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Fantasy The War We Win Together OOC

well everyone starts out in the marketplace one way or another... they have their own reasons... and from there, thats where the interactions go... just know there will be a little bit of chaos soon...
I'mma probably post on Tuesday... just so theres time for everyone else to do stuff and for plenty more people to join if they want... but I may start separating Hisoshi and The world events occasionally.
Yeah, theres about to be a little bit of chaos, I'll get a post out in a little bit
Xen6n Xen6n I fucking choked reading this, dean lmfaooo

"their enigmatic and awestricken chlorokinetic creations"
LMAO!!! I honestly just thought of that on the spot, though i will confess that i learned that awestrucking is not a word and its awestricken ;-;
I was contemplating on whether it was correct or not and i was like.......is that even a word??
I didn't even know that XD well, you learn something new every day
Yeah, what exactly is going to happen or being planned?
oh, sorry, I so thought the draft had sent

Basically what I have planned for the beginning is everyone meeting in some sort of way. I figure once the market calms down a bit, Hisoshi and Elroy will probably go back inside and will eventually meet up with Ophelia, Dean, Shrub, and Lunee. Once that happens, they'll have a certain... event that leads to teamwork and hopefully real bonds can be formed instead of everyones first suspicions of each other...

I'm bad at explaining XD

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