What was the worst thing you did in a Roleplay

Esper Alucard

Fleur's Pervy Neko Bot
For me, it was when i joined my friend in GodModding against everyone on a Roleplay Game. People were so mad, it was hilarious. It ended with a server crash.

These dont have to be mistakes, they can be Intentional like mine.
in a Tabletop RP. i had my Orcs actually use their potions, arrows, and their flasks of acid instead of locking them inside a chest. i also had my kobolds actually fire their muskets like thier lives depended on it and abuse every last pit trap, alarm and speed tunnel system they could. my monsters also generally have a habit of using their magical weapons instead of locking them away in an easily lootable chest.

if a Tribe has a Shaman that can brew potions and oils, then yes, every orc in the tribe will have and use those potions and oils to save their own lives. some people call it a jerk move because i am shafting players of loot they think they are entitled to. i call it common sense. if a group of kobolds in a mine has the ability to make muskets, bullets, the knowledge of how to use black powder, extreme knowledge of metallurgy, alchemy and engineering, a complex kobold sized tunnel system for easy reinforcement within their mine homes, massive numbers, fast rate of physically maturing, and a mountain of traps, they will use as many of these advantages as they can get away with, preferably using all of them.
Well there was that mid period when I still ran groups where I would go through and delete all the information once I stopped wanting to do the roleplay anymore. Which was kind of a rude now that I think back on it. 

In a roleplay specifically though?

I once got pissed off with a person who was metagaming my character and went on a tangent in and out of character. So I went into explicit detail on the information that their character would have access to in the ooc and had my character in the IC go off on their character for making snarky comments to what ( in character ) was a stranger.

All like bitch you don't know my backstory so back the hell way off. 
some guy tried to read all 28 millenia of Ilina's backstory using "Telepathy". they complained about character hijacking when i had their telepath read 28,000 years of Sadistic Horrors that happened for 28 milleniums to a girl with the physiology of a middle schooler. literally said that scanning that level of information caused so much sanity loss that the telepath was effectively a catatonic vegetable for the rest of their lives. they tried to use telepathy to metagame, and tried to argue that their character was too badass to be affected by that much unspeakable horror, but i had to explain to them, Reading Little Ilina's mind and viewing her memories is infinitely worse than actually witnessing the feats of the Lovecraftian Outer Gods in vivid Detail. i would have done the same to any telepath trying to read the thoughts of any 1,000+ year old sapient creature with eternal youth 
well that's one of handling it i guess. thumbs up for creativity.

there is a reason telepaths shouldn't read the minds of ancient fey Demiprimordials. especially those whom are old enough to be considered a potential Titania Candidate.
there is a reason telepaths shouldn't read the minds of ancient fey Demiprimordials. especially those whom are old enough to be considered a potential Titania Candidate.

none of those words mean anything to me. well except for the fact that telepaths shouldn't read the minds of ancient beings, or anyone really. because telepathy is a HORRIBLE power to use in roleplay. it's like yes i realize it's a popular ability in other media but those are told from a singular point of view with one voice. in roleplay where you have to do collaborative story telling you shouldn't use powers that require you to know detailed information about other characters thoughts. 
i would be more disturbed the reading the memories and thoughts of a faerie/fey than seeing the actions of anything by a creature from Lovecraftian Lore in Vivid detail.
none of those words mean anything to me. well except for the fact that telepaths shouldn't read the minds of ancient beings, or anyone really. because telepathy is a HORRIBLE power to use in roleplay. it's like yes i realize it's a popular ability in other media but those are told from a singular point of view with one voice. in roleplay where you have to do collaborative story telling you shouldn't use powers that require you to know detailed information about other characters thoughts. 

the only good thing about Telepathy is that it is a requirement to even create basic illusions, if it wasn't a requirement for creating illusions, i wouldn't be using it. but reading minds to metagame is a huge sack of horse bile and giving the mute telepathy as a form of communication kind of kills the purpose of being friggin mute by rewarding the mute with a more efficient and practical form of communication when most real world mutes have difficulty being understood due to them having the use sign language, blackboards, or note pads.
the only good thing about Telepathy is that it is a requirement to even create basic illusions, if it wasn't a requirement for creating illusions, i wouldn't be using it. but reading minds to metagame is a huge sack of horse bile and giving the mute telepathy as a form of communication kind of kills the purpose of being friggin mute by rewarding the mute with a more efficient and practical form of communication when most real world mutes have difficulty being understood due to them having the use sign language, blackboards, or note pads.

I wouldn't say you need any form of telepathy to make illusions. That's a separate ability entirely. Unless your confusing telepathy with psionic abilities - which are abilities that are utilized through the mind. 

Telepathy is simply the ability to read minds to varying levels.
I wouldn't say you need any form of telepathy to make illusions. That's a separate ability entirely. Unless your confusing telepathy with psionic abilities - which are abilities that are utilized through the mind. 

Telepathy is simply the ability to read minds to varying levels.

there is more to Telepathy than Reading minds.

there is also influencing perception (what illusions do)

there is influencing emotions (illusion stuff)

sending thoughts to others (subtle private communication)

reading minds

and revising memories

i like using illusions, but i hate the other aspects of telepathy. but most psionic abilities have a lot of uses
there is more to Telepathy than Reading minds.

there is also influencing perception (what illusions do)

there is influencing emotions (illusion stuff)

sending thoughts to others (subtle private communication)

reading minds

and revising memories

i like using illusions, but i hate the other aspects of telepathy. but most psionic abilities have a lot of uses

We'll agree to disagree. And I think we've also gone far enough off topic. So we'll leave it at that.
On this site in a galaxy far far away, I created a thread of a supernatural nature where these three brothers, played by me, worked together to solve ghastly murders anyway I stated beforehand hand I did not want romance to be involved, it's more of a friendship between comrades working together to solve crimes. I got interest from someone who brought in a female half angel, half vampire needing blood to survive.

The female character right off the bat attempted to get with one brother of which he wasn't having that so she tried to get with the other two by getting in trouble and captured in order to get rescued. This began to be a running theme instead solving cases as intended. The last time was the final straw, the female character got nabbed once again. The brothers went after her but instead of rescuing her I killed them all off leaving her to her devices right in the middle of battle. A true tumbleweed blowing in the wind moment.
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Tabletop dialogue :

Me : I gives the horse carts to the refugees, I just keep one for myself.

(stuff happens, then is solved)

GM : The refugees departs in a long trail of carts.

Me : Hey they took my cart with them ?

GM : Yeah you didn't tell them anything...

Me : That's not okay ! I cast Void (black stuff that eat everything) on the nearest cart conductor.

*rolling. Crit.*

Me : Oops ?

Gm : Hm. A hole opens up the sky. A pillar of Void falls onto half the carts and disintegrates them along with the passengers. You don't get your cart back.

*a lot of time later.*

GM : roll for random encounter.

*roll, roll, roll.*

GM : you see a caravan heading your way. They stop when they see you, then starts hurrying back the way they came.

All table : ????? *dumbfounded*

GM : ...Yeah, that was your refugees from earlier.

Me : *ashamed*
another Example

Me: being the small and frail childlike assassin. i'm going to keep a switchblade inside my sleeve and a Semi Auto Silenced .22 pistol inside my skirt pocket with 4 concealed spare reloads in addition to the one already inside the gun. i'm going to sneak in, dressed like a child from the local area and try to play the little girl act as a way to blend in. being 5'1" and 130 lbs. my character could easily pass for a 12-14 year old girl. i have a disguise check of 37 after modifiers and a Sleight of Hand Check of 52 after modifiers

GM: "the Mafia boss is fully aware of schoolgirl assassins because he has seen too much anime. you autofail. he automatically finds your knife and pistol by simply frisking you,  knowing exactly where to look. he confiscates your weapons and hand cuffs you with child sized cuffs."

Me. "even if schoolgirl assassins are an anime trend, most people wouldn't realistically be prepared to encounter them, and even a Mafia boss wouldn't take that kind of precaution. "

GM: "the Mafia Boss watches a lot of Anime"

Me: "if he watches a lot of anime, he would be surprised as i caught him in the middle of watching an anime, and he would be even less prepared for a schoolgirl assassin"

*30 Minutes of Research to prove that no sane mafia boss has ever taken child assassins seriously*

GM: "fine, you blend in, you catch the Mafia Boss as he is Watching a Japanese Schoolgirl get violated by an Octopus"

Me: "most Cliche Hentai ever. i sneak up behind the loveseat quietly, take a knife from my sleeve as the mafia boss is busy enjoying himself as anyone who watches hentai does. i take the knife to his neck and i slit it across his throat as a coup de grace."

GM: "Roll to hit"

Me:" if he is busy wanking to hentai, he would realistically be considered helpless, i would be able to instantly kill him with a coup de grace,"

GM: "you really want to end my 4 session minicampaign on the first week?"

Me: "you really think a modern adventure about assassinating a Mafia Don would really take 4 sessions? even in d20, that is merely 5 hours of work at Most."
Worst thing I did was make a total Gary Stu OC one time. He was an overpowered, split personality, can beat anyone, cringe-fest that I absolutely regret. It was unintended because it was my first time Rp'ing online and ended up being a bad experience.

On this site, my worst idea was being the robot announcer, Athena, in an Overwatch RP. Having to interact simultaneously with every single character was wayyyyyyy too hard.
First thing that comes to mind is making a total Mary Sue OC with far too much anime influence for a Harry Potter RPG, having her conveniently related to some primary characters, and then romancing Severus Snape. That... I'm not too proud of that.

Also, every time I have taken a Rude Thing a character has said to my character very personally. I was a ~sensitive~ little shit.
Also, every time I have taken a Rude Thing a character has said to my character very personally. I was a ~sensitive~ little shit.

Like most of us during the ages of 10-13

"I have tried roleplaying twice before. The worst thing i did was do a grab into dash then use my Astral when someone tried to verbally harass me in OOC...

I never saw them again"
Hmm ... well, I don't know that this would be the WORST thing ... but my group sure enjoyed it.  I was GMing a Champions game (superheroes).  One of the players, a rather annoying individual, designed a boring character called The Mage.  Slow as heck (last to get to act).  But he was like a cannon with his powers.  Once he fired, something would drop.

He had decided to hold onto the speedster so he could get to the battle in time to get involved.  Doing nothing but holding on for dear life he figured he had a saved action, so as they got close he let go (instead of waiting for out Freakazoid wannabe to slow him down.)  The Mage was still moving along at 200+ mph...  Now the bad guys were on top of a four story bank building armed with blasters.  Well, I explained to the Mage that he would strike at lethal speeds if he didn't turn or pull up starting immediately.  By the time he could react he would barely miss smacking into the bank.

He grumbled and announced he was pulling up.  The speedster got to work clearing the bad guys down below in preparation for the arrival of the rest of the group and to keep them from shooting the poor Mage.  (If the Mage had just turned rather than pulled up the Freak could have grabbed him and slowed him down.)

The Thugs were above average physically, and a little faster than the Mage.  I announced ... "Pull!"

Yep, I blasted the mage like they were shooting skeet.  But at least by then he had pulled up. I calculated his ballistic trajectory and the damage he'd take ... and it wasn't pretty.  But the group decided a little mercy was in order, so ....

Well, if you have ever watched Animal House there is a scene that fit perfectly.  It is the parade scene where the lady flies through the air and into some young teenage boy's bed.  The kid takes one look, then exclaims "Thank you God!"  But at least I didn't kill him.
-Cracking knuckles.-


I micspammed the FUCK out of a gmod RP server a while back, then uninstalled gmod cause it was boring af after a while.
Underestimate one's capacity to handle my very dark campaign. 

It was two years ago. Me and some friends were playing a very dark campaign of D&D. As a responsable gm who wasnt on his first dark campaign, I had warned all the players about the content of the roleplay and the general immorality of the setting. All of them seemed totaly fine with it.

Long story short, the group arrive at some kind of unholy church filled with cultists, they start to slay some of them when the rogue gets pulled away from the group. He is locked in a cell where he start getting hallucinations about something carving a hole out of his intestines. I masterfully describe the situation and add some sound effects (baby cries and shuffuling sounds), finally I make a young boy appear in front of him an ask why he wasnt saved. Guess who really had his boy taken away in a car accident that same year ? That player. 

He started to cry, and it was at this point that I realised that something was wrong. We immediatly ended the session. And we all started to try to cheer him up and to help him. 

I learned the details of why he cried after the incident, even though I had no way to know, I deeply apologised to him. He said that it was okay and that it was his mistake to embark in that campaign so soon after those unfortunate events. 

We are still friend to that day, but I stopped doing too dark campaigns.
My guy in an evangelion/macross-y RP de-railed the entire thing by hitting someone in the face with hotsauce, which caused him to go berserk, which caused him to nearly kill my guy by shoving his face into a toilet, which caused him to be considered for an experimental mental re-construction surgery, which totally broke the team's fighting coherence, causing them to fail a mission and get TPK'd.

All because of some hotsauce.
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well rip

Once one of my friends tried to god mod against me (negate ALL of my attacks, even when he was getting hit by blood. Blood mage character) so i went ahead and used a God of Death/Grim Reaper Character to kill him... Yep, just a straight up one shot.

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