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big brother
welcome to big brother australia
Welcome to Big Brother Australia - a popular reality television series that films contestants twenty four seven! The Big Brother house is located at the Dreamworld theme park on the Goal Coast, Queensland, and are looking for fresh new contestants for this year's show!

Big Brother Australia is based on the international Big Brother series produced by Endemol in the Netherlands which began in 1999. The show's name comes from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), which revolves around a dystopia in which dictator Big Brother is the all-seeing leader.

This reality series constitutes 12 contestants who live in an isolated house for several months. Housemates are at all times under the control of Big Brother, a rule enforcing authority figure who monitors the behaviour of the housemates, sets tasks and punishments and provides the mechanism for contestants to make external requests.

Each week, the housemates will cast votes to nominate two other housemates for eviction using five nomination points inside the Nominations Room. These points can be allocated however a housemate wishes (either 4 points to one housemate and 1 point to another; or 3 points to one and 2 points to another). Housemates are not permitted to discuss nominations.

The three (or more in the case of a tie) housemates with the most nomination votes will be nominated. The viewers will then decide which of the nominees is evicted. This process continues until only one housemate remains to win the grand prize of $250,000.

Do you think you have what it takes to become Big Brother's final standing contestant and win the grand prize?
the housemates
about the big brother house
The Big Brother House is where the contestants stay during their time on the show. It functions as a real and livable home but is surrounded with several cameras, microphones and two way mirrors through out the house. Although the interiors of the house are made to look like a house, itโ€™s actually located inside a studio where the production crew record everything through the two-way mirrors within a dark camera alley surrounding the house. Infrared cameras are also installed throughout the house which enables to capture the house while in complete darkness.

The house has the amenities of a typical house. It typically has a bedroom, a living area, a kitchen and dining area, a bathroom and toilet, a storage room, a backyard garden and a swimming pool and spa. It has a special private room called the Diary Room where the contestants voice out their feelings, give votes and usual talk with Big Brother.

Important keywords
Nominations โ€“ Each week, the Housemates participate in Nominations. This is a voting process to determine who is eligible for eviction that week. Each Housemate will vote for two other Housemates. Three of more Housemates with the most nominations points become nominated for Eviction and will face the publicโ€™s vote. Each Housemate has 3 Nomination Points to allocate to two Housemates โ€“ one Housemate for two points, and another with one.

Eviction โ€“ After the Nominations are finalised, voting for the public are open. The nominee with the fewest votes is evicted.

Finale โ€“ The final Housemates face a Final Vote to determine the winner of the series. The public votes to win and the nominee with the most votes is declared the winner.

Intruders โ€“ Intruders are new housemates added to the house by the showโ€™s producers as an ongoing housemate after the series has started. Intruders are eligible to win the series but will often face a special โ€œIntruder Evictionโ€ shortly after their entrance to the house (either by House Vote, Public Vote or a combination of both).

Weekly Tasks โ€“ A Weekly Task is a task for the houseโ€™s weekly budget. Every week, Big Brother will give the housemates their weekly task. They must accomplish the task within the week for them to have food for the upcoming week. If they fail, they would be eating staples and rationed supplies for the whole week. Teamwork is required for them to succeed

Daily Tasks โ€“ Daily tasks are activities that are usually given to either some or all of the housemates. Unlike a Weekly Task, the Daily Tasks are tasks that is only done within the day. Most of these tasks are given for the housemateโ€™s entertainment or just to occupy themselves. Despite being called Daily Tasks, it doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that these Tasks are given everyday. It can be given to the housemates at any random time or day.

Secret Task โ€“ A Secret Task is a task where a housemate must complete the task without the knowledge of any other housemate. If the housemate wins, they will receive a reward but if they fail, a punishment will be given. Automatic Nomination and Ejection are some of the major punishments which can be given.

House Rules
- Contestants must be over the age of 18

- Housemates shall have no contact with the outside world.

- All housemates must wear microphone lapels at all times, except when swimming or sleeping.

- Conversations in the Diary Room should always stay confidential. No one should ever share such conversations with other houseguests unless told to do so.

- No discussion on Nominations or Evictions.

- Whispering inside the house is strictly prohibited. (Whispering is defined as talking too softly for a microphone to detect)

- Housemates should never intimidate, threaten or act violently towards any other housemate.

- Tasks are compulsory, but housemates may be permitted to refrain from participating where health or other reasons are accepted by Big Brother.

- Speaking in another language aside from the official language used by the show is strictly prohibited.

- The housemates should never deliberately break anything inside the house.

- The housemates should never discuss anything related to the outside world. (Selectively enforced)

- Covering or tampering microphones or cameras, writing secret messages, talking under hidden places (such as bedding, tables and beds) are strictly prohibited.

- The Houseguests must leave the house immediately (after brief goodbyes) once evicted and immediately experience an interview with the host on live television.

- Production has the sole discretion over what to broadcast and what not to broadcast.

- The following items are forbidden inside the house:
- Drugs and narcotics
- Personal medication (except in consultation with Big Brother)
- Weapons
- Watches
- Money, chequebooks, or credit/debit cards
- Mobile/cell phones
- TVs, Computers, or Gaming Devices
- PalmPilots or electronic organizers
- Agendas or diaries
- Magazines
- Books, aside from official religious texts
- Pens or any similar writing implements (unless provided by Big Brother)
- Paper or writing pads (unless provided by Big Brother)
- Musical instruments
- Any ready-made games, such as playing cards (unless received from production)
- Any item requiring electrical or battery power
- Radios or walkmans
- CDs or CD players
- Clothes entirely white in color, with prominent commercial logos (unless authorized), or messages to the outside world.

coded by weldherwings.
day one - monday
Itโ€™s officially Day One in the Big Brother house and our housemates are still learning about one and another.

Last night, after the stage show, our housemates had a welcome party hosted by Big Brother. After some first impressions, Big Brother then explained to them that their luggage was now in the bedroom and that they may decide which beds they planned on sleeping in. To make it fair, the housemates decided to pull names out of a hat. With sleeping arrangements completed, some of the housemates decided to continue drinking and talking late into the night. Others, however, spent time in the bedroom or wandering around the house.

With the sun up, our housemates are starting to wake up to their first official day in the Big Brother house. At 9 am, Big Brother will be announcing their very first weekly task. Letโ€™s see which housemates are early risers and which will struggle with the โ€œearlyโ€ wake up call.

coded by weldherwings.
big brother
this is big brother.

All housemates to the living room.
Ezra Nam

mood ah... im so tired

location from the patio to the living room

mentions J.J. ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba )


The magpies were cooing in the crisp morning air.

Ezra Nam sat upon the patio flooring with a mug of coffee in his hands, watching as the warm steam moved over the outdoor pool. Sure, he couldโ€™ve been sleeping right now. It wouldโ€™ve been a dream to be able to sleep. But due to the ridiculous hours that he worked at the hospital (most of if was self-inflicted if weโ€™re being honest), Ezra was always up around five in the morning. Now, this wouldโ€™ve been great had he gone to bed around sayโ€ฆ nine or ten last night.

He didnโ€™t sleep until well past midnight.

Now, it wasnโ€™t because he was being naughty or because he was out late with the others on the patio, having a couple of drinks. He was one of the few people who were in his pyjamas and in his bed by around ten after having a further tour of the household. But it was the pure fact that he was petrified that he was going to annoy J.J. during the night. I mean, it was lucky that he and the girl had landed together as sleeping buddies considering she was pregnant and all. But it was extremely unlucky for Ezra as he was a cuddler. He was always cuddling something when he slept.

And he had this extreme fear that he was going to wake up cuddling J.J. and she would be offended. Sure, give it some time. Maybe they would grow their friendship and she wonโ€™t mind waking up to Asian man who was likeโ€ฆ twelve years older than her or something cuddling her. But right now, she was still a stranger to him. There were things about her that he was yet to find out โ€“ and vice versa. So, he spent most of the night waking up before actually drifting off. He made sure that there was plenty of space between the pair of them and that he had a pillow wrapped in his arms so he wouldnโ€™t be touching the girl.

Thankfully, as he woke up, he was nowhere near J.J. and his arms were still wrapped around the pillow. Thank God for that. After waking up, he took the opportunity to be one of the first people to take a shower in the bathroom before getting changed and exploring the house by himself. The others had been fast asleep still as he watched the sunrise in the outdoor area. All he could think about was how blessed he was to be given an opportunity like this; to meet new people and, if he was lucky, maybe win some prizes.

โ€œThisโ€ฆ is Big Brotherโ€ฆโ€

Ezraโ€™s dark eyes were snatched away from the poolโ€™s calming waters and looked towards the nearest speaker he heard the voice boom from. Well, this was going to take some getting used to. Wasnโ€™t every day you heard someone calling over a P.A. to get your attention.

โ€œAll housemates to the living roomโ€

Right. Living room. Releasing a soft sigh, Ezra pulled himself up to a standing position and slowly made his way towards the living room. He wondered if those who had spent the night drinking were awake yet. And if they were if they had a killer hangover or not. Combing his fingers through his short-cropped hair, Ezra took a seat upon the comfortable lounge as he was the first to arrive. Bringing his bare feet up, crossing them, he held his coffee with both hands and up to his lips. He was going to need a lot more coffee if he was going to get through their first day without napping, that was for sure.

coded by weldherwings.
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Aiden Jeong
Location: Living room
Mood: I'm going to need more coffee
Outfit: Here
Interactions: Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings )
Mentions: Kristina ( natasha. natasha. )

Aiden was used to having rough nights, he was often camping in order to capture with his camera the sunrise of the place he was staying, and he always found it easier to just woke up there rather than staying on a hotel and having to move to the location of his photo and even if it wasn't the most comfortable he loved being on the outside and enjoy what nature had to offer.

But even if he had slept on the dirt, sleeping next to Kristina was for sure an experience and that he was sure his body would eventually showing the struggles of having to share a bed with the girl. When they were paired together Aiden didn't say that much, he wanted to make sure that Kristina didn't feel awkward or that he would do something that would put him on her blacklist, but if he could go back in time he would for sure made everything that was possible to choose another name.

Don't get him wrong, he really thought that Kristina was an amazing girl, but sleeping Kristina, well, you should really be careful of her and what she can do, he wasn't expecting that he would be woken up by someone kicking him in the middle of the night and even if the only thing he wanted was to have a peaceful night, knowing that things would get crazy eventually with Kristina that idea wasn't going to happen.

Aiden didn't wake her up to tell her that she was kicking him, they were still strangers and he didn't want to seem like an annoying guy that would start causing drama on the first night, that was out of character for him, so in the meantime, he would pretend that he had the best sleep of his life and once they were closer to each other, Aiden would drop the bomb that she kicked him to death while she was sleeping, that's what a gentleman would do in this kind of situations, right?

So after a long night, the morning came and with that, his body was telling him to wake up and stretch, and hopefully, he didn't look like he just received a beating up. A morning shower was for sure what his body needed to relax, just as he was heading to the bathroom he saw the empty space on Ezra's bed, so the guy was also an early raiser just like him, just as Aiden expected the bathroom was empty and he could take a peaceful shower, maybe waking up earlier than the rest has his advantages and he could have a peaceful shower without having more people on the same place.

After he was done with his shower he went to the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee, he was sure he needed all the energy he could obtain even if it came from drinking coffee excessively, just as he started drinking his coffee and enjoy the warm liquid that was slowly waking him up a voice suddenly started talking โ€œThisโ€ฆ is Big Brotherโ€ฆ All housemates to the living room" so it was finally starting, the race of who would make it to the end and win the big prize.

With this thought on mind Aiden walked towards the living room, just as he arrived he saw Ezra already there "Seems that you are being the first in everything today" He said as he took a seat on the lounge "What do you think they have prepared for us in the first morning?"

Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
JJ Smith
Eyes slowly opened as JJ let out a defeated sigh. She really didn't want to be awake. Someone else had something to say about that. She felt a foot dig into her ribs. It wasn't the person who had been lying beside her. The bed next to her was empty. It was the baby. They said good morning mommy time to bruise all of your organs. JJ thought it was a pretty sucky deal that she carried her child around for 9 months just to get repaid with internal abuse. Good thing she loved that little parasite. Completely exhausted, JJ rubbed her eyes as she yawned. She wasn't tired because she had gone to bed late. Actually she had been one of, if not the, first to go to bed. She had enjoyed talking to the others for the most part. There wasn't really anyone she hated. It was entirely possible she'd grow to hate them, or love them, but right now she thought, for the most part, everyone was pretty easy to get along with. Or maybe that was just her. JJ was a fairly easygoing person. Even if she had been the first to bail, she barely slept. That seemed like a common theme lately.

Trying to get comfortable was like trying to fit an elephant through a needle's eye. Absolutely impossible. Maybe it was the fact there was a stranger in the bed beside her. Not that Ezra wasn't nice or she was afraid of him. JJ was just used to sleeping alone. And she also was used to having lots of pillows to help her get better situated. If it wasn't her back complaining, it was her hips, her shoulders, or her neck. It seemed whenever she moved to satisfy one part of her body, another was woken up and was cranky about it. When she had finally found a comfortable spot? Oh boy, guess what? She had to pee. Nothing could have been more frustrating than the night of "sleep" she had. She wanted to scream.

Ok. Now she had to get up. Which was sort of a chore. JJ used her arms to push herself up to sit on the edge of the bed. Her hand went to her side when she was kicked yet again. She remembered vividly the first time she felt her baby kick. It was magical. In the beginning she'd just sit and feel them move around. It was a confirmation that, yes, a tiny human had taken up residence in her uterus. Not just that, but it was her tiny human. She still thought that from time to time, that she was glad to have the company and this would all be worth it. But that was normally to keep her from yelling out a string of course words to vent her frustration. Pregnancy was no longer cute. Or fun. And she still had a few weeks to go.

Since she had taken a shower before going to bed, JJ grabbed a fresh set of clothes and waddled her way over to the bathroom. Of course she had to pee again. It was the first time of many times she'd have to today. After that she changed as quickly as possible. She wanted to avoid anyone elses eyes. Of course she was aware this was recorded, but at the same time she didn't have to experience other people seeing her undressed. It was easier to disconnect from that embarrassment. She had just finished putting on all of her clothes when she heard it.

"This is big brother..."

Ok, she was going to have to get used to that. It may have caused her to jump a little. Not saying for sure, but JJ may have been startled when hearing the voice boom overhead.

"All house mates to the living room."

That was easy enough. As she came out of the bathroom, she couldn't help but smirk quietly to herself at the disheveled appearances of some of the other house guests. She knew some had gotten pretty trashed. JJ never drank even before she got pregnant. She didn't like alcohol. Or the people who drank it excessively. That wasn't the hard beverage to give up. As she walked into the living room, she realized how much she wanted that certain hot drink right now. Coffee. What she wouldn't do for caffeine right now. That would be helpful due to her sleep deprived state. She looked over at the two others who had already been up and in the living room. One person was Aiden. The cool photographer that had dope hair. The other was Ezra. Oh ho was their interaction last night fun.

JJ had not been prepared for Ezra and his questions. She had learned quick that he was a doctor, which was cool, she needed those. He asked her how far along she was, to which she replied almost 36 weeks. She thought that would be the end. But boy was she wrong. It seemed like he asked about her whole entire life story. Which he really didn't. He just asked every question about her medical history. All she could think while he was talking was that he, if they weren't eliminated, would be the one to deliver her baby. Nothing about that pleased her. She had somewhat hoped that when she did go into labor that whoever her doctor was, they'd be old, most preferably a woman, and normal. Apparently fate hated her. Because now she had hot doctor Nam who barely looked older than her even if he was over a decade ahead in age. Ezra was most certainly NOT the person she wanted all up in her business.

The best part was they also shared a bed. Wonderful. So when she walked into the room and saw him, all she could do was tense up slightly and smile incredibly awkwardly. ".....uh.....morning."
Location: bed > living room| Mood: .....morning
Interactions: Aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ) & Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ) | Outfit: something comfy
Catalina Cola
the wallflower

Yesterday had been nothing short of a whirlwind. The group of people that had been chosen to be on the show could have all been models. It was terrifying to someone like Catalina. She was the biggest in the bunch and that didn't exactly help her anxiety. This was the whole point though, wasn't it? She wanted to do something she would have never done in a right state of mind. She wanted to be known for something other than the 'big girl'. Catalina was determined to get over her image issue and she prayed that this would help her overcome it.

The brunette had always been an early riser but it seemed she was an even earlier one in the Big Brother House. She wanted to take a shower before anyone else had gotten up and the fact that she wore flip flops in the shower wasn't something she needed to be explaining. No, that would make her the weird big girl. But like---warts were a real problem. Especially when there was a group of eleven strangers all showering in the same space.

Catalina was thankful that she had picked the same bed as Cai. The woman had seemed friendly enough. It was better than sharing a bed with one of the men in the group. If she had picked the same bed as Robert she would have died. Right then and there. Ezra would have had to completely revive her and from there she would have ran from the house as fast as she possible could.

Being the first in the kitchen, Catalina decided to start whipping up some breakfast for the crew. She had figured since she was up first that she should at least do something with her time. She didn't have her cell phone so it wasn't like she had much she could do. So cooking seemed like the best option. Both Ezra and Aiden had passed through, each grabbing a cup of coffee before they went their own way. She was kind of stuck when it came to chatting it up so early in the morning. Were they morning people? Judging by the instant need of caffeine she figured not.

Waffles, pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was the breakfast of champions. The pregnant girl...JJ? She needed to eat. Catalina smiled widely at her preparation, hands finding their way to her hips as she stared at the spread in awe. Sometimes she really impressed herself. This was one of those times. The boom of the loudspeaker had caught her off guard, her hands moving to grip the edge of the countertop as she stared wide eyed up. "Oh my god." She groaned softly, her eyes shutting as she took in a breathe. That was something she was going to have to get used to.

Catalina moved carefully around the counter, doubling checking to make sure the stovetop was off before she headed into the living room. Three others were in the room already. Ezra, Aiden, and JJ. Were the others still asleep? The dark haired girl moved quietly to the couch, taking a seat as she blew out some air. "Hey guys, I made breakfast." She spoke softly as she gave the others a smile before turning her gaze towards the stairs to see who was going to come next. Poor girl didn't even realize the flour spot on her cheek.
kitchen > living room
"i hope i didn't snore.."
ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ), aiden( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ), jj( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ), cai( erzulie erzulie ) ,robert( natasha. natasha. )
coded by natasha.
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robert becker
the author
Robert was definitely an early bird but it seemed that today, he wasn't the first one up.

While some of the others had stayed up chatting and getting to know one another more, Robert had retired to bed a little after ten, but only after making sure that he got to have an interaction with all the other people in the house. The last thing he wanted was to be the first one eliminated, and he was probably digging his own grave if he thought he could get away with only interacting with people he was comfortable around. That wasn't how this whole thing worked, and he spent half an hour before falling asleep making a kind of list in his head to determine who he'd have more friendly interactions and who he'd have... less friendly interactions with.

His internal clock woke him a little later than usual, which wasn't something he was bothered about. It was the whole 'sharing a bed' thing that threw him off a little since Robert was a tall guy and even if he wasn't, he'd always liked his space. As far as bed partners go though, Robert wasn't too miffed about being paired with Tyler. He seemed like a nice enough guy, based on the conversation they'd had the previous night, and Robert could have definitely been stuck with a lot worse like Louis, whom he instantly hadn't liked much, or Kristina, whom upon glancing over to her bed he saw was sprawled across it as if she had nobody to share with.

It seemed some people had woken up though, and that gave Robert more motivation to get up and shower. He was quick, mainly because he'd been in the middle of his shower when he heard the booming announcement. This is Big Brother. All housemates to the living room. It had startled him briefly but hopefully it would become something he'd get used to since he intended on being here for a while.

After his shower, Robert quickly changed out in the open, taking advantage of the fact that others in the bedroom were still asleep, and he had a towel around his waist anyway, so he wouldn't be flashing anyone by accident. That would mortify him. The smell of something cooking got him to slide into his jeans faster before he made his way into the living room, getting a quick peek at the spread that was laid out in the kitchen. He vaguely wondered who'd been nice enough to do that, but the moment he walked toward the couches where some of the others who'd woken up before him sat, he realised who the culprit was.

"Morning," he announced, addressing everyone in the room before his gaze settled on Catalina while he settled down onto the couch next to her. "Looks like you were busy this morning," he chuckled. Of all the people in this house, Robert definitely felt like Cat was among the few he really hit it off with. "You've got a little..." he faltered, opting to reach out and brush his thumb against the spot of flour on her cheek and pulling back to show her what he meant instead of actually finishing his sentence.
the living room
"i'm starving."
ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ) ; aiden ( Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ) ; jj ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) ; catalina ( yousmelldead yousmelldead )

Micaiah Symone Bello

location: living room
interactions: catalina yousmelldead yousmelldead , ezra weldherwings weldherwings , aiden Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy , JJ A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba , robert natasha. natasha.

For the first time in a while Micaiah had woken up later than when she would usually get out of bed. It was due to the fact that she had stayed up later last night in order to have a drink and get to know her housemates. She hasnโ€™t stayed up for that long however, some of the others had still been well awake when sheโ€™d decided to head to bed. Surprisingly she had managed to sleep soundly, despite the fact that she was sharing the bed with someone else. Micaiah knew that she had been lucky enough to pick someone who didnโ€™t toss or turn during the night. And come morning she had woken up by her roommate getting out of bed.

Soon she was out of bed herself and ready to start her day. Micaiah decided that she would skip out on yoga in favor of showering and getting dressed for the day. She was aware of the others who had gotten up before her but instead of going to greet them she had decided to take a little tour of her temporary home. Since she hadnโ€™t done her yoga Micaiah thought that it would be a good substitute while also giving her a chance to wake up a little more.

โ€œThisโ€ฆ is Big Brotherโ€ฆ All housemates to the living room"

As Micaiah made her way back to the living room area she was met with the smell of breakfast. Her stomach rumbled a little, urging her to follow the smell, however she resisted the urge to go into the kitchen to eat. Upon noticing the others already in the living room she smiled slightly. โ€œGood morning.โ€ Micaiah walked over to a free spot on the couch and sat down.

coding; allrightsreserved @crucialstar
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lazy but curious | bedroom > living room | the living room gang

His eyes blinked open. The room was still dark. There was no noise except for the occasional snores that echoed in the huge room like a weird lullaby. Tyler frowned as he sat up, brown eyes searching for the clock that was bound to be somewhere in the room. He found it across the room from his bed, sitting on a drawer beside someone else's, thankfully digital. Not that he couldn't read analog, of course, but, unfortunately, Tyler did not have night vision.

It was 4:03AM; in other words, too damn early. Why was he awake? He'd slept fairly late the night before, too. Somewhere around midnight, when most of the group had already trudged their way to bed after a tiring day. Perhaps, in his subconscious, he wasn't as comfortable as he'd outwardly felt. Understandably so, however, considering he hadn't shared a bed with anyone since he was maybe 7 years old.

Tyler's gaze fell to the figure lying beside him. Robert, as the man had introduced himself, was a pretty nice guy. He made for an interesting conversationalist, at least, from what Tyler had noticed so far. He wasn't troubled by landing this sleeping arrangement at all. Though, he supposed, personality didn't exactly indicate how someone slept, so it didn't really matter. Tyler sat there for a long while, drifting just on the edge of sleep, thinking about nothing...


...rustling. There was rustling coming from beside him. His bed partner must be awake, Tyler realized through his half-asleep daze. The sudden shift in weight on the bed signaled to him that Robert had left, probably to go get ready for the day. Which meant that he, too, should be getting up already. With a sigh, he turned to lie on his back, staring up at the ceiling. A year of his current job's customizable schedule โ€” a sweetener the scouts had eagerly emphasized on while recruiting him โ€” had left him lazier in the mornings than ever.

Finally, after a few more seconds of self-motivation, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pushed himself to his feet. Stretching like a cat, he shuffled his way to the bathroom, slipping off his crumpled shirt to dump into the laundry pile on the way. It'd also been a long time since he slept with a shirt on, actually. While he wasn't shy, per se, there was just some manners you had to keep while living with other people, especially strangers. Manners which he wasn't sure that certain other people would conform to, but, well, that was a concern for another time.

Ten minutes and some cold water later, Tyler was finally fully awake. Throwing on some clothes, he fiddled with the microphone set as he headed downstairs to join the rest. There must already be a handful gathered already, considering the number of half-empty beds he spied just now. Right on time, as he was reaching the living room, the announcement from above rang out.

โ€œThis is Big Brother... All housemates to the living room."

Tyler arched a brow at the words. Maybe their task was coming now? That'll be fun. Clipping on the tiny mic, he wondered if they were serious about enforcing the rule that it had to be kept on all the time; one of many rules which he didn't have absolute confidence in following. The other was the all-English rule. While he was too used to English to initiate conversation in any other, Colleen's presence made him think he might just be influenced into Chinese conversations at some point.

As the smell of recently-made breakfast wafted in, much to his surprise, those thoughts left his head. He glanced in the direction of the kitchen, wondering which beautiful soul was the one to cook, but restrained himself from going there as he entered the living room. As expected, half the group had gotten to the living room before him.

"Good morning," he greeted to no one in particular, heading to the couch where they were gathered. Taking up the free seat beside Ezra on the lounge, he asked the room, "Did someone cook? It smells amazing."
code by yousmelldead

Ella Reed
If it wasnโ€™t for a certain lack of space in the bed, Ella would sleep so much longer. At home, she had her California king-size bed all to herself. She wasnโ€™t restless sleeper, but she did enjoy her space and sleeping in the middle of the bed. Here, there was no possibility like that and she had to share it with another resident. And she got to share it with Louis. Okay, sure, she enjoyed the guy from the very first second her eyes found him in the group. Even before she found out he was her cohabitant of the queen bed in the Big Brother mansion.

Ella squirmed under the blanket as she refused to open her eyes for as long as she didnโ€™t have to. Her nose hit something, something warm and soft. Only that made the young girl to open her eyes just to see she was facing a tattooed skin of Louis Velez. Ella groaned quietly as her mouth felt like ashtray after last night. She was in the small group that went to sleep the latest, almost in the morning. The introduction party got a bit wilder with the amount of booze and Ella was really not the one to shy from it. But the morning taste of her own mouth was justโ€ฆyeah, not so great as the tequila shots.

Finally her eyes went open, as slowly as it was possible and Ella slowly sat up. A few beds were already empty. โ€œJesus, people, whatโ€™s the time?โ€ she muttered and sat there, still under the blanket, hands rested on it, eyes narrowed and head a bit heavy. With a heavy sigh, her legs hit the ground. Ella was moving slowly, not to wake Louis. In all honesty, she was very satisfied to be sharing the bed with him out of all men in the mansion. He wasโ€ฆsomething. Endless flirt, not always appropriate. Not that Ella minded, quite the contrary. For her, the guy meant fun and she could use a bit of that after being stuck in the associatesโ€™ open office with men who looked like they just came from the high school chess club.

When the girl managed to stand up, she stretched her back, letting out a yawn. With her feet bare, wearing only panties and red top, which she had slept in, she walked to the bathroom and splashed an ice-cold water on her face. Her eyes were slightly puffy and she would have to treat her skin right at some point in the day. Damn, this wasnโ€™t college anymore. These things used to be so much easier.

โ€œThis is Big Brotherโ€ฆ All housemates to the living room.โ€

A voice cut through the silence in the house. All Ella heard were muffled sounds from somewhere in the house, possibly the living room. Like, duuh, Ella, did you figure it out all by yourself? Wow, no wonder they gave you the degree!

She quietly returned to the bedroom and put some random shorts on just to be considered clothed. It was still so quiet there so Ella made sure she didnโ€™t wake anybody sooner than they wanted and was almost out when she had to return once again. Damn microphone. It was set beside her bed so she grabbed it and was trying to put it on while walking to the living room. Smell of coffee hit her nose immediately and Ella simply had to go and pour herself a cup. Coffee was her fuel and this would only be the first out of many cups she was going to drink during the day. There was also table set with something she immediately called a royal breakfast and she fell into dilemma. Her stomach growled and clearly voted for staying there and pig out on the food. But in the end she only snatched one waffle and with her cup in the other hand, she finally hit the living room.

โ€œMorning, guys.โ€ she chirped and plopped on the couch, folding her bare legs under her. A few of them looked equally tired as her. Understandable though. And Ella still needed a moment to fully wake up so she took her sweet time with that waffle and coffee. โ€œWho made these?โ€ she asked with her mouth half full, waving the waffle in the air. โ€œAnd can you make them every day?โ€

bedroom -> living room

...trying to wake up...I swear...

click and see

weldherwings weldherwings Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba natasha. natasha. erzulie erzulie triples triples
coded by natasha.
Colleen Lim
Colleen, on a normal day, would have been woken up way before now. She was currently dead to the world. She wasn't a heavy sleeper. Two babies had kept her up for years so there was no way she was able to go back to a time when she could sleep through anything. She wished she could. This morning, though, was very different than the usual. Her morning routine often started with getting her older son, Ethan, ready for school, the younger, Caleb, ready for daycare, and herself ready for work. The whole getting ready to leave the house thing was unfamiliar to her. Colleen had spent the last, almost, seven years of her life at home with her children. It was definitely an adjustment. Especially with a very loud toddler and a hopelessly lost first grader. She was just used to having an alarm go off or a little voice scream "Mama! Wake up!" in order to get her out of bed in the morning. There always seemed to be a hectic start to her day. The hectic part, though, hadn't changed.

This particular morning was very different. She, a, wasn't at home, and b, apparently had too much to drink the night before. It wasn't that she meant to get drunk. Her party days were long gone. The most alcohol she drank was a glass of wine with dinner or, on a really terrible day, a shot of tequila after her kids had gone to bed. Hey. Sometimes mom needed a night cap in order to forget the three tantrums, the broken family heirloom, and the split milk in her car that would stink for weeks. But it was never really more than that. Last night, however, Colleen had pushed her limit a little bit. She either forgot how terrible her alcohol tolerance was or her old lady liver couldn't keep up any more. It wasn't the party attitude that caused her to have one too many. Colleen had been incredibly nervous. First impressions were a big deal. She didn't want to come off as the boring soccer mom that wasn't worth keeping around. In light of her nerves, and the fact that drinks kept being offered to her, she just happened to be waking up with a bit of a hangover the next day. Her body was currently trying to sleep it off. But apparently there were other plans in mind.

"This is big brother... all housemates to the living room." The phrase was loud enough to cause Colleen to stir. She opened her eyes, only to press them closed and groan to herself quietly. She had almost forgotten what hangovers felt like. How wonderful was it to be reminded. When was the last time she had one? Colleen at first decided that it was on her honeymoon, which was over 14 years ago. But then she remembered that she had gotten pretty wasted at the first wedding she went to when she knew her marriage was over. Oh man was that fun. The woman sat up in the bed, eyes still closed as she ran her hand through her bed hair. Colleen rubbed her eyes, attempting to coax the pain in her head to cease. Her mouth felt dry and her body felt weak. This was not the way she had planned on starting off in the Big Brother house. At the same time, she also wanted to do things she would have never done before. Well, more like what younger Colleen would have done before she let herself become nothing more than a domestic trophy wife. When she was someone with a name and a personality and not just mom.

Colleen glanced over at the other side of the queen sized bed she shared with Drew. The younger boy was someone she was immediately drawn to. Not in a creepy way, ew gross. He could almost be her son. But her maternal instincts seemed to kick in as soon as she met him. He was quiet, except when he was talking to the other girl...JJ if she was correct. He also came off very sweet, maybe that was just her. She almost felt like it was her responsibility in the house to make sure all the younger kids (they could be called adults by everyone else but they were still babies in her mind) were well taken care of. If they needed advice, she'd give them some. Though, she wasn't sure what type of good advice she had to give. Colleen almost felt like she was a young kid again herself, finding her way in the world.

Right now, Drew was fast asleep. She should probably make sure he got up, she didn't want him to get into trouble on their first day. "Drew, Hon, wake up. I don't want you to get yelled at on our first day," Colleen spoke gently, her own voice still groggy. Her hand went out to softly shake his shoulder. She couldn't recall ever bumping into him during the night while she slept. Colleen was a pretty run of the mill type of sleeper. Plus she had been used to sleeping very separately from the other person in her bed. She waited until it seemed that Drew had come back to the land of the living. "I'm going to go change, I'll see you in the living room, okay?" She told him with a slight smile and a little nod. She probably didn't have time to shower did she? Great. Colleen grabbed herself a set of clean clothes and went to the bathroom. After splashing cold water on her face, brushing her teeth, and forcing her messy hair into a ponytail, she got dressed. Honestly, she couldn't care less in this moment about anyone else seeing her. She had to get out into the living room in the most presentable way possible.

Colleen proceeded to make her way back out to the bedroom and then to the living area what almost everyone was congregated. With a tired smile and a lazy wave, she was probably the least put together out of everyone. So she was boring and ugly. She was totally getting kicked off. She wished she had the confidence, and the bodies, of all the younger girls. At this point she was closer to her forties than she was to her twenties. Not to mention she was also the oldest in the whole house. How great was that? "Did everyone sleep well?" She asked, genuine interest in her voice. It was then she smelled the deliciousness of breakfast coming from the kitchen. Colleen felt her stomach growl just thinking about eating. She could also use a cup of coffee. And a couple painkillers. "Whoever made breakfast, it smells amazing. Thank you."
Location: bedroom > living room | Mood: No one told me that hangovers were harder when you got old.
Interactions: Drew and the living room crew ( weldherwings weldherwings Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy natasha. natasha. _amaranth_ _amaranth_ erzulie erzulie triples triples yousmelldead yousmelldead )| Outfit: quick, throw something on
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big brother
this is big brother.

Kristina, Drew and Louis... you have thirty seconds to come to the living room. Failure to do so will result in a Big Brother punishment.

Thirty... twenty-nine... twenty-eight...
nervous | bedroom > living room | here | JJ + Mom Colleen ft. everyone

The touch on his shoulder made Drew jerk, and his first instinct was to move away, burrowing deeper into the fluffy pillow. Just as he did, a soft voice called his name. An unfamiliar voice; not a completely foreign one, he'd heard it before, but it definitely wasn't one that should be waking him up in the morning. His eyes shot open. He rolled over and shot a muddled look at the woman hovering over him. Oh,right. It was his bed partner, Colleen. He was in Big Brother. Right.

Drew muttered out a vaguely-positive sounding syllable to Colleen asking to see him at the living room and stared after her, waiting until she left his line of sight to let out a sigh and plop his head back down. He didn't want to wake up. He'd slept probably the latest out of everyone in the house, having lingered in the living room out of mortification at the sleeping arrangement. He didn't dislike Colleen. Not at all. She was a really nice lady. He just didn't like the idea of sharing a bed with an effective stranger.

Honestly, he considered just dozing off there in the living room and pretending it was accidental. But then what if Colleen was offended or something that he didn't sleep with her? Or if people thought of him as inflexible for not adjusting like everyone else? Perhaps improbable, but Drew couldn't help but think of the possibilities. This was exactly why his friends made him the constant bearer of all the pranks for their YouTube channel: he couldn't be a conspirator without worrying his ass off. With those unfortunate thoughts, he had dragged himself in to the room, way too late in the night.

With another, longer sigh, he pulled himself up and headed to the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror for a long time, considering if he could be bothered to shower now. Nope. Colleen must've woken him up because of something. An announcement or gathering, maybe, that he hadn't heard about because he was in dreamland. He should probably get down soon.

After a quick washing up and brushing a hand through his hair in place of a comb, he changed his clothes and made his way down. There was a low buzz of conversation floating from the living room, affirming his idea that they'd been called there for some reason. Considering that he'd seen two deep-in-sleep figures upstairs, surely, he had some time to get a drink?

Drew entered the kitchen with that thought, only to have his senses shocked out of him by the huge breakfast spread on the table. Was this prepared by the production crew? Could they really be so kind? Now he wanted to have a bite. Was he even allowed? His thoughts had Drew standing there like a statue for an entire minute at the kitchen entrance, eyes wandering, probably looking fairly comedic.

Finally, he broke through the spell the food had casted to instead only grab a cup of coffee. He'd checked last night, and they didn't have milk tea, something he kept in literal boxes at home. He wondered if his roommates could be persuaded to spend their limited budget on that. Maybe, he thought, if they succeeded in the task and earned more. In conclusion, this time's task had to be won. For milk tea.

Kristina, Drew and Louis... you have thirty seconds to come to the living room. Failure to do so will result in a Big Brother punishment.

Thirty... twenty-nine... twenty-eight...

The sudden and loud announcement made him flinch. Christ, he complained mentally, but his footsteps hurried as he went to the living room as was demanded. Caffeine dose in hand, Drew scanned the room, taking in how everyone was seated. He sent Colleen a grateful smile but, almost instinctively, walked toward JJ instead, who looked about as awkward as he felt.

"Yo, morning," he greeted with a small smile, "what's up?"
code by yousmelldead

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Louis Velez
the fiery playboy
What time was it?

Not time for Louis to wake up, that was for damn sure. The dark haired male groaned as he turned onto his side, his arm moving against the sheets to find nothing but an empty bed. Damn. Had he heard the first announcement to meet in the living room? Absolutely. Did he care? Likely, not. He was one of the last to turn in the previous night which was a normal thing for him. Always late to a party and the last one to leave. Being on a recorded show wasn't going to change that about the charismatic male.

He blinked open his eyes for a few minutes, still adjusting to the brightness leaking into the bedroom. Had everyone really already gotten up? What the hell was this? Louis took the opportunity to shuffle under the sheets until he was settled into the middle of the bed. It wasn't unusual for him to sleep with the opposite sex. To be honest, it was more likely than not that he had company at night so sharing the bed with Ella was almost comforting in a way. It also helped that she didn't mind the late night cuddles.

Kristina, Drew and Louis... you have thirty seconds to come to the living room. Failure to do so will result in a Big Brother punishment.

Thirty... twenty-nine... twenty-eight...

Fuck. Had he really fallen back asleep? Louis shot up on the bed, his hands pressing against his eyes for a moment as he tried to understand the reality around him. The count down had started and he could already feel his blood pressure rising with ever second. This was not how he wanted to wake up. Not on his first day in the house and especially not with any time to actually understand what was going on. The male turned his head to see Kris who hadn't been phased by the announcement because she was still asleep. "Fuck." Bleep. Crap, no swearing. Right. Louis rolled onto his stomach, the sheets now dropping from his waist as he tumbled onto the floor. When had he taken off his boxers? He had no time to find them right now so the house was about to witness something better than Christmas morning.

"Bro, get to the living room.", he grumbled quickly at the girl as he tossed one of the pillows off of his bed at Kris who didn't budge. The bare-ass man had just about sprinted out of the bedroom before turning back. No man was left behind. Damn his mother for giving him morals. Louis tossed the covers off of Kris' body, grabbing the woman off of the bed and hauling her over his shoulder. Thank god she was wearing clothes or this was about to be real awkward for everyone.

Louis took another glance at the bedroom, making sure no one else was in there before heading back out the bedroom door. Now there was just one more problem. Where the hell was the living room? Sure, he had checked out the house yesterday with everyone else but soon after he had also gotten completely shit faced. It was kind of like asking him to recite the alphabet backwards. Not only that but the layout of the house was like a fucking maze. After many turned corners, he finally caught glimpse of some of the others who were already in the required room. "Thank god.", he huffed as he repositioned Kris on his shoulder. She was so small yet heavy like a rock.


"We're here!", he had just about shouted as he scooted into the living room. His shoulder gave out leaving Kris to topple onto the floor before his hands rested on his bare hips. This day was just not going in his favor.
bed > living room
"seen one, seen em all."
his birthday suit
coded by natasha.
kristina ivanova
the wild child
Kris was in no mood to wake up. After all the drinking and dancing โ€” because at one point she could have sworn she busted out a few moves โ€” she fell asleep at a time that was best described as early morning, rather than late night.

Having only stirred slightly when the first announcement was made, Kris just rolled over and took the entire bed for herself since it seemed Aiden had already woken up. She was tangled up in the sheets since she wasn't the most graceful sleeper, and she was sure that, if given the chance, she would have stayed that way till noon, maybe longer. Kris wasn't stuck with a hangover, but she sure as hell felt like she needed more sleep to function properly.

Of course, this wasn't her house, and she couldn't just do what she wanted whenever she wanted to do it. A reminder of that came a little while later, when another announcement sounded, causing a small groan to escape her lips. She still had no intentions of actually waking up, mostly because she was still dead to the world and Kris was willing to bet that she was probably the deepest sleeper in the house since not much woke her up. Not the announcements. Not the pillow that came flying at her. Not the countdown that began mere seconds later.

What did finally wake her up was the covers being pulled off of her body. Her eyes fluttered open because her bare legs were now exposed to the air. Before she could make sense of anything that was happening, she felt herself being hauled up. "What the fuโ€”" Kris had been tossed over Louis' shoulder like a rag doll and that was the moment she properly woke up, at least for a few seconds. She caught a glimpse of the bedroom as he ran out of it, and noticed that they were the last ones up. So that's what that annoying countdown is.

They were running out of time, but Louis finally turned a corner and arrived in the living room just as the countdown hit zero. Kris let out a sigh of relief, but it was short lived because she was dropped to the floor almost immediately after. A breath left her as soon as she landed on her ass, and she took a moment to look around the room, still a little dazed.

"Mornin' everybody," she greeted in between a yawn before looking up at Louis and noticing... well, little Louis. She hadn't realised that he'd been naked the entire time. Not that it bothered her, but she knew some people might react differently, and she vaguely wondered if Louis himself was aware of the fact that he didn't have any clothes on, since they were rushed out of bed. The thought made her chuckle. "Bro, your snake's out."
bed > living room
"i guess we're all up now."
big brother
three... two... one

Housemates... Big Brother would like to welcome you to your official first day in the Big Brother house. Big Brother would like to remind you all that failure to respond to Big Brother's commands or breaking any rules at any given time can lead to punishments. These punishments also include immediate eviction. Big Brother would also like to remind you that the diary room is always open if you want to come and have a chat, regardless of the time of day.

Hopefully, you feel well-rested and are prepared to hear your first task. Ezra. Please come to the diary room to pick up the house's first weekly task.
Ezra Nam

mood this is... going to be interesting...

location living room

mentions Everyone ( natasha. natasha. yousmelldead yousmelldead A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy triples triples erzulie erzulie _amaranth_ _amaranth_ )


Jesus H Christ.

Here he thought that we could all be perfectly normal human beings and come into the living room in one piece. It started off nice and slow. People walking in and greeting one and another. However, as more of the people began to pile in, the crackhead energy in the room skyrocketed. And then Louis and Kristina just had to finish it all off with their grand entrance with the boyโ€™s dong out for the whole world to see.

So, this was how life in the Big Brother house was going to be? Holy hell, he didnโ€™t know what to think. The doctor side of him wanted to go and make sure Kristina was okay. That she didnโ€™t get a concussion or break any bones. However, the human side of him didnโ€™t want to go and kneel down to the girl and gave his face slapped to death by Loiusโ€™ dick. So, instead, he decided to remain on his spot in the couch; mug in hand to keep his hands warm and curiously looking over, praying that theyโ€™d be fine without a doctor.


As Big Brotherโ€™s voice boomed over the speakers, Ezra sat there silently, sipping on his coffee and listening with great concentration. However, it was still a bit of a shock to hear Big Brother say his name, asking him to come to the diary room to collect the first weekly task. Why the heck was he slightly stunned by it? Ah man, this whole situation was just taking a while to get used to. Slowly, he arose from his seat and placed his mug upon the small table next to the couch. Then finally, with a final glance at the other housemates, offering them a supportive grin, he made his way towards the diary room.

The doors slid open and Ezra entered the diary room. The first thing he noticed was a whiteboard with pictures of all the housemates and then strips of paper with sentences on them. Coming closer to the whiteboard, he noticed that the pictures and paper were held on by magnetic tape on the back. He also noticed there wereโ€ฆ waitโ€ฆ Weโ€™re these testimonies? His dark eyes quickly flickered over all the pieces of paper before they landed onโ€ฆ his. He swallowed thickly, reading those words upon the board. Wellโ€ฆ crap.

โ€œEzra,โ€ Big Brotherโ€™s voice said; his voice was softer this time around and only coming through the diary room speaker. โ€œPlease take this whiteboard and the envelope on the table out to your housemates. Once you bring it out, please read the letter in the envelope out loud for everyoneโ€

Ezra slowly nodded, his eyes fixed on his testimony. โ€œSure thing, Big Brotherโ€ he responded. Okayโ€ฆ now to moveโ€ฆ thisโ€ฆ Goddammit, why didnโ€™t someone else come to help him get this damn whiteboard?! He was about to drag it, although Big Brother chimed in once more to inform him that the large whiteboard had wheels on the bottom so he could easily push. Wow. For a doctor, he sure was dumb, wasnโ€™t he? Feeling a bit embarrassed, he thanked Big Brother before picking up the envelope and beginning to push the whiteboard out of the diary room.

It took him a good few moments to move it from the diary room into the living room. โ€œSpecial delivery!โ€ he chimed as he entered the area where all the other housemates sat. Once he positioned the whiteboard in front of the group, he opened up the envelope in his hands and took the letter out. โ€œSo Big Brother asked me to bring this out and to read the letter to everyone.โ€ he informed the group as his fingers fiddled with the letter. Finally, taking in a deep inhale, he gazed down at the piece of paper and read it out.

โ€œDear Housemates. For this week, your first task is simple.โ€

coded by weldherwings.
weekly task
Dear Housemates,

For this week, your first task is simple. Each house mate submitted a secret to Big Brother. It is your task to match up the secret to the housemate. A large whiteboard with magnetic images of each housemate and each secret will be placed into the living room. Throughout the week, it is your job to get to know everyone. At the end of the week, all housemates will be called to the living room to sit down and vote which secret belongs to which housemate.

You are allowed to openly discuss with other housemates your theories and thoughts

To pass, you will need to get 8 out of 12 correct. Passing will give you $500 towards shopping. If you fail, you will have a shopping limit of $100. Housemates who are able to keep their secret hidden during this task will be given immunity for the first round of nominations. Big Brother wishes you good luck.

The Secrets

โ€œI was arrested for possession and use of an illegal substanceโ€

โ€œI pretend Iโ€™m straight to stay at my SOโ€™s houseโ€

โ€œI once found a dead bodyโ€

โ€œI was a child model and actressโ€

โ€œI used to be a cam girlโ€

โ€œI suffer from bulimia nervosaโ€

โ€œI used to be a stripperโ€

โ€œI had a fiancรฉ who left me due to rumours of my shady work ethicsโ€

โ€œI have my twin in the house with meโ€

โ€œI sleep in my car because Iโ€™m homelessโ€

โ€œI had an affair while engagedโ€

โ€œI am a billionaireโ€


Catalina Cola
the wallflower
The low voice of the one and only Robert had snapped her out of her daze. Her dark eyes shifting in his direction as he nonchalantly had come into the living room. Was he always so calm and collected? She watched in horror as the man continued his footsteps towards her. Why was he coming this way? Sure, she thought that they had gotten along really well the night before. Maybe cause you're actually really awesome Catalina? Damn insecurities. Catalina stared up at the man as he had mentioned her being busy this morning. How did he know she was the one that made everyone breakfast? Her lips parted to speak before she clamped them shut.

He. Was. Touching. Her.

He as in Robert. Robert was. Robert! Thank god for her tanned skin that her mother had blessed her with since she was born or her face would have been as red as a lobster. Her eyes drifted to the small bit of flour on the tip of his thumb and everything was starting to make sense. Silly girl, thinking that Robert had automatically known that she made breakfast. Catalina let a laugh escape as she pressed her palm against her burning cheek to make sure all the flour was gone. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought breakfast would do us all some good." She smiled up at the man before she turned her body so she was facing him a bit better. "How'd you sleep? Did your feet hang off of the bed?" , she teased lightly knowing full well that the bed was not long enough for Robert and his giant stature.

Slowly but surely more of the housemates ended up making their way into the living room. She couldn't help the smile radiating off of her face as everyone had commented on the breakfast she had made for them. Any sort of recognition was extremely important to Catalina. She was grateful for any and all of it. "I figured you would all need brain food this morning.", she raised left arm up before flexing it for a moment, her right palm resting on the muscle as she acted out a flex. Was she slightly awkward? Absolutely but more in that you have to like her because she's awkwardly adorable.

The voice of Big Brother had shot out yet again, calling out Drew, Louis, and Kristina. She hadn't even realized that the three were still somewhere else but she didn't have much interaction with the three the previous night either. Drew had popped in moments after the announcement leaving the rest of the thirty second count down to Louis and Kristina. Those two had seemed like the trouble in the group and Catalina was going to steer clear of them. Two seconds left and the loud thump of Kristina's bottom hitting the floor had caused Catalina to jump lightly. She wasn't sure what shocked her more: Louis dropping the poor girl on the ground or Louis butt-ass naked in front of everyone. "Oh my god." Catalina pressed her hand to her mouth to try and keep her laughter contained. Did the man sleep naked this whole time? Poor Ella.

It seemed that there were a bunch of surprises today because not a second after the two had come into the room, Big Brother was announcing another surprise for the week. Catalina watched Ezra move from his comfortable position on the couch as he left the room to head to the Diary Room. Within moments Ezra had come back, pulling a giant whiteboard along with him. Thank god the thing had wheels. Catalina leaned her elbows against her knees as she listened to Ezra read off the task for the week. So that is why they had asked her for a secret. It all made sense now. "Do you guys want to discuss secrets over pancakes?"
living room
"death by robert."
coded by natasha.
expecting the unexpected | living room | Catalina + everyone else

The mood in the room was casual and friendly, a vibe that had Tyler relaxing into the couch as he observed the incoming roommates. The calm atmosphere lasted until Louis burst in, completely naked, with Kristina hanging off his shoulders. Tyler blinked, his surprise lasting just a second before he recovered enough to let out a short, incredulous laugh.

Despite having only known the younger man for a few hours, he had the feeling that this sort of antic was to be expected on a daily basis. Good for the show, he supposed. His amusement didn't last long, though, when the next announcement arrived via the speakers, calling Ezra to the Diary Room. The room quieted down considerably, filling with a slightly more tense air, infected by the participants' curiosity and anxiety.

When the doctor walked back out, a mysterious whiteboard in tow, everyoneโ€™s attention focused on him. Tyler had an idea of what the task would be, considering the special something that heโ€™d been asked to hand over beforehand. But, well, with reality shows, who could really be sure? They could definitely hit him with something totally unexpected.

When Ezra began to read, though, he realized he was right, after all. He didnโ€™t know if that should make him happy at all; it might have been better off to be wrong, considering some of the secrets on the list. Surely, it would be so uncomfortable for those whose darker sides got out to face everyone else, when they were only a few days into knowing each other. Especially the younger ones, who might be more sensitive to these things.

He might not personally care too much if his own was revealed โ€” at worst, heโ€™d be embarrassed for a day or so, but after all the past is in the past. Even he had been very reluctant to give his own secret to the staff, despite it being a relatively harmless one compared to some others he had stored away. But, well, that was what you sign up for when you go into a show like this, he supposed.

โ€œDo you guys want to discuss secrets over pancakes?โ€

Those words disrupted the short silence that befell the group after Ezra finished speaking, coming from their breakfast-champion, Catalina. Tyler smiled. He was really liking her already, more so than the day before.

โ€œYeah, I think that would be good,โ€ he agreed, standing up and brushing himself off lightly, โ€œIโ€™m already dying to try your lovely breakfast, so.โ€

code by yousmelldead


Aiden Jeong
Location: Living room
Mood: Breakfast sounds great
Outfit: Here
Interactions: weldherwings weldherwings yousmelldead yousmelldead natasha. natasha. A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba triples triples erzulie erzulie _amaranth_ _amaranth_

It didn't take long for the living room to start getting more crowded, people started arriving some with more energy than others and some with a face that showed they were regretting their choices of last night, some of the housemates stayed until late having fun and while Aiden stayed for a little bit just to show that he wasn't an antisocial and to get to know everyone when he left to go to sleep it seemed the other still had a long journey before they went to bed.

While he was trying to stay awake there were people like Catalina who just had enough energy to make a complete breakfast for like an army, how long did she take to cook breakfast for 12 persons? In Aiden's mind, she was the true MVP for doing that, he thought that in those scenarios everyone was on their own but it seemed it wasn't like that and while he knew how to cook it was nice not to worry what you would eat while you were trying not to fall asleep in the couch "Can't wait to eat it, even from here it smells amazing"

Aiden took a glance around the place and it seemed that almost everyone was there except for Louis and Kristine, it seemed that his bed partner just wasn't a crazy person while sleeping she also slept like if she was just dead and probably nothing would wake her up, that's when the voice of the speaker talked again, it surprised him again but eventually, that voice would just become another regular thing in his life, but the sudden voice was not what surprised him the most it was the announcement "Kristina, Drew and Louis... you have thirty seconds to come to the living room. Failure to do so will result in a Big Brother punishment. Thirty... twenty-nine... twenty-eight..."

After hearing this, the guy thought if he should have woken Kristina too when he did so she wouldn't be in this kind of situation. Would he have time to go and try to wake her up and still make it out in time? He was already in the living room but if he left would that count as he not been on time and would have to suffer punishment? He was only sure he wanted to avoid Big Brother's fury as much as he could, so, for now, even if he hated it, he would only think of himself, and next time he would make sure that Kristina wouldn't get in trouble.

Just as he thought the voice of a male ruble in the room and by process of elimination, he knew it was Louis who was carrying Kristina with him, but as sleepy brain realized what was happening was when he realized that the guy was completely naked at that moment he was glad he wasn't drinking his coffee, otherwise, he would have spit it out of surprise that's when the voice of Big Brother again telling Ezra he should pick up the first weekly task, as the mentioned guy left it was obvious there was a change in the environment, was he the only excited and at the same time who was nervous about the task?

It didn't take long until Ezra came back with a whiteboard with the pictures of everyone and their secrets, so they needed to match everyone's secret without getting caught that would be quite the task since at the same time everyone would want to have the immunity. But he was going to try his best to get everyone's secret or at least be helpful while still trying to protect his.

The voice of Catalina broke the silence that it was formed after Ezra arrived "Do you guys want to discuss secrets over pancakes?" maybe it was better to discuss it with everyone present, he smiled at the girl and stand up from the couch "Breakfast sounds amazing, I'm really starving"

Code by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
Ella Reed
The morning was calm, basically quiet, there were a few lines exchanged between the housemates and Ella was just sitting there, enjoying her coffee and waffle. Well, just that coffee. Waffle has met an unfortunate end by the hand of girl, whose belly was already begging for something a bit more solid than tequila. The sweet treat wasnโ€™t enough by far but it was something. And in combination with the rich bitter taste of coffee, which Ella had string suspicion was a Colombian brew, that is, her favorite, it started as a pure heaven and she already couldnโ€™t wait to return to the kitchen and indulge in breakfast.

Her cup was half empty by the time Louis brought Kristina to the living room and only then she noticed his bare ass. Her first reaction was bursting out in laughter as the whole situation was only too hilarious. And then it hit her. โ€œDude! Were youโ€ฆ?โ€ Her eyes went wide though she wasnโ€™t outraged or anything. How much did she actually drink last night? Was she so drunk she didnโ€™t even remember? No, wait, he was definitely dressed when they were going to bed. Or wasโ€ฆ Ugh, just fuck it, not importantโ€ฆor at least, not anymore...

Before she managed to let out something more intelligent and comprehensible than groans and chuckles, Ezra was called away by Big Brother and Ellaโ€™s attention went to that. So it begins, right? Last night was fun and games and even though there was definitely going to be some more drinking, it would not be as carefree. The game has been launched the very second Ezra returned with the white board.

It took the girl some time to figure out the writing but when she did, she closed her eyes for a while and chuckled, She could have known that the question on secrets was not just some random interest. And looking back at it, all of them should have anticipated this. Her eyes were pinned on the sentence that belonged to her for a good minute or so before she moved on to read the rest. With that, she concluded that her secret was not the worst after all and there were a few a bit worse. At least in her measure.

Her lawyer brain started to reel immediately, trying to figure out at least some of those secrets. Not that she had enough info or currently awoke brain cells to do it. But that was how she did everything. Though when Catalina suggested pancakes, Ella was among the first people to jump up and on her way to the kitchen. Passing by Louis, she smacked that bare ass with a laughter. โ€œPut some pants on, no oneโ€™s curious anymore.โ€ she remarked and vanished in the kitchen.

living room

Breakfast first, please.

click and see

the whole house
coded by natasha.
JJ Smith
JJ smiled at Cat as she said she had made breakfast. She was starving by now, so the fact that she had made them something to eath felt like a godsend. "You are literally and Angel, I'm starving," She gushed. And that would be the last anyone heard from her for a while. JJ watched as everyone else made their way into the room. Almost everyone was peppy. Was everyone in this house a morning person? It was either that or the fact they all had coffee. How could anyone be a functional human being in the morning, let alone a nice one? JJ kept quiet for the most part. She stood off by herself, hands resting on her back. Why hadn't she sat down when there were plenty of seats?

She was, once again, startled when Big Brother called for Drew, Louis, and Kristina to join everyone else in the living room. It was long until Drew had popped out of the kitchen and made his way over to where she was standing. The pair of them had completely hit it off the night before. JJ was so glad he was here. If it wasn't for him, she'd feel like an outcast really. They had so much in common. They both were influencers on social media, from Gold Coast, relatively quiet, and we're close in age. She smiled at him as he greeted her and asked what was going on. "Big Brother just told us to come in here I'm not-" As she was mid sentence she heard a loud thud, as well as both Louis' and Kris' voices. She turned towards them, only for her eyes to widen in complete shock. Well, good morning to you too Louis. To see him, stark naked, was definitely not what she was expecting. A judgemental look cast over her face. She knew he was going to make this whole thing.... interesting. "What the-" Apparently she wasn't allowed to finish any of her sentences as Big Brother once again made an announcement for Ezra to go into the diary room. JJ noticed how the room got more tense.

Soon enough, Ezra returned with a white board. One with pictures and testimonies, she assumed, from everyone else. JJ skimmed over them, landing on her own secret. She felt somewhat relieved she reading through the different things people had admitted to. Her own secret, while she wasn't proud of it, wasn't bad. Sure it made her cringe, but she could have picked something way more incriminating to say. She, personally, had a lot of secrets. Ones she'd rather not risk being known. Picking one of those would have been a disaster. But how was she supposed to figure out what everyone else's was?

It was then that Cat spoke up again. JJ nodded excitedly at the thought of pancakes, or waffles, or whatever it was she was smelling, making her giddy. She could easily eat five pancakes right about now, if not more. That sounded heavenly. She turned to Drew, nodding her head in the direction of the kitchen, saying 'let's go' without a word. Now that he was close by her, she didn't want to leave his side. Her awkward uncomfortableness had eased some with him around and she wasn't ready to give it up.
Location: living room| Mood: I need food, like, yesterday.
Interactions: Drew ( triples triples ), Cat ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) + everyone else ( natasha. natasha. weldherwings weldherwings _amaranth_ _amaranth_ Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy erzulie erzulie )| Outfit: something comfy
Louis Velez
the fiery playboy
Louis was not playing around. He had come onto this show for one thing and one thing only: $250,000. Well, and he hoped to maybe get someone to reach out to him to be an underwear model or something. One of the two things were going to happen. Just you watch. He took in a few deep breathes as Kristina's weight had been lifted off of him. Well, thrown but it still was the same deal. He eyed the girl as his eyebrows rose slightly just before he shook his hips back and forth for a moment. "It's an anaconda not a snake.", he corrected Kristina before he turned to watch Ezra move out of the room from the next set of instructions by god himself.

The white board was a nice touch, if he could say himself. Louis liked things to be organized even if it was chaotic. The man let his arms cross over his toned chest as he chewed on his lower lip. Ezra was quick to announce the weekly task and honestly Louis was here for it. As the secrets were read aloud he couldn't help his eyes move from every other individual in the room in search to see if any of them would flinch when their secret came up. Fuck, they were good man. This was going to be a tough task.

One by one everyone had started for the kitchen after Catalina had mentioned breakfast. She was the real MVP of this group. Any woman who made him a meal was pretty great in his books. He couldn't help the grin forming on his lips as Ella had commented on Louis Jr. "You were curious?", his feet turned quickly to follow behind the feisty girl before turning to go back to the bedroom to grab a pair of pants. With his sweats pulled up over his mini, Louis had returned back to the kitchen with his palms rubbing together. "This woman is marriage material." Louis moved to Catalina's side as she had started grabbing plates out of one of the top cabinets. "I could kiss you right now." "Uh. No." The brunette didn't stop even after Catalina's stern voice until he was beside the larger woman, his hands now planted on either of the girl's cheeks as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Louis pulled his hands from the girls face and grinned at her shocked expression. Had she looked like she was going to slap him? Absolutely. Time to move. The male quickly moved around the shocked girl, grabbing a plate from her hand before rounding the kitchen island to settle beside Ella. Louis stacked his plate full of food, pouring syrup over the top of the lot of it before turning his gaze to the rest of the crew. "So, are we playing twenty questions or what?" He spoke casually as he started to mush his fork into the pancake to be able to break it up. "I don't know about you all but $100 ain't going to feed all of us." Louis may be a dick. But he was in fact, correct.

living room > kitchen
"spill your guts, yo."
coded by natasha.
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