan to take me for our anniversary?" She giggled, now getting really excited about this. It would be their first full year of being married. She was kinda looking pale tho, probably from the battle of humanity going on...

((Also, just to make this clear I guess, Celia doesn't age due to being a goddess who's lived thousands and thousands of years and has served as a woman who balances her light with darkness. HOWEVER, she can change her appearance as she pleases so she could look around the same age as Han if she wanted :3))

"Well I did say it was soon, so I still have time to think. Trust me though... You'll like it." Han said softly. "As much as I love your robes, I suggest getting a more... Formal dress. Don't worry, I will be dressing nicely myself." He told her, giving Celia a quick peck on the lips back. 
"Do you think you're any different?" Roman asked, kicking the artifact out of Akuma's reach. A clone appeared and picked it up, tightly holding the artifact, ready to defend it if need be. "No one is safe from these emotions and other desires... You aren't either." He said, taking a kunai put of his ninja pouch. "You may not like it, but it's just something that some of us strive to have... I'm not the best at this kind of thing, I know that, but this is your chance." Roman twirled the kunai on his pointer finger, ready to kill Akuma if he doesn't accept Roman's offer. "Die here or lead a new life."

-... Simply Akuma...-

Akuma was surprised by his answer... By destroying others for being selfish... He was being selfish? He didn't understand it that much but he knew Roman was right. Akuma cursed lightly. He sounded like he was about to sob. "I..." He said before the white light blinded them both again and Akuma, now in the form of young man... Was crying. "I-I have... Been a fool..." He said, sounding choked up. "How did I get so hung up on this power and destroying others..." He muttered.
"Well I did say it was soon, so I still have time to think. Trust me though... You'll like it." Han said softly. "As much as I love your robes, I suggest getting a more... Formal dress. Don't worry, I will be dressing nicely myself." He told her, giving Celia a quick peck on the lips back. 

Celia nodded. "Alright, I have one but I can't remove my necklace, it acts as a stabilizer for all my magic power." She explained to Han. She got up and began to change her clothes in multiple different flashes of light cloaking her.
Yura frowned looking upset he was going to just leave a big mess for the librarian. Grabbing his staff, among all his other belongings and satchel, he quickly followed whispering and thinking a soft "sorry" for the still non existant librarian at the time trying to ignore the pain on his head.

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