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Realistic or Modern Young Hero/Older Partner (M/M M/F)

Shannon Trevor

One Thousand Club
Hey everyone, I've had this idea floating about my head for a while now and was keen to see if anyone would be interested in joining me.

The basic premise is simple, a young hero or heroine (16-29 preferably) works together with an older man to take on a cast of villains and their diabolical crimes. Romance is not required and I prefer to let such things happen naturally, depending on how the characters react to each other.

I realise the base description is a bit vague but that's deliberate; I'm interested in working with my partner or partners to develop the world and story as we progress.

About Me:
-29 years old
- Work full time but my schedule varies from week to week. At minimum I should be able to get at least one post per day out.
- Description and detail are vital
- Generally I'd expect minimum of two paragraphs per reply although I'm mindful this isn't always possible.
- Good spelling and grammar is also required

Anything else or any interest, please reply here or hit me up through PM.


I'm interested in playing the young hero! What's the setting?
I like this plot. You are the GM, right? Cause I have no idea which sort of criminals to imagine.
I'm interested in roleplaying this idea with you. I haven't hit the ten post requirement as of yet, so could you please PM me?

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