• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone!
  • I started rping when I was 11, now I'm 23 and still writing ;-; won't stop anytime soon.
  • I love interesting stories sooo... I'm pretty much into all the genres? Also, I'm a horrible sucker for difficult romances. And fairy tales.
  • I like to draw so don't be surprised if I make a fanart to the session we'll write ^^'
  • Because I have a huge sentiment for sandboxes. Plus I wanted to train my English.
  • My dog was an amazing, loving soul. I miss him dearly.
Okay, so that's pretty much it but if you have any questions, feel free to ask ^^
Welcome to RpNation: A Nation of Creation!

We have a helpful guide to assist you: A Comprehensive Guide to RpNation. We know it's a large amount of information and if you have any questions you can ask our Staff or Community for help. You can also take a peek at our FAQ where commonly asked questions are answered.

Happy roleplaying and happy holidays!

A large amount of information? Related to the functioning of a site that looks way more customized than a classic forum we get to experiment with after reading said information? An FAQ?

...Well. With the proper amount of music and biscuits, this should be fun >:3
Hi, I've been roleplaying for a very long time. I run 4 dnd games, have played Starfinder and Pokemon Tabletop United.
I'm a prolific worldbuilder also, and like writing.
hello, it tis i, logan, i've had a couple accounts on here before (stilinski, starboy., etc etc) so you might recognize me you might not! but that's not a big deal. i'm here to wipe a clean slate (after taking about a two/three month break, lol) and hopefully get back into the swing of things. i'm workin' on it. lovely to be back!
Hello everyone! I am, well, InsanityAddict. I am not exactly new to RPing, but basically all my prior RP originates from one source (NationStates of all things, for those curious). I, for whatever reason, enjoy portraying rather odd psychologies, probably because I am very bad at making more standards ones interesting. I am also interested in xenobiology. Of course, what ultimately matters most is storytelling and having fun.

In all honesty, I only saw this site earlier today, searching to broaden my horizons with regards to RP. I am only vaguely aware of what madness and wonder may await me here. I apologise if I come across as inexperienced as such, I will do my very best to be polite and to get to grips with how the community operates. Please wish me luck in these endeavours. I’m also from Australia. So my time zone is going to be just a little iffy sometimes. Sorry about that.

Oh, and a have a free cookie! I like giving those out.
hi hi! you can call me cowboy but I'm actually a girl. I'm a student who likes casual rp so I thought i'd join here and see if I can make some friends : )
Hello everyone!
Not much into introductions, but a lot of people aren't. Haha. Shino H Hara is the name, roleplaying is the game. Anywho, I look forward to having fun with everyone. Thank you kindly!
Hi there! My name is Ashlea, aka Ottermuffin. I've been roleplaying for the past 13 years, but I took a bit of a hiatus for college. Anyways, now that I've settled into adult life, ew, I've been craving to get back into roleplaying and creative writing. I am 23 years young and live in the wonderful Canadian North.

I also enjoy people and company in general (:
Feel free to message me!
Hi ^^. I'm clearly new here and i'm just your average gamer girl that loves to game, roleplay, and just chat about ooc things if wanted. I go by Driianna but, anything you can think of is fine. I've been roleplaying for about 3 years and i'm still kind of learning more about getting into detail and how to write more with my replies in roleplay's. I am literate so far, So if you're about same as me that'll be nice :3. Dm me if you think i sound like a chill person lmao. see you! ^^
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Hey hey, is everyone having a good holiday? My name is Hexx, and I actually joined back in August, but shhh, let’s just pretend that I joined today. ;)

I have been RPing for the past 7 or so years and have joined countless adventures of both the forum and IM kinds during this time. Most of these RPs were mainly out of casual enjoyment, so despite me having a good time, then I wasn't being challenged as much as I had wanted to be. My writing skills, once fluid and descriptive, have grown stale and rusty--something that I'm not proud of! So here I am, hoping to fix and improve on this during my stay on this site.

But on a whole different note from the above, then I also pride myself in being a story-driven writer. I put a lot of care in worldbuilding, brainstorming, and in the constant development of my characters. My favorite kinds of plots are those that actively challenge our characters for who they are, the kind of stories where a single wrong decision leads to a chain-reaction of consequences! I'm also drawn to all kinds of fantasy, paranormal and supernatural settings, adventures and heroic quests, monsters and beasts, superheroes, combat and competitions, rivalry of the friendly and salty kinds, underdogs, the occasional romance, and of course, fandoms. Pokemon is (by far) my most loved fandom, so that's one RP I'll never turn my back on.

Anyway, that's enough of my rambling. This seems like a great place, so expect more activity from me in the coming year.
hello friends ♥

i'm mimi and it's super nice to meet you all!

i have been roleplaying for over 5 years now and i absolutely love it! i don't do any fandom role plays but i love doing original ideas ✧✧✧
my two favorite genres are medieval settings and modern slice of life stories, i have a lot of plots for those two! i'm a sap for romance and just want to wrap myself in it! i'm hoping to find some long term partners to write amazing things with! (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

thanks for giving this a read! i hope we get to know each other! ♥
Time for my daily site welcomings!

@ArmedCowgirl13 @KaitoAtsuki @spawwo @Flintstone @MissPlushie @xoxobonnie TrekSimmGuru TrekSimmGuru

Welcome to the site! I hope you have a great time here and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask! ;)

Also, if you’d like, feel free to check out my beginner’s guide!

Thank you!

Welcome new members. Your barely newer than me!!!!!! LOL!
Hello all, my name is Quellys of Q-T as some have come to call me. I'm a writer for fun and love creating stories with other people. I love writing all different genres and styles, so if you're interested and or want to collaborate, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Hello everyone, I normally go by Karas but Valena also works. I'm coming back to roleplaying after an off and on break over the past few years, most of the friends I had that I would roleplay with slowly lost interest over the years and finally find myself here after months of lurking and debating on whether or not to try this out or not.

I first started roleplaying on Chatango before it was a cess pit of pure debauchery some... eight or nine years ago-ish? I don't normally do fandoms and would rather a good original storyline but I'm normally pretty open minded towards any ideas. I've also done a good bit of combat focused roleplay, and it's always been a favorite of mine, especially in story driven roleplays with a large dose of it entwined.

I have several characters pre-made that I've used over the years, but am also open to making new ones depending on the situation. Just shoot me a message if I interest you, I'm always down for a nice conversation.
I am Yeonha and I've been writing for a few years now.
I love Kpop, but also other things as well.
I hope to make new friends here!!!

Please take care of me!
(Note: English isn't my first language so, if I misspell, or say something incorrectly, let me know! <3)
Hello, all.

My name is written there, a bit to the left.
I haven’t been active on a role play forum in years. Despite this, I miss whatever it was my 15 year old self loved about this type of community. Omg.. like rawr or.., something.. e-e.

Anyhow, I thought I might fill out this, right handy lil’ list of y’all’s.
I am lazy.

  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
    • Uuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm..............
      I started as a young teen; circa 2007 or so. Several years saw 90% of my free time devoted to RP websites, writings, designs, etc.. I was always online. As I got older adult life kicked in (work, relationships, new interests) and RP fell to the way side. So, probably a total of 8 years, give or take.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
    • Stuff and things. I like medieval stuff, humorous stuff, fantasy stuff, just kinda “left field” stuff, what else . . .
      I actually cut my teeth on animal RP sites (nothing smutty, think more Jungle Book) but I’m not necessarily looking to run back to old comforts. I don’t usually do fandoms. Realistic or unrealistic, doesn’t matter. I am not a fan of most sci-fi.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
    • In the past I have always gravitated toward the technical design side of the RP world. Graphic design, web-design, and other such nitty gritty. I have always liked these ‘add-on’ elements that you find in these communities.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
    • Eh. I have been wanting to find an active and thriving community, with simple goals and guidelines. I figure this is as good a place as any to shake the dust off of the ol’ writing gearbox. I quite miss the flow of creativity, and camaraderie in storytelling.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
    • Oh my. I’ve got three little house pests. Two cats, one hamster. They’re actually all my boyfriend’s pets - but we’re a family now. Arc (cat), Albus (cat), and Blorf (hamster).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.
    • I never attended school as a child.
    • Time is relative.
    • I am a lesbian.

I was reading through some other introductions here and thought I might respond directly to those I found particularly juicy. Don’t be bothered. I am only assuming 987,364 things about your personal character based on a few paragraphs of text online.

Hey hey, is everyone having a good holiday? My name is Hexx.

But on a whole different note from the above, then I also pride myself in being a story-driven writer. I put a lot of care in worldbuilding, brainstorming, and in the constant development of my characters. My favorite kinds of plots are those that actively challenge our characters for who they are, the kind of stories where a single wrong decision leads to a chain-reaction of consequences! I'm also drawn to all kinds of fantasy, paranormal and supernatural settings, adventures and heroic quests, monsters and beasts, superheroes, combat and competitions, rivalry of the friendly and salty kinds, underdogs, the occasional romance, and of course, fandoms. Pokemon is (by far) my most loved fandom, so that's one RP I'll never turn my back on.

Well, hello there, Hexx! Nice nickname, love it! I love your laundry list of interests and genres. Brainstorming, world-building, plot-crafting - I love all of those things and a bag of ships. Anyway, hit me up if you would like to brain-plot-storm about any such nonsense.

i'm mimi and it's super nice to meet you all!

i have been roleplaying for over 5 years now and i absolutely love it! i don't do any fandom role plays but i love doing original ideas ✧✧✧
my two favorite genres are medieval settings and modern slice of life stories, i have a lot of plots for those two! i'm a sap for romance and just want to wrap myself in it! i'm hoping to find some long term partners to write amazing things with! (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

thanks for giving this a read! i hope we get to know each other! ♥

Omg! Mimi, I would love to get to know you too! I wish I had your talent for the adorable little emoji symbolism.

Anyway, I like the genres you mentioned. How about medieval romance? I am a bit green to romance. I tend to shy away as it gets so sappy (like my writing might give me cooties or something..) but I would like to give it a God’s honest try - as a romantically learned adult lady person. Ha.

Hello all, my name is Quellys of Q-T as some have come to call me. I'm a writer for fun and love creating stories with other people. I love writing all different genres and styles, so if you're interested and or want to collaborate, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Hello, Quellys. I must say, I quite enjoy your simple little post here.
Your avatar is adorable as well, and made me think of Animal Crossing (video game), if you’ve ever heard of it.
I would love to reach out for a 1x1 or something, if you’re interested.


So, to wrap up this novel of a response to a simple prompt - hello all!
I am excited to begin anew in a creative writing community, and once again enjoy that side of myself that has been neglected for so long.
Hello! I’m personally new to RPing in this place (with threads and everything) so I’m super sorry if I make any mistakes! My grammar can be a bit off since I’m Asian but I like to think it’s not that bad?

Personally I like to do a lot of oc Roleplays? I tend to make my ocs based on a series I really like and go from there!

i really hope I can find great people to roleplay with here!!
Greetings! I go by Anthropoltergeist or Anthro. I'm new to the site and roleplaying. I have some experience with D&D but that's about it. I'm looking to have some fun, make some friends, and improve my creative writing.

Excited to learn more!

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