(ARCHIVED) A Comprehensive Guide on How to GM

Edited in Approaches. Not entirely happy with them right now, but the space is filled.

I think at least some of this could stand to be edited in, but where? Tips & Tricks?

Connection, Cohesion, and Spotlight

You know your plot… most of it. You know your world… largely. Surely you have a relatively clear picture of your player characters, right? It’s very, very important to communicate with your players at the start of the RP about your intentions for tone, theme, and focus. One way to do that is by being very clear about what kind of characters you need to fulfill the plot and create interesting scenes. Give your players a direction to work in, which brings us to Connection; connection to the plot. If you want organic, believable roleplaying, you need to ensure your player characters are invested in the plot so that they’ll naturally follow plot points you place in front of them. They need to care about people, places, or organizations affected by the plot.

Cohesion is about linking your player characters together. In most RPs, they’ll be working together in some fashion - ensuring that they don’t hate each other or, if they do, that there’s an interesting and compelling reason for them to be working together is important. Without connection and cohesion, you run the risk of the players ignoring each other, and the plot, then getting bored and dropping out, or grinding the RP to a halt.

Spotlight is about giving each player an opportunity to shine - an obstacle only their character can overcome, a subplot they can resolve, a chance for an impassioned speech. When the characters are being created, try to think of roles and scenes that would benefit from certain kinds of character. A good example is the classic fantasy party of fighter, rogue, cleric, and wizard. The fighter slays an ogre, the rogue picks the lock on the treasure vault, the cleric heals everyone from the deadly trap the rogue missed, and the wizard solves the arcane puzzle guarding the loot. Everyone has a moment in the spotlight, and victory might have been impossible with, say, four fighters.

Basic GM Techniques

  • Framing The Scene: When a scene begins, you need to contextualize it. Tell the players where they are, the time of year and day, and why they are there. Rather than do so baldly, however, embellish the scene. Be creative - engage their senses by describing the location, the nearby NPCs, the sounds and smells. Give them a sense of the atmosphere and purpose of the scene. Make sure to highlight relevant details - an unusually well-dressed person in a peasant tavern, a smooth-worn stone in a pitted old wall, the glimmer of gold in the roots of a tree. This will help get the players involved, giving them something to look into and leading them onto the plot.
  • Placing Rails: Think of a rail as a route forward the players can take, a method to change or advance a scene. Telling a player there is a door to the left, and another to the right, is placing two rails. Either one advances the scene, and the player has a choice.
  • Placing Obstacles: Obstacles are means to add challenge and make the resolution of a rail interesting. A locked door, an armed guard, a tight-lipped informant. Something the players can overcome to advance, by cleverness or force.
  • What Do You Do?: You’ll ask this question a lot. This is the signal that you are finished describing the scene, and the players can now act. In forum roleplaying, this is assumed by the end of your post.
  • Conflict: This is the other item that’ll take up a lot of your time. When the players trigger an interaction with the setting where the resolution is uncertain, this is where you call for dice-rolls or use of other resolution mechanics your RP might use, such as a list of skills or power. For pure freeform, this is the product of negotiation with your players and an idea of how the plot is going to proceed - try to keep such conflicts relevant to the narrative. It’s not necessary to make them roll for everything, however - if the characters have time to do something which could with time be done, you can just allow it. If the characters are capable of doing something, they simply do it. If, however, success and failure are both valid and interesting options, you can call for rolls. If the price of failure is just having to roll again, you probably needn’t bother. If it means trying again while the ogre gets closer, that can be interesting. If failure to interpret a cipher leads to a character going to investigate the Magus’ lair, only to realize after doing so that they’ve already infiltrated the town, that’s interesting.
  • If/Then: The player wants to do something, but there will be consequences. This is useful in two ways - it makes the player aware their actions will have consequences worth considering, and allows you to set stakes. ‘Yes, you can insult the King to his face, but he will not be happy about it.’ Is it worth it to the character?
  • Foreshadowing: Among the many literary techniques useful for GMing, hinting at things to come with lines of dialogue, background items, NPCs briefly glimpsed or spoken to, pieces of world-building for the purpose of later reincorporation.
  • Reincorporation: Bringing back characters, items, locations, or events from earlier scenes. Whether in reference or in full, this helps build depth and a sense of continuity. Fallout is a form of reincorporation where the consequences of previous scenes or actions come back to affect the players indirectly. For example, the players killed a corrupt official early in their adventure. A month later, his replacement has instituted even more draconian laws and has thugs patrolling the streets.
  • Throw A Veil: If themes of violence, horror, or otherwise discomforting behaviour are an element of your RP, you’ll probably need to throw a veil.. If players would be uncomfortable with the content of a scene, avoid detail. Do what you can by implication or short, bald statements, then advance the scene. For example, the players know a noble lady is abusing her husband, but are not in a position to stop her during a scene where they must endure her tormenting him. If the players indicate that this is uncomfortable for them, throw a veil. If discomfort is your intention, that’s fine, but don’t force them to keep suffering the details of a scene once the important elements have been covered.
  • Unsticking: Players sometimes fixate on a challenge. This is, most often, the questioning of an NPC. When it stops being fun or useful, help them disengage by reminding them they may have learned something useful for later, for another situation, or have discerned why this challenge hasn’t been overcome by someone else.
  • Investing Authority: A player is shy, and you want to try and get them more involved. You can do this by giving them some small measure of control - ask them about their character’s hometown, the organization they work with, or about the city they’re in. You can build off this and help get the player invested.
  • Address the Characters: If you roleplay at your players, they’ll have to roleplay back. This is more relevant to tabletop or voice-chat RPs.
  • Crossed Fingers: A typical way to tell the difference between in-character and out-of-character speech. If a player or GM holds up crossed fingers, this indicates what they are saying or asking is definitely not in-character. This is another tabletop technique.
  • Yes, but….: A player wants to do something, but there’s a complication. This is useful when a scene is wrapping up, but it feels too soon. Or you have a great idea.
  • No, but…: A concession. You can’t, for whatever reason, allow the player to do something they asked, but don’t want to close off all hope in that general direction.
  • Parallel Scenes: The party has split up. You need to frame the scenes for each of them, and then find a comfortable rhythm to switch between the two groups. Normally it’s effective to ask them what they want to do, and when a dice roll comes up, switch to the other group while the first is rolling. You can also use cliffhangers here, especially if the group will reunite when one comes to meet the other mid-task. Once they are finished, you use a focus scene to bring them back together, narrating the results of their scenes and framing a new scene where they are reunited. This is much easier in forum roleplaying, if everyone is patient.
  • The Colour of Magic: When a character uses magic - especially, for example, Demonic powers - it’s good to describe what it feels like, or give the player an opportunity to be creative in describing the sensation of harnessing such power. They can build on that by exploring their character’s reaction to the sensation.

Linear vs. Emergent Plot, and the use of Sandboxes

A linear plot is your traditional one-or-two track, three act structure. Don’t hesitate to look at film or even The Journey of the Hero for guidance and ideas. This is key to shorter, more plot-focused RPs. You want to keep the pace brisk, keep everything moving forward, and have character development or sideplots be supporting elements of the main plot in some way.

That’s actually a bit more of a challenge than you might think.

Emergent plot grows organically in-game - for example, if your main plot is to rob a bank and in the process of preparing for the robbery, one of your players decides their character is going to doublecross the arms dealer from whom they’re getting some supplies. Suddenly, there’s a new plot thread in the vengeful arms dealer coming after that character for their money. Even in a linear plot, players will cause some degree of emergent plot (or you will, by making a mistake because you’re posting at 3AM which you later need to justify), so it’s important to communicate with your players about what they want to do, and what you’re trying to achieve.

Sandbox RPs, as you might imagine, are rife with emergent plot. When you run a longer RP, emergent plots will crop up frequently. This is where the collaborative angle of working with your players comes in; players will certainly have plots they want to pursue with specific characters, or plots you can see those characters getting into. How sandbox-y your RP is can affect how much these relate to your central plot, with some being spin-offs for the sake of the character’s development, and some you can tie in as supporting arcs of your overall narrative.

It’s very, very important when running a Sandbox that the world is well-defined and detailed - it gives your players an easier time contextualizing their characters, giving them motives, connections, and potential antagonists. It also makes it easier for you to decide the consequences of player meddling. If you have well-rounded NPCs established in the setting already, you know how they’re going to react.

A Hundred Thousand Masks - NPCs

The non-player characters are a vital part of the process. Your player characters can talk to each other a lot, but sometimes they need to bargain, or talk, or even fall in love with NPCs - either as part of that character’s motives, growth, or merely to advance the plot. Faceless mooks don’t take much more than a description, but more important NPCs deserve more attention. Things you should pin down about an NPC, in order of importance, are motive, connections, personality, and appearance. Often it’s enough to give yourself bulletpoints - say three personality traits, a motive, and two connections to characters or societies.

Major NPCs you might want to write up as you would a player character, reflecting their complexity and importance to the plot.

In any location, I’d advise having all major plot NPCs prepared, any NPCs who are locally significant (the Lord of the town might not be relevant to the plot, but the players might decide he is), and then a few NPCs for flavour - a tavern owner, a shopkeeper, a town drunk, a wandering mercenary.

Keeping your NPCs clear in mind and having them interact is much easier on a forum - watching the GM argue with themselves is weird, trying to argue with yourself to an audience is weirder.

Raising The Stakes

Finally, let’s talk a bit more about plot arcs and stakes

To break it down into something easy, let’s say you have one long arc, three medium arcs, and 6 to 9 short arcs. Think of it like a TV show, two seasons.

These are discrete increments of plot; the long arc is the main plot you want to cover. Medium arcs support or set up that plot. Short arcs control pacing and support the plots above them.

Your short arcs will often alternate between plot-relevant, and unrelated, doing the main work of worldbuilding and some opportunities for character development, or to pursue personal plotlines. The first medium arc will do the bulk of setting up your plot, your antagonists, your supporting case, and your setting. The second medium arc will present the characters with a major challenge that leads towards the resolution of the plot and any significant reveals about the world, the way something works, or even character backstories.

The last medium arc resolves the long arc; the climax and resolution of your plot.

As the RP goes on, it’s a good idea for the stakes to rise. The early arcs will be something the players can do, something they can achieve, which is relevant on a smaller scale - saving a town, for example. By the second medium arc, it might be saving a country. Third arc might be saving the whole world.

This increases the tension, the scale of the challenges the party must face, and the feelings of achievement and power. If you’re running a power fantasy, which I assume you are.

Some of this belongs in tips and tricks.

But I'd say a majority would fit into preparations, under plot creation.

xD  Right?? I looked at Grey's post with my mouth open, haha.

I hate to break it you, but normally these things fade into obscurity within a week. If you get the thread pinned it might get skimmed for most of a month. You can link people directly, but even so they probably won't read the whole thing. All you can do is hope a few people really engage with it and learn something, but you'll probably never know if they did. 

If I compiled all the guides I've written for this site together, I'd have a small book - and I still have no idea if anyone ever learned anything useful from them.

There is a life lesson in this. 

Grey, Grey, Grey. You help so much people here on the site, it's time for some people to come back and help you. I've got your back and I will be honest. What you bring up, is the exact point of the group. To combat the ever tumultuous-ness of this website. One thing I noticed ever since coming here, and affirmed again when I blitzed through each year of the RP Advice forum, is that there is no central place for serious RPers to go to. A "home" if you will. One person would have a good idea, an interesting discussion, and then that would be it. Everybody goes back to their little corners and moves on. It's not surprising nothing real ever sticks. There is no follow-up, no nothing. This group is specifically made to bring those serious (or at least passionate) RPers together in a place where they can communicate what they feel without all the outside noise. Threads don't fade into obscurity here. Everything anyone has ever suggested, is still up where everybody can see. This is step #1: bringing like-minded people together.

And this is step #2: building credibility. This is going to be the longest, most unfulfilling process of all. Besides us, nobody knows what Story Mode is. It's not taken seriously. Through coming together and making guides like this to share across site; that's what builds the visibility. That's what lets people know, "Oh. These people are serious." I have personally been asked by quite a few people to participate in 1x1s and help CO-GM roleplays because I have, and continue to, demonstrate my skill in doing so, as both player and GM. I can't name one RP where I wasn't asked to keep in touch, or someone did not look forward to my next work. If this group can get to that level, then a guide like would not be discarded after a week. Why? Because the group and its members are proven.

So yes, for now, it may be for naught, but what we're doing with this is building a foundation. If we continue doing things like this, create outstanding role-plays, stick together, and just be visible, this will eventually pay off. Take a look at the Theme Selection Tutorial that was done. If you go through the themes of the site, especially Night Lyfe, I can see a thing or two was picked up from it.

If you want me to, I will be on your back about everything =). Your tutorials and sections are too long. Good information, but not easy to consume. You will get likes for days, but they are  hard to actually apply for the average GM. You are too advanced, Grey. You need to shorten and lighten up your work. I'm pointing this out as an outsider who has stalked you for 2 years.

The path is there for this group being something special. It's just a matter of putting in the work to get there. There are tons of people who quit RpN because they have bad experiences. Tons of users who don't come on often because there are no good role-plays to attract their attention. Plenty of others who genuinely want to know how to GM. It's down to knowing how or if you're willing to reach them. You are welcome to disagree with anything I've said. I will be here if you want to oppose anything.
I like to think my tone isn't too formal, and I guarantee you I keep my guides as concise as possible. If I could cut them any shorter without losing vital information, I would. Interestingly, some people have told me So You Want To Write in particular could stand to be longer and more detailed, for example.

I mean, can you be more specific about which parts are too advanced or too long, perhaps with reference to the content about GMing I pasted into that earlier post? Since I assume that's something that fits under 'too long, too advanced' and must therefore want editing for the guide. Genuinely curious, no rancour. 
I like to think my tone isn't too formal, and I guarantee you I keep my guides as concise as possible. If I could cut them any shorter without losing vital information, I would. Interestingly, some people have told me So You Want To Write in particular could stand to be longer and more detailed, for example.

I mean, can you be more specific about which parts are too advanced or too long, perhaps with reference to the content about GMing I pasted into that earlier post? Since I assume that's something that fits under 'too long, too advanced' and must therefore want editing for the guide. Genuinely curious, no rancour. 

The tone you have in your tutorials is very formal. It is difficult to make things shorter without cutting out important things, but sometimes you have to cut off a foot to save the leg. Those people who have told you to make it longer and more detailed, how many of them can you say are really active in starting role-plays for the community? I have a hunch those who said that, are ones that keep to themselves. The ones who start a small group RP with the 2-3 people they already know extremely well. Maybe 1 new person thrown in. That defeats the point of the tutorial, Grey. It's like giving money-saving tips to people that are already millionaires. Hell yeah they'll want more of your money saving tips, but what are you really doing for the average people who FAR outnumber the millionaires? Advanced techniques like investing 35,000 a year, you wouldn't necessarily give to someone making only 30,000 a year. There's a disconnect. I believe in this one instance, your experience might be leaving you handicapped.

I haven't checked the one you posted earlier, but from a glance, it looks fine. On my phone it looked like an essay, but on a computer, it looks workable. If you want to link me to one of your other posts though, go for it.

  • Digression

    If you have any suggestions for how I can lighten the tone, I'd be very curious to hear them.  If I cut anymore, there'd be no body left, let alone a leg. At least one person who has asked for more detail has never written an RP - they play in a few, and they're interested in learning how to write one. The others make RPs semi-frequently, open to anyone who'd like to sign up. They tend to have a core group who like what they do and new members drop in and out. I do have a tutorial on intermediate techniques - So You Want To Write is rarely basic, but I wouldn't call it advanced. The GMing, plotting, and world-building tutorials are all the very basics.  Like, give me an example of something simpler you think I should be covering. Although... '13 hours ago, White Masquerade said: I haven't checked the one you posted earlier, but from a glance, it looks fine. On my phone it looked like an essay, but on a computer, it looks workable.' There goes any credibility your advice had. Why am I even paying attention to comments made by someone who obviously hasn't read the content on which they're commenting? Damned if I'm bringing you links; if you've been watching my work so closely to form such a strong opinion I'm sure you can go pick out an example yourself. Although I'm having visions of linking something and you saying 'oh, actually that one is fine' and the idea amuses me to no end.

Anyway, on topic - does anyone have suggestions about where those components above should go? I suppose the parts about plot and stakes, and the part about cohesion, spotlight, and connection should go under... prep? The actual running of the RP? The NPCs bit seems like it'd go under tips.

I can see how one might think the bulletpoints should go under tips, but they're not actually tips or tricks - they're fundamental techniques of GMing that ordinarily no one talks about because they're... implied, I suppose. They're like assumed knowledge for most people, you know?

I dunno. I didn't structure the guide so I'm not sure where's appropriate to put anything.

Also I have severe reservations about some of those chosen links. Very few of them strike me as actually useful; just noise and confusion. If I find time I can go through it link by link and point out where I think there are problems, but I'm not invested enough to promise anything.

Man, I miss the post-preview option. 

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All fair assumptions. We'll just have to go through the motions and find out then.

About the links, I feel the same way. Everything will be pared down again, once there are no empty spots. It's a process!
Do tell me if there are any coding problems, I'll try my best to understand why there are errors and fix them.

Sure thing. The multiple editing is throwing off the links, but that can be fixed at the end. Later on I'll go through the 2015 to see what to add in, then go over Grey's part

Okay, I've just finished inputting the links from first inspection. I definitely do agree with you there. Very little are actually focused on GM'ing or improving role-play. I'm shocked. I didn't realize how much derailment went on in those threads either. It's nuts. You have 2-3 good posts and then 1 side conversation over semantics blows it up. For the links, you can point out whichever ones you think suck. I will admit they're not the best, but these are the discussions the site's got. Do I have permission to add into your GM approaches? You can tell me whether I did a good job of expansion if you give the go-ahead. Afterwards, I'll go through the post you put up and divvy the info into the right sections.

There is a post preview! It's the paper with the magnifying glass next to the x and font Size.  xD  The editor is interesting. I can see why the BBcoders saw it as a massive slap in the face. It really isn't funny, yet I can't help but laugh over the situation. I can't put the feeling well in words.


Sir Rein! The last bullet on the notes is pictures. What pictures....were you envisioning? Speak your mind!
@White Masquerade The threads are a lot of content to go through - naturally it's gonna be tough to spot the useful ones, especially when the derailing happens a few posts in. There are sometimes good questions, or close to it but - well, you understand the concept of asking the wrong question.

Go ahead and edit or expand as you please. I'm not happy with them as they are, and you'll be able to keep them stylistically in line with the rest of the guide. 
@White Masquerade The threads are a lot of content to go through - naturally it's gonna be tough to spot the useful ones, especially when the derailing happens a few posts in. There are sometimes good questions, or close to it but - well, you understand the concept of asking the wrong question.

Go ahead and edit or expand as you please. I'm not happy with them as they are, and you'll be able to keep them stylistically in line with the rest of the guide. 

Got it. I will let you know when I'm all done.

Nothing really, lol.


I am done with the approaches! Tell me how you like it (or not). I will double attack the links now and remove what's even slightly no-so-good.


Reindoharto! Afterwards I will finish up the tricks + tips and then you can re-fix the links. You can then post it in the tutorial section and project #1 is in the books! Hope it gets some comments.

Actually, can you think up a good way to decorate the accordions? You see how I have stars? It looks so stupid. I was thinking something like this might work for main topics:





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I'll see what I can do. I have not done any experiments with the new code system yet, so it might take me a while. Possibly a day or two.
I'll see what I can do. I have not done any experiments with the new code system yet, so it might take me a while. Possibly a day or two.

It's all good. Make sure to publish your secrets once you have them.

EDIT: Relevant thread Double check is done.
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Sorry to disappoint, but I couldn't find a way to realign the text or the accordion itself. The code just remains in plain state and doesn't work. 
Sorry to disappoint, but I couldn't find a way to realign the text or the accordion itself. The code just remains in plain state and doesn't work. 

No worries. I mean, it won't kill anyone the way it is haha, It just sends my "beauty sense" into panic mode. Wicked signature.

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