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the land of milk and honey.

trigger warning.

This roleplay is based around a fictional radical religious community (cult). The lore and beliefs of this community include acts of abuse (mental, physical, verbal and emotional), excessive or gratuitous violence (such as suicide and human offerings), self-injurious behaviour, gaslighting, manipulation, heavy religious text and belief, and torture. The belief system and lore of this fictional community is not a reflection of myself or other writers participating in this roleplay.

the backstory.

In 1910, Moon Ji-U stood before his Presbyterian Church and declared with great vigour that we were all sons and daughters of Abraham. The room roared, exploding into songs of worship and praise. This was his crystallizing moment where he saw his future before him. Brothers and sisters, coming side by side of each other and living out the promises that their Lord had planned out for each one of them. But there was something in the way: society.

Japan had just effectively annexed Korea with the Japan-Korea Treaty, and the Japanese were starting to take the arable land. Ji-U could sense that something bigger was going to come; something much worse. So, as he stood there making his declarations, he put through his plan. They were all to sell all their belongings; sell every piece of material possession they had of this world. And that they would move into the land. They would build their own houses, hunt, grow their food, and start their own community; live the way that God had intended for them to live.

This was the beginning of Abraham’s People Community.

Over the span of one hundred years, four generations of families lived within Abraham’s People Community. No electricity, no running water, no cars, and absolutely no contact with the outside world. Those who lived in the outside world were corrupt, evil, and were not humans. Abraham’s People were the only humans left on this Earth and were replaced with the Enemy in accordance with Moon Ji-U’s teachings. That was the reason why they stayed in this town they have created for themselves.

The boys of the town spend their day at school and their free time learning how to hunt with the older men and discovering the land that they grow their crops on. The girls, however, spend their days learning how to be housewives, being educated on how to clean the house top to bottom, cook mouth-watering feasts, and how to please their future husbands. A woman’s role in the world was to bear children and to submit to her husband. The man’s role was to provide for the family and protect. This is why it was so important to whom your spouse was to be.

Every Daeboreum (The first full moon of the year; Day 15 of the Month 1), Moon Chin-Mae – the leader of Abraham’s People, which was passed down to him from his father – pairs up the selected singles within the town to be married. If you were between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-four, you were eligible. Chin-Mae has the final say in whom is matched with whom, whether people like it or not. After all, he was the chosen messenger from God. This year Daeboreum is quite special, for Chin-Mae’s only son – the future leader of Abraham’s People – was to be wed to a special someone. And once he was wedded, he would then be told all of the family secrets; to become the next leader of the people.

holy ground.

the plot.

This is just your average, ordinary cult roleplay.

In our story, it circles around the lives of our eight main characters who are matched up to be wed. As The Son is being wed, he is now able to find out all the secrets of Abraham’s people; and he does not like what he finds out. Gathering his best friends (The Betrayer, The Hidden and The Tricked) and their new wives, he announces to them that he plans on escaping the town and beyond the mountains. The best friends make a pact that they will escape together (with their wives coming along because the top rule of Abraham’s People is for women to submit to their husbands). However, escaping this community isn’t as easy as they first thought it would be.

If this gets enough interest, I will create the character sheet and OOC pages. You can find the lore page here, with everything you need to know in regards to Abraham's People Community.


Follow all RPNation rules. Respect everyone, fade to black for erotic content or extreme gore, and be mature with sensitive matters. Of course, there will be violent scenes and potential murder scenes involved in this roleplay. However, all of these scenes will be kept to a PG rating, or writing in full details on our discord.

Because of the themes of this roleplay, writers must be 18+. As much as I hate not being able to open it up to everyone, this roleplay will be exploring dark, adult themes.

There are five positions available. It will not be first-come, first-served. Characters will be accepted based on who will make great additions to our plotlines. There are two female roles and three male roles available, and all are character-locked due to the plotline.

This storyline is based in a rural area of South Korea; the founder of Abraham's people was a Korean pastor in a very well known Christian movement in Seoul before convincing over 200 families to move to create their own establishment together. When creating your character, they can either be from the original families that came so many years ago, or a part of the "new waves" (families who have been brought in and "saved from the demons" - these "new waves" families are forbidden to discuss anything of the outside world, or risk having their lives - and their family's lives - in danger.) This also means that you are not required to create a Korean character; your character's families may have travelled from all over the world to join the Christian movement prior to their move. Or maybe they were tourists in Seoul who were pouched by the "special operations" team.

Discord is a must for OOC. In the server, we will discuss plot lines, NPC development, create a map for the community, and various other roleplay related agendas. We will also be spending time bonding and getting to know each other a bit more!

Expectations of posting? Well, I understand that people can get busy with real life. However, I do ask if you could try posting at least once a week to keep the RP alive and the story moving. There will be no posting order (unless discussed in the server and everyone wishes to proceed with one), and we will break the roleplay up into "chapters". I'd love for the word count to at least hit the 500 word mark. Don't just give us a bone: we want some juicy meat too please. If you're unable to post within the one week timeframe, all I ask is that you let us know prior so we don't think you've fallen off the edge of the Earth.

Realistic face claims only, as I like to create pretty aesethtics and will need to be able to look up your character's face claim! Also, please ensure you do your research with face claims (for example, don't have a Korean character with a Japanese face claim, with the character having zero blood connections to Japan)

Communication is the key! If you're struggling with something or need to take a break - let me know! Also, I know personalities may clash or you might struggle to plot with someone. That's okay! It's natural! But it gives you no right to be a horrible person to someone. Please communicate with me if you're struggling so we can resolve it!

You are in no way required to use bbcode for any aspects of this roleplay (character sheets/in character posts etc). If you do use coded sheets or posts, I ask for them to be mobile friendly. If you have any issues with any codes at all, let me know and I can help to create/fix them!

Let's have some fun! (she says that as she's literally creating a rp about cults oml)

the people of abraham.

the roles.

the son
The only son to the leader of Abraham’s people and the heir to the leadership. He has always lived life with a silver spoon in his mouth, having people serving him every second of his day. He has never had to lift a finger with everything before him only a command away. Now, at the age of 21, it’s time for him to marry and start his own family. Every family member in the settlement dreams of the day that their daughter would marry the Leader’s son. It would mean a lifetime guarantee of safety, food and comfort for their families. However, things are starting to show that they’re not all that they seem and that this happy little settlement was based on lies and murder. Marrying the Wife To Be -- taken.

the wife to be
The one the Leader deems to be the most desirable woman for his son and will bear him a grandson. All her life, her parents trained her how to stand, sit, talk, sleep, eat, drink and breathe as a housewife. Not just any housewife; but the most obedient housewife within the settlement. She knows their religion inside and out, and could walk the settlement with ease with her eyes closed. She would do anything and everything for the Leader and his family - and of course, she was over the moon to find out that she would be marrying the only son of the Leader. However, to The Son, he sees nothing but a brainwashed idiot. Marrying the Son -- taken

the hidden
The Hidden has been raised their whole life being told that the feelings that they feel are wrong. That the desire and love they have for certain people were evil and a sin, and they would have to pray it away. At the age of eight, their family tried to perform an exorcism after they had asked their parents why men had to marry women and vice versa. It was traumatic and has caused them to hide their true self for all these years. Even now as they stand to be married, there is something in the pits of their stomach that tells them that everything about this is wrong. Marrying the Revenge

the revenge
This ball of fire has always been known as the settlement’s troublemaker. Always trying to go against any rules set up for them, the Revenge does what they want, when they want and where they want. Because of this radical behaviour, it has landed her family in some hot water multiple times. The Revenge never seemed to understand that for every rule they broke, their parents would have to deal with the physical beatings from the Leader. While they’ve been a wild spirit, their twin has been the polar opposite; which made them the perfect sacrifice for the Moon ceremony. After witnessing their sibling being sacrificed, The Revenge has harboured their feeling of rage and anger; waiting for that moment that she can take revenge on the people who sacrificed their twin. Marrying the Hidden β€” taken

the tricked
While many families in the settlement have generational roots, The Tricked is a freshly rooted tree. One day in Seoul, when they were only very little, their family was out for lunch when two older gentlemen approached them. They began to talk before asking if they’d like to come and have some tea with them. Within a week, their family sold all their belongings and moved to Abraham’s Peoples settlement to start a new life. The Tricked was often scolded by their parents when they would ask to play with a game boy or if they could watch television - being made to believe that these things were just part of their imagination and never existed. But even as 21-year-old, he can still remember going to the movies and riding in cars. Although, they have learnt from the past that talking about them openly leads to punishment. Marrying the Only Child

the only child
She was the miracle child of this little family. Their mother and father tried for so many years to conceive even after multiple miscarriages. The whole settlement believed that they were committing some sort of sin that was stopping them from conceiving. They were forced to repent despite having the cleanest records in all of the settlements. Finally, The Only Child was born - but with a deformity. It led the settlement to believe that the child was cursed, especially after the family could no longer conceive another child afterwards. They are the outcasts of the settlement, and every parent prays that their child won’t be paired with The Only Child, the cursed child. Marrying the Tricked

the betrayer
The Betrayer has been groomed his whole life to be The Son's best friend. After his father got into some mess with The Leader, on the blink of being executed, he offered his son up to be the son's watchful eye. to report back with anything and everything the son has done that was out of line or suspicious. The Leader agreed, and The Betrayer and The Son finally met. They became school mates and would spend their weekends together by the lake. as they grew older, they became close best friends. The Betrayer continues to report back to The Leader, but after all, it's all he's known his whole life. There's nothing wrong with reporting, right? But when it comes to The Son's announcement that they're going to leave the community and sneak out, he needs to follow his heart; should he stay with his best friend, or should he go and tell the leader? Marrying the Stolen

the stolen
Twenty one years ago, a loving mother lost her first daughter. She had had three sons, but at last, had the girl she had been longing for. However, one morning, she woke up to find that her baby had passed in her sleep. Her husband, who worked as a recruiter, claimed that from that moment on, she had gone 'mad'; crying, staring blankly into the abyss and refusing to smile or talk. The husband didn't tell anyone or their boys what had happened in fear that his wife would be taken away for her 'mad behaviour'. While on a mission to Seoul, recruiting new people for the community, he noticed a baby left unattended for a split few moments. Without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed the child from the stroller and ran as fast as he could. He made his way back to the community with the new child, praying that it would 'knock the madness' from his wife. Well, it sort of worked. And now the child lives life amongst Abraham's People, not knowing that her kidnapping story has been shared with the world. after all, she was the daughter of a large CEO company. Marrying the Betrayer

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Β© weldherwings.

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so happy to see this open again ! i was so sad when i missed it the first time ahhh! count me hella interested β€” my eyes are DIGESTING the revenge
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