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Futuristic Novel Comics Cinematic Universe: Characters

(I'm posting this now because I'm not sure when Gadg8eer Gadg8eer will be online again.)

"No one can stop my magma men!" Meltar before captain crustacean and cephalopod commando proved him wrong.

Meltar is both your typical Saturday morning cartoon megalomaniacal scientist bent on conquering the world and married, and the host of a late night cartoon block. to the former end he made an army of men made from Magma A.K.A The lava men when they've broken through the earths surface. After his first attempt at taking over the world was thwarted by the dynamically aquatic duo Meltar swore that he would return and next time that he would win.

Meltar wears a suit that causes What the great big book of art tropes calls "Convection schmonvection"

"Beware the power of my mind!" Mento's catchphrase

Mento the mastermind was formerly a fake TV Psychic before the dawn of the Golden age of psionics who's show was cancelled due to low ratings much to Mento's displeasure leading to the psychic seeking revenge for his shows cancellation only to be foiled by the thundercroaks. At some point he returned and gained actual psionic powers.

"Now sparkler girls! Prepare to die!"

Metallikhan is a tyrannical Alien robot from outer space feared as a "Conqueror of worlds" who is bent on taking over the world. Needless to say he has failed before. Having battled the sparkler girls and lost the first time he attacked earth, Metallikhan has now returned for his big comeback.

"Now surface dwellers! Kneel before my monster army!"

The Supervillain known as the Underlord


"Mark my words! CENTIPEDE will triumph! The world will fall before us, THIS I COMMAND!!!" Chilipod at some point.

Chilopod on the surface seems to be a man in a fancy centipede themed costume. In reality though Chilopod's history is more complicated than that. The result of an ambitious plan to create a lifeform out of the DNA Of various historical conquerors and hopefully dethrone Centipede commander led by estro because the war profiteer was tired of Centipede commander being a whiny bumbling coward who occasionally tried to steal his then girlfriend. Things did not go as planned partly due to the fact that Chilopod had no experience in ruling anything because genetic memory is not a thing. Plus Chilopod being an even worse boss than CC, and the fact that Centipede commander returned and made sure to assert that he was in charge after yelling at his suboardinates for their half baked plan.

"BEHOLD CENTIPEDE COMMANDER THE WEATHER DOMINATOR!"-Doctor crazy starting the series of events that lead to Florida man fighting CENTIPEDE for the first time

For those of you who don't know (Which is everyone because this is the first time I pitched this OC) Dr crazy is the head scientist of CENTIPEDE and centipede commanders main science guy having been responsible for such things as the Weather dominator, A cannon to carve centipede commander's face into the moon. And a time machine instrumental to Chilopod's creation. (Gathering the DNA of historical conquerors wasn't gonna be easy)

"Greetings humans, I am bugman, mightiest being on the planet.

"impressive, power enough to rival my own from a machine." An observation made by sectula

Sectula is a humanoid looking insectoid warlord from another planet who frequently boasts about being the mightiest in the universe even though there are plenty of beings capable of putting her in her place like the android driveJ9 (one of Lord moldoma's characters)

"I am the ultimate tactical computer, nothing can defeat my mechanical mind."

M.I.D.O.W Or the Machine Intelligence Designed Only for War is a cold war era super tactical computer granted sentience to amplify it's tactical skill in case the cold war was ever to go hot. After the cold war ended M.I.D.O.W would be deactivated only to be reactivated by a Russian cell of the evil terrorist organization CENTIPEDE and M.I.D.O.W having not anticipated the cold war ending peacefully and fearing having lost a purpose M.I.D.O.W is now trying to make the bear angry again to regain a purpose.

"MUAHAHAHA! After 10'000 years I'm finally free from my prison! It's time to conquer earth!"

Terra the unclean is an ancient alien witch who was trapped underground for 10,000 years (Yes she is the Rita repulsa expy how could you tell?) Who's release prompted the original forming of the Paws of fury group that Gorilla was a part of before leaving when she got her job offer, not helped by Terra almost killing fury bee during her last attempt to destroy the paws of fury and obtain the source of their powers. While the attack was thwarted the paws of fury broke up soon afterwards, the group's bonds weakening and them going their separate ways would've normally provided Terra the perfect opportunity to obtain the gemstones and conquer the universe but there were some problems with that idea. Namely that the gems are harder to detect when they're apart because they're fueled by friendship. Not helping was the fact that after the paws of fury broke up assuming no one could stop her Terra naturally tried to conquer earth...only for glance Gleason to kill the monster, (which was a chimera because her schtick is chimera monsters) she intended to use to start her conquest, Galvex her most competent minion and beat her ass so hard she actually got PTSD from it and decided "Oh fuck this shit Pack your bags everyone! We're gonna try to conquer Japan!"
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Strongman opponents

"This time Strongman it shall not be you that comes out on top for at last I will have my revenge!" (Abomination expy) a Soviet agent (Not Professor eggheads grandfather) that was subjected to a science experiment to give him strength equal to strongman's though it made him superhumanly mighty the fact that strongman kicks his ass Everytime they fight means the experiment was probably not a total success.

(Brainiac analogue) "Fascinating, a planet filled with numerous super beings, this warrants further study" an alien cyborg that steals and bottles up entire planets because of being originally programmed to learn about other planets by a race of aliens with social anxiety.

(Prankster expy)"Beware! It's April fool's day MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" A guy that uses prank themed gadgets in his crimes and other corny gags and became a supervillain because he got bored with pranking normal people. Has been hired to be a distraction for other criminals. Toymakers older brother and basically just a class clown that never grew up.

(Toyman expy) another supervillain with a toy motif who's pretty timid. Not to be confused with the hero toymaker.

:"a man who believes himself to be the reincarnation of thutmose III and is probably being possessed by the pharaoh credited with inventing the navy. Need to workshop him. Ancient Egypt themed because I learned about "Soon I will be invincible" and based thutmose off of a minor character from that book. (Need to read it later) known to be a skilled military strategist and somehow capable of fighting strongman with his bare hands primarily because he somehow found a magic hammer (need to workshop him)

(Absorbing man expy) "Yeah! Let's see if you can survive a brick wall to the face punk!" Copyman before trying to punch strongman in the face while having the properties of brick.
this convicted felon was given the power to gain the properties of anything he touched and he uses a ball and chain as his main weapon. How did he get such power? He drank a potion or serum given to him by another villain.

Technetium foes

"MARK MY WORDS ANTHONY ROSS!!! SOON YOU WILL LEARN TO FEAR BARON BUTTERFLY!!!" The bad baron when technetium announced his secret identity.

Nobody knows exactly why Baron butterfly hates technetium or how long he has hated the man, what is known though is that he caused the explosion that deprived baron metaljaw of his lower jaw through an exploding sabotaged experiment of metaljaws in an attempt to kill technetium. Thus causing metaljaw to swear revenge on ol Ross.

"Not yet servant, one of my enemies remains...ross..." Baron metaljaw to one of his servants after feeding a bunch of supervillains that tried to assassinate him to tigers

Gunther Schmidt, known to the world as Baron metaljaw was along with Baron butterfly a classmate of technetium's at the college all three went to before being forced to leave after an experiment of his blew his lower jaw off as a result of Baron butterfly's first attempt at killing Anthony ross. Swearing revenge on technetium because Butterfly tricked him into thinking that Ross did it baron metaljaw would return to menace technetium time and time again.

Nuclear family foe ideas
"ADAMMMSSSS!!! YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD OPPOSE VLADIMIR VON TERROR!!! I SWEAR IT!!!!" Doctor terror after having world domination snatched from him by the nuclear family though he was primarily swearing revenge on professor molecule.

Doctor terror, real name Vladimir von terror (His dad lost a bet) is a jealous man from eastern europe who considers himself the nuclear family's greatest nemesis though his hatred is primarily fixated on professor molecule who he blames for a science experiment terror and other future supervillain Mrs polarity going wrong (In reality terror and polarity made a miscalculation though doctor terror is too prideful to accept that idea) and blowing up in his face giving him minor facial scarring (which he didn't react to well) and Mrs polarity the ability to control metal and getting doctor terror expelled in the process. Swearing revenge on professor molecule after his expulsion doctor terror would eventually return to menace the Adams time and time again.

"Only a genius such as I! Sergei Petrov could have trained a gorilla to pilot a rocket to the moon! a mandrill to shoot a gun! A Baboon to drive a tank!" Red phantom-August 19th, 1985.

Sergei Petrov is a skilled physicist (Though not as good as professor molecule) and the infamous grandpa of Professor egghead who in an attempt to score a propaganda victory over America subjected himself and a gorilla and a baboon and a mandrill to an experiment to give them superpowers and also created other experiments like Project Erebus (Reverse flash combined with shadow the hedgehog) and the biosaur, (Biolizard) that somebody should worry about.

"Well time to cause progress through world domination!" Mrs polarity's motivations summed up by Jokesmith doing an impersonation of her.

"I am nihillator! Ruler of Dimension Y Pending the destruction of a few insubordinate species and annoying rivals and the living death of all who dare to oppose me!"

Nihilator is an aggressive paranoid alien insect from Dimension Y that likes to proclaim himself as the ruler of the entire dimension when in reality he's not as successful as the likes of Kodos despite having a staff capable of draining energy from people and other forms of energy manipulation. Nihilator is infamous in dimension Y for being extremely paranoid and afraid of dying.

Retankhamun: Every aspiring evil overlord needs "The Muscle" an unalienable archetype of someone who doesn't do the heavy thinking, and prefers the heavy lifting. Retankhamun is Fei's response to this idea, a massive, ancient, franken-mummy thing, who's cursed to obey the wielder of the bejeweled scarab, an artifact that Fei snatched up as part of her path to villainy. Fei didn't actually know that Retankhamun was commanded by the scarab, and tried to fight him at first, but after figuring out that he was commanded by the wielder of the scarab, she decided to make use of Retankhamun as her answer to the "What kind of muscle does a girl like that need in her life?"

Retankhamun's true form belays their masculine appearance, and is a particular shocker to everyone involved. As Retankhamun is actually an ancient woman named Amaunet. cursed with immortal servitude of the scarab, who's been wearing the rentakhamun body as a sort of crude, fleshy/bandage-y suit of armor.

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(I'm posting this now because I'm not sure when Gadg8eer Gadg8eer will be online again.)

"No one can stop my magma men!" Meltar before captain crustacean and cephalopod commando proved him wrong.

Meltar is both your typical Saturday morning cartoon megalomaniacal scientist bent on conquering the world and married, and the host of a late night cartoon block. to the former end he made an army of men made from Magma A.K.A The lava men when they've broken through the earths surface. After his first attempt at taking over the world was thwarted by the dynamically aquatic duo Meltar swore that he would return and next time that he would win.

Meltar wears a suit that causes What the great big book of art tropes calls "Convection schmonvection"

"Beware the power of my mind!" Mento's catchphrase

Mento the mastermind was formerly a fake TV Psychic before the dawn of the Golden age of psionics who's show was cancelled due to low ratings much to Mento's displeasure leading to the psychic seeking revenge for his shows cancellation only to be foiled by the thundercroaks. At some point he returned and gained actual psionic powers.

"Now sparkler girls! Prepare to die!"

Metallikhan is a tyrannical Alien robot from outer space feared as a "Conqueror of worlds" who is bent on taking over the world. Needless to say he has failed before. Having battled the sparkler girls and lost the first time he attacked earth, Metallikhan has now returned for his big comeback.

"Now surface dwellers! Kneel before my monster army!"



"Mark my words! CENTIPEDE will triumph! The world will fall before us, THIS I COMMAND!!!" Chilipod at some point.

"BEHOLD CENTIPEDE COMMANDER THE WEATHER DOMINATOR!"-Doctor crazy starting the series of events that lead to Florida man fighting CENTIPEDE for the first time

"Greetings humans, I am bugman, mightiest being on the planet.

"impressive, power enough to rival my own from a machine." An observation made by sectula

Sectula is a humanoid looking insectoid warlord from another planet who frequently boasts about being the mightiest in the universe even though there are plenty of beings capable of putting her in her place

"I am the ultimate tactical computer, nothing can defeat my mechanical mind."

M.I.D.O.W Or the Machine Intelligence Designed Only for War is a cold war era super tactical computer granted sentience to amplify it's tactical skill in case the cold war was ever to go hot. After the cold war ended M.I.D.O.W would be deactivated only to be reactivated by a Russian cell of the evil terrorist organization CENTIPEDE and M.I.D.O.W having not anticipated the cold war ending peacefully and fearing having lost a purpose M.I.D.O.W is now trying to make the bear angry again to regain a purpose.

"MUAHAHAHA! After 10'000 years I'm finally free from my prison! It's time to conquer earth!"

Terra the unclean is an ancient alien witch who was trapped underground for 10,000 years (Yes she is the Rita repulsa expy how could you tell?) Who's release prompted the original forming of the Paws of fury group that Gorilla was a part of before leaving when she got her job offer, not helped by Terra almost killing fury bee during her last attempt to destroy the paws of fury and obtain the source of their powers. While normally
All approved. Also, going to post suggestions in the DMs about Bullette for Lord Moldoma to consider, just fyi.
Electrode: Once an electrical engineer, after coming into contact with an experimetal generator which imbued him with electrical power. Lance Astro donned the name Electrode, and began living it up as a Superhero. He possesses a combination of superhuman physical characteristics which are only heightened by his electrical power, and he possesses the ability to manipulate Electricity. He's notable for being a rather media-prevalent metapower in the modern day, despite the nature of modern metapower relevancy struggles. It's no secret that he mostly takes on big monsters that are reported on by the news, and doesn't take his job as seriously as he should.


The Sparkler Girls: Electrode's Sidekicks and 3 biggest fans with an undying interest in the hero. The Sparkler girls are a posse of electric-type metapowers who take their jobs seriously, and their fanaticism even more seriously. They're blinded by the stardom that Electrode possesses, and overlook the fact that it seems he only steps in to help them when absolutely necessary, but is more than happy to be showered with praise by the three girls. They consist of:

Cathode, a quiet blue haired girl who can make concentrated beams of electromagnetic radiation, Anode a studious brown haired girl who can can make electromagnetic pulses, and Diode, a fiery redhead who can can assign magnetic charges to two objects at a time to create kinetic slingshots or homing systems by touching them and deactivating them at will.

Electrode: Once an electrical engineer, after coming into contact with an experimetal generator which imbued him with electrical power. Lance Astro donned the name Electrode, and began living it up as a Superhero. He possesses a combination of superhuman physical characteristics which are only heightened by his electrical power, and he possesses the ability to manipulate Electricity. He's notable for being a rather media-prevalent metapower in the modern day, despite the nature of modern metapower relevancy struggles. It's no secret that he mostly takes on big monsters that are reported on by the news, and doesn't take his job as seriously as he should.

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The Sparkler Girls: Electrode's Sidekicks and 3 biggest fans with an undying interest in the hero. The Sparkler girls are a posse of electric-type metapowers who take their jobs seriously, and their fanaticism even more seriously. They're blinded by the stardom that Electrode possesses, and overlook the fact that it seems he only steps in to help them when absolutely necessary, but is more than happy to be showered with praise by the three girls. They consist of:

Cathode, a quiet blue haired girl who can make concentrated beams of electromagnetic radiation, Anode a studious brown haired girl who can can make electromagnetic pulses, and Diode, a fiery redhead who can can assign magnetic charges to two objects at a time to create kinetic slingshots or homing systems by touching them and deactivating them at will.

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Members of the Pacific League of Aquatic Heroes (PLAH)

Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando (And Swim!): Important members, but you already knew about these three. Often they're seen as non-front-liners, but the work they do is important. And the PLAH would likely be overwhelmed if it weren't for these three dealing with some of the smaller threats.

Armament Hydroclasty: One of the strongest immediate members of the PLAH, Armament Hydroclasty has already been detailed in the past, but her significance as the main powerhouse of the PLAH and her operations on the coast/connections with other powerful heroes is often the PLAH's biggest source of recognition in-non coastal communities. Due to the importance of her job though, she often has to patrol the Mexican West Coast as well as the Canadian west coast, meaning she's normally always busy doing something. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety, although she's a little rough because the translating is done through the fairly agressive "shark" part of her brain

Rainyday: A gangly mutant frog girl who stands at an astonishing 7'7''. She has notably large hands and feet, both which are similar to those of a frog's. Her appearance is rather frog-like; she has a very wide mouth, which dips down a little in the middle just like that of a common frog, and oval-shaped yellow eyes with large, black, diamond shaped irises. Rainyday has long, slick black hair that hangs down to her waist,Her skin is a bright green color, however this can change at a moment's notice. Rainyday possesses a great amount of talent in combat, having undergone intense training to figure out the limits of her abilities and the creative uses for her powers. She possesses frog-like anatomy, great leg strength, wall clinging, a powerful extending tongue that can reach up to 30 meters in length and can easily carry the weight of a fully grown human male, camouflaging, fast swimming, acidic secretion, mucus secretion, and an immunity to most poisons. Rainy day possesses skill in several martial arts, including Krav Maga, Defendu, and her own personalized martial art "Fafrotskies Fist." which makes use of her unique abilities, such as her dynamic frog-like movement style, in combat. Her only issues seem to be extremely low temperatures, which cause her body to begin to suffer from critical drowsiness, and lethargy, and force her body into an impromptu hibernation. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety.

Octoman: A giant pacific octopus that was affected by the same kind of Mutagen that affected the Thundercroaks, and a superscience growth hormone, in a lab environment as an experiment by Dr. Silver A. Gunner, Octoman possesses a massive, muscular, powerful physique standing at a remarkable 5 meters tall, weighing 650 pounds and possessing 6 arms and two legs. Gunner, in his genius, was able to properly educate Octoman, and fit him with a translator that allowed him to talk using a super-science AI. Octo isn't the most intelligent of the bunch, but he's definitely one of the most physically powerful of the PLAH, possibly only being outdone by Hydroclasty in her full-megalodon form. Acting as the extra muscle for the PLAH, while his attendance is semi fluid and he'll offer help where he can, he often teams up with Rainyday or Dr. Gunner, as both are significantly smarter than he is. He refers to Cephalopod Commando as his "Big Brother" even though he's the larger of the two in terms of height and weight.

Professor Gyo: Professor Gyo is a high tech wonder who commands an army of mechanical fish and sea creatures designed for combat. Using a mental wave amplification device, he can control these machines at will. His appearance carries a sense of mystique, as he wears a large red jacket with numerous straps and buttons, and a high collar that obscures his mouth and nose. Accompanying this are dark, fairly-baggy pants and large white hiking boots. His forearms are also wrapped in sports tape. Inside his jacket are a myriad of his creations, although he prefers to use inventions he has in repositories up and down the Pacific Coast. Professor Gyo is a direct pupil of Dr. Silver A. Gunner from before the founding of the Gunner Institute.

Strange Binding Dial: Strange Binding Dial is a mystic sea-fairer who has taken up the position of a hero. Hes is a tan-skinned young man with medium-length black curly hair, prominent lips and a long nose, which he hides under a mask of tribal origin relating to his heritage. Using a series of ancient recipes passed down by the seafairers clan to create mystic weaponry, he creates useful tools that allow him to take on his opponents in battle. In particular, he makes usage of a weapon passed down by his family which resembles an elongated sling composed of stitched leather dyed with symbols, which he throws a myriad of projectiles from. Strange Binding Dial's unique fighting style is often best for support and for trapping opponents. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety, however he was taught firsthand by his family, as the Seafairers clan were the first to ever master this form of communication with sea-life.

Dr. Silver A. Gunner: The Marine Biologist for justice, Dr. Silver A. Gunner came to notoriety when using his superscience, he devised a system to eliminate the great pacific garbage patch via a genetically modified species of Super-Detritus-Eating-Worms, with a built in genetic death-switch and an isolated genome. In honor of this revolutionary project, Gunner was awarded The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. Gunner was also one of the scientists who worked on the cure for Zovid 19. Gunner's experiments to create new superheroes and metapowers to prospective candidates, have also been commended. In his old age however, Gunner doesn't get out of his lab much, although he, ironically enough, has taken up fishing as a hobby. He currently works as a mentor for other Super-Scientists, after founding the "Gunner Institute of Super-Scientific Study" in Silicon Valley, California, and a designer of Hero Support Items. He is the scientist responsible for the creation of Octoman, and the granting of Armament Hydroclasty and Swim's powers, among other achievements in heroics.

White White Shell: Another creation of Dr. Gunner, White White Shell takes the form of a young girl with short black hair in a curly wolf cut, who wears a facisimile female naval officer's uniform. She possesses the ability to mentally and empathically control a series of high tech weapons (Built by Palladium Chariot's Creator, Dimit Killjoy) which hover around her back, and are similar to the armaments of warships. Shell is often considered just an honorary member of the PLAH and often acts as onsite defense for the Gunner Institute, or as the escort for top priority scientific endeavors for the institute requiring Dr. Gunner's presence. Gunner requested that White White Shell be designed after his late wife Marilyn Cosmo Gunner. She possesses a translator that allows her to communicate with sea creatures.
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"I've got nothing left to say to you, Risotto. Oh, yes, actually I do. Get out." - Toymaker

Toymaker: The posterchild C-Lister of Strongman's rogues gallery. While it may seem at first that this guy is a pushover not fit to be in such a strong hero's rogues, you'll soon find that... That's perfectly accurate. He has charisma, he has intelligence, but his eyes are bigger than his stomach when it comes to picking the right archenemy. In fact, his greatest achievement is probably acting as Dr. Dumpkofenshmirtz's successor as the leader of LIES. He's by far the most powerful member, and is the de-facto leader after Dumpkofenshmirtz's retirement from villainy and pursuit of heroics/hero support item creation/lifestyle appliance design. Toymaker is about 5'0, wears a sweater and has glasses and he's a brunette. He mostly leads due to Charisma, respect from the members due to fighting strongman regularly and being handpicked by Dummkopfenschmirtz to run L.I.E.S. Despite his position in the group, he actually rarely shows up for the group's events or plots, due to his obsession with fighting Strongman.

"So this is the power of going into Red and then into blue." - Shogun Risotto

Shogun Risotto (Former, Booted): Risotto is a short blue imp-like humanoid with a compact build reminiscent of a dwarf, dressed in a Japanese style "royal ceremonial armor-set." He often shrouds himself in a white cape which is somewhat large for his size and always seems to be billowing in the wind when he walks for whatever reason (Likely an unnamed metascience device.) He's Cunning, being good at delegation and engineering skill in the genius level. Due to his intelligence, toymaker was a pseudo-mentor to him, and considered him a second in command. After his attempted usurpation of Toymaker's command of the group, the two's relationship was irreparably damaged, and Shogun was booted from the group unceremoniously. Leaving Cremator to become second in command. He currently fights the Japanese Kanto Regional Defense Group (A Magical Girl Team) after moving back to his home of Japan.

"I Fly Like a Butterfly and Sting like a Butterfly... With a stinger!" - Baron Butterfly

Baron butterfly: Baron butterfly dresses in a butterfly costume in various shades of purple, he's the tactician due to being surprisingly competent when Technetium's not around for him to try and kill in a campy method, he's about 5'6 and has your typical long cartoon bad guy schnoz and he's a ginger. Using his butterfly suit, he can fly, and shoot beams of full-spectral light. Despite his genius, his fixation on defeating and torturing Technetium reaches almost comical and fridge-horrific levels. Baron derives his hate of Technetium from applying to an invention contest at age 17, where the prize was to become Technetium's sidekick, and coming in second after a certain pink haired child genius prodigy entered the contest and blew his inventions out of the water by creating an AI leagues more intelligent than the average human. who only ended up being his sidekick for a single month before deciding to "quit the hero business and go back to France." (To be fair, said prodigy ended up being unable to stand Technetium due to his "faux-charismatic" personality and decided he wasn't worth the effort and that she could do a better job on her own.) He still hasn't been able to locate said prodigy, as she entered the contest under an Alias, though killing/torturing her might give him what he wants (Fat chance, Bozo.)

"I think it should be clear to everyone here who exactly is in charge." - Cremator, The Biggest Douche in the Universe

Cremator: Don't let his appearance fool you, Cremator may seem scary or like he has his shit together, at first, but that's really all he has going for himself other than a more than healthy amount of self confidence. Cremator is capable of controlling fire and extending it's lifetime. But not actually creating it. Nor does he possess any natural immunity to fire, thus, he has to rely on his fireproof battlesuit with built-in flame projectors. He not so secretly believes he's at the top of the chain when it comes to the L.I.E.S, and states that he's most fit to be the group leader. He's a cowardly manipulative bastard though, and has the rest of the group in a cycle of emotional manipulation to let him stay around, playing victim whenever they call him on his bullshit. He's fundamentally inept and has a tendency of running away when the group starts to get their asses handed to them, only to come back and scold them for failing. The group collectively lets Cremator stay out of their own pity, and because he's the heir to the massive fortune of a rich crime family of actually successful villains, which provides a significant financial boost to the group's activities.


"Don't take this as some sort of genuine affection. Dad asked me to make sure you goofballs didn't get yourselves killed." -

Fahrenheit: "Honorary" Member (Has saved the group's ass on a couple of occasions, much to Cremator's dismay. The rest of the group insisted, so Cremator compromised to say that she's an "Honorary member") - Fahrenheit: Cremator's younger sister, who actually is good at being a villain but who cremator refuses to let into the group because he doesn't wanna be shown up like he knows he will by a girl. Fahrenheit is capable of Pyrogenesis, Pyrokinesis, and Pyrotechnic-Polymorphing. Of the two siblings, Fahrenheit vastly dwarfs the group's capabilities as villains. Fahrenheit is the Un-Favorite, of her branch of the family, meaning she has serious beef over Cremator and strives to be better than him in every sense of the word. She has a doctorate in juridicial sciences (Cremator never went to college) She's a full-time villain (Cremator thinks he is, but in pretty much all legal terms it's just a hobby) She has a consistent Nemesis who's in the top 10 of the LA Metapowers guild, Armament Hydroclasty (Cremator has never had a "nemesis" for more than a month before they get tired of his shit.) She even has her own way cooler theme-song (Cremator just leeches off of the rest of L.I.E.S. in that department.) And yet after all of this, she is the unfavorite. She has extremely high regards for her parents opinions, however, and so she'll do what they say, even if it means lowering herself so much to bail her brother and his pathetic frat-party drinking buddies if they get in over their heads.


"Hiiiii Risotto~~~<3" - Black Crescent

Black Crescent (Formerly, Left): Black Crescent is a former member of the L.I.E.S. who hung around due to her crush on Risotto, which he was apparently completely oblivious to. She possesses telekinetic powers that'd probably put her on about the same combat scaling as being slightly stronger than someone like Phantasman. She possesses the ability to project said energy into crescent-shaped blasts. Unfortunately, her power is derived by storing moonlight energy, so she has a limited amount she can use before being reduced to fisticuffs, something she's not good at at all. After Risotto left, Black Crescent went with him, as by then Risotto had finally recognized her affection.


"In the words of Domineuse, the World's greatest villain..." - The Gold Conqueror, about to quote Domineuse like the goddamn scripture for the 8th time that day.

The Gold Conqueror: A member who joined the group trying to make a name for himself as a villain, and follow in the footsteps of his much more capable and successful idol/inspiration Domineuse. Conqueror supplies a lot of the Mook and Arms Connections that aren't already provided by Cremator. In his secret Identity, he's a board-member and plurality shareholder of Crown Media, and the Chief Executive Officer of his own villain company "Conqueror Vnlc." (Villainous Non-Liable Corporation) He wears a powered armor suit that he had custom built by the villain independent contractor Iceberg (Who quit after Grater offered him a better pay than Gold and now works for the Open Palm Clan.)

"I'm a witch. Not a miracle worker. Cut me some damn slack okay?" - Principality Malice

Principality Malice (Or just, Princi, for short.): One of the members who has the most potential to be a threat, but is a bit of an awkward and poorly coordinated klutz. Principality Malice comes from a long line of witches, who had concede to a different witch clan after a witch-war, that every firstborn of her family line would be "A hooligan of only the poorest of luck." While she can summon demons and do black magic, she has no idea how to fix the curse, and is thus held back by her poor luck and clumsyness. She couldn't find a broom so she has to fly around by standing on a roomba.


"I have been sent for the protection of Cremator. You are only a secondary concern." - Charlezoma

Charlezoma (Or Just, The Charlie): Charlezoma was sent by Cremator's family after the loss of two members during the attempted coupe by Shogun Risotto, as an assurance of Cremator's safety. It possesses the ability to fire beams out of its 3 mouths and shoot lightning from each of its antennae. It possesses drill-like heat lances on its spearlike arms which can charge up to deliver massive damage. Chalezoma is around 40 meters tall, and is a serious force to be reckoned with.
Members of the Pacific League of Aquatic Heroes (PLAH)

Captain Crustacean and Cephalopod Commando (And Swim!): Important members, but you already knew about these three. Often they're seen as non-front-liners, but the work they do is important. And the PLAH would likely be overwhelmed if it weren't for these three dealing with some of the smaller threats.

Armament Hydroclasty: One of the strongest immediate members of the PLAH, Armament Hydroclasty has already been detailed in the past, but her significance as the main powerhouse of the PLAH and her operations on the coast/connections with other powerful heroes is often the PLAH's biggest source of recognition in-non coastal communities. Due to the importance of her job though, she often has to patrol the Mexican West Coast as well as the Canadian west coast, meaning she's normally always busy doing something. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety, although she's a little rough because the translating is done through the fairly agressive "shark" part of her brain

Rainyday: A gangly mutant frog girl who stands at an astonishing 7'7''. She has notably large hands and feet, both which are similar to those of a frog's. Her appearance is rather frog-like; she has a very wide mouth, which dips down a little in the middle just like that of a common frog, and oval-shaped yellow eyes with large, black, diamond shaped irises. Rainyday has long, slick black hair that hangs down to her waist,Her skin is a bright green color, however this can change at a moment's notice. Rainyday possesses a great amount of talent in combat, having undergone intense training to figure out the limits of her abilities and the creative uses for her powers. She possesses frog-like anatomy, great leg strength, wall clinging, a powerful extending tongue that can reach up to 30 meters in length and can easily carry the weight of a fully grown human male, camouflaging, fast swimming, acidic secretion, mucus secretion, and an immunity to most poisons. Rainy day possesses skill in several martial arts, including Krav Maga, Defendu, and her own personalized martial art "Fafrotskies Fist." which makes use of her unique abilities, such as her dynamic frog-like movement style, in combat. Her only issues seem to be extremely low temperatures, which cause her body to begin to suffer from critical drowsiness, and lethargy, and force her body into an impromptu hibernation. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety.

Octoman: A giant pacific octopus that was affected by the same kind of Mutagen that affected the Thundercroaks, and a superscience growth hormone, in a lab environment as an experiment by Dr. Silver A. Gunner, Octoman possesses a massive, muscular, powerful physique standing at a remarkable 5 meters tall, weighing 650 pounds and possessing 6 arms and two legs. Gunner, in his genius, was able to properly educate Octoman, and fit him with a translator that allowed him to talk using a super-science AI. Octo isn't the most intelligent of the bunch, but he's definitely one of the most physically powerful of the PLAH, possibly only being outdone by Hydroclasty in her full-megalodon form. Acting as the extra muscle for the PLAH, while his attendance is semi fluid and he'll offer help where he can, he often teams up with Rainyday or Dr. Gunner, as both are significantly smarter than he is. He refers to Cephalopod Commando as his "Big Brother" even though he's the larger of the two in terms of height and weight.

Professor Gyo: Professor Gyo is a high tech wonder who commands an army of mechanical fish and sea creatures designed for combat. Using a mental wave amplification device, he can control these machines at will. His appearance carries a sense of mystique, as he wears a large red jacket with numerous straps and buttons, and a high collar that obscures his mouth and nose. Accompanying this are dark, fairly-baggy pants and large white hiking boots. His forearms are also wrapped in sports tape. Inside his jacket are a myriad of his creations, although he prefers to use inventions he has in repositories up and down the Pacific Coast. Professor Gyo is a direct pupil of Dr. Silver A. Gunner from before the founding of the Gunner Institute.

Strange Binding Dial: Strange Binding Dial is a mystic sea-fairer who has taken up the position of a hero. Hes is a tan-skinned young man with medium-length black curly hair, prominent lips and a long nose, which he hides under a mask of tribal origin relating to his heritage. Using a series of ancient recipes passed down by the seafairers clan to create mystic weaponry, he creates useful tools that allow him to take on his opponents in battle. In particular, he makes usage of a weapon passed down by his family which resembles an elongated sling composed of stitched leather dyed with symbols, which he throws a myriad of projectiles from. Strange Binding Dial's unique fighting style is often best for support and for trapping opponents. Like most Aquatic heroes, she has learned the art of Empathic Translation of the aquatic variety, however he was taught firsthand by his family, as the Seafairers clan were the first to ever master this form of communication with sea-life.

Dr. Silver A. Gunner: The Marine Biologist for justice, Dr. Silver A. Gunner came to notoriety when using his superscience, he devised a system to eliminate the great pacific garbage patch via a genetically modified species of Super-Detritus-Eating-Worms, with a built in genetic death-switch and an isolated genome. In honor of this revolutionary project, Gunner was awarded The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. Tyler was also one of the scientists who worked on the cure for Zovid 19. Gunner's experiments to create new superheroes and metapowers to prospective candidates, have also been commended. In his old age however, Gunner doesn't get out of his lab much, although he, ironically enough, has taken up fishing as a hobby. He currently works as a mentor for other Super-Scientists, after founding the "Gunner Institute of Super-Scientific Study" in Silicon Valley, California, and a designer of Hero Support Items. He is the scientist responsible for the creation of Octoman, and the granting of Armament Hydroclasty and Swim's powers, among other achievements in heroics.

White White Shell: Another creation of Dr. Gunner, White White Shell takes the form of a young girl with short black hair in a curly wolf cut, who wears a facisimile female naval officer's uniform. She possesses the ability to mentally and empathically control a series of high tech weapons (Built by Palladium Chariot's Creator, Dimit Killjoy) which hover around her back, and are similar to the armaments of warships. Shell is often considered just an honorary member of the PLAH and often acts as onsite defense for the Gunner Institute, or as the escort for top priority scientific endeavors for the institute requiring Dr. Gunner's presence. Gunner requested that White White Shell be designed after his late wife Marilyn Cosmo Gunner. She possesses a translator that allows her to communicate with sea creatures.

"I've got nothing left to say to you, Risotto. Oh, yes, actually I do. Get out." - Toymaker

Toymaker: The posterchild C-Lister of Strongman's rogues gallery. While it may seem at first that this guy is a pushover not fit to be in such a strong hero's rogues, you'll soon find that... That's perfectly accurate. He has charisma, he has intelligence, but his eyes are bigger than his stomach when it comes to picking the right archenemy. In fact, his greatest achievement is probably acting as Dr. Dumpkofenshmirtz's successor as the leader of LIES. He's by far the most powerful member, and is the de-facto leader after Dumpkofenshmirtz's retirement from villainy and pursuit of heroics/hero support item creation/lifestyle appliance design. Toymaker is about 5'0, wears a sweater and has glasses and he's a brunette. He mostly leads due to Charisma, respect from the members due to fighting strongman regularly and being handpicked by Dummkopfenschmirtz to run L.I.E.S. Despite his position in the group, he actually rarely shows up for the group's events or plots, due to his obsession with fighting Strongman.

You know what? I'm going to be a bit weird with this one, since Strongman was my creation and I figure I have at least a little claim to his rogues gallery. Toymaker's whole schtick has always been "completing his collection" and "perfecting his craft"; he invented a strange first-of-its-kind ray gun called the "Toyetic Interpreter", which turns his "favorite" heroes into living action figures. Fortunately for the world at large, the Toyetic Interpreter is unstable - the longest it's ever worked before the subject spontaneously returns to normal has been 13 weeks (*cough*so last season*cough*) - and Toymaker keeps choosing ammo that's too expensive to be cost-effective. Despite being a huge geek and extremely focused when trying to get the Toyetic Interpreter to last longer, he's not creepy except when playing the role of villain a little too eagerly. The other members of LIES try to keep him focused on leading the team when he's needed and focusing on his invention when he'd be a nuissance, as he tends to natter on and on about how awesome it will be when he fights the world's greatest heroes "for real" (his losses never count, lol).

So basically that Treehouse of Horror (or something) episode of The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa become superheroes and the Comic Book Guy becomes a villain called "The Collec-tor!" and tries to seal them in plastic (only to end up in plastic himself but in the pose from Battlestar Galactica(?), "best death ever" apparently) that the episode of The Powerpuff Girls plagiarized/expanded upon.

"So this is the power of going into Red and then into blue." - Shogun Risotto

Shogun Risotto (Former, Booted): Risotto is a short blue imp-like humanoid with a compact build reminiscent of a dwarf, dressed in a Japanese style "royal ceremonial armor-set." He often shrouds himself in a white cape which is somewhat large for his size and always seems to be billowing in the wind when he walks for whatever reason (Likely an unnamed metascience device.) He's Cunning, being good at delegation and engineering skill in the genius level. Due to his intelligence, toymaker was a pseudo-mentor to him, and considered him a second in command. After his attempted usurpation of Toymaker's command of the group, the two's relationship was irreparably damaged, and Shogun was booted from the group unceremoniously. Leaving Cremator to become second in command. He currently fights the Japanese Kanto Regional Defense Group (A Magical Girl Team) after moving back to his home of Japan.

"I Fly Like a Butterfly and Sting like a Butterfly... With a stinger!" - Baron Butterfly

Baron butterfly: Baron butterfly dresses in a butterfly costume in various shades of purple, he's the tactician due to being surprisingly competent when Technetium's not around for him to try and kill in a campy method, he's about 5'6 and has your typical long cartoon bad guy schnoz and he's a ginger. Using his butterfly suit, he can fly, and shoot beams of full-spectral light. Despite his genius, his fixation on defeating and torturing Technetium reaches almost comical and fridge-horrific levels. Baron derives his hate of Technetium from applying to an invention contest at age 17, where the prize was to become Technetium's sidekick, and coming in second after a certain pink haired child genius prodigy entered the contest and blew his inventions out of the water by creating an AI leagues more intelligent than the average human. who only ended up being his sidekick for a single month before deciding to "quit the hero business and go back to France." (To be fair, said prodigy ended up being unable to stand Technetium due to his "faux-charismatic" personality and decided he wasn't worth the effort and that she could do a better job on her own.) He still hasn't been able to locate said prodigy, as she entered the contest under an Alias, though killing/torturing her might give him what he wants (Fat chance, Bozo.)

"I think it should be clear to everyone here who exactly is in charge." - Cremator, The Biggest Douche in the Universe

Cremator: Don't let his appearance fool you, Cremator may seem scary or like he has his shit together, at first, but that's really all he has going for himself other than a more than healthy amount of self confidence. Cremator is capable of controlling fire and extending it's lifetime. But not actually creating it. Nor does he possess any natural immunity to fire, thus, he has to rely on his fireproof battlesuit with built-in flame projectors. He not so secretly believes he's at the top of the chain when it comes to the L.I.E.S, and states that he's most fit to be the group leader. He's a cowardly manipulative bastard though, and has the rest of the group in a cycle of emotional manipulation to let him stay around, playing victim whenever they call him on his bullshit. He's fundamentally inept and has a tendency of running away when the group starts to get their asses handed to them, only to come back and scold them for failing. The group collectively lets Cremator stay out of their own pity, and because he's the heir to the massive fortune of a rich crime family of actually successful villains, which provides a significant financial boost to the group's activities.

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"Don't take this as some sort of genuine affection. Dad asked me to make sure you goofballs didn't get yourselves killed." -

Fahrenheit: "Honorary" Member (Has saved the group's ass on a couple of occasions, much to Cremator's dismay. The rest of the group insisted, so Cremator compromised to say that she's an "Honorary member") - Fahrenheit: Cremator's younger sister, who actually is good at being a villain but who cremator refuses to let into the group because he doesn't wanna be shown up like he knows he will by a girl. Fahrenheit is capable of Pyrogenesis, Pyrokinesis, and Pyrotechnic-Polymorphing. Of the two siblings, Fahrenheit vastly dwarfs the group's capabilities as villains. Fahrenheit is the Un-Favorite, of her branch of the family, meaning she has serious beef over Cremator and strives to be better than him in every sense of the word. She has a doctorate in juridicial sciences (Cremator never went to college) She's a full-time villain (Cremator thinks he is, but in pretty much all legal terms it's just a hobby) She has a consistent Nemesis who's in the top 10 of the LA Metapowers guild, Armament Hydroclasty (Cremator has never had a "nemesis" for more than a month before they get tired of his shit.) She even has her own way cooler theme-song (Cremator just leeches off of the rest of L.I.E.S. in that department.) And yet after all of this, she is the unfavorite. She has extremely high regards for her parents opinions, however, and so she'll do what they say, even if it means lowering herself so much to bail her brother and his pathetic frat-party drinking buddies if they get in over their heads.

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Approved. Also, suggestion...

While their true identities are not known, Cremator and Farenheit's family are well-connected to, if not among, the inheritors of the bounty of the military-industrial complex. As such, they have close ties to both the Ross family and the Shearsmann family.

"Hiiiii Risotto~~~<3" - Black Crescent

Black Crescent (Formerly, Left): Black Crescent is a former member of the L.I.E.S. who hung around due to her crush on Risotto, which he was apparently completely oblivious to. She possesses telekinetic powers that'd probably put her on about the same combat scaling as being slightly stronger than someone like Phantasman. She possesses the ability to project said energy into crescent-shaped blasts. Unfortunately, her power is derived by storing moonlight energy, so she has a limited amount she can use before being reduced to fisticuffs, something she's not good at at all. After Risotto left, Black Crescent went with him, as by then Risotto had finally recognized her affection.

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Oh my god, she is the perfect subversion, if that's what you intended... 50% Yandere, 50% Tsundere, 0% harem anime bullshit! 86 has thoroughly convinced me that any anime with even ONE hot springs episode is garbage. *shoves No Game No Life back in the slightly-ajar desk drawer* Nothing to see here... Sora is a boring protagonist anyway, Stephanie, Shiro and Tet are ALL better people and better characters than Mr. Generic Isekai Protagonist.

"In the words of Domineuse, the World's greatest villain..." - The Gold Conqueror, about to quote Domineuse like the goddamn scripture for the 8th time that day.

The Gold Conqueror: A member who joined the group trying to make a name for himself as a villain, and follow in the footsteps of his much more capable and successful idol/inspiration Domineuse. Conqueror supplies a lot of the Mook and Arms Connections that aren't already provided by Cremator. In his secret Identity, he's a board-member and plurality shareholder of Crown Media, and the Chief Executive Officer of his own villain company "Conqueror Vnlc." (Villainous Non-Liable Corporation) He wears a powered armor suit that he had custom built by the villain independent contractor Iceberg (Who quit after Grater offered him a better pay than Gold and now works for the Open Palm Clan.)
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"Domineuse was a fraud! He stole his list from the author of The Great Big Book of Tropes!" Gadg8eer shouted, and then activated the cyberportation pad.

"Blasphemy! Destroy him!" the Gold Conqueror shouted in his Vermont accent.


"I'm a witch. Not a miracle worker. Cut me some damn slack okay?" - Principality Malice

Principality Malice (Or just, Princi, for short.): One of the members who has the most potential to be a threat, but is a bit of an awkward and poorly coordinated klutz. Principality Malice comes from a long line of witches, who had concede to a different witch clan after a witch-war, that every firstborn of her family line would be "A hooligan of only the poorest of luck." While she can summon demons and do black magic, she has no idea how to fix the curse, and is thus held back by her poor luck and clumsyness. She couldn't find a broom so she has to fly around by standing on a roomba.

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Approved. I kind of feel bad for her. She seems less a villain out of, well, malice, and more one whose circumstance forced her into the villain role because she was "never allowed to succeed at anything" thanks to some cold-hearted witch she'd never meet.

She should deal the killing blow to Ashen Witch, adult villains are allowed to die and Ashley Chandler is... well, I'll save the surprise.

"I have been sent for the protection of Cremator. You are only a secondary concern." - Charlezoma
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Charlezoma (Or Just, The Charlie): Charlezoma was sent by Cremator's family after the loss of two members during the attempted coupe by Shogun Risotto, as an assurance of Cremator's safety. It possesses the ability to fire beams out of its 3 mouths and shoot lightning from each of its antennae. It possesses drill-like heat lances on its spearlike arms which can charge up to deliver massive damage. Chalezoma is around 40 meters tall, and is a serious force to be reckoned with.
Damn. It's fucking Choo-Choo Charlezoma. That's going to give me nightmares. (Approved.)
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ou know what? I'm going to be a bit weird with this one, since Strongman was my creation and I figure I have at least a little claim to his rogues gallery. Toymaker's whole schtick has always been "completing his collection" and "perfecting his craft"; he invented a strange first-of-its-kind ray gun called the "Toyetic Interpreter", which turns his "favorite" heroes into living action figures. Fortunately for the world at large, the Toyetic Interpreter is unstable - the longest it's ever worked before the subject spontaneously returns to normal has been 13 weeks (*cough*so last season*cough*) - and Toymaker keeps choosing ammo that's too expensive to be cost-effective. Despite being a huge geek and extremely focused when trying to get the Toyetic Interpreter to last longer, he's not creepy except when playing the role of villain a little too eagerly. The other members of LIES try to keep him focused on leading the team when he's needed and focusing on his invention when he'd be a nuissance, as he tends to natter on and on about how awesome it will be when he fights the world's greatest heroes "for real" (his losses never count, lol).

So basically that Treehouse of Horror (or something) episode of The Simpsons where Bart and Lisa become superheroes and the Comic Book Guy becomes a villain called "The Collec-tor!" and tries to seal them in plastic (only to end up in plastic himself but in the pose from Battlestar Galactica(?), "best death ever" apparently) that the episode of The Powerpuff Girls plagiarized/expanded upon.
He's kinda you're character so really you should have permission to make any changes you want.
Can I suggest the name "Willard Bell"?
For Arrow Arrow?
He's kinda you're character so really you should have permission to make any changes you want.

For Arrow Arrow?
For Arrow Arrow's mentor, "William Telephone". I doubt that anyone would have "Telephone" as a real last name. Unless that's the hero alias, in which case Willard Bell sounds like a good civilian identity.

For Arrow Arrow's mentor, "William Telephone". I doubt that anyone would have "Telephone" as a real last name. Unless that's the hero alias, in which case Willard Bell sounds like a good civilian identity.
William Telephone is the hero Alias. He didn't get much fanfare but he was the other member of the core georgia 7, apart from the 6 that are easiest to remember. Willard Bell is a good option for a civillian identity.
He's basically a take on the whole "One useless teammember" thing like with Hawkeye.
We actually talked about him a little bit when I was originally pitching the Georgia 7.
Which reminds me that I need to rewrite one of the members to fit how I'm treating them in the plot now.

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