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  • I shouldn't really bother in places where I'm invisible but... I guess I am a special type of masochist?
    i don't know what to say about thing


    17/21 Delivered 
    hey you need to be active or i might have to confisgate your character. i do not want to, but i'll have to if your gonna hold us up.
    man i miss when quest logs were new and a ton of people were interested in them, but ah well, that was just a few months ago. also, i posted in the quest log interest check. 
    I should still reply to my quest again XDD
    But life's been busy and my mind scattered. School in the days (until the end of the afternoon) and then in the evenings I've been writing on my novel.
    I hope to reply to mine soon. Maybe this week.... My novel is almost finished, so I'll probably reply once 'that's done :)
    Hello! I think you forgot about the DR RP.
    yeah, sorry, i actually dropped it a while ago. didn't even make a character because i knew I wouldn't be able to keep up at the time. sorry for not having started that i would no longer post earlier, but here ygo
    i dream of being called cute but... it's so hard... i'm not cute... i'm not cute at all...
    *waddles up to you* Hey you, yes you, you're pretty darn cute. *waddles away*
    oh my .////.
    kinda wanna roleplay kinda dont wanna roleplay, mostly just wanna talk about roleplay
    i mean, maybe both, but i mean, kidnappings, being stranded, being trapped within a maze filled with traps and danger... pretty cliche in a way, but they all have a special place within my heart. 
    Cliche? I don't think so, I mean, something as general as that can't be a cliche. 

    Besides, even if it was, it's fine to enjoy it. Nobody begrudges you for taht (that I know of). 

    So you prefer to stretch things out to add more tension or keep said tension by never dropping the pace, just doing very rapid and energetic?
    haha yeah, i guess, as long as I'm having fun it's all good, it's just hard for me to be able to get joiners if it seems too basic. 

    for the tension question, I mean, I can't really answer that. Tensions are usually held when there's a feeling of foreboding, like something is just going to suddenly explode and it's hard to move freely because one step might be towards your end. stretching things out might bore people, because it takes things too long for things to happen, but at the same time if the pace is too fast, people get sort of apathetic. it's not something I totally understand yet.
    plastic men, women, and children. tickle me in the wilderness. they watch as i caress my exposed spine. i am ashamed of my own body.
    severe loss of identity and a lack of a consistent personality it's. it's great. i love it.
    Oooh, so there's that slave I ordered!

    birds are indeed very cute. precious. small. loving.
    I know righhhtttt

    I have my own two baes 

    they're like my smol precious children

    And your profile picture resembles on of them <3
    aw!! i have two birds too, lisaman and samantha. lisaman is sort of blue and white like my image here too, while samantha is a beautiful light gradient to yellow to blue. she's naughty though. real naughty.

    i'm looking after two other budgies too. four budgies in all.

    it's a budgie party.
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