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Fandom The Walking Dead

(I'm here)

Elizabeth looked at the little girl who was shouting and approached her. She knew how dangerous being around new people was but she decided to trust the little girl and the guy with her.

"Hey, I'm Elizabeth this is my brother Justin"
A girl, age 15, limped into a random camp. She had fell on a large, sharp rock while running from some walkers. She hadn't been bitten but she was losing a lot of blood.
Payton looks around, taking in her surroundings, trying to pinpoint where the zombies could be. She decides to start with the downstairs then work her way up. She grips her axe as she explores every room. The downstairs is clear and Payton discovers a basement, where some of the moans are at. Payton sighs and decides to leave it for last since she hates basements, with all the cobwebs and spiders, which are her biggest fear ever. She closes the basement door and blocks it with a desk to prevent any of the zombies to finding their way upstairs. She slowly walks up the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. She freezes when the last step makes a loud, high creaking noise. The moans from the upstairs stop and Paytoncan hear loud thumps as the zombies make their way to her, bumping into stuff on the way. The first one appears and moans loudly as it reaches for her, limping slowly towards her. Payton raises her axe and hits it in the head. She feels it go limp as the second zombie appears. It does the same as the last one and Paton struggles to get the axe free. Just before the zombie grabs her, she gets the axe free and whirls around and the axe's blade meets the side of the zombie's head. The moaning stops and she relaxes in silence. She wipes the few strands of her long, brown hair from her face. She hears a distant moaning, sounding as if it is was only one zombie. She walks back down the stairs and realizes it was coming from the basement. She opens the door and backs away as the zombie falls onto the ground. Payton takes her axe and cuts half of the zombies head off. She almost pukes when she sees its gray brain. She pushes the zombie back down into the basement and closes the door and blocks it with the desk again. She sighs and notices it is getting darker outside. She then goes around the house, locking every window and door, being very cautious for you never know if there are any hidden zombies.
(My char is just sitting in a house after clearing it off walkers..so my char is really doing nothing...)
Gardener was leaned against a tree, panting. She had a cut on her arm.

The walker horde had been large; had five or six.

She winced. Gardener didn't have any bandages. She wrapped her arm with a piece of her shirt.

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