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Realistic or Modern -- ๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ก๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™—๐™ž๐™œ ๐™—๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ง

still curious | pool | minus the glasses | Kristina ft. mentions of the swimming pool gang

People tended to think that the only good poker face was one that showed no emotion, but Tyler disagreed. The best he'd seen were all off the most seemingly affable people he'd met. Like his own late grandfather, for example, a man who never frowned and whom he doubted any of those fellow elderly who spent whole days at the mahjong table with him ever suspected used to be a true blue gangster.

What was Tyler's favorite, most effective poker face? A vague smile, and that was what he wore as he listened to Kristina's listing of her suspicions, humming in apparent agreement at what she said. He thought the same as her for some and had differing opinions on others but, well, with it being only the second day, he'd have been more surprised if they agreed on everything. He actually hadn't considered Ella being the cam girl too much before, having the bias that educated people, people with the careers, wouldn't even have time to do those things. But, then again, why not? She was attractive enough to make quite some cash from it, he supposed. Another possibility added to his list.

"You currently seem to be a mystery."

Kristina wasn't the first person to tell him that. Perhaps surprisingly, since Tyler had never been too closed-off a person. Still, in current circumstance, this was a good thing. He wasn't exactly afraid of his secret getting out but it was, of course, preferable if it wasn't found out. He suspected there might be some bonuses for people who kept their secret to the end, too.

Tyler was self-aware enough to know that he probably seemed to fit quite a few of the statements on that whiteboard. In fact, there were a couple there that only missed him by a letter or equally close measures; his level of wild has been a steep downward graph from since his teens, which says quite a lot about where it'd started. Made him curious which one would come out on top, for sure.

His eyes stayed on Kristina, flickering around the group when she disappeared under the water before coming right back when she resurfaced, asking for people to share clues. Personally, he wasn't particularly inclined to giving those out. The game's fun factor was in hunting down hints, after all. He stayed quiet for a while, gaze moving over toward where Aiden & JJ were talking and then toward Ella sprawling herself out under the sun, then to the lounging Micaiah.

Then he turned to Kristina again and said, "Barter trade, hm? Why don't you make your offer first then?"
code by yousmelldead

Last edited:
nervous | kitchen | here | Ezra + Colleen

Drew finally fetched his cup of water โ€” the reason he was here in the first place โ€” as he listened to Ezra talk about Ella being a familiar face. His first thought was child actress, but then her face surely must have changed while growing up, so it couldn't be? Unless... could Ezra possibly be a frequent visitor of strip clubs? Or into cam girls? Or maybe she was at his hearing when he was arrested for drugs? Drew forced himself to keep a poker face as those images flashed across his mind. No fucking way. It didn't suit the older man at all. Was he being too naive with this? Probably.

"It's so hard to just slap one of those secrets to a face that I hardly know. I mean, Tyler could have been the child actress and had a sex change for all we know!"

Colleen's words heralded yet another strange vision for Drew, which he desperately blinked away. Tyler did have a somewhat pretty face... but he also had a voice about as deep as the Pacific and a body that would look seriously out of place on a girl. Imagining him in a flowery dress was awful. Imagining his body and voice with a little girl's face was twice as horrifying. God, he hated his brain. Why did it always resort to such weird imagery?

Captured by those ridiculous imaginations, he missed most of Colleen's latter musings. His attention only returned at Ezra's talk of hidden rooms. Drew's eyes widened slightly at the idea of secret paths in the house. That'd be way cool! He was slightly awed that Ezra even noticed that kind of thing. He was now tempted to go back to their room and check. Just as he thought that, however, Big Brother's warning echoed through the room, making Drew flinch. Damn. He supposed that wasn't an option, then.

He finished off the rest of his water a little disappointed. Hopefully they got to see whatever Big Brother wanted to hide real soon. Drew wasn't someone who could contain his curiosity very well. He was surprised that both Ezra & Colleen seemed to be holding back quite well, though. He personally wanted to ask, but just couldn't bring himself to. They, on the other hand, clearly had no qualms starting conversations and yet kept changing topics. He supposed they just didn't want to talk about it.

Drew, too, would feel quite guilty talking behind other's backs, especially about some of secrets. He was already stressed enough about what the rest thought of him, after all โ€” at this point, he had the sinking feeling they'd be able to pin him down easily. He regretted giving away that secret so much. He only did it because he really had no other significant ones. Well... no, that was a lie, deep inside, he'd hoped to use the show as a tool, too.

Whatever. Relaxing topics, Colleen had said. Drew dragged his focus back to their conversation, catching her at, "No more comments from the peanut gallery.". He really had to quit that bad habit of zoning out. What the hell was a peanut gallery and why was she one? Drew shot her a slightly puzzled look as he repeated, in a very uncertain tone, "Peanut gallery?"

code by yousmelldead

Ezra Nam

mood wow. i need to shut up.

location kitchen

mentions Colleen ( A ameuSHhen1Tn2ba ) + Drew ( triples triples )


Hearing Colleenโ€™s tease, calling him hopscotch doctor, Ezra responded with a smirk and scrunching his nose slightly. Had it really been that obvious? That he had been trying to change the topic? Well, Collen probably got onto it considering her life experiences. She was much older than Drew and a mother, therefore, would have much greater experience to call people out on their lies than the younger male. Still, he had hoped that he wouldโ€™ve been able to at least hide the fact that he was hoping to change to a less tense topic.

However, as she mentioned about โ€˜funny storiesโ€™ or hobbies they could share with one another, it did cause Ezra to raise a brow and press his lips. Of course, her mention of spill all your guts about your secret made a wide, toothy grin to spread across his face with a soft airy chuckle. Then there was a mention of a โ€˜peanut galleryโ€™ which Drew was confused about. โ€œDear God. Peanut gallery. I havenโ€™t heard that expression since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth.โ€ Ezra heckled the female before looking at Drew โ€œDonโ€™t worry. Itโ€™s an old person saying. You have to remember โ€“ Colleen and I; we might look so incredibly young with great skin. But donโ€™t let the Asian gene fool you. We are old enough to be your parents. Well. Not me. I wouldโ€™ve had you when you were twelve. Colleen though. You probably couldโ€™ve, right?โ€

Okay, he was probably digging a hole for himself, wasnโ€™t he? Time to do what he did best โ€“ change the topic. And what better topic to talk about than interesting stories from the place where he basically spent every waking moment at?

โ€œIโ€™ve got a lot of stories from work. You know, in the Emergency Department.โ€ Ezra pointed out before giving a boyish smirk โ€œA lot of butt stories. People are justโ€ฆ fascinated with sticking things up their butts for some reason. Iโ€™ve taken out things likeโ€ฆ cars, Barbie doll heads, candles, broomsticks, a plungerโ€ฆ Likeโ€ฆ I seriously donโ€™t understand if.โ€ He shook his head in dismay before tilting his head to the side as he tried to think of one of the most recent insane stories from whilst he was at work. โ€œI had one young man who was likeโ€ฆ high off his balls on methโ€ฆ And he was brought in and decided he was going to try and make a great escape from the emergency room. So like, he managed to climb into the drop ceiling and was doing a really good job of it too crawling up there. And thenโ€ฆ He fell through the ceiling. Landed on the floor at the foot of his bed, and ended up breaking his arm.[/b]โ€

He gazed over at Drew with a grin on his face โ€œYou sure you really want to be a doctor? You gotta deal with people shoving things up their ass and meth heads. Are you prepared for that?โ€ Ezra question the boy with a slight chuckle. He wasnโ€™t trying to scare the boy. But oh Lord, no one warned him about all the stupid shit he was going to have to deal with when he started studying to be a doctor.

coded by weldherwings.
Colleen Lim
Colleen looked over at Drew as soon as he started to screw his face into confusion. Her head moved slowly over to Ezra as he commented on just how old that phrase was. The woman's eyebrows moved to scrunch together, her mouth forming a straight line. She looked from the doctor to the kid as he began to talk about how they weren't as young as everyone else. Colleen patted her cheeks when he mentioned their Asian genes. Bless her parents for giving her amazing skin. It would forever be something she was grateful for, well, until it was gone when she was in her 70s. She'd look like a prune then. It was at the mention that Drew could be her son that caused her eyes to widen as she looked over at Ezra.

Sure, yes, she could in theory be Drew's mom. She would have been 18 when she had him, which wasn't ideal but not the worst. That thought made her think of the younger girl JJ. She was still a kid. It had been difficult for her at 30 to have her first child, being far away from her mother made it even worse. JJ wasn't with her family. Something told her that there was more to the pregnant girl than fame chasing. She could be wrong, but there was just something in the pit of her stomach that told her something was very wrong with her situation. It made her even more worried to consider her for those secrets. There were some that seemed so obvious, but she hoped weren't true.

Depressing tangent aside, Colleen wasn't offended, she had worse things said about her. Thinking about it now, she really could have been Drew's mother had the one pregnancy scare she had as a senior in high school been real. Well, it wouldn't have been Drew. He was white. And she was not. And neither was her boyfriend at the time. That would have been an interesting turn of events. "I mean, I could have a child Drew's age, yes. But they wouldn't look like him. If an all white baby came out of me, I'd be very confused," The woman replied quickly. She brought her attention back to the doctor as he began to tell stories about being a doctor.

Colleen's face scrunched in disgust over Ezra's little butt stories. Why were people stupid? Her 4 year old son had once stuck a matchbox car up his nose, but he was a child. These were most likely adults. He continued with his meth addict patient. In all honesty, Colleen could probably tell stories of similar caliber. Being a mother lent its self to having interesting stories as well. If she had her phone, she would show videos of her younger boy. He was a comedian. Maybe it was just her though. Oh well, at least they were entertaining devils.

Colleen finally registered in her mind what Ezra had said about Drew. He wanted to be a doctor. That was so cool. He seemed like a bright kid. Without knowing him long, she already felt proud of his ambitions. "You want to be a doctor?!" She exclaimed, "Wait, that sounded like disbelief. I don't doubt that you can, I'm just happy you have such high goals. What made you want to go into medicine?" Her attention moved to Ezra for a moment, "You too. Why'd you become a doctor?" Not only was she curious, but maybe this could lead her to a clue of some sort. She didn't really know how, but this was getting to know them. So hopefully it would help her decipher the puzzle and make her options a bit more clear.
Location: Kitchen | Mood: EW WHY?!
Interactions: Ezra ( weldherwings weldherwings ) & Drew ( triples triples ) | Outfit: I'm a mom, okay?
Iโ€™ll put something fancy here to show a time skip later cause I just woke up lol

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