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Trial by Fire - IC Thread

If Kuaidao was going to have to speak, he decided it best to remain polite, despite this lady's Dynast-esque superior attitude and disdain for her surrounding environment.

"Can't really say I chose to come to this place." he replied in Skytongue. "Minerva here wanted people who could look after her during her travels, and she pays well for such services."
Thallus was a bit surprised that Rivers came with him in his endeavor of not causing more hardships in the group. "I feel the same way Rivers, except I wouldn't been a help at all to them." He paused to think about his next words carefully, "I can only have faith in them and hope that no one is alerted to our presents because of them."

When Rivers stopped to carve signs into random objects he self appointed himself as a look out. "I do not know much of either of the two individuals decided they must talk to. To alert the very threat to our expeditions to our presence and to the predators that we narrowly escaped from in Sijan." He looked at Rivers after her mention of the Pactsworn and other rivals in their treasure hunting. "I admit that I am a bookworm, but I focused more on fantasy stories and such about the tales of old. I dabbled a bit of other subjects like languages and the occult, but I do not know much about Pactsworn. Would you mind telling me about them?" Curiousity was in Thallus's nature but he also wanted to know more about a potential third danger to their party that River's was alerting.

"We should head towards Wrangler's Knob proper to look for supplies."

HumanPlus HumanPlus Sherwood Sherwood

Awareness 2 + Perception 3 to check for anyone following or spotting River's doodling. (4 Successes)
Intelligence 5 + Lore 5 to recall anything he may have read about Pactsworn (6 Successes)
Also to look inconspicuous Stealth +2 Appearance +2 (I am guessing Appearance is for stealth.) (3 Successes)
As the two walks towards the inner city of Wangler's Knob proper, Rivers explains in her calm storytellers cadence "It's not strange that you have not heard of us before. We are a secretive lot and not prone to put things down in writing".

Saying this makes her think out loud for a bit. "I guess living for untold centuries makes books less of a necessity when the old can teach the young directly."

She holds her hand out in front of herself and lets Thallus see her tattoos ripple into visibility for a short moment before vanishing from sight again. "Did you know that once Creation was bigger than it is now? When, in a time now nearly forgotten, the dragons devoured the throne of gold, the shapeless horrors beyond the edge of the world saw that the protections that had held them at bay had weakened. They began unraveling the fringes of the land like pulling a string from woven cloth, and the usurpers in their narrow focus of the Blessed isle did not know a thing. With the fall of the lords clad in gold, we of the silver spirit were chased to the end of the horizon by the armies of the new rulers. There we saw what was going on, and banded together to push the enemy away. The creatures from Beyond warped flesh and spirit with their mere nearness and thus these tattoos were made to protect us"

She looks to the sky, flashes of memory from bygone ages overlapping her vision as she finishes her tale.
"Pressured from both sides, nearly all of those of us who remained swore a pact. Not necessarily of unity, but of cooperation for the sake of mutual survival. Something which in time grew community and tradition. We are the monsters who stand at the edge of Creation, who bites at any threat from within or without. We hold the sacred task as guardians and lorekeepers who's thankless job continues unimpeded by the changes in the world."

"That is the core of the Silver Pact. Of course there is more to it than that, but so it is with any organisation"
Team three - Thallus and Rivers

It takes a little bit of time to work you way through the tent city into the city proper, but eventually you are walking along the streets of Wangler's Knob. There are a lot of people about, and most of them seem to be visitors to the Knob just like you are. Your search for the various supplies is met with some difficulty; you are hardly the only ones trying to gear up for a trip into the snows, and prices are very high in comparison to what you had expected. Luckily for you guys, you had picked up some of the things you need in the town of Jaffa before getting this far.

Unless you plan on using any Charms to manipulate the sellers, you come away from your shopping trip with most of the supplies you need but a much lighter purse.
Team one - Spider and Bard

Mahina gives a nod to the soldier escorting you, and motions for the two of you to come on in. She looks each of you over with a keen eye, and she says, "Greetings. I see you were able to accept my invitation to come, but I was expecting more people in your group. Perhaps they are off trying to buy supplies for the trip north?" She nods, expecting that to be the reason. "They will have a hard time finding anything of worth; the town has been picked over like a carcass being tore up by a pack of hyenas, but perhaps they will be lucky. As you may have guessed, I am V'need Mahina." She does not give you the impression that she is trying to lord over you like you might expect of a Dragon Blooded and a Dynast, but she is at least trying to give the impression of being very approachable. She also does not make any attempt to introduce you to the younger girl or the old man, but you can see that they are both watching you.

With Bard taking the attention of the tent, it gives Spider a moment to look over at the map on the table. It shows the area around Wangler's Knob, just like the map you have, but there are some areas where her map is different from yours. Most likely that is due to the passage of time; after all, your map is a copy of one that is very old, and terrain features do change over the years.
Bard nodded,"You are correct, m'lady. While we did come prepared, some of my people are out taking stock of any extra provisions should we decide to follow suit of our predecessors. Getting an idea of what of the scavengers are in most need of so we can plan accordingly. And others are out looking for other opportunities should independent ventures bear little fruit as talk suggests. After all, trade, protection, and labor would be in high demand here I imagine." He told her.

"But mostly I did not want to intrude on your hospitality with a full pack of rambunctious wanderers. Not to mention, with recent events going on down south, I assumed a smaller party to meet would ease minds."

Bard took a slightly more relaxed chance, to show he was feeling at ease around the approachability of the Dynast. Of course, inwards he was all hands on deck.

"I will say though, your invitation took us quite by surprise. It isn't every day one gets an audience with a Dynast upon entering a city. Regardless of how trite it may be say, it is an honor. So then, Lady Mahina, how may me and my merry band be of service to you?"
Team two - Kuaidao and Maja

If Kuaidao was going to have to speak, he decided it best to remain polite, despite this lady's Dynast-esque superior attitude and disdain for her surrounding environment.

"Can't really say I chose to come to this place." he replied in Skytongue. "Minerva here wanted people who could look after her during her travels, and she pays well for such services."
The woman talking to Kuaidao shifts her stance a bit, looking you over, then says in Skytongue, "From the look of you, I would have to say that you are a swordsman; you carry yourself like you know how to use that blade on your side." She then glances down at her own sword on her hip and purrs out, "I wonder if you are as good as you think you are." Her eyes return to yours with a dangerous gleam, as if she is quite willing to draw her steel and test you right there and now.

Meanwhile, as Maja is distracting the others in the room with her sex appeal, what else are you doing in the room besides that? You can see that you are having an effect on Lahor; his conversation with Melinda is going slowly because he keeps eyeing you.
Maja plays along at being snubbed by Minerva, stalking off in a huff to an unoccupied table or seat at the bar and gesturing for a drink. She covers her curiosity in an easily pierced veil of feigned indifference, clearly jealous of Sesus Lahor for stealing Ragara Minerva's attentions and thus potentially her coin. While pretending to be paying very close attention to Minerva she is in fact more interested in how Sesus Lahor feels about Minerva's sudden unannounced entrance, and what, if anything, he hopes to achieve here.

Read Intentions against Sesus Lahor for general intentions for the scene as well as how he feels about Minerva's sudden appearance.

4m Perception Excellency

Presumably I can't claim my 3 bonus dice for hearing related perception rolls? Not sure about that one. Not going to spend the 4m to double 9's on this. That seems really overpriced. This also probably doesn't qualify for the -2 Guile penalty for being unaware of being observed, unless he's really oblivious.

Perception 5 + Socialize 3 + Stunt 2 + Perception Excellency 4 = 14 (Oh, yay, more dice! Boo, no hits. +3 for fuzzy ears made it 17 dice.)
8 hits.

Resolve 4
Guile 3
Personal: 11/16 (5 committed to Perfect Symmetry)
Peripheral: 29/38 (1 Commited to Tiara)
Presumably I can't claim my 3 bonus dice for hearing related perception rolls? Not sure about that one.
Yes, if you are trying to listen in on the conversation between Melinda and Lahor, you can add the extra dice in.
With that roll, Maja can tell that Lahor is feeling somewhat hostile towards Melinda, giving her quite the attitude for her arrival at the inn. From what you can hear, Melinda is asking about the wisdom of going out into the snowy wastes without a sorcerer along, especially since Lahor plans on hunting down some monster that lurks in the woods around Wangler's Knob. Lahor's reply is that he has six hundred mixed mortal infantry along with his two Dragon Blooded commanders, so one measly spirit/monster will pose no threat to them. Besides, this monster may be the source of the artifacts that have turned up, and killing it will also provide him with untold riches.
The woman talking to Kuaidao shifts her stance a bit, looking you over, then says in Skytongue, "From the look of you, I would have to say that you are a swordsman; you carry yourself like you know how to use that blade on your side." She then glances down at her own sword on her hip and purrs out, "I wonder if you are as good as you think you are." Her eyes return to yours with a dangerous gleam, as if she is quite willing to draw her steel and test you right there and now.

Kuaidao nodded, and indicated the daiklave currently resting in its scabbard. "I've been training with and using swords my entire life. This sword is one I found only recently, but you can rest assured I know how to use it. I hardly think Minerva would have taken me on as a bodyguard otherwise." he replied in calm and polite Skytongue, hoping to satisfy the woman's curiosity, and discourage her from picking a fight with him.

[Rolling Charisma + Presence as a Persuade action to convince the woman to back off. Not using Essence, and assuming I don't need any Intimacies for this. Only one success.]
Team one - Spider and Bard

The Dragon Blooded woman looks at Bard and Spider and says, "I am preparing to make my own sojourn into the snowy wastes looking for this supposed treasure in two days, and I am always looking for skilled adventurers that may wish to join my party. If you are looking to make your mark in the world, perhaps you may be interested in signing on with me. Depending on what you and your friends have planned, of course."
Thallus intently listened to River and her oral presentation about what the pactsworn were about. "You're people seem valiant, protecting Creation against the Wylds. I've read about those outside of Creation and if need be protect myself from the distortions they cause. I would love to know more some other time, but I think we should worry more about getting supplies." He mentioned and looked around at the busy shops. "I think we'll need tents to protect ourselves from the weather, rope and maybe a shovel or two. Besides the weather proofing for our waterskins. What about you? Anything you can think of?"
Maja, Kuaidao and Melinda

The woman speaking with Kuaidao is obviously considering calling you out for a duel, trying to decide if her own skill is enough to make up for the fact that you have an enchanted blade and most likely some sort of Essence-based powers to enhance it. Finally, one of the men at the table that she was sitting at comes up with a drink in hand and says to her, "Allana, look at how big that sword is compared to the lightweight rapier you are packing. With one good blow he'd shear your sword in two. Come back to the table and have another drink. Proving your skill is not worth the risk here."

She looks irritated that the fellow interrupted her, but after a moment, her attitude seems to change as she takes the offered drink. "Eh, you may be right. After all, there are few that can match me skill for skill, so there is really no need for me to cross swords with this fellow." She takes a deep drink of the mug and turns to go back to the table.

From her position, Maja can see the conversation between Melinda and Lahor is not going well, and finally she waves her hands up in the air in disgust and says in a loud voice, "Very well! You go out on your own, and when you find nothing out there except for a few reindeer and piles of snow, don't come whining to me! I tried, and your failure is going to be solidly on your shoulders." With that, she turns away and motions for both Maja and Kuaidao to follow as she heads for the door.

Outside, Melinda guides the three of you away from the inn and says, "That fool. He thinks that the treasures that have been found have come from the hoard of some kind of forest spirit or creature that has lived in these parts for generations, and he plans on hunting it down and killing it. He has no true idea of where the cache is, and his ignorance gives us several extra days to get to the manor and find what awaits us in it."
Spider is somewhat surprised, and very amused. After all, this Dynast just offered two Anathema jobs working for her! She glances over at Bard, and manages to say, "I must say, M'lady, that is a very kind offer. But, before we can accept something that important, we really should discuss it with our friends before just saying yes. Besides, what kind of pay are you offering?" Spider gives this Mahina a grin. What if this is a good offer? Should we take it? How funny would that be!
Maja downs her drink quickly and sweeps out after Melinda. She nods, disappointed, and gestures dismissively, He was terribly boring, but easy on the eyes. Still, they had learned something important, and she had the opportunity to observe Dynasts in detail. That wasn't bad for an hour's work.
"So that's good." said Kuaidao, glad to hear that at least one of their enemies was on a false trail. "I say we wait for the others to get back. We seem to have gathered all we can from Lahor."
Bard shared a glance with Spider, exactly what he was going to bring up next. This indeed would be a pretty delicious opportunity to double dip. But he did need to sweeten things up to make things sounds a bit more attractive, and the greater need for pay... as well as our a bit more information out of her.

"Lilo, please. There are other matters to discuss first. She does barely know us, after all." He said to her.

"But, she is right. Such a topic would go a long way into enticing their service. We have several warriors among us, one of which being a wielder of essence. An upstanding man, I think you will like him a lot. We also have quite the scholar on our hands. He just so happens to have a knack for just such ancient mythology that we may be delving into. And to top it off, a sorceress of the Blessed Isle. I myself also bring translation, as well a variety of other talents."

"We can provide both protection and labor, as well as academic advantages."

"It would also be helpful to know who we would be working with and what you know so far about where we are going."

"Lastly, there is a topic that does worry me. I recieved a falcon this morning telling of an Anathema sighting in Sijan. Apparently an old man whose voice drew out river monsters." Bard wasnt old, barely thirty... his hair was just white... "Supposedly hijacked a vessel and was heading north."

"And I'd make a hefty wager that it is following the rumors of artifacts. While me and my crew are very capable, we aren't quite equipped to handle an Anathema on our own. At least, not cheaply, anyway. We have first hand experience in learning to not underestimate them." Bard said, brushing the scars left behind on his face.
Team one - Bard and Spider

"But, she is right. Such a topic would go a long way into enticing their service. We have several warriors among us, one of which being a wielder of essence. An upstanding man, I think you will like him a lot. We also have quite the scholar on our hands. He just so happens to have a knack for just such ancient mythology that we may be delving into. And to top it off, a sorceress of the Blessed Isle. I myself also bring translation, as well a variety of other talents."
Mahina chuckles. "You are certainly a treat: a pair of people that are not cowed by the mere presence of a Dragon Blooded. I am curious to know; what is the name of the sorceress you mentioned? Perhaps I know her. After all, there are few members of the Heptigram, so it is not impossible. It also sounds like you have a good team of adventurers put together, making me even more interested in acquiring your services as a member of my exploration team."
"Lastly, there is a topic that does worry me. I recieved a falcon this morning telling of an Anathema sighting in Sijan. Apparently an old man whose voice drew out river monsters." Bard wasnt old, barely thirty... his hair was just white... "Supposedly hijacked a vessel and was heading north."
At this, Mahina raises an eyebrow. "I had not heard any of this." She looks over at the man standing at the table, and he says, "I will look into it immediately, M'Lady." With that, he heads out of the tent and you can hear him talking to the soldiers outside.

Mahina eyes Bard and Spider with interest. She then says, "I can offer you hard jade currency if you sign on to my team, enough for all of you to be able to retire in comfort if you so wish. But even with as much as I would like to hire you on, I will not keep you from discussing it with your fellows to see if they are receptive of this job."

OOC She gives a price that is basically equivalent to a single Resources 3 purchase each, or multiple Resources 2 purchases.
Bard nodded,"One thing I've noticed is that a surprising amount of Dragon-Bloods feel the same. Well, the ones worth associating with anyway. It's nice to be treated like a person every now and then."

"Our sorceress is one Ragara Minerva. A haughty women, tends to think she knows better them her peers. Tongue like a snake. But not all that bad.Hasn't been with us all that long, but found us a good group to go on pursuits of knowledge with. Well... she calls it knowledge."

Bard leaned forward and put a hand to the side of his mouth to whisper to Mahina. "... but I actually think she has an adventurous spirit under those robes. We came across a long sought cache once. I swear I almost saw her throw her notes in the air and frolic through the water in nothing but her underwear..."

"She didnt... but I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to."

Bard straightened back and nodded to the man as he left. Looking back to her. "If all goes well. We shouldn't have to worry about it. So long as we can get to it first, and hope he isn't waiting for us in town upon our return."

"If my friend is correct, and if you got people to spare... it would not be a bad idea to leave some behind to prepare a trap. We did something similar to that down South. Worked like a charm."

Bard crossed his arms and nodded,"That is indeed a pretty hefty amount. But I dont think we will ever come across so much jade that it drives us to retirement. Our work ethic is far too tireless for that." He said with a smile. "I definitely think this will get their attention. I'll have a talk with them. I shall get back with you before sunset."

"Just finalize a few details we like to know before hand."

"When would we be leaving? Who and how many will be coming with us, so we can gauge the risk accordingly. Will you be providing us with supplies or shall we have our own separate supply chain among you? To that end, I do need to bring up our payment policy."

"Given that we have been burned in the past. For commissions, as what we would consider this. We would expect half up front, and the rest upon getting you to our destination. This treasure trove. If the job is unable to be completed, the second half of the payment will be rended void without question."

"Lastly, I greatly value the lives of my crew. I understand that there is danger involved, and we accept that risk. But I ask that danger or information of such, not be hidden from us so that we can operate to our fullest potential. We may be mortals, but we are spunky mortals."
Bard is pretty sure he has a good read on the intentions of this Dragon Blooded woman in front of you, and the results are not that pretty.

You may be talented and skillful, but you are not her talented people, and so are expendable in her eyes compared to those that have true loyalty to her and her House. If you survive, that is fine. That just means you did your job well, and can be rewarded. If you die out there . . . better you than her own soldiers.
"Just finalize a few details we like to know before hand."

"When would we be leaving? Who and how many will be coming with us, so we can gauge the risk accordingly. Will you be providing us with supplies or shall we have our own separate supply chain among you? To that end, I do need to bring up our payment policy."

"Given that we have been burned in the past. For commissions, as what we would consider this. We would expect half up front, and the rest upon getting you to our destination. This treasure trove. If the job is unable to be completed, the second half of the payment will be rended void without question."

"Lastly, I greatly value the lives of my crew. I understand that there is danger involved, and we accept that risk. But I ask that danger or information of such, not be hidden from us so that we can operate to our fullest potential. We may be mortals, but we are spunky mortals."
Mahina nods as she listens to Bard asking questions. When you are done, she says, "I am making arrangements to be on the march in three days, but I would like to have your team, assuming you hire on, to leave earlier so you can scout safe paths north. Captain Rodney has had the foresight to bring along a large amount of supplies that you can load up with, also if you hire on. As for your payment, I give you the counteroffer of one quarter up front, since you will have your pick of the supplies we have before you leave, and the rest upon our return here to Wangler's Knob."

"The only Exalts in the area are the handful of Dragon Blooded that both Sesus Lahor and I have brought along with us, so the odds are that the only challenges you will be facing are those of natural origin, and not one of a supernatural nature, so I sincerely doubt that you will have anything to worry about if you can handle the difficult terrain. Assuming that these arrangements are acceptable with your friends, I will be happy to bring you on."

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