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Futuristic Well, start running [started!]

Junie found herself being pulled off the bed by the guards, being shaken off her feet and out of the cell. It's appeared for the little time she had in the cell, she had fallen asleep without even noticing. Junie felt oddly groggy, and quite disappointed in herself for letting her lose her guard. She couldn't get out from their grip with her lack of strength, she was in the pure mercy of the men. She was about to yell in protest when she was thrown in the hall, but realized that these guards could do a lot worse for how they were treating her.

So, she kept on being quiet. With a lack of alternative, she continued through the hall with the rest of the people, and into an elevator. It went down a few floors underground, the elevation decreasing just like Junie's confidence that something good will happen. Junie didn't really feel like getting up and doing anything, not even walking, so why did they want her to do whatever they were going to? She had some sort of instinct that something terrible was going to happen, but she also had a feeling if she didn't go with it, terrible could turn into disastrous. Junie didn't seem to think there was any real difference, however.

Junie, after a while of following, then found herself in an even larger room. She didn't know what this room was supposed to be. It was dark for a moment, but after a while of the magic working, the place turned into somewhere else. Junie had found herself in an odd simulator with her group, though she was still very much lost. Cedar's announcement had introduced even more information that Junie had no idea where to fit into her brain. What was going on? It was starting, just a few moments after she was asleep. What kind of material was she supposed to even look for? Cloth? Metal? Were there any guns around here? Anything to defend herself, anything at all?

Junie turned to the lady (@Lunar Eclipse) speaking with a puzzled look on her face. What was she talking about? She said something, but it didn't really clear anything up. "Say no to what? I think the 'game' is starting already," Junie mumbled, sounding quite annoyed. Junie paused for a moment, searching for her words, scratching the side of her cheek. "I guess we have 15 minutes to get stuff before we get hunted," Junie shrugged, not quite having the exact idea. Junie looked around the area from where she was standing with glassy eyes. So, the entire game was in this simulated environment? The idea was certainly alien to her. Technology right now must be far better than she's ever realized, it was unfortunate that it would be used for such a purpose.
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Aberdeen nearly had a damn heart attack when she was shaken awake by the guard - the one she spat on yesterday, if she recalled correctly -, with a deep grimace on his face as if it was permanent. Hell, it might be. The other guard strode in and folded his arms over his broad chest, Aberdeen skirting her away around the one who woke her up to stand. Rubbing wariness from her eye, she glanced between the two guards. Only a moment later, another man strolled in, and even the air around him seemed eerily perky. The man, whom had introduced himself as Cedar, gave her a run-down of what he did, what was going to happen. Her brows raised. So, I'm in the games then.

As Cedar left, she allowed a sigh of relief. Her relief proved only short-lived; Cedar had only been out of the room for a few moments before they grabbed Aberdeen's arms and led her out of the room. They merged into the crowd of others, and for the first time, she was able to get an actual look at them. While scoping out the crowd, her eyes met with a woman's (@Lunar Eclipse). She tried to avert her eyes as quickly as she could, but the woman had already smiled, and she felt obligated to return the favor. Managing to send the woman a small smile, she gave a dip to her head before her gaze darted back to the front. She sighed through her nose, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.

She followed the group until they were put into a pitch-black room, squinting in a futile attempt to peer through the darkness. Before she could register what had truly been happening, her surroundings morphed into a broken city - buildings trashed, roads cracked and destroyed, seemingly no sign of life whatsoever. A simulator. A cool burst of air raced over Aberdeen's skin and left goosebumps on her arms. Lifting a brow, Cedar's voice flowed through the speakers.

"... you have 15 minutes."

She listened to the others, debating her options. Stay or make a run for it? At first, the second notion seemed more favorable -- but the fact that Aberdeen wouldn't likely survive long by herself deterred her from that idea, and she took a look at the first option. Staying would, perhaps, take some time out of gathering supplies if they stayed together, so she figured splitting was the best way to go. Split, come back later. She nodded to herself, and, with that, she darted off into the city.

Venturing through a half-way collapsed building, she was able to snatch up a backpack, regardless of not knowing what was inside. Mystery's interesting, right? She continued in a haste into the next-door building, but left empty-handed. In the alley between the two crumpling architectures, there was a reddish box that could only be vaguely seen from where she was, Aberdeen not giving a second thought as she raced toward it, climbing over and around mounds of debris. The box's handle creaked as she took it in her hand, dust coating its exterior with rust on its hinges. She wiped away some of the dust with her thumb to reveal a faded, patchy cross.
13 1/2 minutes until openeing

Aaron struggled to find gear , as the intercom had asked. He found an M1911 pistol, whick was pretty lucky for him. He also found a backpack, an ax, and some raw materials. After collecting for a bit, he sat down, watching the timer.
((@pokemariofan64 there are no weapons amongst the supplies, I thought I included that in my original post but I guess it didn't save the draft properly. Also try and make the post longer, this is an intermediate RP after all))
Alicia looked weirdly at the woman. She thought this was the actual hunt, is she crazy? Did she just not see the suddenly appearing buildings?

Realizing the person on the intercom probably wasn't going to respond, Alicia sighed, and sat on the floor, she refused to back down from what she had said. Not knowing what else to do, she decided that she could maybe frustrate the onlookers, that had put them here.

She started to do yoga, she didn't really know any, didn't mean she couldn't try though. She put herself in weird positions, and called it yoga. Her message that she was trying to get across was, that she didn't care what they thought, and what they tried to make her do, she would almost always defy. Also maybe, that she was very bored, because that part was true too.
Within his time span Jeremy managed to find three matches and a cigarette. He could have gotten better, but he really didn't care. The rush, the heart pounding sensation of being hunted and no longer hunting. He loved it, it was like a pure, stable dosage of adrenalin. Without this type of stuff to pass him through, he wouldn't be able to live his life. Everything passed in a blur, buildings, cars, ruble, all of it seemed to be a type of wonderland to the elated and estatic Jeremy.
River was struck by the brightness of the "SUN" as she stepped out of her cell and into the arena. Her eyes were still adjusting as she looked at her companions. "Where are we?" she said to no one in particular. A voice echoed through the arena as River looked around for any sign of help. 15 minutes the voice had said. "What does he mean 15 minutes?" she asked worriedly, but no one answered, instead they all began running into the ruins of the city. Unsure of what else to do, River ran closely behind.
It took him a few more hours before he realized everything. It should've made sense since the beginning; the injections, the bag, the separate cells. All the protocol it took to keep him and the others from knowing where they are, or what will happen to them, should've alerted him to what lies ahead. If there's one thing he isn't, its ignorant. Trystan knows that he isn't in a regular prison, and he also knows that he isn't such a high risk to society to deserve such a "special" treatment. If he is right, then this might be the biggest game he'll ever play, if he survives. He can remember vague details about the "Annual Hunt." He had only seen it once, when he was invited to dinner by a "client." Hardly anyone survives, and if they do, most of them lose their minds. He wished he had paid attention, but now, he has no other options. Play or die, that's what he has to choose from, and if he wants to live, he knows he has to play his cards right.

Knowing what lies ahead doesn't give him any advantage at all, and he knows it. Nothing can change the fact that he's still going to be hunted and killed. The only thing that can save him now, is the knowledge that he has to put on a good show to keep himself alive, even for a few days. He has to give something more entertaining that scrounging around for food and supplies, or limping around with half a leg intact, hiding from the hunter. Trystan tried to get himself to sleep one last time, before finally giving up as he surrendered himself to his thoughts. When the guards finally came for him, Trystan finally figured out the answer to his question.

The man reeked of cunning and arrogance. If Trystan wasn't about to be hunted down in the next few minutes, he would've admired the guy. Now all he wants is to wring the bastard's neck off and feed him to the dogs. He's also positive that this is the same guy that woke him up from his peaceful, but short lived, sleep. The man began to talk in an excited and chirpy voice, as if the events minutes from now is nothing but child's play. But of course, two can play at that game. "You're being hunted.. I know at first it is quite the burden to carry.. actually, no I don't know! But I'm sure it gets better, or you die, which ever comes first. Toodles!" Before the man who introduced himself as "Cedar" could walk away, Trystan finally spoke. "Be sure to enjoy the game Cedar, because its the last game you might see." "Might," Cedar echoed with a smile. "From what I've read, someone like you wouldn't last very long." Tyrstan smiled back. "We'll see. and in the meantime, you should probably think about being nicer to me."

"You have fifteen minutes"

When everything had been explained, the game had finally begun. Trystan had little time to gather his options, instead, he ran for as long as his legs could carry him, and stopped, once inside an abandoned building. He had grabbed nothing but a backpack along the way. Now might be the time to check what I've got and think on my options, he thought, as he took a seat on the dusty, cracked floor.
15 minutes were up. The pair of hunters double checked the recently installed cams to make sure no contestants were inconveniently right next to the exit doors. Empty. Headshot was out first, and noticed almost immediately that a contestant, Alicia if he recalled correctly, was doing yoga at the contestant entrance, maybe 30 feet to his right. "Fire a couple warning shots. If she doesn't move, kill her". Headshot took aim and fired twice in rapid succession. One went past, and the other grazed her arm. Nothing too serious, but a damn painful injury. He looked behind himself to see if anyone had crept up on him. Clear. Then he took a look at the environment. The roof of the environment lit up like an actual sky, and the holographic makeshift walls surrounding the ruined city that the contestants and hunters had exited through looked real as well. After finishing his look, he walked to spot where the person doing yoga had been. He turned on his headset. "Anything you want me to do in particular?" he muttered into the microphone. No one responded. Headshot took a quick look at the ground. No one had tried to organize, just a mad scatter into the city. The entrance was on the southern area, and it looked like most of the contestants had run North, with a little leeway. The blood trail went north too. Might as well track down the one he knew. "Boomstick, i'm tracking Alicia. She's bleeding, but not too bad. For the love of god don't shoot me."
While she was twisting herself into a random pose, she felt a tremendous amount of pain shoot up her arm. Realizing she had just gotten shot, Alicia swore. "Guess this is the real thing." She hissed through her teeth. She grasped her arm, and started to run. At least she had gotten a lot of rest.

After awhile, her legs started to get tired. She was right next to a worn out building, and she couldn't see anyone. She went into the building. There wasn't much. While she was looking around, she tripped, and became level with the ground. Hissing in pain, she rolled off the ground, groaning. That's when she saw a tiny crack. Getting an idea, she edged herself through the crack, barely making through it. She slipped in. When she stood up, she saw the maverlous room. It almost looked like a ballroom. She found an old table cloth. She quickly ripped a piece off, and tied securely on her arm. She then looked around, trying to think of a way to conceal herself. She for some weird reason thought this was a practice run, so she wasn't prepared for this. She looked around, and saw a chandelier . If she could just get up there, she could easily hide there.

After awhile of searching, she couldn't find anything to get up there, but she found a backpack, with a what looked like a water bottle, and invisible everything else. Great. She continued rushing ideas through her head since her idea with the chandler obviously wouldn't work. She continued to look around the room for any thing that she might need. She did find several exits, with only one entrance. Useful.

She found several small rocks on the ground, and placed them in her backpack for a makeshift weapon. She would have to make some traps, that's when she spotted the ripped, and rotting curtains.
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Other than the backpack and tin box, Aberdeen had spent the remainder of her 15 minutes without finding anything else; she found she hadn't worried too much over her lack of discoveries, however, grasping to the idea at least something of value, no matter how minute, was inside the bag. A couple of shots sounded. Her heart jammed itself into her throat, she made a split-second decision to seek shelter behind a bus flipped on its side. Not the best of hiding spots, she knew, but it'd have to do for the time being.

In an attempt to lead her mind away from her rushed breathing, she busied herself with slipping the bag from her shoulders and sifting through it. Her fingertips met with something coarse, and after a moment of furrowing her brows, she lifted the object from the backpack. A match box. She slid the box open to reveal four tanned sticks with scarlet heads, and her lips pursed together as her head tilted backwards. Shouldn't have expected more than four matches from these shitheads. Flipping it closed, she replaced the matchbox in the bag and rummaged around it for a moment longer, her hand emerging again with a piece of pale rope pinched between her index finger and thumb. She toyed with the rope in her hand while she analyzed it, then stuffed it back down into her bag. Peering into it, she found that's about all she got out of the backpack.

The repetitive patter of footsteps welled anxiety in the pit of Aberdeen's stomach, and her breathing halted up until the sound faded from earshot and was replaced by the hammering of her heart in protest of lack of oxygen. You're not gonna survive long if you keep acting like a pansy all the time. Aberdeen inhaled as slowly and quietly as she could manage before making her way to her feet and stalking into the nearby building, of which she wrongly presumed had been vacant. Sitting on the dusted floor was a man with a backpack. (@N U T M E G) Unsure of what else to do, she cast a few glances to the surroundings before hastening to where she couldn't be seen from the doorway by those outside of the building, eyeing the man for a moment, then raised a brow.
One. Two.

Trystan laughed as he heard the gun shots. If some idiot got himself, or herself, killed just minutes before the game began, then he has a pretty decent chance to win. The hunters had finally arrived, and what better way to know than to announce their presence. After a minute of catching his breath, he settled the backpack in front of him and sifted through its contents. There's still some time, considering the loudness of the shots, he's a little bit ahead of the pursuers. That, and if the one they shot got lucky and ran away; more likely that's the one they'll prioritize. Inside, Trystan found a single, unopened pack of jerky, and a flashlight, with no batteries. Of course. He stuffed them back inside the bag and leaned his head his head against the wall.

Four people. That's enough to survive; he had thought it over inside his cell during the night. Four people are enough to take down one armed hunter, granting that the conditions are right, and a team of four is small enough to hide. One to lead, one to fight, one to steal and distract, and one to organize. If he can somehow manage to find the others and make a deal with them, the rest will be easy. The four pieces of jerky will come in handy. But there's also remaining probabilities that can set his plans to failure. What if no one has the characteristics he's looking for? What if they aren't stable? What if they don't agree to the plan? Only the scum of the society had the "pleasure" to be invited to the games after all. Trystan shook his head and sighed. One at a time Trys. We'll deal with the chess pieces one at a time.

Something scraped against the pavement outside, stealing him away from his silent thoughts. Trystan frowned and grabbed the metal flashlight from the backpack. "Anyone there?" he called out, pretty sure that if someone is out there, its one of the players. If its one of the hunters, he should have been dead moments ago.
Aberdeen suppressed a jump as the man's voice broke through the silence, instead giving a motion to her arms and stepping into view. "Sh, sh sh," she responded, urgent, with her brows furrowed. "Let's not get killed a few minutes into the game, alright? Keep your voice down." Taking a step forward towards the man, she folded her arms over her chest and eyed his backpack, curious as to whether or not the bags all came with the same supplies or not. If they were all 'surprises', it'd sure as hell be helpful.

She tipped her chin in gesture to his bag. "Backpack, too?" she murmured, then dropped her voice back down to a whisper when she'd become aware of her volume. "Goodies and all? Matches?" She'd decided against telling him directly what she'd found, but she slipped her thumb under her bag's strap to let the man know it was there - blabbing about what she had in her backpack further opened her up to the risk to get attacked for her findings, though admittedly, her supplies weren't much. But when people are scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive, they become desperate.
Headshot traversed the landscape carefully. Only minutes ago a small package had been delivered to him via a small underground maintenance hatch. In it was a pinger than would warn him, and Boomstick, if either was close to the other. To prevent friendly fire, of course. He darted to another vehicle. The blood trail had become less visible, but it was still there. The trail went into a building from here. He clicked on his radio headset. "Got a target for you. The injured girl from the beginning. She's in the ball room, just south of the water tower. I'll send you the coordinates." Headshot hurt the other microphone click on, and the a short grunt. Definitely his fellow hunter. Leaving the contestant, Dover began looking around, feeling the concrete and rubble for clues. A few footprints lead from here to back south again. Only one set. Headshot spun the barrel on his revolver and began following them. It wasn't nearly as easy as a blood trail, but still doable in the gravely, muddy, rubble terrain.
(Hi, everyone, sorry t nitride, but I have good news. None of my rps have had any contriibutions today nor yesterday, so it's possible just the festivities. Happy holidays.
(We dropped to Casual. Yea, its dead. Better luck next time eh? But first....)

The games were long and brutal. Boomstick had tracked Alicia to the theater and had bypassed her trap. She died a quick death from a full blast to the body at 3 meters. River wasn't used to this kind of environment, and she sprained an ankle making her way through the terrain. After a short fight, she was slain, but she did manage to cut Dover on the arm before going down with a full clip to the head. The plane jacker managed to craft himself a makeshift knife, but he got careless and charged Boomstick. He had an arm blown off and more lead than ribs in his chest when he finally went down on the third shot. The other contestants were survivors. Clive managed to meet up with Junie and Brook. Aberdeen, Jeremy, and Tristan also grouped together. Isabella unfortunately snapped under the pressure and became paranoid. Her fear lead to her death when the hunters cornered her in the attic of an abandoned mansion and put her down. Jeremy hid supplies from his group and bailed with as much as he could carry when they met with the other contestants at the water tower. Headshot took him down in his signature fashion while he was sleeping, his trap having failed to even hit the hunter who had gone in through a poorly blockaded window. The rest of the hunt was a drawn out affair. The survivors got a head start, having heard the shot. The hunters followed together for a while, but were forced to split up due to Tristan's intelligent maneuvering. They lasted for a full week against the hunters before disaster struck in the form of a simulated rainstorm. One of the two vital flashlights in the groups possession, the others having been traded with a Government Trader during the games for food, short circuited from the weather. The other died partway through the night and the last battery fell into a storm drain. Brook and Junie didnt have the physical strength or endurance to move fast enough through the storm AND the pitch black night, so the hunters were hot on their trail. They split up, hoping that the hunters would follow the more physically able contestants and allow the others to escape and hide from the weather, allowing them to regroup in the morning. This strategy failed however when Headshot went on the trail of Brook. Junie jumped him, but Boomstick gun-butted her in the ensuing combat. She went down, followed by a Brook who wasn't able to cover enough distance to escape a long distance shot to the leg, followed by an execution. The two hunters sat down and joked for a while, maybe to give them some humanity to the audience, maybe to make them seem like even bigger jerks. One thing was for sure though, for once in their lives they weren't scripted on camera. The moment the rain stopped, a now regrouped three contestants jumped them in an effort to win the games. Aberdeen broke Boomstick's arm with a club and choked him out while Clive got into a knife-fight with Headshot, who was stabbed in the arm. Tristan attempted to help and jumped at Headshot's back, but he heard it coming and spun, sending the Clive and Tristan tumbling, giving him enough time to regain his pistol and shoot the two of them fatally. In a brutal brawl, the two remaining people circled each other. Audiences across the world and roared and cheered, some even sobbed. They had lost a lot of newly picked fan favorites today. After a long enough fight, two shots were hard. Headshot lay dead atop Aberdeen, his hands on her neck. He had lost his cool for too long, and it had been a fatal mistake. His corpse rolled off of one of the very few victors of the games. She would do a little speech, be revered by society, and go to live in some mansion in some government chosen suite. Well, thats what she would be told along with the public. In all honesty, she would be executed for killing two of the top Hunters that had been in government employ. Well, thats what the government thought anyway. On the outskirts of the city, the bus to the speech crashed and exploded. None of the bodies could be identified, but one thing was for sure. One was missing. The government wrote it off as a slight issue and had the whole thing written off as a small inconvienince, replacing Aberdeen with a lookalike. It was always easier to get them to read the speech that way.

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