Damsels and Dragons

>Go back to your car, sleep it off until tomorrow morning. Maybe have a panic attack or two to get it out of your system. (Based on previous personality decisions)
Sleep in the car.   Maybe this will all be a bad dream.  Yeah.   Just a bad dream.  Something to talk about around the water cooler at work.  

God, I never thought I'd miss that job.
>Sleep it off

You know what? Fuck this shit, you're going to bed. You've had enough of this nonsense, so you're not going to deal with it anymore. You're going to go back to your car, lock the doors and go to sleep. Maybe if you're lucky, all this idiocy will turn out to be a bad dream. Hell, you'll settle for it being a coma dream after a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle at this rate, so long as you don't have to stay in this dumb fantasy world.

You're halfway in to storming back to your car when you hesitate for the briefest of moments, casting one last look back at the grimoire you cast aside in startled reflex. After a moment of internal struggle, you eventually go back and pick up the stupid thing. Magic is bullshit, but you might as well take advantage of it now that you know it exists.

You trudge your way past the battlefield, around the huge monster perforated with steel and over the hillock. It feels like it took more time to get back to your car than it took to walk away from it, something you blame on the fatigue settling in. Opening the car door, you cast one last look around for anything that could look like a threat. Seeing nothing, you resign for the evening.

Locking the doors and rolling up the windows of the car, you lean the chair back and debate turning on the AC before deciding against it. You're not that warm, and it's probably best to conserve the car's battery anyway. Making yourself comfortable, you settle in for the evening and eventually drift off to sleep for the rest of the evening.


Rap rap rap.

You wake with a start at the sound of something tapping on your window. You aren't sure if it's safe or not, so you slowly reach over to grab the sword you picked up the previous evening. Thankfully the windows of your car are partially tinted, so you feel secure in moving that much unimpeded.

Eventually, the rapping stops, and you hear the sound of someone rattling at the door handle, trying to get in. There doesn't seem to be a sense of urgency to the rattling, so you suspect that whoever or whatever is out there don't know someone is inside the car. Shifting slowly to not make too much noise, you turn to look at the source of the noise.

To your surprise, it looks like a normal human woman. Fair skinned and brown hair are her more noticeable features, but the thing that really gets you is the fact that she's dressed in full plate armor, further lending to your suspicions that you're in some kind of medieval fantasy land. She doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon, and judging by the look on her face, she seems more curious than aggressive, you don't think she'll try to attack you if you introduce yourself.

What do you do?

>Introduce yourself. 

>Stay hidden for now.
Just tag me alone and that's fine. I keep missing notifs due to the following system

EDIT: oh and, introduce yourself. Nothing like an early game partner to have with you.

...you fucking weakass pansy.
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>run her over

>drive away
Introduce yourself.  Maybe she speaks your language (hey everyone spoke English on Lord of the Rings, right?) and can tell you where the fuck are you.

Maybe this is some strange high end foam sword thing those nerdy guys in the basement server room always talk about.  With real swords.... And genetic engineering...  And magic?

Yeah, let's just talk to the girl.  
That's some fucking hardcore LARPing right there.

That makes more sense than bring sucked into another dimension where magic is real, right right?

((In other OOC news, if the off chance we keep our car in one piece, we should find an alchemist to recreate fuel for our car.  Something about driving down the middle of a battle field blaring hard rock* intrigues me.))

*or whatever music our hero listens to.   
((In other OOC news, if the off chance we keep our car in one piece, we should find an alchemist to recreate fuel for our car.  Something about driving down the middle of a battle field blaring hard rock* intrigues me.))

*or whatever music our hero listens to.   

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Let's introduce ourselves! The armoured lady could mistake him for a monster/enemy messenger/loser and probably be able to punt Our Hero fairly easily in the whatchamacallits, fireworks-101 book or not.
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> Introduce yourself

Hell, you're already in over your head. May as well go all the way and introduce yourself to the armored woman. The problem is, how to go about doing it? She's currently blocking the door out, and since she clearly has no idea that there is anyone inside, an abrupt opening of the door would probably startle her too much. You need to get her to back up a little bit so you can get out and actually try to communicate with her.

Fumbling about for your keys, you find the remote locking button on the car key and hit it twice. The doors, already locked, let out a loud chirping sound to confirm this.  As expected, the woman leaps back in surprise, drawing her weapon, a large sword that you think might be a claymore, and gets in to a guarded stance, eyeing the car warily.

Slowly, you unlock the driver side door and unlatch it, further causing the woman to tense up. Just as slowly, you open the door to the car, keeping your hands visible so she can see you're not aggressive, although you keep the bastard sword clenched in one of them, just in case. Carefully, you open the door fully, and step out in to the sunlight, in full visibility of the armed and armored woman.

She's shorter than you expected, but then again you're taller than most and you were laying down when you first saw her, so perhaps that's not a surprise. Her hair is lengthy, and bound in a ponytail that trails down her back. The armor she's wearing appears to be well made and highly polished, reflecting the sunlight with an almost unnatural sheen.

Then again, you are in magical fantasy bullshit land, so may be it actually is an unnatural sheen. You're starting to have second doubts about all this, when the woman lowers her sword slightly in surprise at seeing a human emerge from what to her, is undoubtedly a strange contraption. She doesn't appear to be about to lunge forward and chop you to bits, so you waive at her in a friendly manner.

"Uh, hi." You say, keeping your tone even as best you can. "Sorry to startle you like that, but I couldn't get out with you in the way of the door." You motion to the open car door and give it a gentle swing to emphasize your point.

The woman stares at you, a look of concern and confusion slowly creeping in to her more serious expression. She hesitates for a moment, before speaking in turn.

"A'm jehho, A ted'k idtohjkudt. Nxe uho oei? Nxoho tat oei semo them?"



Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Of course not. Of course she doesn't speak english. That would be too easy, and it's painfully obvious now that the universe is NOT going to make things easy for you. "Goddamnit." You swear under your breath, your frustration almost reaching a boiling point. The woman must have sensed your irritation, for she becomes slightly tense and clenches her sword a little tighter. Your own frustrations fading away to concern for your life, you hold up a placating hand. 

"Sorry, no, not you." You say, trying to convey your meaning through tone and body language. "I'm just mad at my situation, my stupid car got caught in a dumb magical vortex or whatever and now I have no idea where I am." You say, kicking the car after pointing at it to show you're angry at the vehicle and not her. From what you can tell, she seems to have understood your intentions, and lowers her guard once more, looking at the car with apparent curiosity.

"Nxuk aj kxuk tolaso? A'lo doloh jood jisx u kxadw." She says, only to remember that neither of you can understand each other. An awkward silence depends as you try to think of some way of communicating the stupidity of your situation, or at least try to think of a way to ask for help. She seems to be in a similar situation, her brow furrowed in thought.

An idea occurs to you as you watch her. Earlier, you picked up a book. A book that contains the stupidity known as magical spells. One of these stupid spells was the ability to speak in and understand other languages.

You don't want to use that spell. You really really don't want to use magic. It does't make sense, it can't possibly work!

But, looking at it objectively, you realize that you might not have a choice. Despite how stupid it is, you feel confidant that you could... cast... the spell if you needed to. The way the whole thing is constructed is complicated, but it's mostly math and a bit of mumbo jumbo bullshit. Your only other option is to try and communicate in pantomime, something you are seriously considering at this point.

What do you do?

>Cast the stupid spell.

>Communicate in pantomime.

@Anomaly @Cirno @Emiya Shin @Genon @Homage @Killigrew @Loren @Riuma @simj22 @Syrenrei @Teh Frixz @wonderandawe  @White Masquerade
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Well, if the book says so, don't be a fucking pussy.

>Cast the fucking spell.

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