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Fantasy Lost Echos Chill zone

llleeezz ggooooo, we got the mom of the group in the house XD
Yes. The mom that there’s a bit more to her than her kind exterior. Also, we now have somone actually skilled at talking with people. Also mom is into both genders. Potentially best wingwoman.
Did you guys want to start with the package already retrieved or prior to you getting it? :v
If the Package is like super important, then we shouldn't start with it in my opinion
Nice post there Yeager Bombastic. How will we follow suit?
Precious bean Zoden must make all the friends!
Once Siren77 Siren77 posts you guys can just move forward, or if he cant post we can move on and he can be there the whole time, or whatever he wants. You dont need to wait or my response in between, I will be the npc's and shit so no pressure for meh >:3
Once Siren77 Siren77 posts you guys can just move forward, or if he cant post we can move on and he can be there the whole time, or whatever he wants. You dont need to wait or my response in between, I will be the npc's and shit so no pressure for meh >:3
edgy boi, waiting in the shadows ; )
You good. Happens.
At first when he said, "humble assassin." I was like...does such a thing exist? But then I saw more of Adom's personality and was like..hm...guess so.

Zoden: WhAT IF! I use my hood to my advantage and pretend to be a Bear. HAH! They'll Never see it coming!
I know it’s *kinda* odd, but I suppose it’s easy to be humble. So long as you aren’t flaunting yourself about.

Adom: I’m not sure such a thing as a metal bear exists, unless you’re willing to take off all that armor you have there friend.

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