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Fandom Steven Universe OC Character Sign-up

Cause they might kill me or so

Well I'm certain that unless you've done something heinous nobody would want to kill you, but you have the full right to seek security in your life, and I will respect that. Know I didn't mean to sound as if I were addressing you in a condescending tone, but simply out of curiosity.

Gem Dravite.jpg


Full Name: Dravite Tourmaline (Prefers just Dravite)
Approx. Age: 6300 years
Race/Species: Gem
Weapon: No weapon utilized save for her hands and feet.

Height: 6' 03"


Dravite wields the ability of geokinesis, or the ability to manipulate earth. More specifically Dravite's control over earth is focused on rocks, minerals, and other forms of mineralized matter originating from a planet's crust and mantle. Dravite's geokinesis also gives her great sensitivity to the composition of the ground beneath her if she focuses enough. With her lacking any form of weaponry, Dravite instead utilizes her geokinesis to give her a rather flexible array of tools to assist and defend herself. She can create a myriad of shapes and forms from the earth depending on exactly what she's trying to perform whether it be travelling, seeking shelter, or simply occupying her time with mental stimulation. Dravite can also control the density of earthen rocks and minerals to suit her needs when she deems it appropriate

Main Mission

Designated to scout out prime locations for kindergartens to take root as well as valuable ores for the crafting of weapons. Even to the present Dravite continues to search for rich areas of earth to shape and prepare for kindergarten use with that being the only task she knows.

Bio Summary


Dravite's purpose was that of a simple worker, a gem designed to facilitate the advance and growth of the Gem Homeworld on other planets. When earth was discovered and colonized she and her fellow Dravite Touramlines were charged with searching the planet for locations that would create successful and bountiful kindergartens. For centuries Dravite worked like a good gem, knowing her task as she as she and her sisters searched over the earth for the most prime locations to begin the foundation of a kindergarten. Countless forests, planes, and other forms of sprawling flora were swept away as Dravite and her fellow kin worked to shape, mold, and warp the ground to bare rock perfect to start the growth of more gems within the fertile planet's crust. She didn't know what harm she was doing to the earth and how she was helping to sap it of life, but in those early centuries Dravite didn't really care as her purpose was that of simple labor.

When the crystal gem rebellion broke out, Dravite's purpose shifted from forming the basis for kindergartens to assisting in creating fortifications for Homeworld forces. The change of work didn't bother Dravite too much, the gem never seeing combat as she followed the orders given to her, but as the war began to shift  in the rebellion's favor Dravite found herself being placed closer and closer to the front lines. Previously silent areas being prepped for a battle changed into active encampments, and further still changed into clashing battlefields. As Homeworld's hold on earth waned further and further Dravite found herself placed into battle as well. Being meant for heavy labor Dravite and her sisters' forms were certainly formidable in stature, but she wasn't meant to fight, she didn't know HOW to fight. Regardless though, she followed the commands given to her as she fought the increasingly obvious losing battle against the rebellion. The last memories Dravite has of the rebellion was another battle, herself losing badly, and a crushing blow to her body sending her down a deep ravine as her bodily form dissipated and she retreated into her gem. How far she fell Dravite didn't know, but light became scarce, and the world around her became silent.

How much time passed after she retreated into her gem Dravite didn't know, but upon awakening she found a world that wasn't what she knew. From the ravine she'd fallen into Dravite found battlefields of fallen gems. The war had been won, but by what side she didn't know. Nothing of homeworld origin seemed to function, areas she remembered shaping for kindergartens stood untouched, and existing kindergartens sat corroded by time. The realization that those she'd known were gone either shattered or having fled back to homeworld and that now she was quite possibly all alone on a planet she knew nothing about as a simple working gem struck fear into her. The information of her current situation was too much for Dravite to process, and so she clung to the one task she knew: shaping the earth.  Dravite was fulfilling her purpose, and such knowledge kept her sane over the centuries, but time also brought with it a blur to the exact definition of her purpose. Without any directive Dravite found her purpose of working begin to shift from simply creating barren swaths of stone and rock to also working the earth's form into shapes, constructs, and objects for the reason of...well she really didn't know. Fast forward to the present day and Dravite has found a somewhat odd form of existence. She continues to create swaths of barren earth for the never-to-arrive kindergartens, but at the same time she makes an effort to create something from nature that doesn't destroy it, often times right next to areas she's cleared into rocky outcroppings, as if seeking to keep a balance of sorts also for reasons she doesn't fully understand.

Personality Rundown

Dravite is one of few words, her life as a simple worker of rock and earth leaving her with little reason to talk or converse. The gem prefers doing what can be done when a situation calls for action, and patiently awaiting what will come of such actions. if there's no need for a response she'll remain silent and patiently wait until a need does arise. One thing that can make her appear cold though is Dravite's tendency to act in a logical fashion, not really taking emotions into effect. This is by and large due to her never really being given the privilege of speaking during her service to homeworld, but who knows what the future holds for her.

Other Important Info
-Dravite tends to dislike areas that are devoid of prominent rocky formations since they have little with which she can utilize with her geokinesis should the need arise, but if the need is pressing enough she will stifle her wariness.
-Dravite also holds a bit of a phobia of water as she finds the ever moving and shifting currents unsettling compared to the solidity and security of firm rock.

-At the moment she is neutral in that she isn't aligned with the rebels, but isn't against them either. Dravite simply is trying to exist doing what she knows. She likely will be approachable if done so peacefully.
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Wonderful! I hope I didn't make Dravite's profile too long/detail heavy.
Hey guys, if anyone's interested, there's a page on fb called "Adopt-a-Gem" that make gemsona's for people. Just tell them what you want and they'll do it. There are some excellent artists on there too :)
*yon* after three 5-second power outages cause it's so frickin hot ive finished reading Dravite. It's good.
Thank you, hope it's not too big though. I tend to get a bit overzealous when creating a character or backstory. ^_^
*yon* after three 5-second power outages cause it's so frickin hot ive finished reading Dravite. It's good.

Hey, if you're still worried about posting your drawing, you could see if the Adopt-A-Gem page on FB would make you a drawing. Just tell them what you'd like and they'll be able to do it. They have some really great artists on there.
I uploaded my drawings if y'all wanna see them. Though you don't have to appreciate them they were kinda hasty. I made the one of Hiddenite on the bus ride home.

Hiddenite has a greenish color scheme, while Sodalite is mainly blue. Kinda like Woobat. If you get the reference.
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Everything looks perfect for everyone! =D Oh man, I never thought this would get so many good writers and artists, I'm super excited to start!
I'd rather keep the drawing as only drawn by me.

Full Name: [Nickname/Most common name] Emerald AKA Tree HuggerApprox. Age: 5,000 yrsRace/Species: (Gem, human, animal, etc.) Gem/Plant fusion*Weapon: Dual Scythes/Hoes/Walking stick (Multipurpose tool)*Abilities: Can manipulate grass/plant elements/matter*Main Mission: (optional; 'to destroy earth', 'to protect earth', etc.) To cleanse earth of all of the wrongings done to the planetBio Summary: Emerald actually isn't a natural Gem from the kindergarten or homeworld. Long ago the ancient people, Neanderthals planted a grain. But they mistook a tiny little stone in the grain. He was made in the image of wheat and when he was made into food, his gem cracked and he remade himself into the liking of Neanderthals. The tribe praised him as a God until he saw them doing terrible things to the earth. He ran away into deep slumber in the water after the Ice age and has awoken 50 years ago. He re-made himself dozens of times but he likes this version the best...**Fusion of: X & X & X etc. He is sort of a fusion. When he was mixed with the seeds his Elements rearanged and he is half plant!Personality Rundown: (short and sweet, keep it simple) As his nickname states he is a tree hugger. He is also quite a nerd. In his free time he figures out the digits of pi, write poems, and do science experiments. He also has something against Vegetarians/Vegans.Other Important Info.: (whatever you'd like to add) I dont know if this is still up. His gems (with peices of wheat and grass inside) Are on his shoulders. He is unaware of Gem war and thinks he is unique. He also has vast knowledge of early humans.* - Gems only** - fusions only
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Dumortierite, their fusion



Full Name: Tsavorite, Te (But only by Lepidolite)Approx. Age: 7,000Race/Species: Gem*Weapon: Bow and arrow*Abilities: Tsavorite is very tech savvy, knowing her way around new and old gem tech consoles and such. She also has a sharp eye.*Main Mission: Tsavorite is the pilot of the recon ship sent back to Earth to scout for remaining gems. She is apart of the recon team filled with strongly aligned Homeworld gems, ready to report their findings of Earth back to Homeworld.Bio Summary: Tsavorite was made before the gem war, and had a job that most Homeworld gems would regret having. Tsavorites were in charge of transport ships that ran back and for between Homeworld, harvested, and hosted planets. They carried everything form soldiers, supplies, and even artifacts. Their jobs were looked as boring, but necessary. However, every Tsavorite seemed to be made for the job, seeing as they all got it done no matter the sacrifice. And they loved it. None more than Te, who rose above her peers and became the most known pilot on Homeworld. Tsavorite cut 1. She was like the Jasper of Tsavorites, looked up by every pilot on Homeworld. Then the gem war came.

The time of the war excited Tsavorite. She got to see Earth, one of the few planets that were restricted to valuable pilots like her. She got to transport Quartzes and even Black Diamond herself. 

Nearing the end of the war, Tsavorite was drawn out of her ship and ambushed by rebels. The crew that she had been piloting fought bravely, but ultimately gave into the rebels. They retreated into their gems and were shattered in the hands of a rebel. While they fought, Tsavorite ran. She let fear overcome her and she hid until the terrible battle was over. Once she came out of hiding, the rebels were gone and all that was left were the shards of her fallen comrades. She wept while the sun rose, and took her ship back to Homeworld, along with every last shard of her crew.

When the time came to face her Diamond, Blue Diamond, she was punished for her cowardice. The gem who used to be looked up to by all was now cast to the lowest ranks of transport, forgotten by many and hated by most. 

In her time of sorrow, Tsavorite met Lepidolite, the only gem who was nice to her in her darkest time. Lepidolite picked her up, comforted her when her visions overcame her mind, and was by her side whenever Te needed her. 

After thousands of years of climbing the ranks and gaining her diamond's trust, Tsavorite has now been sent on the recon mission with Lepidolite as her general. Tsavorite is looking to redeem herself and become the hero she used to be.

Personality Rundown: Tsavorite used to be a strong leader, easily capable of barking orders and punishing her crewmates. Now, however, she keeps quite, and often flinches at interactions with gems other than Lepidolite. It will take a lot to bring her back to who she used to be. For now, Lepidolite mainly speaks was Tsavorite thinks.Other Important Info: Tsavorite and Lepidolite have fused, and have enjoyed the feeling of fusing so much that they do it as much as they can without other Homeworld gems seeing. Their fusion is made of trust and friendship, and they work very well together.

Full Name: Lepidolite, Lep (Only Tsavorite calls her this)Approx. Age: 5,000 yearsRace/Species: Gem*Weapon: Battle Axe*Abilities: Lepidolite can understand emotions from gems really well.*Main Mission: To find out more about the condition of Earth and report her findings back to Homeworld.Bio Summary: Lepidolite was made during the gem war and used for the sole purpose of commanding Quartzes and leading them into battle. She began the war strong-willed and always ready to fight. However, as the war went on for thousands of years and the rebel gems showed no signs of stopping, most gems looked to Lepidolite for reassurance. So many of them were being shattered each day, and her troop grew smaller and smaller every battle. Lep provided a becon of hope in desperate measures, as did every other Lepidolite on Earth. As the war was lost and thousands of gems fled to Homeworld, Lepidolite made sure every last one of her remaining troop was accounted for and made it back to Homeworld safely. 

Since the gem war, Lep has found ways to occupy herself, such as taking the older Tsavorite under her wing and caring for the mental helpless gem. She has also trained and trained, ready to shatter every last revel gem still on Earth because of what they did to her home planet and her friends.Personality Rundown: Lepidolite takes control of most situations, being made for barking orders and commanding gems. Many listen to her and she makes sure she is heard. Lepidolite is hotheaded and careless, but loyal to no end.Other Important Info: nothing other than that iM SO EXCITED TO START AL:JF:LSJDF:LKSJDF:LKJ

PSA Tsavorite is my child if any one of you hurt her i will hunt u d o w n.

jk but seriously these two are so adorable ;-;



@TheUltimateSpiderFan I don't believe this character makes much sense for this certain rp ^^" He seems a bit too out of place, even for a fantasy plot such as this. I, personally, would not use him, but it's up to you. Of you believe he will make a difference in the story line and makes sense in a sort of science way, go for it.

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