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Realistic or Modern Lilith's Boarding School For The Unwanted.


Screaming Ibuki
You have been accepted into a school you have never heard of and never applied for, however, the letter says this school is an exclusive academy for unwanted teens. Unaccepted by her parents for defying their expectations, Headmaster Lilith created a school for teenagers who were like her. She wanted everyone to feel like they were accepted for who they are. So yourself had your own reasons for being a disgrace to your parents, so you happily accept and go onto your first day...
Name: Damien Lanheart
Age: 15
Gender: Male
The reason he/she is here: Hated by his only parent, his father, for being gay.
Bio: Damien's mother died in a car crash when he was little. Ever since then he had been living with his father. Everything was fine until he came out of the closet as gay, and his relationship with his father shattered like glass.
Personality: Cheery and nice. Hates violence and bullying.
Crush: (Optional) None
Sexuality: (Optional) Homosexual
(Sorry if this hits a little close to home)
Name: Ivy Slater
Age: 16
Gender: female
The reason he/she is here: Bit of a bitch. Lives in an abusive household where her parents don't want her and treat her like shit.
Bio: The way she was raised by her parents turned her into a "mean girl" who has major trust issues and thinks the worst of everyone. She smokes, drinks, has poor grades due to never being able to complete homework at home and often ditches class or winds up in detention.
Personality: Her snarky comments and sarcastic, often attacking nature is just a way to protect herself. Find a way to get on her good side and she'll protect you with her life, take you on adventures and maybe even play her guitar in front of you.
Crush: (Optional) None
Sexuality: (Optional) Bisexual
Appearance: anime gorl 3.jpg
Name: Ivy Slater
Age: 16
Gender: female
The reason he/she is here: Bit of a bitch. Lives in an abusive household where her parents don't want her and treat her like shit.
Bio: The way she was raised by her parents turned her into a "mean girl" who has major trust issues and thinks the worst of everyone. She smokes, drinks, has poor grades due to never being able to complete homework at home and often ditches class or winds up in detention.
Personality: Her snarky comments and sarcastic, often attacking nature is just a way to protect herself. Find a way to get on her good side and she'll protect you with her life, take you on adventures and maybe even play her guitar in front of you.
Crush: (Optional) None
Sexuality: (Optional) Bisexual
Appearance: View attachment 730645
Name: Yuki Reaper

Nickname(s): Grim Reaper, FROSTBITE, and yuyu

Age: 16

Gender: Male

The reason he/she is here: he went to prison therefor his parents started to hate him and this was there last try to get there dissapointing son out of there lifes.

Bio: when Yuki was a young child he witnessed his brother get hit by a truck, that made him really think about life and what it meant so he started to live it to his fullest not trusting anybody, drinking, smoking and being an annoying idiot, that got him in juvenile detention and prison, after about 5 or 6 times of that his parent tried ever different way to get rid of him and then they came across this boarding school, so there you go thats what got him here

Personality: when you get to know him he's a really nice guy and protective of his friends, he's careless (when it comes to himself, he's kind of strange, PTSD (not always but sometimes), he cant get drunk he has a super high emune system, he's careing, and he is loving

Crush: None

Sexuality: pansexual

dfd64e16e31605a788c81037424d83141e035267r1-305-483v2_00.jpg just with a shirt on and hoodie on he's also tan
Name: Yuki Reaper

Nickname(s): Grim Reaper, FROSTBITE, and yuyu

Age: 16

Gender: Male

The reason he/she is here: he went to prison therefor his parents started to hate him and this was there last try to get there dissapointing son out of there lifes.

Bio: when Yuki was a young child he witnessed his brother get hit by a truck, that made him really think about life and what it meant so he started to live it to his fullest not trusting anybody, drinking, smoking and being an annoying idiot, that got him in juvenile detention and prison, after about 5 or 6 times of that his parent tried ever different way to get rid of him and then they came across this boarding school, so there you go thats what got him here

Personality: when you get to know him he's a really nice guy and protective of his friends, he's careless (when it comes to himself, he's kind of strange, PTSD (not always but sometimes), he cant get drunk he has a super high emune system, he's careing, and he is loving

Crush: None

Sexuality: pansexual

View attachment 734209 just with a shirt on and hoodie on he's also tan
Accepted. Sorry for being offline so long.
Name: Finnegan Corbin
Nickname: Finn
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The reason he is here: For embarrassing his family
Bio: He lived in a wealthy home and people always at his whim with a flash of a credit card. His parents were very loving and tried their best to fix Finn's bad attitude, they sent him to a boarding school when he was younger but when he came back he was only worse. He's been to therapy because of it but he still wont tell his parents what happened and why he came back all bruised and beaten up.
Personality: He seems charming and nice at first but once you get to know him you realize hes not all he seems to be.
Sexuality: N\A
Name: Finnegan Corbin
Nickname: Finn
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The reason he is here: For embarrassing his family
Bio: He lived in a wealthy home and people always at his whim with a flash of a credit card. His parents were very loving and tried their best to fix Finn's bad attitude, they sent him to a boarding school when he was younger but when he came back he was only worse. He's been to therapy because of it but he still wont tell his parents what happened and why he came back all bruised and beaten up.
Personality: He seems charming and nice at first but once you get to know him you realize hes not all he seems to be.
Sexuality: N\A
Name: Serenade Benton
Nickname: Serene
Age: 17
Gender: Female
The reason she is here: She got into a car crash that caused the death of her younger sister, Eva, which her parents have pinned on her for 2 years.
Bio: Not much is known about Serene, other than her tragic reason of being here.
Personality: Cheery and funny, but becomes extremely serious and silent when someone mentions anything to do with car crashes or her younger sister.
Sexuality: Straight
Name: Keethan Joglo
Nick: Keeth
age: 16
reason for being here: no parents, best theif in NYC, only steals from the rich
bio: he looks like a good guy normally, distirbingly good liar, good at faking, good at insulting, knows a lot about security systems and building plans, and how to break in to places, and knows lockpicking
Personality: Sneaky, a bit stand offish, doesn’t like authority, smart,
sexuality straight
tall, thin, Indian American
Name: Keethan Joglo
Nick: Keeth
age: 16
reason for being here: no parents, best theif in NYC, only steals from the rich
bio: he looks like a good guy normally, distirbingly good liar, good at faking, good at insulting, knows a lot about security systems and building plans, and how to break in to places, and knows lockpicking
Personality: Sneaky, a bit stand offish, doesn’t like authority, smart,
sexuality straight
tall, thin, Indian American
Denied. Reasoning: No actual reasoning in the “reason he/she is here” category.
Reason is stealing. . . I think I made that clear, but then again I could be wrong¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also he’s an orphan, so the orphanage got letter and sent him, yes that part I think I 4got to include

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