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Realistic or Modern -- ๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ก๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™—๐™ž๐™œ ๐™—๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ง

day two - tuesday
Itโ€™s day two in the Big Brother house and our housemates are on the hunt to find out whose secret belongs to who. Over the last twenty-four hours, the housemates have been frantically asking each other questions with intentions of discovering everyone's secret. All the while, they have also been trying their best to cover up their own. With a new day, we wonder if there will be any new revelations for our housemates?

It's late in the afternoon, just after lunch. Some of our housemates are spending time relaxing outside, while others can be found around the house. We wonder what conversations we might be able to see today and if our housemates don't crack under the pressure

coded by weldherwings.
kristina ivanova
the wild child
The water felt refreshing after spending some time in the afternoon sun. Ever since she got to the Big Brother house, Kris had been eyeing the pool. She would easily jump at any excuse to swim, even if there wasn't much space to do actual laps in this pool. Just being in the water made her feel at home, and more than that, it helped clear her mind a little so she could think. And she sure as hell had a lot to think about.

Since the secrets had been revealed the day before, Kris had gone around and tried to narrow them down to certain people. She knew her own of course, and aside from that she felt like she had managed to properly guess two or three others, but the rest had left her stumped. Someone had a twin in the house? That didn't make sense, and it could be just about anybody.

And then the cam girl. That at least helped her narrow it down to just the women. Kris' initial thought was that it might be JJ since... well, being a cam girl could just as easily lead to something else and she was pregnant, but if she was a social media star then her reputation as a cam girl would easily precede her... or it might have helped her gain fame in the first place. Either way, Kris was putting that assumption on hold till she got a second opinion.

After diving into the water and then coming back up for air, Kris decided to take a break, not wanting to get too pruned up yet. She took advantage of the little nook in the pool that looked about as comfortable as it actually felt to relax among the cushions. She would have loved a drink right about now, but decided to hold that off as her prize till she was able to figure out some more secrets. There wasn't much time, and Kris sure as hell didn't want to split a hundred dollars between all of them because she'd probably only be able to afford a nice pair of socks.

What Kris needed was someone to discuss this with. Someone likeminded. Ella was probably likeminded but maybe too likeminded, and Kris predicted that it would end in disaster anyway. As she combed her fingers through her damp hair, she briefly considered Louis or Tyler... wherever they were. She knew she ought to get up and go find them, but she felt too comfortable where she was, enjoying the feeling of the sun beating down on her and drying her off, so she decided to stay put... for the time being.

Kris wasn't all that worried really. They still had a bit of time to present their findings. She figured it wasn't so bad to take some time off and indulge in the leisurely lifestyle that the house offered.
the little seating area in the pool
"still hella curious."
mentions jj ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) , ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ) , louis ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) & tyler ( triples triples )

Aiden Jeong
Location: Swimming pool area
Mood: It's time to relax
Outfit: Here
Interactions: Kristina ( natasha. natasha. )
Mentions: Collen & JJ ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) Micaiah ( erzulie erzulie ) Catalina ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) Ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )

Since the secrets were out Aiden had been curiously trying to decipher which secret belonged to which housemate, it seemed like everyone came here to play the game and dig deeper into which one would be the one that would be the hardest to relate with someone, sure there were some that you could relate to some people in the house, but Aiden didn't want to fall into the prejudices and just assume a fact due to someone's persona or job. Even with that, he had some strong assumptions about some of the secrets, but the rest was just a curveball that someone thrown to make their minds go crazy.

Aiden felt relieved that some of the secrets were targeted towards the women in the house, even if that didn't make the task easier he had a first clue of who they belong to. For example, the one of the fiancรฉ, he had the assumption it was either Collen or Micaiah, mostly because Catalina didn't seem to be the type of girl that would have an affair, the poor girl was dying from embarrassment after Robert talked to her, JJ just seemed like a sweet girl that wouldn't hurt anyone and maybe her young age was deceiving him to not choose her for this secret and Ella and Kristina, well they had strong personalities, but he was almost 100% sure that both girls, were more goal-oriented rather than thinking on marriage, they were the type of girls that could conquer the world without a man by their side.

He had been in the living room, sitting in front of the whiteboard that had the secrets and the pictures, seeing them as if his life depended on it as if the pictures and secrets by some kind of miracle they would rearrange in the correct order and he would have all the answers, but the more he thought about it, new possibilities came to his mind and overthinking wasn't a good option at this moment, he needed a break to calm his busy mind and distract himself from the weekly task and that the money for all the members in the house was a stake due to this.

Aiden stood up and walked towards the area where the pool was, maybe some sun and fresh air would help him to distract himself, maybe he could even go for a swim if he was feeling like cleaning his mind while doing some activity, that's when he noticed Kristina who was relaxing near the pool, just seeing the girl made Aiden's body to ache, would he ever get used to sharing a bed with the girl? Or would his body just would have to continue to suffer until either one of them was gone or they had enough space in the house so each housemate would have their own bed?

Even with that, he was willing to accept the pain if that meant that would get him closer to winning the prize, but right now the pain on his body shouldn't be a factor that would stop him to do his activities, he walked towards the girl and sit on the nook as he felt the beaming over him, that was a really nice spot and could understand what the girl choose it "A penny for your thoughts" he said trying to start a conversation with his bed partner.

Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
Ella Reed
Those secrets were a one tough bitch. That was the first thought Ella had when she pondered over them some more. The longer she was looking at them, the more difficult they were and the less sure she was about them. The only one she knew for sure was, very obviously, hers. What was that thing about a twin? It was confusing her the most and Ella spent a significant amount of time sitting in front of that board.

And some of them were likeโ€ฆdead body. It wasnโ€™t like anyone couldnโ€™t have done that. It wasnโ€™t associated with character and Ella couldnโ€™t simply assume right from the behavior of the person. Same for that billionaire. And then there were things like the stripper thing. Ella immediately thought of Louis as he seemed to be the one who was the most confident with showing off his body. But then again, it might have been completely different here. It wouldnโ€™t be that easy, or would it? Yet, she kind of assumed it was one of the boys. Not sure why, she simply had that gut feeling. Since they didnโ€™t know each other so well just yet, Ella could only guess but Doctor Ezra or Robert didnโ€™t really look like the types to throw their clothes away just like that.

Ella was becoming frustrated. Tough tasks were her specialty and she enjoyed a good challenge as the next best thing. But it surely seemed that this one was going to get the better of her. She needed a partner. Someone to talk things through, put their minds together and figure it all out. But if she was going to do that, the choice had to be careful. If she decided to partner-up, it should be someone really smart and possibly even calculating and on the other hand someone she could win over when necessary. Ughโ€ฆthis was hard!

Leaning back on the couch, she noticed the weather. Why on earth was she stuck inside when she could be out there getting her tan? She could well enough think about the secrets out there while her skin was getting that pretty bronze shade she could wear so well. After that though, it went fast. Swimsuit was on the top of her suitcase (which was still unpacked becauseโ€ฆwhatever) and Ella changed in a record speed. Since there was no one in the bedroom, she used it to change there, oblivious to the cameras. This small tiny pretty detail would need a bit longer to get used to.

When she walked outside, Kristina and Aiden were already there. She flashed them a smiled and waved. โ€œHi, strippers.โ€ she greeted them jokingly with a wide grin on her face. It was no trap from her, she was more than sure that this one was not about either of these two but as a joke, it could pass. With that, she sat down on the edge of the pool and let her legs fall into the water while she remained seated. Sun was nice and warm and it could make her forget about the task for a while. Yeah, why not enjoy herself for a moment here? Ella leaned back on her hands, closed her eyes and tilted her head back to face the sky. Mmm, she could used to days like these.

living room -> pool

Little tan never hurt nobody...

click and see

Kristina ( natasha. natasha. ); Aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ) / mentions: Robert; Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ); Louis ( yousmelldead yousmelldead )
coded by natasha.
Ezra Nam

mood what will people think when... they find out?

location kitchen

mentions Everyone ( natasha. natasha. yousmelldead yousmelldead A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy triples triples erzulie erzulie _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )


The last twenty-four hours had beenโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆ interesting.

With everyone on the hunt to find out whose secret belonged to who, it seemed as if people were doing one or the other. They were either gathering in groups to discuss amongst each other, or they were keeping to themselves. Ezra prompted to keeping to himself. It wasnโ€™t intentional. If anything, he just sort ofโ€ฆ found himself being busy throughout the day. Okay, now that sounded weird that he was making sure to keep busy in a place where they literally had nothing to do.

But it was the truth. He woke up at his normal early rising time and prompted to use the gym equipment for a bit. Afterwards, he made his way into the kitchen to make the bread for the day. Big Brother had announced last night while they were having dinner that from now on if they wanted the hot water to be turned on for the showers, they would have to make bread in the morning. Once the bread was cooked, then they could have the hot water. And seeing how he was up early, he took it upon himself to stay busy and work on getting the bread ready so when the others woke up, they could have hot showers.

Once cooking the bread in the woodfire pizza oven, the others began to wake up and Ezra was back to being busy in the kitchen to help out the others to cook breakfast and clean up afterwards. Afterwards, he went to the diary room and asked Big Brother if there was a chance he could have some crochet items so he could knit some things (to which Big Brother said that heโ€™d get back to him and let him know). And then after that, it was lunch. So, he once again helped with preparing for lunch.

Now, he didnโ€™t keep to himself throughout the day; he hovered. He hovered between groups and made his presence known. He just didnโ€™t really put any input. Even though he was extroverted, it didnโ€™t mean that he had to always be talking. He also liked to observe. And as a doctor, he had a bit of a habit of picking up when patients were lying. Observing the others wellโ€ฆ it helped to see who got tense when certain things were brought up and whatnot.

Lunch was over now and some of the housemates had put their interest in the swimming pool. However, to keep himself busy once again, Ezra volunteered to clean the kitchen. I mean, he wanted to keep himself busy. If he didnโ€™t thenโ€ฆ good lord, he was probably going to blow his brains out. Working in the ER, you were always on your feet. To not do thatโ€ฆ it was a real struggle. And so, here he was; washing the dishes in the kitchen silently, his mind processing all the discussions that they had had today with the different groups. Thinking about the different reactions people made, or the comments.

His mind finally landed on his own secret, causing him to halt his wiping actions for a moment. And he began to wonderโ€ฆ would people start to see him differently after they discovered his secret? Would theyโ€ฆ look down on him or feel betrayed that he never shared that information with them before? Swallowing thickly, Ezra took hold of the clean plate he had just finished wiping and placed it on the dish rack to dry before continuing with cleaning the dishes. Well, I suppose only time would tell, right?

coded by weldherwings.

Micaiah Symone Bello

location: living room
interactions: aiden Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Ella _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Kristina natasha. natasha.
mentions: ezra weldherwings weldherwings

outfit: x


Micaiah would admit that assigning secrets to her housemates was no easy task, especially when most of the secrets could be matched to a single person. However she was not one to give up and so she subtly questioned the others in hopes of piecing clues together. Micaiah knew that a mere $100 wouldnโ€™t be able to feed them all which only made her work harder to figure out their secrets. Come night time Micaiah felt that she was slowly beginning to figure out which secrets belonged to who. She had gone to sleep feeling a little confident.

When morning came once again Micaiah was up earlier than she had been the previous day. She was determined to not disrupt her schedule that much and follow her usual routine. So she had started her day off as if she were still home. Of course she had gone into the kitchen to bake bread since Big Brother had mentioned that they would have to do so in order to have hot water. She was pleasantly surprised when she walked into the kitchen and saw that Ezra had beaten her to it, so she thanked him and left to enjoy her hot shower. After she finished Micaiah enjoyed breakfast and headed out back to start her yoga and meditation. Once she was finished Micaiah headed back inside to try and think about the secrets, since her head was clear. Sheโ€™d changed out of her yoga clothes while she brainstormed and tried to make connections before eventually heading to the kitchen to enjoy lunch.

Eventually Micaiah made her way to the backyard patio for some fresh air. When she noticed Aiden, Ella, and Kristina enjoying the pool she headed over and seated herself within the dry area. โ€œGood afternoon, am I interrupting?โ€

coding; allrightsreserved @crucialstar
confused af | living room > kitchen | here | Ezra ft. mentions of almost everyone

He'd been staring at nothing for a few minutes too long now. At first, he had been thinking about the secrets that were revealed yesterday. After all, who wasn't? But then it'd turned to worrying about his own and how he would be perceived if it was revealed. Then it'd turned to this pointless daydreaming, a habit of his. He wondered if the others were doing any better. Probably, considering how much observing was going around the house. Drew personally couldn't bring himself to think too deep, feeling bad trying to dig into things others clearly didn't want known โ€” a stupid idea when that was the whole point of the game.

He had considered some of them, though, but he hadn't made much headway yet. Having talked quite a bit with JJ, he felt like he knew which one belonged to her. But the twins? The dead body? He hadn't the slightest idea who either of those belonged to. The billionaire thing... he wasn't very sure but at least he had options. Was it Robert with his whole mysterious elegance deal? Or Tyler, who seemed like someone used to money? Or, maybe, Micaiah, since her job seemed to lend itself to quite a wide range of degree of success? He'd thought of the cam girl & stripper thing, both of whom he'd naturally assumed were women, though he was vaguely aware the latter might not be the case. He wanted to eliminate Colleen from both. It would just be weird for her to be either, in his eyes. But, again, he was aware that was just presumptions on his part. Basically, overall, he wasn't sure of anything.

He blinked his daze away and stood up, glancing briefly at the crowd gathered near the swimming pool before pivoting toward the kitchen. They seemed to have enough people there already, he figured. Let them have their discussion. The combination of Ella & Kristina looked like a tiring time; not a bad time, of course, both seemed like fun, but Drew wasn't nearly as outgoing as either, let alone enough to keep up with both for very long. If they were friends, it would be easier, but at this point, he wouldn't call them that just yet... also, he did just now imagine both of them as strippers to measure the possibility. And he wasn't quite sure he could meet their eyes now.

So, instead, he wandered into the kitchen, thinking of getting a glass of water since he'd literally been a camel-like existence for the past 24 hours. As he entered, he spotted a figure at the sink, working seemingly tirelessly. He stared for a second at Ezra, spying the man's almost robotic movements. He'd never seen dish-washing so precise. A doctor thing, he supposed. Did that mean he'd wash dishes like that, too, when he graduates? Well, you have to actually start med school first to see, wouldn't you? The voice in his head reminded. Drew wondered why he was so scathing only to himself.

"Do you need help?" He asked as he approached the man, "sorry, I didn't realize you were the only one cleaning up."
code by yousmelldead

Last edited:
Catalina Cola
the wallflower

Two days into the Big Brother house and Catalina was absolutely positive of two things. 1.) Sharing a whole house with a group of strangers was awkwardly enjoyable. 2.) The secrets of everyone were killing her slowly inside.

The dark haired girl leaned back against the chair she had been lounging in. Sure, she loved the sun but the little private shaded area had somehow seemed so inviting to her. Maybe it was because it was the first time since she had a moment to herself? That and she really didn't want to sit by the pool with the other girls. Call it insecurity but she just didn't want viewers to judge her if she was compared next to them. Every girl on here was beautiful, young and the older women. Hell, the men on here were just as attractive. Well, besides Louis. After he decided to kiss her forehead she just wanted to be six feet apart from him. That may have been the most awkward interaction she had yet in the house.

Catalina closed her eyes for a moment as she pressed her head against the chair firmly. Okay, secrets. There were so many secrets that could be a definite yes for anyone but she was positive she had a few of them narrowed down. Especially hers but even that could be anyones secret. It was fairly common. Micaiah was beautiful and could have easily been the child model but then again Ella seemed to have that fiery personality which could have gotten her child actress roles as well. Coming across a dead body she immediately thought of Ezra but he was a doctor so that wouldn't have been a secret for him. Ugh, this was so frustrating.

Her dark eyes fluttered open to look up at the screen that was shading off the small area. Had anyone picked her secret out? It was a secret that she hadn't exposed to anyone really, except for one other person who she kept close to her heart. But had the others figured it out? The girl placed her hands in her lap, interlocking her fingers together as she continued her racing thoughts. Ezra had already baked the bread so they were able to keep their hot water so that was awfully nice of him. Though, Cat wanted to stick to the kitchen and do all the food prep. It kept her mind at ease and she loved to bake.
shaded area
"the secrets are killing me."
coded by natasha.
Louis Velez
the fiery playboy
There was one positive thing about being in a house besides the fact that he was surrounded by gorgeous babes. The gym room was fucking sweet. It was like his own personal gym made just for him. If only the girls would come and work out with him. THEN and only then would it be heaven.

With a few more reps Louis finished up his workout, his body heaved over as he caught his breathe. Fuck, he hadn't worked out this hard in forever but then again he also didn't go to a gym that had half the amount of equipment that it did in this place. That's it. He decided right now that even if he was evicted he was going to just stay in the house until someone carried him out. He didn't have to be apart of the show to stay in the house. He'd even make a bed right here on this bench. With a final breathe, Louis straightened himself and tossed the sweaty towel over his shoulder. It was officially time to go to the pool to cool off.

Forget cooling off. How could he with the bunch of babes sitting by the pool?

Louis groaned as he marched out onto the deck, tossing the sweaty towel into the dirty bin before he made his way to the small group that had been forming. "Did you all come to watch the show?", he grinned widely as he stood in all his glory, hands on his hips as sweat beaded down his tattooed chest. Louis was hot, no one could knock him for that. The male took off to the pool, his hands coming together up above his head as he dove into the cool water. His muscles ached from the workout but the water felt great against them.

Within moments he surfaced, his hands slicking back his hair so it was out of his hair before he moved his gaze to the four by the pool. "So has anyone come up with any thoughts on what secret goes to who? We are kind of running out of time." He was blunt about the subject but it felt like no one else was being like that. The only way to get the secrets out in the open was to talk about them. Louis was a talker. He talked out his feelings and even thought aloud when it was warranted.
gym area > pool
"we are fucked."
coded by natasha.
robert becker
the author
As much as Robert would have loved to stay indoors and read a book all day, he knew that he needed to get to work on all these secrets. He knew his own and... that was about it. Everything else was pretty hard to guess since so many of them could apply to almost everyone else. The stripper could be... just about anyone. At least the cam girl and child actress, he could narrow down to one of the female housemates, but which one? It was all very hard to figure out, and he couldn't just go on guesswork if they wanted five hundred dollars by the end of the week.

What Robert needed was to discuss this with someone else and see if they could get their heads in the right place, maybe come up with something together. It was a team task after all, right? How hard could it be to discuss without revealing his own little secret? He wasn't that bothered by it but he also didn't want to get kicked out for not obeying the rules.

So, picking himself up off of the couch in the living room, Robert made his way outside where a majority of the housemates seemed to be lounging. There was a large group by the pool, and most of the people included in that group were people he preferred to stay away from. He had nothing against any of them of course since he didn't know any of them personally, but at least to start off, he'd rather begin with someone he felt more comfortable with.

Robert's eyes moved around till his gaze finally settled on a much friendlier face โ€” and admittedly the one face he'd actively been searching for. Cat was outside, but under the little shaded area, which worked fine by him. Robert wasn't a huge fan of the feeling of the sun beating down on him so he sauntered over to her, hands in his pockets. "Mind if I join you?" He asked, gesturing to one of the seats. "I've been trying to wrap my head around these secrets and I've got nothing so far," he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before nodding at her. "Have you had much luck?"
shaded area outside
"this will be the death of me."
catalina ( yousmelldead yousmelldead )
kristina ivanova
the wild child
Sole company quickly turned out to be a party. Not that Kris minded in the slightest. She thrived among a large crowd and now she had four other people joining her. Even better, since it would help her figure out which secrets belonged to whom. She had a small plan to set in motion, and the more people she had around her, the more successful that plan might be. Or it might not work at all. But it was worth a shot anyway.

One by one, as people hopped into the little seating area, Kris nodded her head in greeting. She would have answered Aiden, had Ella not popped into the picture, and her greeting seemed like she was baiting them into something, but it wasn't long before they were joined by another friendly face โ€” and then Louis. His question, once he very gracefully leaped into the water, finally allowed Kris to speak her mind.

"I do have a couple of ideas," Kris nodded in agreement, leaning back and kicking her feet up onto the table to better enjoy the sunshine. She had mostly dried off since she got out of the pool, thanks to the weather, but she knew she'd jump back in soon enough.

"No point beating around the bush, right? I figure the sooner we figure this out, the more time we have to relax," Kris smirked and looked at Ella first, making her way through all the people and pointing them out in order with the secret that she believed matched them. "Cam girl, had an affair, child actress, aaand shady work ethics." Right after Ella, Kris had looked at Aiden, Cai and Louis respectively, in part to let them know what she thought, but also to see if she could get any kind of reaction from them, even if for a split second. If she didn't, well, that didn't matter. Someone might deny it, which would still get her one step closer to narrowing things down.

"Obviously I don't expect anyone to agree with me about their own secrets but now would be a good time to share thoughts and see if anything matches," she added, wearing nothing short of a shit-eating grin on her face. "Oh yeah, we can talk about the others too if you want." Kris just personally felt like it would be much more amusing to see if she could figure anything out with this lot first.
the little seating area in the pool
"any takers?"
ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ) , louis ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) , cai ( erzulie erzulie ) & aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )
Colleen Lim
The rest of the day had been a whirlwind to Colleen. When the white board came out and the secrets were read, her brain immediately went haywire. She was trying, and miserably failing, to match faces to each of the statements. She knew her own. And that was, ahem, something interesting. Something she dug up from her past when she was much younger and much more wild. Now it would completely be out of character. Or would it really? Her whole plan was to find herself again. She wouldn't be apposed to being stupid again. Though, doing the things she used to do may be a lot harder since she was, y'know, 36 and wasn't cut for that kind of stuff anymore.

Colleen could barely sleep that night because her mind was still going on and on about these secrets. Gosh this was hard. She had a couple guesses, but they were based on practically nothing. Stereotypes or judgmental ideas. Like Kris being the one with bulimia nervosa because she was a model. That thought didn't sit well with her. Just thinking that anyone in the house was dealing with such an illness made her feel sick. If that was one of the secrets they found out, Colleen wanted to help in any way she could. But the whole twin thing? She was sure that there were a lot of other house guests who were also very confused about that one. It just didn't seem possible.

In any case, she went about her day, trying to keep herself busy. Colleen was not used to having this much free time. Sure, she was a stay at home mom, but that was more than a full time job. Especially with her youngest. Oh, he was a pain. She loved him with all her heart, but he was a devil child compared to his older brother. She had to cook, clean, do laundry, and make sure everything was in order by the time her ex came home. Colleen had very little time by the end of the night to just unwind, because she was exhausted and wanted to go to sleep. Now she could do anything she wanted to do. Which was a problem. What did she want to do?

Probably talk things out with someone, anyone really. Colleen wanted to bounce some ideas around, ask some questions, and see if she could make things a bit clearer in her mind. After having a bit of lunch, and a little walk around the house, she came back out to the main living area. She could see all the younger people outside by the pool. She cringed at the thought of getting into a bathing suit and being around the models that were sunbathing. Stretchmarks and baby fat were not pretty. She'd like to stick to her mom jeans and button ups thank you very much. Walking into the kitchen, she found Drew and Ezra, who were cleaning up after lunch. "Afternoon boys," She said happily before walking over to the drying rack and grabbing a dry towel to help out. "You two seem pretty smart, what are some of your theories?" Colleen asked as she dried dishes and began sorting them into piles to put away.
Location: Kitchen | Mood: I'm dumb, I need the smart people
Interactions: Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ) & Drew ( triples triples ) | Mentions: Kris ( natasha. natasha. )| Outfit: I'm a mom, okay?
Ezra Nam

mood oh man... im going to get kicked off this show for my stupid jokes.

location kitchen

mentions Colleen ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) + Drew ( triples triples )


But what if they think differently of you? Well, so what? Youโ€™re here to win the game, not to make friends. Okay, that was harsh. You are here to make friends too. But likeโ€ฆ winning would be cool too. And also learning how to relax would be a great thing to learn while youโ€™re here. Slow down. Calm down. Forget about work and rushing around so much.

Ezraโ€™s internal monologue was running through his mind at full steam that he didnโ€™t even realise that he had been cleaning the same plate for longer than three minutes. That was at least twenty six time longer than the average expectancy of cleaning a plate, right? And you know what, he probably wouldโ€™ve kept going too. But thankfully the voice of a young male approaching behind him brought him back to reality.

Blinking a couple of times, hoping it would drag him back down to Earth, he looked over at Drew with a confused complexion. Waitโ€ฆ Help with what? Ezra looked down at what he was doing and remembered โ€“ ah yes. He was cleaning. How could he forget about that. โ€œOh!โ€ Ezra responded, slightly startled that he had been off in his own little daydreaming land and completely forgotten which task he was doing. โ€œUhโ€ฆ if you want to, feel free to. No stress though. I find it to beโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆ a bit therapeutic, you know?โ€ he explained to Drew before looking at him and flashing a grin.

Well, I suppose with Drew around, maybe he could pick at his brain. But likeโ€ฆ subtly. Ezraโ€™s dark eyes slowly peeked to the side, looking at the boy up and down as slyly as possible (hoping that he wouldnโ€™t pick up that he was looking at him in such a way) and trying to calculate what the boyโ€™s secret was from just observing. Alas, that didnโ€™t seem to be helpful. He looked just like your average young adult. Sighing softly, Ezra placed the clean plate onto the drying rack before taking hold of the next dirty plate. What the heck was Drewโ€™s secret? Hell, what was everyoneโ€™s secret?

To hell with it. He was going to ask a question straight out to the boy.

Ezra opened his mouth, about to turn to Drew to ask him a question when he saw Colleen approaching. Instantly, he closed his mouth and offered the woman a wide smile and small head bow as if to say afternoon right back at her. And thenโ€ฆ she really got straight to the point, didnโ€™t she? He could feel his heart pounding in his chest at the sudden thought that maybe โ€“ just maybe โ€“ this woman was smart enough to catch him out on his secret.

โ€œTheories?โ€ he questioned her, trying to play dumb for a moment. โ€œWhat type of theories are you thinking about? Sigmund Freud? Developmental psychology? Kohlberg? Pavlovโ€™s Dog? Asch Line Study of Conformity?โ€ And then he paused. Damn, these were the type of doctor jokes that were going to go straight over the audienceโ€™s heads and he was going to get voted off straight away, wasnโ€™t he? Shaking his head lightly, Ezra released a slight sigh โ€œAnd this is how Iโ€™m going to get voted off early. From these God Damn stupid smart ass jokesโ€ he muttered to himself (but not in a whisper because he already got into trouble the first day in the house for whispering).

Placing the next clean plate onto the drying rack, he peeked over to Colleen once more with a raised brow before placing another dirty plate into the warm, soapy water in the sink. โ€œI am curious, however, what peopleโ€™s thought processes areโ€ he stated before looking back down at the sink. โ€œDoctors are trained to observe their patients. Thatโ€™s all Iโ€™m really doing right now. Observing people and trying to pick up any mannerisms or traits they have when they tell a lie or are nervousโ€

coded by weldherwings.
Catalina Cola
the wallflower

Robert had come out of nowhere. Well, not literally but figuratively. Catalina stared up at the tall man as he came to sit beside her. Of course he was sincere about it, asking if he could join her and all that jazz. Ugh, he was a dream for sure. The dark haired girl smiled lightly up at him, nodding her head as if to say 'yes' before he had taken one of the seats beside her. Robert was one of the only people in the house that she trusted to converse with, especially with this task. She felt that it was going to be a lot of manipulation back and forth between everyone but she could be open with Robert. Not to fully expose her secret but to try and figure out everyone else's with him.

Though, Robert was always so calm and collected that she felt that he may be the one to have found a dead body. She could almost picture him calling the cops as if it was just another ordinary thing. If she had ever come across a dead body being calm would be the last thing on her mind. Catalina was positive that she would be fleeing in the opposite direction while trying to remember the number to 9-1-1.

"I feel like they want everyone to be at each others throats.", she laughed at her own statement as she turned herself to be able to get a better look at the man next to her. "I do have some thoughts on a few people but I honestly am kind of stumped." Catalina chewed on the inside of her cheek as she contemplated sharing her thoughts with the other. Surely she could trust him not to run off and blab about whose secret she thought was to who. Even if he did, this was a perfect time to get out of her bubble and expand. "I believe Cai was the child model and actress. She just has that way about her, you know?" She shrugged her shoulders lightly as she pulled her hair behind her ears.

"What I don't understand is why a billionaire would want to come onto the show.", she paused before gazing back in Robert's direction, "Maybe to do something for their family? Maybe for the fame of it? Or lack of having nothing else to do?" Catalina wished she was a billionaire. The last thing she would be doing is this show though if she was.
shaded area
"correction--robert is killing me."
robert. natasha. natasha.
coded by natasha.
JJ Smith
The day had been fairly simple. Get up, lounge around, try and discover all of the other house mates deepest darkest secrets, you know, normal people things. JJ had gotten up every few hours during the night to go to the bathroom. Again, she slept terribly. That left her in the desperate need for a nap right after eating an early lunch. She had been up late trying to think of some secrets to names. It was difficult. She barely knew anyone really. She had one conversation with each of them. The only person she had spoken the most to was Drew. Though she still couldn't peg his secret.

She, herself, had mostly been thinking about what other people thought her secret was. JJ knew that a lot of those secrets could look like her's. Heck, one was incredibly close to her reality, even if it hadn't been the one she submitted. Her actual secret was something she was glad to be done with. Nothing good came from what she used to do. She probably wouldn't be pregnant right now if it wasn't for it. There wasn't any use in being sour about it at this point, there wasn't any chance to change things now. The only bummer was the money. She could really use that right about now.

JJ finally was done struggling to nap, she had slept like thirty minutes maybe. It was a bummer because it was the only time she could be alone in her bed. She could hardly breathe while laying down. And it was so hot. Who controlled the thermostat? Could she ask big brother for a fan? Whatever. Pushing herself up to sitting on the side of the bed, she really wished she could have someone to help her up. A hand to grab onto really made a difference. Now she's have to heave herself up. Ok. One. Two. Three. Just like that, JJ was up. She let out a breath. Both because she was slightly winded and also relieved she wasn't trapped sitting in bed for the rest of the day.

Walking into the main living area, she noticed a lot of people out on the patio, enjoying the pool. That sounded nice. At the same time, there were a lot of people, and JJ wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to all of them at once. She could hear voices coming from the kitchen. She tried to distinguish who they were. All she knew was that was defiantly Ezra's voice. Hmmm... Awkward doctor, or crowd of people. She stood for a moment looking between her two options. She finally decided that a little fresh air would do her some good. Stepping outside, she could tell they were in the middle of a conversation. JJ felt shy all of a sudden. Maybe she chose wrong. After a locking her hands behind her back, she gave them a small smile, "Sorry, I, uh, didn't mean to interrupt."
Location: By the Pool| Mood: Why am I so awkward? Be normal.
Interactions: The pool crew ( natasha. natasha. yousmelldead yousmelldead _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy erzulie erzulie )| Mentions: Drew ( triples triples ) | Outfit: This is cute, I think
Louis Velez
the fiery playboy
Kristina was blunt and Louis loved every moment of it. Damn. The two of them were so much alike it was kind of scary. Sister from another mister for sure. He was going to have to make sure he gets on her alliance. The two of them would be unstoppable.

Louis made his way to the edge of the pool, his arms leaning against it as he pressed his chin in the nook of his arms. The fact that Kris had just blatantly said her thoughts about everyone was incredible. If she didn't have her bathing suit on he would attempt to try to see if she was possibly a he. The balls on her were huge. His eyebrows rose as he listened to the girl go down the row of the others until he reached him. She thought he had a fiance that left him because of a shady work ethics? Bold of her to assume some lucky lady has tried to tie him down.

Kristina's thoughts were basically his though. Ella as a cam girl? Yeah, he could see that. She would make a lot of nerdy dickheads happy. She probably threw on a pikachu costume and all. Fuck, he'd pay to see that. Aiden didn't seem like the type to have an affair but if he did then Louis would high-five him for doing so. Cai as a child actress? That was pretty spot on and it actually fit her perfectly.

Louis couldn't help the laugh escape his lips as she finished her rant, his head shaking in the process and before he had time to look up JJ was standing there awkwardly. "No way JJ! We are just swapping theories. Kris has us all pinned out though.", he grinned widely at the girl as he pressed his palms against the edge of the pool to lift himself up and out of the water. The male positioned himself against the edge, shaking the water from his wet hair. "What about your Kris? I'm thinking you were arrested." He pressed his thumb and index finger to his nose for a moment to blow out the water before he leaned his palms backwards so he was holding himself up with his elbows. "What kind of illegal shit were you into?" His gaze moved from the fiery girl to JJ who still had that awkward look about her.

"Hmm...I still can't pin yours to you.", he moved his eyes to Ella, Cai, and Aiden after he spoke about JJ, "And then you three. Child actress? Sure, I can see that. Cam girl? Definite possibility. Aiden...." Louis shook his head, propping his leg up as he considered his thoughts. "If you cheated then amen to you brother."

gym area > pool
"well shit."
coded by natasha.
curious & slightly amused | pool | minus the glasses | swimming pool gang

Tyler had been trying to sleep for the last fifteen, maybe twenty, minutes now. He'd slept late last night, half thinking about their weekly task and half kept forcefully awake by too much caffeine. He supposed it really was an addiction already. As another round of noise from the swimming pool side finally tipped him over to the side of giving up, Tyler pulled himself up. He wished his hearing wasn't as sharp as it was. When was old age finally going to hit? Probably not until he turned grey, considering his lifestyle โ€” or, at least, so his family doctor had said. Too bad.

Cracking his neck and massaging his temples did little to help the slight migraine; typically, he would solve that with more coffee, but he was beginning to accept that was a bad idea. Instead, maybe he should just go out to join the poolside crowd, breathe some fresh air. With that thought in mind, he changed into a more appropriate outfit than the sweater he'd been wearing in the air-conditioned room and head out.

As he walked toward his destination, thoughts of the list of secrets came back to him once again. It was impossibly to keep them away for long, really, no matter how nonchalant he wanted to be about it. Well, though he kind of had to be. They couldn't survive off a hundred dollars with twelve people in the house, could they? He'd been thinking about those secrets during much of the free time that he'd had so far but he couldn't really pitch any as a sure thing. The twins, for one, could be literally anyone. He only counted Louis out for now, mostly because, unless he & his twin went to the same tattooist & got all the same tattoos, the amount of time the younger man spent shirtless pointed to that being quite impossible. Also, he imagined it'd be quite hard for two people to both be as loud and shameless as that guy.

There was also the two youngest members of their group: Drew & JJ. Both seemed like quiet, nice kids. Neither seemed like any of the secrets belonged to them, except maybe the homelessness. Or the twin thing, too, of course. Then again, he might just be getting fooled by their age. There were other people, too, that were just so... plain. He'd have never seen any of those secrets coming out of them. Though, he supposed, he might not have seen his own secret coming if he wasn't...well, himself. Tyler was an expert at reading the whole, the large-scale crowd, the industries & the economy. But individuals? Significantly harder to pin down.

Well, he supposed the best way he was going to get through this was by talking to others. And with that conclusion, he exited the main house to the swimming pool. Approaching the group, he caught the tail end of Louis's words, pointing out Cai as the child actress and Aiden as the cheater. Tyler arched a brow. It wasn't quite the same line of thinking as his. Cai as the child actress was definitely a possibility in his book, though.

"Wow, we're being this honest already?" He laughed, joining the gathered crowd unhesitatingly. His glance flitted between Ella and Kristina. If those opinions didn't come from Louis then surely, they were from either girl. He doubted it was JJ, after all. "Catch me up?"
code by yousmelldead

kristina ivanova
the wild child
Kris grinned when Louis tried to peg her down for her secret but there was no way she was giving anything away. While she didn't particularly care about who knew her secret, she wasn't going to make it easy. "Wouldn't you like to know," she smirked.

Before anyone else had much of a chance to react, their party was joined by another and Kris turned to see JJ approaching them. Her gaze briefly flickered to her swollen belly and she once again thought about how this wasn't an ideal situation for someone so far along... unless she was desperate and had nowhere else to be. The more she thought about it, the more she realised it made sense. JJ could use the money to support her kid, and the fact that she's so far along was TV gold so she probably wouldn't be evicted so soon which meant this was the perfect living condition for her...

Tacking along to what Louis said, Kris spoke up as well, a welcoming smile on her face. "You're not interrupting at all," she smiled a little wider, watching the woman for any sign she could pick up on. "How are you feeling?" She asked, nodding to her stomach, but only using tat question as a gateway for what she really wanted to ask. "Is living in the house nice?" Kris arched an eyebrow and paused for a beat before adding on. "I mean, I sure as hell think it's better than the apartment I lived in before coming here," she chuckled a little, and shifted her gaze when they were joined by yet another.

Kris straightened up when she noticed Tyler approaching and the moment he spoke, she smirked. "Better to be honest and get this out of the way, don't you think?" In any case, she was more than happy to catch him up on what was happening. "We were just sharing our thoughts on what everybody's secrets were," Kris explained, running a hand through her hair and pushing it away from her face. "So far, the assumptions are that Ella was a cam girl, Cai was a child actress, Aiden had an affair and Louis indulged in some shady work ethics," she shifted her gaze to Louis briefly and narrowed her eyes. "Though I'm beginning to rethink that one." Kris suddenly remembered JJ. "JJ and you joined us right in time."

She studied Tyler for a moment, having gained an interest in him since they met, though unfortunately she still didn't know enough to be able to figure out what his secret might be. She had a few hunches, but nothing she could narrow down. "You currently seem to be a mystery," she told him, getting up so she could enjoy the water again. Kris refrained from saying anything further till she slid into the water โ€” as opposed to jumping since, even if she could be blunt, she wasn't mean enough to splash everyone else without giving it a second thought.

As she emerged, hair slicked back, Kris rested her elbows against the edge of the pool so she could still take part in the conversation. No way in hell was she about to miss out on anything. "Care to give us a clue?" She looked at Tyler again before letting her gaze flit between everyone else. "Or maybe the old barter system might work here."
the little seating area in the pool
"oooh, more takers."
ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ) , louis ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) , cai ( erzulie erzulie ) , aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ) , jj ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) , tyler ( triples triples )
robert becker
the author
Robert took his seat beside Cat and chuckled a little when she mentioned that everyone wanted to be at each other's throats. He couldn't agree with that more. One glance toward the crowd around the pool told him that they were likely figuring out secrets too, but maybe using a slightly different approach than Robert would have thought of.

When she went on to explain that she thought Cai was the child actress, Robert nodded. "I never thought about that but yeah, I could see it." In hindsight, he probably should have given all of this more thought before approaching Cat since it wasn't like he had many assumptions himself. Everything he came up with was very stereotypical and cliched, and he didn't want to be the type to seem presumptuous.

Cat then brought up her next suggestion, which made Robert think. A lot of people here seemed like they came from money. Kristina was a model but she was still pretty young so he wasn't sure if she was a billionaire... unless she was born into money. Which, from the conversations he'd had with her, he knew she wasn't. It seemed that there was a lot more to everyone than what meets the eye. Robert sure was stumped about a lot of things, though he did answer Cat's question.

"I guess everyone has their own reasons for wanting to come onto the show," he explained with a small shrug. "I think if we dig into those reasons, it might help us expose a few secrets." Whoever had been the stripper or the cam girl probably came on the show to never have to work in that profession again. They'd get enough money to not have to work for a while. The people who had no need for the prize money probably wanted fame. Like maybe Drew or JJ, though Robert truthfully didn't know if they came from wealth or not. The main question was how to narrow those options down.

"Alright, looking at that lot right now, I wanna say Aiden maybe found a dead body?" he leaned in closer to Cat so he was at an angle and had a better view of the people by the pool. "He's a landscape photographer. I don't think it's hard to believe that he stumbled upon a corpse while out exploring a new shoot location."
shaded area outside
"alright let's try and narrow this shit down."
catalina ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) / mentions kris , drew ( triples triples ) , jj ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) , cai ( erzulie erzulie ) & aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy )
JJ Smith
Even if she wasn't the hugest fan of Louis and his roudy behavior, JJ smiled over at him for his welcome, her grin became wider at his mention of him not being able to figure out her secret. Well that was a good thing. She'd rather like to hang on to it. She would like that surprise and immunity. Being able to stay in the big brother house would be really nice. The fact no one had accused her of anything was great. JJ was a terrible liar. Her discomfort was normally so easy to point out.

While Louis spoke out about what Kris, and himself, thought about the others, she tried her best to keep her face straight. JJ gave him a tight lipped smile. Don't give yourself away. Her dazed state was pulled towards Kris' voice. The older girl wasn't exactly someone she was comfortable with. Her question about her wellbeing, well, it just didn't sit well with her. It was quite obvious to JJ that it was a leading question, one that was meant to get her to spill some unwanted information. And there it was. She asked about the house. Did Kris think that she was homeless? Or was she just trying to throw her off? "I'm okay, just tired," She told her, "Yeah, it's nice. A lot bigger than where I was at." Before she could say much more, Tyler came out to join them.

JJ ignored a bit of the rest of the conversation as she made her way over to the side of the pool by the ladder. She pulled off her shoes and lowered herself down using the ladder to sit and stick her feet into the water. That felt amazing on her swollen feet. Was JJ homeless? The answer was more or less no. Plus, she didn't own a car to sleep in even if she was. But the big brother house was a much better alternative to where she was staying. A friend who had offered a room, in an apartment that wasn't an environment for babies. She didn't want to be there when her baby came. A fancy house full of strangers was definitely much better than what she had. Her mom and step dad wouldn't let her set foot back in their house, especially not after what she had said to them. And her baby daddy? She'd rather not think about him.

That was when the question was posed to Tyler for a couple clues. Tyler had been one of those people that she could see doing a few of those things on the board. He was a bit of a wild card, someone who she was unsure about. But she had some ideas. Though, for the moment, JJ just moved her feet through the water, trying to stay as cool, and as calm, as possible.
Location: By the Pool| Mood: great, an interrogation.
Interactions: The pool crew ( natasha. natasha. yousmelldead yousmelldead _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy erzulie erzulie triples triples )| Outfit: This is cute, I think

Aiden Jeong
Location: Swimming pool area
Mood: This took a turn
Outfit: Here
Interactions: Kristina ( natasha. natasha. ) JJ A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba
Mentions: Louis yousmelldead yousmelldead

Aiden knew that as more people gathered it would only mean one thing, trying to decipher each other's secrets, that was the task isn't finding the one of the rest while protecting yours and hoping that no one had a glimpse to it when thinking how he was going to approach to the others with their secrets, he thought of a normal conversation where they would be sharing their opinions and theories of which secret belong to whom, but it seemed that Kristina wasn't having any of it.

The little he had interacted with Kristina, Aiden knew she was a girl that didn't hold back and she was showing it right now, what he thought was going to be a calm conversation, just turned into a statement of facts, he got a little startled at the confession of the model, he having an affair was something that he thought everyone would not point out due to his persona, but that didn't mean it couldn't be true "That's quite the statement, I mean I can get satisfied with the beauty of just one landscape it doesnโ€™t' mean I can be satisfied with the beauty of just one person" the photographer said as he winked to Kristina.

Just as he shared his reply to the model, JJ joined the group he wasn't sure if he should feel sorry in the situation the pregnant girl was faced in, but Louis welcomed her with open arms stating that they were swapping theories and adding that he thought that Kristina used illegal substances, he hadn't been able to point out a secret to her, but that one was one of the strong contenders Aiden had for the young model "I agree with Louis, I can definitely see that happen, we are all dumb when we were young and we do reckless things because we believed we are untouchable"

But the honesty in Kristina didn't end with the first people that were already there by the pool, just as JJ showed she was targeted by the model making saying that the house was larger than the apartment she used to live, making the assumption that JJ was the homeless person, sure with her young age and pregnancy someone would make the assumption JJ needed a place to live, but just blatantly flexing on what someone had was something that Aiden wasn't really fond of, sure they needed to find out the secrets but he was sure there were other ways to try to find them, so he had decided to check up on JJ and see that she wasn't hurt by Kristina's words even if he was curious about their secrets too he wanted to have a peaceful relationship with everyone in the house.

It didn't took long for Tyler to show up, and in reality, Aiden was quite interested in knowing about the newcomer, he was a complete mystery to Aiden and had some options but everything he thought always seemed a little bit off to, maybe he could listen while still checking on JJ, he walked towards the pregnant girl was and took a seat next to her "Everything okay? We are all stressed out for the task and the outcome of this so don't let anyone's words hurt you, we are just trying to make the best of this situation"

Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
helpless sheep, needs saving | kitchen | here | Ezra + Colleen

Drew stood slightly awkwardly near the sink, half-leaning on the table as he wondered if he should just leave Ezra to his... therapy. Drew had already washed his own dishes, of course. It was a habit of his, to do that wherever he went except restaurants. But it was also a habit of his not to wash anyone else's. He was amazed that Ezra could, in contrast, like it. Well, though, he supposed he didn't really know why he himself disliked it so much either.

As his rather pointless thoughts ran through his mind, Drew felt a stare on him coming from the doctor's direction, causing him to stop tapping his fingers on the table. The gaze stayed on him for a while, as he tried quite hard to seem like he didn't noticed, before Ezra finally sighed. What? Why did the man sigh? Was something wrong with him? Did he do something stupid? Did Ezra want him to fuck off leave already? Drew blinked twice in succession, thanking the gods that he was one to freeze in surprise rather than physically react.

Typically, he would just make a joke or something about the sigh and address it that way... but what if Ezra didn't get whatever joke he makes? It was entirely possible. His jokes were the sarcastic sort that even his friends failed to understand sometimes. Did age matter in terms of comprehending sarcasm? Probably not. Did Ezra seem like a sarcasm kind of guy though? Drew had no idea.

Still, he had to say something. And he was just about to, when he saw Ezra also turning his head. Unfortunately, neither of them managed to start the conversation, because Colleen walked in. Ah, his bed partner. He was getting used to sleeping next to her. The only girl he'd shared a bed was before this was his girlfriend, Mia, whom he wasn't completely confident didn't mind his new sleeping arrangement on the show. Luckily, he didn't have to deal with that until he got out of here.

Drew watched Colleen approach, waiting until she got near before greeting her with a slight smile. It didn't take long for her to start their conversation for them instead, with a question that cut straight to the point. He was glad for her asking that. The image of that whiteboard with their pictures and the secrets were etched into his mind. But his memory was useless when no amount of staring at that mental picture helped him figure out anything. Eventually, he had to start talking to people.

"...Kohlberg? Pavlovโ€™s Dog? Asch Line Study of Conformity?โ€ Drew snorted at the answer before he could stop himself. Seriously? That joke was so... it was like a hybrid child of dad jokes & medical memes. He cleared his throat, trying to pretend he hadn't laughed at that as he paid attention to Ezra's actual answer. Observing, the man said. He supposed it made sense. Everyone would be observing everyone else now, trying to catch their weak spots. He wondered if Ezra & Colleen didn't mind others finding out their own secret, to be able to focus on finding out others'. Too bad he couldn't be as cool as that.

Drew had thought about using that overly-intense observation to protect his own secret. To take a small action from someone and amplify it, twist it into something other than what it was so that the group would either not focus on his own secret or, in best case scenario, attach it to another member. That would mean targeting a few people, of course, while making sure that his fire-starting went mostly unnoticed. Unfortunately, Drew was someone with a cunning mind but no cunning heart to follow. While not as pathetic as vice versa, in his opinion, it was still a pretty useless trait. He thought and thought but rarely acted on any of it.

"Have you noticed anything in your observations, so far, then?" He asked Ezra, hoping to get something from the older man, "I have theories, for some, but I just... I don't really have confidence in any of them, so."
code by yousmelldead

Ezra Nam

mood ok im not going to get kicked off for my jokes. im going to get kicked off for being naughty.

location kitchen

mentions Colleen ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) + Drew ( triples triples ) + Ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )


Hearing Drewโ€™s question, Ezra wasโ€ฆ well, he wasnโ€™t sure why but he was a bit caught off guard. I suppose he had just assumed that Drew and Colleen would just change the topic or start talking amongst themselves after hearing that statement. And thenโ€ฆ you knowโ€ฆ Ezra could go on and keep observing. But now he was stuck with having to actually verbalize the different things he had been thinking and processing about. Ah, man.

Turning around, he rested against the countertop and crossed his arms over his chest. He wanted to make sure he got his thought process correct before speaking, otherwise, he wouldnโ€™t want others toโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆ think he was an idiot or something. โ€œTo be honestโ€ฆโ€ he began before slightly clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he thought. Okayโ€ฆ He had some sort of an idea. โ€œI feel like Iโ€™ve seen Ella around before. So, I think she mightโ€ฆ I dunnoโ€ฆ be the billionaire? Or the child actress? I dunnoโ€ฆ likeโ€ฆ I feel like Iโ€™ve seen her face before in a magazine. Or like she was a patient or something. I really should find out if sheโ€™s been to Perth or something because I justโ€ฆ yeah, canโ€™t pinpoint it.โ€

Ezra brought one hand up to comb through his hair as he continued to think of his observations. To be honest, it was only day two. They still had two more full days to go and then on Friday they would be submitting their votes. They still had plenty of time to get to know each other and figure out their secrets. However, on the thought of observations, it did remind him of something. His dark eyes widened slightly before he snapped his fingers. โ€œTalking about observations, have you guys noticed something odd about the house?โ€ he asked the pair of them, looking back and forth between them.

โ€œI recon thereโ€™s like, secret rooms or something,โ€ Ezra confessed before pointing in the direction of the bedrooms โ€œCause likeโ€ฆ you know that shelf in the bedroom? The big one with the fake books and stuff on it?โ€ He crossed his arms once more, shifting the weight of his body slightly against the countertop โ€œItโ€™s hollow. I knocked on it this morning and itโ€™s completely hollow. So there must be something behind it or lead to som-โ€

โ€œThis is Big Brother.โ€

The voice echoed throughout the kitchen, causing Ezra to quickly stand up straight off the counter-top as he jumped at the sound. Jesus Christ. He still wasnโ€™t used to that yet. There was a pause. With wide eyes, he looked around himself, not sure where to look while Big Brother spoke to them.

โ€œEzra. Itโ€™s wise not to sneak around the house to find Big Brotherโ€™s secrets.โ€

Oh snap.

โ€œBig Brother suggests that you focus on the secrets of your housemates and let Big Brother surprise you with his own. That is all.โ€

Okay, what did that mean? Ezra looked at Colleen and then at Drew with a โ€˜oh shit, did I just get into trouble for that?โ€™ look on his face. What was he meant to do now? What was he meant to say to that? โ€œUhโ€ฆ Okayโ€ฆ Sorry, Big Brother?โ€ he said slowly, unsure if Big Brother would say anything after that. He pausedโ€ฆ waitingโ€ฆ and well, nothing. He flashed the others an โ€˜eeekโ€™ smile before leaning against the counter-top once more. โ€œGeez. I think Iโ€™ll need to stitch my mouth shut so I donโ€™t get in trouble with Big Beebs anymore.โ€

coded by weldherwings.
Colleen Lim
Colleen paused while drying the dish she was holding. Turning towards Ezra, she blinked a few times as she heard his "joke". She glanced over at Drew as he chuckled. She looked down at the plate in her hand. Was that supposed to be funny...? Was she just dumb or was the attempted humor a flop? She was probably just dumb. It wouldn't surprise her that an intelligent joke went over her head. She never claimed to be smart. She barely got through college. But that was mostly because she barely did any work, most nights were parties. Really crazy parties.

It didn't go unnoticed, though, that Ezra attempted to change the subject. She may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but she could read people fairly well. Call it mother's intuition, but Colleen could tell the Doctor was very uncomfortable with the subject of secrets. Did he think that she was going to start grilling him? She didn't have the guts to do that even if she wanted to. She almost blamed the fact that he wanted the prize, but she guessed it went deeper than that. As he explained that he was using observation to try and figure out the secrets, Colleen tried to pin down her own strategy. Then she realized she didn't have one. She wasn't a schemer. She didn't think up plans, she just kind of made it up as she went along. Her idea was to be adaptable. To get to know her fellow house mates and then decide. Quick assumptions based on what things appeared would probably never work. It was fine to have a guess, but a definite answer? Not really.

Before she commented, Drew spoke up, asking if Ezra had made any observations so far. He said that Ella could be the child actress or billionaire. Hmmm. It was possible. But how many Disney channel stars ended up as lawyers? She was still so young, part of her wondered if it was possible for her to be a billionaire. What was she just saying? To be open minded and forget assumptions. Geez Colleen, pick a story and stick to it. She would probably continue to play devil's advocate until she had a solid clue about what was going on. "It's so hard to just slap one of those secrets to a face that I hardly know. I mean, Tyler could have been the child actress and had a sex change for all we know!" That was probably something really stupid to say wasn't it? She shook her head, "My point is, I don't think you can just look at people and know what they are hiding. You have to know them, at least somewhat." That was a statement she was happy with.

Once again, the doctor decided to change the subject. He really didn't want to talk about secrets did he? That made her think that maybe, possibly, one of the more serious testimonies belonged to him. Hmm. Maybe he was right. You could make guesses based on observations. That was when Ezra started talking about the house. The way he described secret doors and passage ways made the hair on her neck stand up. That sounded like a horror movie. It didn't help that part way through his sentence a booming voice sounded off over head. Colleen about jumped out of her skin. "Damn that's terrifying," She breathed, putting a hand over her chest to help calm her racing heart.

Her nose scrunched up when she heard Ezra refer to big brother as "big beebs". No matter how long it had been since she had lived in Australia, she still never got the whole shortening words and nicknames thing. Sometimes they didn't even make sense. Ok, focus. "That's what you get for skipping conversation topics like hopscotch doctor," She tisked, shaking her head. Had she meant to call him out? No, but it just slipped out, and now her one good observation about him avoiding the topic was out in the air. "Now that we're on the topic of changing topics, let's talk about something a little more relaxed, shall we?"As much as Colleen wanted to know who's secrets were who's, she didn't want the make people uncomfortable while doing so. That wasn't very nice. That's how one made enemies. She wasn't one the rock the boat or make conflict with others. "Any funny stories? Wanna share about a hobby? Silly jokes, preferably ones for idiots like myself? Spill all your guts about your secret...?" Her expression widened in to a smile. "I'm joking, of course. Don't worry you guys, I don't plan on grilling you. I have grilled like twice in my life, and let me tell you, it was not pretty." She gave them a closed lipped smile. "Ok, let me shut up now. No more comments from the peanut gallery."
Location: Kitchen | Mood: Why don't we just chat then?
Interactions: Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ) & Drew ( triples triples ) | Mentions: Ella ( _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ) & Tyler ( triples triples )| Outfit: I'm a mom, okay?
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Ella Reed
These secrets certainly started to be fired from each side. All Ella relied on now was her perfect lawyer poker face. She knew she could do it, as proved so many times before, at school or at work. That face never revealed anything. The smile sitting there was just so uncertain. At first, it confirmed your suspicions or assumptions but the longer it was there, the more you doubted yourself. And it usually ended up with you not knowing anything. That face never confirmed or denied anything and in this very case, any of those secrets could be Ellaโ€™s. And she had no plans on revealing hers any time soon.

She put on that very smile right now, exactly as Kris shot her guess at her. But one thing was sure. Ella agreed that Cai was the child actress and model. She had that look, was interesting, not mediocre and really really beautiful. Ella could imagine she must have been an adorable kid as well.

And the rest? Well, possible. Not that she saw Aiden ever having an affair. He just wasnโ€™t that type. But then again, people can be surprising. Aiden might have very well done that, he just had that kind of innocent pretty face that wanted you to believe he would never. Ella had seen so many innocent faces, swearing in their motherโ€™s grave they didnโ€™t do anything only to be later cuffed and escorted to their cell. Maybe her job was not making her the most trustful person and maybe thatโ€™s why she started to overthink more than she should. Sometimes she really wished that her brain was not so fast, it could get into overdrive real quick.

โ€œHonestly, what bugs me the most is the twin.โ€ she spoke up and for a moment, a little frown appearing between her brows. โ€œI donโ€™t really know how to approach it. Likeโ€ฆare we talking people? Or is it just some metaphor? And yes, I might be overthinking hereโ€ฆit just annoys me.โ€ she added with a short laugh at the end.

The day was too warm and pleasant to be thinking this hard and quite frankly, all she wanted to do was relax and get some tan. Her legs were still in the cool water and she lowered her torso to lay down at the pool. Her head was swarming with ideas and thoughts and she needed to make some order in there. As more people came, Ella greeted them one by one.

Tyler seemed like someone who actually could be a billionaire. Something in him ticked her on that one. He had that flair about him, maybe taste for the finer things in life and it could very well lead to him coming from money. For now, she kept her thoughts to herself, stretching her body out there, putting it quite on display. Whatever, right? Who actually cared? And she listened. Ella strongly believed in a power of information and listening to people discussing everything might just help her in sorting out her own thoughts. It might not have been the best strategy here, but at least it was some.

the pool

Little tan never hurt nobody...

click and see

Kristina (natasha.); Aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ); Louis ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ); Cai ( erzulie erzulie ); JJ ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ); Tyler ( triples triples )
coded by natasha.

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