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Two Hybrids [ a 1x1 between Azi and me. ]

Zack would already be awake, and he glares at the scientist. He doesn't appear to be at all scared. One would notice that the door of his cage is ever so slightly bent. When he woke up, he beat it. His hands bleed.
"Stay Still..." The Scientist said, and took the cage to another room. An horrific scream was heard. Then many more screams following,The scientist came back with bloody gloves, he looked at the owl hybrid. "Interesting, A Owl hybrid." He said looking in to the cage, "Tell me where your little friends are.. I know there is more of you. If you don't tell, you will hear plenty of more screams from your cheetah friend." He said smiling crazily,
"No? You will not tell me? Alright." He starts walking back, picking up a knife a long the way. Yami heard his footsteps and her ears flattened, tears fell down her face,
He smiled and turned back, "So you'll tell me?.." He said walking back happily,placing the knife down, far from the cage. Yami relaxed as he footsteps echoed the other way. She winced in pain, and she began to worry about Zach, she tried to listen to what they were talking about.
"no. I won't tell you. I'll draw a map. You morons have no real sense of direction." Even in bad situations, Zack still has the ability to insult everyone.
He scowled, "Tell me exactly, I will not let you draw a map. I am a scientist not an idiot, now tell me. I can even torture her from here so talk," He said smiling and taking a remote looking device. He pressed a button and screams from Yami were heard, more blood curdling than ever.
"STOP!!!" He screams. The scientist let's go of the button. "go On. Tell me where you friends are." He says eagerly. Zack droops his head. "Go west from the forest. Go north when you see a sign that reads 'do not enter' with a skull and crossbone under it. It's an abandoned mine field. We picked out a safe route to the middle." An elaborate lie, though it seemed not to be one. In actually fact, the direction he gave lead them right to the science facility that made Zack. It is indeed a mine field, but underground is a super secret labyrinth of pure white walls and smells of disinfectant.
"And if you are lying,.. She will die. My assistants will be here and I will be off with some other scientists." And with said he called out two men, one walked in to Yami's room and one watched Zack. The first scientist left. The one who was looking at Zack had the remote to torture Yami with. Four guards with weapons came in, two stand by the one scientist by Zack and two in Yami's room.
"killing us would only do us a favor." He mumbles inaudibly. After a while, Zack speaks. "so, how much do you apes get paid. I doubt it's very much."
All three of the men scowled. "Shut up, say something like that again or she gets it.. Actually never mind. My friend in there is about to begin some experiments." He said smiling widely, After a few minutes screaming began again, the man in front of Zack was smiling and quietly reading a magazine,
"is he really your friend? Sounds like he's having all the fun while you three stand around like idiots. Surely you want to have a go at cutting her up." It pains him to speak these words about a dear friend, but he is trying to play mind games with them.
"Nah I'm good, Cutting her up is part of his job." He said smiling. Blood curdling screams kept going and going, after a while a man got out of Yami's room, blood all over his chest,gloves,apron, and neck. "She is really something!" He laughed, there small weak sounding whimpers. "Zack.." She called out. The man laughed, "Aw! She is calling for her sweet little boyfriend!" He laughed and wiped a tear away, smearing blood by his eye. "She told me everything, she had to anyways." He said disposing his gloves.
Zacks heart breaks at the whimper, but resembles and fills with rage. He reposition in his cage, with his back to its rear wall, and his feet to the door. He tries to straighten out. Nothing appears to happen in his attempts to force the door open.
"Awww.. Does the big strong boy friend want to save his beloved?" He said laughing and so was everyone else.. The man was very amused and pressed a button. More and more yelps and screams came from Yami. "P-please.. Let Z-Zack go.." She said crying, More laughs from the men. "Wow, maybe, just maybe, after all the tests she can be my gal." He said sarcastically. "Never mind she'll be dead by the time." He said chuckling. Then he resumes his job, and Yami of course, keeps screaming,
Zack is only spurred on by the screams and insults. Moments later, the cage starts to creak. The hinges are beginning to bend.
The man closest to him squints his eyes at the cage. "What the hell.." He said. Two of the armed men aimed their weapons at Zack. The man torturing Yami came out again. "We have to keep these brats alive actually, we have to observe their behaviors.. We'll make them comfortable in a bigger cage. " he said laughing, more whimpers from Yami came out, "Shut up brat!" He snapped, but then he looked confused as he saw Zack's cage.
The door pops, and if someone was standing in its way, they now have a sore knee. They shouldn't worry about that. They should sorry about the owl kid that is leaping from the cage and is attacking the closest guy with a gun. Zack reaches forward with his wing and pushes the gun away from him, allowing him to punch the guys lights out. The force of the punch would create a hair line crack in The man's skull. Zack grabs the gun and turns on the other three, emptying every single bullet into them. He does it rambo style, scream and all.
The guy closest to Yami panicked as he saw all four die. He went in to Yami's room and locked the door, hoping to stay alive. Yami is a on a steel bed, strapped down. But her stomach was half ripped open, bunch of shot marks were on her arms and thighs. As cruel as disgusting as they are they had to undress her, she wanted to kill them, but she was too weak and she lost a bunch of blood. But she was still in pain. The man inside the room put a knife to her neck and waited for the pissed off owl,
There would be a silence... a long silence. The only things the scientist could head was his heart beat and his and yami's breaths... then a bullet goes through the door, and embed itself in the man's head. The door is kicked in and Zack carries anothor gun, and has two magazines of ammo in his pockets. He rounds the table to the scientist and empties that mag into mostly his head. Once the man's skull was a collinder, he turns to yami and her gaping wounds. He curses. He can't fix this kind of thing... he makes a possibly idiotic decision. He leaves the room and gathers a cell phone from one of the dead morons. Only on phonee survived the shooting. He dials nine one one.
Yami was startled when a bullet just killed the man next to Yami, she struggled but of course can't get through metal. She groans in pain and her vision gets blurry, her ears drooping and her tail. She saw blurry Zack get out of the room to do something, closing her eyes and slumping her head down she called out, "Zack..." She said, coughing up blood. Not a good sign.
Zack bolts back In The room. "stay awake! Stay with me!" He sounded panicked, but it was an act for the phone call... partly. "She's falling unconscious. What do I do!?" He screams into the phone.
The woman on the phone answered, "Keep her awake for now! Talk to her! Now what exactly is your emergency and location?" The woman answered. Yami groaned and coughed up more blood. 
The woman on the phone answered, "Keep her awake for now! Talk to her! Now what exactly is your emergency and location?" The woman answered. Yami groaned and coughed up more blood.
"i don't know what happened, but I can see things inside I that I shouldn't be able to see." His act becomes real. "yami, stay awake. Do not fall asleep, what ever you do."

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